真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为上莱茵教省、为罪人的悔改、为临终者的祈祷和受苦
下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为上莱茵教省、为罪人的悔改、为临终者的祈祷和受苦
浏览次数:1204 更新时间:2024-5-23

22. Journey to Palermo.

22. 巴勒莫之旅。

August, 1820. — " All yesterday afternoon I felt that I should have to set out somewhere. Some one called for prayers and help, and last night I had a vision. In the island south of Italy, during a period of frightful murders and robberies which happened there lately, I saw one of the ringleaders earnestly beseeching God and the Blessed Virgin to help him. He had resolved to change a life which, for too many years, had been a Godless one. He had a wife and children, but the former was among the most furious of the gang.

1820 年 8 月——昨天整个下午,我都觉得我应该到某个地方去。有人请求祈祷和帮助,昨晚我看到了一个异象。在意大利南部的一个岛上,最近在那里发生了一个可怕的谋杀和抢劫事件,我看到其中一个头目恳切地祈求天主和圣母帮助他。他决心改变多年来一直不信天主的生活。他有妻子和孩子,但这人是该团伙中最狂暴的一个。

During all his reckless life this man had worn a little picture of the Blessed Virgin painted on parchment or something similar, concealed in his coat between the button-holes. He never went without it, and he often thought of it. The picture was variegated blue and gold and quite neatly executed. — The man was a sort of subaltern over the armed insurgents. The latter wore no uniform. It seemed as if an attack was to be made before morning, for they were lying in the open air before a town.


There was great misery throughout the whole country. Many good people had been murdered and many more are yet to perish in the same way, that they may not see the deluge of coming woes. The distress, rebellion, and disorder are truly frightful, and the people are very poor and superstitious.


I saw that poor man in great agony of conscience unceasingly calling upon God and Mary : ‘Ah ! if what religion teaches be true, then let the Blessed Virgin intercede for me that I may not die in my sins and be damned forever ! Send me help, for I know not how to free myself!’— (I had also a vision of St. Rosalia after whose feast these horrors began). — Hardly had I seen and felt the poor fellow's distress and anguish, than I earnestly begged God to pity him, to save him ; and instantly, without being conscious of having made a journey, I stood before him in the midst of his sleeping comrades.


I cannot remember all I said to him, but only that he should rise and depart, for his place was not among them. I do not think he saw me; he had only an interior perception of my presence. He left the rebels, fled to the sea, and embarked in a little sail-boat which had two cars. I went with him. We sailed rapidly and securely by the still moonlight and, in an extraordinarily short time, reached the capital of the island in which are the two little nuns who have the stigmata (Cagliari, in Sardinia). There I left him in safety. He wanted to reform, and lead a pious life unknown to the world.


— I visited the nun of Cagliari who lives with a pious lady. I found her still tolerably well, praying for the cessation of those fearful calamities. I went also to see Rosa Serra in the Capuchine Convent of Ozieri. She is very old, sick, and emaciated and there is no mention made of her extraordinary graces. The nuns are good and very poor, their country at peace. On my return, I stopped at Rome and found the Holy Father in deep affliction. He had been direct in prayer to admit no one to his presence for the time being. The black church is gaining ground. There are numbers of unfortunate people ready to join it on the first sign of an outbreak. I saw the secret society from which all these plots emanate, working very actively."


23. Rescue of a French Family in Palermo.

23. 在巴勒莫营救一个法国家庭。

“For several days I have had repeated visions of an affair which came to an end last night. A family was shown me in that unhappy place in which there has just been a massacre. It is a noble household, husband and wife, several grown children, and one especially attractive male servant (formerly a slave) with brown complexion and crispy hair. I was first shown how this family came to settle there. They are French.


I saw them before the Revolution living piously and happily in France. They were truly good and especially devout to the Mother of God, before whose picture they burned a lamp every Saturday and said prayers in common. The slave was not then a Christian, though a good-natured, extremely active and intelligent man. He was very slight, well-proportioned, and so nimble and handy that it was a pleasure to see him serving the family.


I cannot endure slow, stiff, immovable people ! I often think that the souls of the active are more easily influenced by grace. I saw how fond the master and the whole family were of this slave and how all, by a special inspiration from God, longed for his conversion to Christianity. The gentleman and lady begged this favor of the Blessed Virgin. The slave fell sick.


On the eve of the Assumption, his master took a picture of Mary to him, saying that, since he could do nothing else, he might make as lovely a garland for it as possible; that she whom it represented would sympathize with his sufferings and obtain mercy for him from God; and that he should make the garland with all the love of his heart.


The servant joyfully undertook to fulfil his master's request, and skilfully twined an exquisite wreath around the picture. As he worked his heart was touched. The Mother of God appeared to him that night, cured him, told him that his garland was most pleasing to her, and that he must go to his master and ask for instructions and Baptism. The slave obeyed next morning; and his master, who had earnestly prayed for this result, was radiant with joy at the success of his pious scheme.


The slave became a Christian, and his devotion to the Mother of God was very great. He twined a garland for all her festivals and, if he had no flowers, he used colored paper ; he burned a light every Saturday before her picture, he was very pious. The Mother of God failed not to reward the piety of this family. They were in great danger during the Revolution. They embarked, and arrived safe in Sicily where the gentleman became very rich, the owner of magnificently furnished houses, lovely gardens and villas supported in grand style.


But he was no longer as pious as he used to be. He was mixed up with all sorts of wicked undertakings, and his public office brought him into connection with the revolutionary faction. His position was such as to force him either to take part in the rebellion, or expose himself to the greatest risks; he could not draw back. Some of the old pious customs were still kept up in his family, and the light was burned on Saturdays in honor of the Mother of God.


The good servant was now much better than his masters, and he wove his garlands as before. More than once I had to  go to exhort the gentleman to amend his life and make his escape from the island. The first time (eve of the Assumption) I went by night to his bedside and reminded him and his wife of their pious, innocent days when, before this same feast, they had converted the sick slave through the garland in Mary's honor. This was now the anniversary of that happy day.


I contrasted with it their present state. I exhorted the husband to make a garland of all his sins and evil inclinations as he had formerly done of flowers, burn it with sincere repentance before the Mother of God on her feast, and then leave the country as quickly as possible. I shook him by the arm ; he awoke and aroused his wife. Both were deeply affected and related to each other the same dream. The slave had already placed the light before the picture for the feast.


I had to return several times and urge the husband to depart, as it was a severe trial to them to leave their houses, their gardens, and all their wealth ; but the last night I went I found them all ready to go. They took with them gold, more than sufficient for their wants, left all the rest, and embarked in a large ship for India. The gentleman chose that country, as he had heard that religion was highly prosperous on one of the islands. And so the good slave got back to his own country again.


I saw shocking misery in the island they left (Sicily), the inhabitants living in mutual distrust. I saw also the wife of the man who had fled into Sardinia. She was furious enough to kill him, for it was principally owing to her that he had joined the conspirators ; but he was now thoroughly converted. He visited all the shrines in spirit on his journey, and went to confession as soon as he arrived in Sardinia. It seems strange, but I have been told that he will visit our country and I shall, perhaps, see him!”


September 2d — " I saw the Feast of St. Evodius, in Syracuse, and a pious man earnestly invoking the saint. He was in great anxiety respecting the troubled times and he wanted to leave the country ; but he had a large family and his wife refused her consent. I was commissioned to tell him to go. It was evening when I entered the courtyard of his house where he was walking troubled and anxious. He asked not who I was. We conversed together, and I told him he must go even without his wife ; if she would not accompany him, she would follow him before long, and so he went."

9 月 2 日——我在锡拉库孔(译注:位于西西里岛东南岸阿纳普河口附近。是古希腊殖民城邦。公元前8世纪由希腊城邦科林斯的殖民者所建。) 看到了圣艾奥迪乌斯瞻礼,一个虔诚的人恳切地祈求圣人。他对这个动荡的时代感到非常焦虑,他想离开这个国家;但他有一个大家庭,他的妻子拒绝离开。我奉命叫他离开。当我走进他家院子的时候,已经是傍晚了,他正在那里焦虑不安地踱步。他没有问我是谁。我们一起谈了谈,我告诉他,即使他妻子不同意陪他离开,他也必须离开,如果她暂时不愿意陪同他,过不了多久,她也会跟他一起去的,于是他就离开了。

October 13th — "Last night I met on the sea a vessel without oars or sails, tossed about by the tempest. It was full of refugees from Sicily. My guide gave me a blunt iron bar to push the ship forward ; but the bar kept slipping off ; and so I thought it ought to have been pointed. He told me, however, to go on pushing in spite of trouble and fatigue, that it must be done in that way. Pointed instruments are for worldly affairs, and only too many of them are now in use in Sicily. The ship reached land in safety."

10 月 13 日——昨天晚上,我在海上遇到了一艘没有桨和帆的船,被暴风雨颠簸摇曳。船上满载着来自西西里岛的难民。护守天神给了我一根钝铁棒来推动船前进;但铁棒总是滑落;所以我认为铁棒应该是尖的。然而,天神告诉我,尽管困难和疲劳,还是要继续前行,必须这样做。尖锐的工具是用来处理世俗事务的,现在西西里岛使用的尖头工具太多了。船只安全抵达陆地"。

October 14th — “I saw the family with the old Indian slave landing on the island for which they had set sail. They were well received.”

10 月 14 日——我看到这一家人带着印度老奴隶登上了他们起航去的那个岛。他们受到了很好的接待。

24. A Theft Prevented.

24. 防止盗窃。

" I was in a little town, a hundred leagues distant, and I saw in a church a picture of Mary surrounded by silver offerings which three men had planned to steal the following night. I recognized one of them. I had given him a shirt just before he left home. He used to be a good young man; it was hunger and misery that had driven him to sin. I pitied him, but for the others I had no such feeling — perhaps they were not Catholics, and I could not pray for them fervently.


They argued thus : 'We are starving, the picture has need of nothing,’ and so they thought they were robbing no one. The poor parents of the one I knew had, on bidding him adieu, recommended him to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, and I was now charged to dissuade him from the robbery. They had planned to enter the church that night through a window by a ladder. The one of whom I speak was to keep watch whilst the others despoiled the shrine ; the whole affair was repugnant to him, but hunger pressed. Fortunately, just at the moment for the evil deed, a poor woman came to pray before the church.


She was the mother of a large family. Her wretched husband had abandoned her, leaving her deeply in debt. Her little household effects were about being seized and, in her distress, she had recourse to the Mother of God. Her presence frightened the unfortunate men, who put off their design till next morning. I prayed for the poor woman" (and here Sister Emmerich earnestly begged the Pilgrim to unite with her in prayer for the miserable husband).


 “At noon next day I saw the three comrades sauntering along and deliberating upon their projected theft, but the young man wanted to have nothing more to do with it. He said that he would rather pull up potatoes and roast them when hungry than rob the shrine. His two companions threatened to kill him if he did not join them, so he promised; but he left them, resolved to take no part in the affair. The church stands on the outskirts of the town.


"Once, years ago, I had to frighten a young man and thus prevent his committing sin. Later on, he married the person and I often had occasion to advise him and his wife. There was not much blessing on their union, and the husband was tempted to rob. More than once I saw him by night lurking around ovens, a sack on his back, with the intention of stealing bread of which he really had no need.


I used to make a noise or frighten him off in some other way, and thus I had the happiness of several times preventing his thefts. One night, I saw him stealing into the house of one of my friends who had a batch of bread in his trough. I was as if spell-bound, I could not stop him. He had already filled his sack with dough when the owner, awakened by the barking of dogs, got up to strike a light. Now, if he did this the thief would be detected and his family forever disgraced, for in order to escape he would be obliged to pass the owner of the house.


Not being able to prevent the theft, I sought to screen the thief that he might reform ; consequently, I gathered up strength and slammed the door several times. The light went out, and the fellow escaped with his sack. Some weeks after the good man who had lost the dough, came to see me and related the whole affair. He knew not, he said, why he had not seized the thief, but he felt a sort of pity for him ; perhaps, it was just as well that he had not discovered him, he could now amend ; etc.


He spoke very wisely. The thiefs wife also came to see me and, as she reminded me that I had before her marriage preserved her from sin, I took occasion to speak to her of the facility with which one falls from small faults into great ones. She wept bitterly, for she knew of her husband's doings. Both have made restitution and corrected. — I acted thus by the direction of God."


January 22, 1820. — "I was suddenly called by an earnest prayer, and I saw on the shore across the sea an old man praying in great trouble. The country was covered with snow ; there were pines and similar trees with prickly leaves growing around. The man wore a large fur coat and a rough cap trimmed with fur. He lived in a large house which stood by itself in the midst of smaller ones.

1820 年 1 月 22 日——我突然被一个虔诚的祈祷所吸引,我看到在海对面的海岸上有一位老人在大患难中祈祷。乡间被雪覆盖了;周围生长着松树和类似的树,长着多刺的叶子。那个男人穿着一件毛皮大衣,头戴一顶饰有毛皮的粗糙的帽子。他住在一所大房子里,这所房子矗立在许多小房子中间。

I saw no church, but some buildings like schools. He seemed to be truly good. His son, who led a very disorderly life, had left the house in a violent passion, and gone to sea in a ship richly laden with silver and merchandise. The father had a presentiment of the great dangers she would encounter in a tempest and dreaded his son's being lost in his present state; therefore he began to pray, dispatched his servants in all directions with alms and requests for prayers, whilst he himself went to a wood where dwelt a holy solitary in whose intercession he placed great confidence.


All this I saw across the sea ; and on the stormy waves I saw the ship in imminent peril, tossed hither and thither by the tempest. It was an enormous ship, almost as large as a church. I saw the crew climbing and scrambling and shouting; few of them had any religion, and the son I saw was not good. Things seemed desperate. I prayed to God with all my power and, in various directions, I saw others in prayer for the same intention, especially the old man in the forest. I prayed fervently; I presented my petition to God boldly and persistently.


I was, perhaps, too bold, for I received a rebuke; but I thought not of it. It seemed as if I were not to be heard ; but the distress before me was heartrending. I ceased not to pray, to implore, to cry, until I beheld the ship enter a harbor in safety. The father received an interior assurance that tranquillized him, and I felt that the son would reform, for all which I thanked God. I did know the whole history of the widowed father and his son, but I have forgotten it."


July 16, 1820. — “I had to make a long journey with my guide to a city of the north where lived in a small isolated house a poor, miserable couple, seemingly farm-tenants. They were expecting to be driven from house and home and reduced to misery, though why I know not. They had confidence in me and, in their distress, they thought of me that I might intercede with God for them. Some of their children were quite young. In a distant country they had grown ones : a son, a fine young man, who travelled on business, and a daughter who seemed to be in my vicinity and pushing me on to her parents.

1820 年 7 月 16 日——必须和护守天神长途跋涉来到北方的一座城市,在那里住着一对贫穷、悲惨的夫妇,他们住在一幢偏僻的小房子里,看起来像是农场的佃户。他们被赶出家门,陷入了痛苦之中,虽然我不知道为什么,他们信赖我,在患难中想到了我,希望我能为他们向天主转求。家中的一些孩子还很小。在一个遥远的国家里,还有几个成年孩子一个儿子,一个优秀的年轻人,出差在外,还有一个女儿,她似乎就在我的身边,并把我介绍给她的父母。

The husband had not always been good, but he had reformed ; his wife seemed older than he. They drew me to them by prayer, I had to go to them, and my guide ordered me to follow him. I carried something with me, what, I no longer know; it may have been real or only symbolical. I came to a steep rampart on the way over which to all appearances I could not possibly climb. I thought of the words of Jesus that faith can move mountains and, full of this truth, I set about penetrating it, when the steep mountain was levelled under my feet.


I passed through the country where I had once seen the father of a family saved through prayer from a tempest which threatened his life. I saw in a mountainous district St. Hedwiges on my right, and I met other saints, patrons of the countries wherein their relics repose. It was night when I entered the cottage of the people to whom I had been called. The husband was up, roused by some noise, I think ; the wife lay in bed weeping. I no longer remember what I did for them or what I took to them, but they were relieved and consoled; the danger was passed when I left them. I was taken back by a different road more toward the west. I performed many tasks on the way ; among them I prevented a robbery."


March 2, 1822. — A large sum of money had been stolen from a poor tax-collector, a Protestant, who had in consequence lost his situation; his family were in need of the necessaries of life. The Pilgrim recommended the case to Sister Emmerich, who very willingly undertook to pray for him. Having done so several times, she remarked: “It is singular one can effect so little for such people by prayer! I see such tepid Protestants in a very strange state groping about in the dark, in a fog, perfectly blind and stupid ! They are, as it were, in the midst of a whirlwind whose gusts strip them naked. I know not whether God will help in this case or not ! "

1822 年 3 月 2 日—— 一位贫穷的税吏被偷了一大笔钱,他是一名新教徒,因此失去了工作;他的家人急需生活必需品。朝圣者将此案子委托给艾曼丽修女,她非常乐意为他祈祷。祈祷了好几次后,她说:「真奇怪,通过祈祷对这样的人影响如此之小,我看到这些不温不火的新教徒处于一种非常奇怪的状态,他们在黑暗中,在雾中摸索,完全盲目和愚蠢!他们仿佛置身于旋风之中,阵阵狂风将他们刮得一丝不挂。我不知道天主是否会在这种情况下提供帮助!

October 16, 1820. — " In a large city with suburbs, smoke, and heaps of coal, where are many students, learned men, and Catholic churches, I saw in a public house a man who had nothing good in his intentions. He sat at table ; around him frisked a strange-looking black dog which seemed to be the devil. The man wanted to cheat the landlord and to get off without paying his bill, so he made his escape by a window whilst the latter was waiting for him at the door.

1820年10 月 16 日——在一个烟雾缭绕、煤炭成堆的大城市附近的郊区里,有许多学生、学者和天主教堂,我在一家旅店里看到一个心怀不轨的人。他坐在桌子旁,身边有一条长相怪异的黑狗,好像是魔鬼,在他周围跳来跳去。这个人想欺骗房东,不付账单就离开,于是趁房东在门口等他的时候,他从一扇窗户逃走了。

— I saw him afterward in a fir- forest attacking a harmless foot-traveller who, to save his life, delivered to him a little roll of money and fled. The robber had a knife concealed at his side, and he tried to run after the poor man to stab him in the back ; but my guide and I obstructed his path. On whatever side he ran, there we stood before him ; at the same time the money became so heavy that he could no longer carry it. He was terror-stricken, his limbs trembled, and he cried out: ' Friend ! Friend ! wait ! take back your money!’ and then he found himself free to advance.

——后来,我看见他在一片杉树林里袭击了一个无辜的徒步旅行者,旅行者为了救自己的命,给了他一小卷钱,然后逃走了。这名劫匪的身上藏着一把刀,他试图追赶那个可怜的人,从背后捅他一刀;但我和护守天神挡住了他的去路。无论他跑到哪一边,我们都站在他面前;与此同时,他手中的钱变得非常沉重,以至于他再也拿不动了。他惊恐万分,四肢颤抖,大声喊道:朋友!朋友!等等 !拿走你的钱!然后他才发现自己可以自由前行了。 

The traveller paused. The robber ran up, restored the money, told him all, even of his design to murder him, but that the sight of two white figures had terrified him, and he resolved never again to commit such a crime. He was a student and had several accomplices whom he warned to follow his example and amend their life. He continued his journey with the traveller, who promised to take an interest in him."



25. Assistance in the Kingdom of Siam.

25. 协助暹罗王国(即现在的泰国)。

November 12, 1820. — “I went to a vast wilderness and saw a man and woman savage and miserable, on their knees and crying to God. I approached them and they asked me what they should do, for that I was surely the person who, in answer to their prayers, had been shown them in a dream as the one who was to comfort them. I do not remember whether I had seen their distress in vision, or whether I learned it from themselves.

1820 年 11 月 12 日——我来到一片广袤的荒野,看到一对野蛮而痛苦的男女,跪在地上向天主哭诉。我走近他们,他们问我该怎么办,因为他们肯定我是那个在梦中回应他们祈祷、并安慰他们的人。我不记得我是在异象中看到了他们的苦难,还是从他们口中听到了他们的诉苦。

They were thus abandoned in this desert in punishment of a great crime for which they would have had to undergo mutilation, had not their guards in pity allowed them to escape. Their great misery took the place of penance, but they knew nothing of God. During their stay in the wilderness they had prayed earnestly for instruction. Their angels had told them in a dream that God would send them some one, and what they were commanded that should they do.


They dwelt in a cave. A great hunt was annually held in these parts. To avoid discovery, the outcasts covered the entrance of the cave with brush-wood and before it laid a carcass whose stench drove the sportsmen from that quarter. In conformity with an ancient tradition such places are regarded as impure, and so the poor creatures remained undiscovered. Distress and want had rendered them almost savage. I gave them such instruction and consolation as God inspired.


I told them especially that the criminal connection in which they lived was an abomination in the eyes of God, that they must henceforth abstain from such intercourse until they had been instructed in the Christian faith and lawfully united. The poor creatures could scarcely understand me ; compliance seemed to them very difficult. They had become like wild animals. I pointed out to them how they might reach a place in which I had seen Christianity making great progress and to which I had sent many persons from Sicily. There they could be instructed. I do not remember any more of this vision.


" I went also to that island in which the Christians are so well received by the heathen population, and there I saw many new buildings. The French gentleman from Palermo and his family were there ; he had built a house for himself and was preparing another for priests. Catholic missionaries are, unhappily, but few, whilst the heterodox are numerous.


 “On this journey I met in the open sea a ship in great distress; it was unable to advance, and was in danger of sinking. I saw crowds of evil spirits around it. A Sicilian family was on board, grandfather and grand-children. At the time of the pillage, they had appropriated immense treasures belonging to the Church for the erection of grand houses in the country to which they were going. This was the reason the vessel could not proceed on its course.


I was commissioned to tell them that they would surely be lost unless they restored their ill-gotten goods. This they hardly knew how to do without betraying their guilt. I advised them to deposit the treasure on the shore, addressed to the rightful owners, where it would be found and taken back by some other ship.- I knew that God would take care of it. When they had done so, they were able to continue their voyage."





26. Labors for Convents.

26. 为修院劳。

August 13, 1820. — “I had to go to a distinguished ecclesiastic who allowed many very pressing affairs to lie neglected to the great detriment of all concerned. His whole interior was shown me — good judgment, humility, apparently a little exaggerated, but great negligence. I saw that once, in some business matter connected with a convent, he received letters from the Superioress which he threw among other papers and entirely forgot, thus giving rise to much confusion.


I saw, too, that he took not sufficiently to heart the present state of the Church. I could hardly believe that I was to admonish so distinguished a man as he, one so humble. I looked upon it all as a dream, I was perfectly incredulous. — Then St. Thomas suddenly appeared before me and spoke against incredulity. I had several visions of him.


I saw how he had doubted from the very first ; but his disbelief of Christ's miracles had led him to Jesus and had ended in the conviction that made of him a disciple. I saw many other incidents of his life. — Then I was taken to the priest for whom I had to pray. He lay in a large room, reading by the light of a taper. I saw that he was anxious ; his many oversights were like a weight on his heart. He arose, looked in his secretary for the long-neglected letter of the Superioress, and began to read it.


" I had, also, work to do for some future nuns. I saw over thirty young girls conversing together in a convent. They bad not yet embraced the religious life. They seemed to belong to three different classes : some to two institutions still existing, devoted to the education of the young and the care of the sick, but which were to be reformed; the others were destined for a third not yet founded whose object would be manual labor and education. It pained me to see that these girls allowed so much disorder around them.

我还要为将来的修女们做一些工作。我看到三十多个年轻女孩在修道院里聊天。她们还没有接受修道生活。她们似乎属于三个不同的阶层:一些属于两个仍然存在的机构, 这两个机构致力于年轻人的教育和病人的护理, 但这两个机构将进行改革; 剩下的三分之一属于还没有成立的机构, 其目标是从事体力劳动和教育。看到这些女孩周围如此混乱,我感到很痛苦。

There was one among them destined to be a Superioress, and some who wanted merely to be lay-sisters, although they appeared to be of as good standing in society as the others. My guide said to me : ' See ! these girls are all hesitating, they will and they will not ! They say, "This is God’s will, that is God's will, where is God's willIf it is the will of God" &ec; but at the same time they are full of self-will ! They have out-doors some wild horses which thou art to tame,’ and he took me out.


I saw a herd of wild horses, symbolical of the passions of those aspirants to the religious life, as also of some others, secular persons, who were opposed to the establishment of the convent. They were all bound together by these passions and both parties concurred, though in different ways, in marring the success of the undertaking. The horses were almost equal in number to those inside. They went raging around the house, as if about to attack it. It reminded me of the summer-time when the cattle, tormented by flies, try to run into houses.


It seemed strange that, weak as I was, I should be appointed to tame these animals ; besides I had never been accustomed to them, excepting when a little child I used to bring my father's horse to him at daybreak. My guide said to me : ' By spiritual means, thou must mount and tame them.’ But I thought : How could that ever be done!


He said : ' Thou canst do it and thou wilt do it, but only by prayer and patience, by bearing calmly and meekly what is still in store for thee ! Thou wilt have to begin again and again. Hast thou not so often declared thou wouldst begin anew a thousand times! Now, so begin that at every instant thou mayest be ready to endure new sufferings. Think always that as yet thou hast suffered nothing, accomplished nothing, and thus thou wilt tame all those horses ; for until thou hast mastered them, these young girls will remain imperfect. In this way also thou wilt influence all around thee. Thou art the spiritual Superioress of these young plants of the spiritual life. By spiritual means must thou cultivate them, purify them, urge them on in the spiritual life !’


I replied that the task seemed absolutely impossible, as some of the animals were perfectly furious ; whereupon my guide said : 'The owners of those horses will become the very best, the strongest columns of the Nuptial House. They have superior talents ; they will be very influential when their horses are tamed.' Then I went out and began to chase the herd before me. They fled in all directions, and I saw all around me pictures of those who, wittingly or unwittingly, opposed the success of the house.


Among them were the malevolent and the good, people with a good enough will, but with little judgment ; and, to my sorrow, I saw these latter doing even more harm to the undertaking than the former. There were some very respectable members of the clergy among the ill-affected.


 “Again I had to pray for the re-establishment of a convent of women pointed out to me by two deceased nuns. I saw the convent, and the meadow in which the linen was washed and bleached. There was more than enough linen for a wash, but all in the greatest disorder. At one end of the garden ran a cool, limpid, sparkling stream ; but the nuns made no use of it, they went rather to a muddy pool nearer the house.


My companions remarked : ‘Notice, how difficult a task it would be to arrange all this disordered linen ! A much more difficult one will it be to restore regularity in the community. Try if thou canst do it!’ set to work at the linen and found it full of rents and old stains ; it will give me much trouble, and take along time."



27. Prayer for Greece.

27. 为希腊祈祷。

July 31, 1821 — " All last night I worked at a singular task, praying for innocent Christians who endure such misery in Turkey, and I had to repel the attacks of the Turks. I invoked St. Ignatius Loyola, who gave me his staff and taught me how to use it. I hovered above a city situated tolerably high on a bay toward the west. Numberless ships lay before the city, like a forest of masts, and many of the citizens took refuge in them.

1821 年 7 月 31 日——昨晚我完成了一项特别的工作,为在土耳其遭受苦难的无辜基督徒祈祷,我必须击退土耳其人的进攻。我求助于圣依纳爵.罗耀拉,他给了我他的权杖并教我如何使用它。我盘旋在一座城市的上空,这座城市位于西面的海湾上,地势较高。无数船只停泊在城市前,就像一片桅杆林,许多市民都躲在船舱里避难。

— I saw in vision the holy martyr, St. Ignatius of Antioch brought there in chains on his way to Rome and receiving the visits of other Bishops. — The city was surrounded by Turks trying to enter it, sometimes at one point, sometimes at another, by the gardens or by breaches in the wall. All was confusion. I hovered in the air as if I were flying and, when I rose a little, I did indeed fly.


I gathered my robe around my feet and, holding Ignatius's staff in my hand, I flew to meet the assailants. I repulsed them at every encounter, the bullets whizzing around me. Troops of white-robed figures accompanied me, but they often remained behind and let me go on alone. I was at times very much afraid of getting entangled in the high trees which bore great, broad leaves and black fruit shaped like grapes.


I often thought : ‘It is well that my folks cannot see me now flying in this way ! They would certainly think me a witch.' Whilst I fought now here, now there, I saw multitudes hastily leaving the city, bag and baggage, and fleeing to the ships. These vessels were surrounded by galleries from which little bridges reached to the shore ; they were full of citizens. All night did I thus labor.


I saw the Greeks also, and they appeared even more savage and cruel than the Turks. In a vast field, far away to the north, I beheld numerous troops marching to the rescue of the city, and I felt that if they arrived things would go still worse. — Then I had a picture in which it was shown me how widely the Greeks are separated from the Church. — I saw it as a running river, and the sight pained me greatly. The Turks when thus invading a country, look not like regular soldiers; they wear no uniform, they go half-naked in all sorts of rags."




28. Labors for the Parish of Gallneukirchen,

Upper Austria, Corrupted by Sectaries.


November 23, 1822. — " St. Odilia accompanied me on my last night's journey to Ratisbon. On coming to a certain house, she said ; That's where Erhard lived ; he gave me sight of soul and body.' It seemed to me as if it had happened only yesterday. St. Walburga joined us. We entered the house, and I had to argue some points in it — I am worn out. Neither Walburga nor Odilia wanted me to dispute so long ; the latter especially was anxious to proceed, for she said : ' We must go ! There is a place in Austria from which they are about to carry off a bride. You must arouse her brothers, otherwise her posterity will be utterly ruined.’— And she gave me no rest until we had set out.

1822 年 11 月 23 日——圣奥田陪我走完了前往拉蒂斯邦的最后一夜旅程。当我来到一栋房子前时,她说;『那是爱华德住的地方;爱华德让我看到了他的灵魂和肉体。这事在我看来就仿佛发生在昨天。圣沃尔堡加入了我们。我们进了房子,我不得不在里面辩论几句--我已经筋疲力尽了。沃尔堡和奥田拉都不希望我争论这么久;尤其奥田拉急于赶路,因为她说:我们得走了!在奥地利有一个地方,他们要抢走一个新娘。你必须唤醒她的兄弟们,否则她的子孙后代将被彻底毁灭。——她没有让我休息,直到我们出发。

We journeyed southward to a mountainous district in Austria, in which we saw beautiful spotted cows in magnificent meadows shut in by high rocks and large bodies of standing water full of reeds. The inhabitants are a simple-minded race, some of them apparently silly. They act like children. About two leagues from a large river stands a castle surrounded by other buildings. Here dwelt the bride.


She had consented to elope with a stranger who was on the watch at the gate with a carriage and servants; she had packed up secretly, and was all ready to start. Her own bride-groom was away ; he was too rigid, too severe for her. Urged by Odilia I went to arouse the brothers who were asleep in one of the neighboring houses, a difficult undertaking, for they were sound asleep. I shook them, I called them and, at last, I held to their nose a little herb I had gathered on the way. This awoke them.


I told them all and made them come with me. As the bride stepped out of the courtyard, we seized her gently and bore her back. The seducer waited and waited, and at last, rode back home in a fury. He rushed into a beautiful apartment which was adorned with artificial flowers and hung with mirrors, all borrowed for the occasion.


I saw some men bringing in still more. The man was fairly beside himself with rage; he would willingly have shattered everything in the room. — This labor cost me much. I found the roads all obstructed by rocks, stones, fallen trees, beams" (symbols of difficulties to be overcome), "but I received the explanation of it.


The bride is a distant parish in which a certain preacher has led a large number into heresy, and they have formed a project to separate from the Church ; the sleeping brothers are two of their priests, good enough, but negligent ; the lawful bridegroom, living at some distance, is the parish priest, somewhat stern and careless also; the seducer symbolizes vain-boasting and frivolous joys. When this task was ended, Odilia went toward the east, Walburga to the west, for they still had others to perform."


November 24 — "I have had more and very fatiguing work to do in that parish. My father's blessing was necessary, and to get it I was obliged to make a most painful journey beset with a thousand obstacles. But I found him, at last, in a lovely garden surrounded by beautiful dwellings. I spoke to him of my eldest brother's sternness toward the youngest one, and he replied that he knew from experience how grievous such a thing is. He gave me his benediction, and I ascended to a higher region and into a spiritual church.

11 月 24 日——我在那个教区有更多的工作要做,而且非常劳累。我必须得到父亲的祝福,为了得到他的祝福,我不得不踏上一段充满千难万险的痛苦的旅程。不过,我终于在一个美丽的花园里找到了他,花园周围被美丽的住宅环绕。我和他谈起我大哥对最小的兄弟严厉的态度,他回答说,他凭自己的经验知道这样的事情是多么令人难过。父亲给了我他的祝福,然后我就上升到了一个更高的境界,进入一个属灵的教堂。

There I found holy Bishops of the early ages who had evangelized the country in which lay the infected parish : Maximus, Rupert, Vital, Erhard, Walburga's brothers, and some pious parish-priests who had died there. From them I received a large blessed candle which, through many difficulties, I had to carry lighted into the parish. The way was long and each instant I thought my light would be extinguished ; but I succeeded at last.


I placed the candle on a candlestick in the centre of the parish whence it diffused all around rays as bright as the sun. There was a dirty old oil-lamp hanging near the ground from the end of a long pole. It cast around only a dull, dingy glare ; it looked more like a hole in the ground than anything else. This I had to remove, though not without great trouble. I could not keep it at the end of the pole. The road was hilly and full of stones and rubbish.


I hurt myself, bruised my knees, soiled my clothes with the grease, and became so tired and impatient that, at last, I ran to my mother. I found her lying in a beautiful bed in a fine house. She tried to console me; but, as I still wept, she told me to put the lamp down, that I could not manage it, for it had to be twisted and hung out of a beam in the hall. Then the thought came to me that it could not be twisted, for it was made of Iron; whereupon my mother commanded me to try, and I found that I could twist it just like lead.


I hung it out of the beams in the unfinished hall, and my mother took me into bed with her and bound up my feet. Then I saw all in the parish gathering around the light. The two pastors labored earnestly among the people in union with a third, a very zealous man from a distance. I saw also the rector of the parish about a quarter of a league away ; he was a little stiff.


I saw Rupert, one of the holy apostles of the country, giving instructions with his spiritual voice, and the light increasing wherever he went. The stranger priest was enraptured. He asked the rector if he did not think the sermon admirable. The latter answered that he did not hear a word of it. But his two assistants heard it and led him up nearer to the preacher, when he could hear a little. Things are better now in that parish."


29. Voyage to an Island of Japan.

29. 航行到日本的一个岛屿。

December 24, 1822. — “Last night I made a long journey, partly by land, partly by water, to an island of Japan. For a long time I sailed with both Christians and Jews, to the latter of whom I spoke of Jesus. I saw that they were touched by my words. It was somewhat similar to a case which happened lately here in Diilmen. I had to speak in vision to some persons whom I convinced and who, after a few days, came to me asking if they ought not to do such and such a thing. They could get no peace — it was the effect of my remonstrances.

1822 年 12 月 24 日——昨晚我作了一次长途跋涉,一部分走陆地,一部分乘船,来到了日本的一个岛屿。有好些日子,我都与基督徒和犹太人一起航行,我对犹太人讲论耶稣。我看到他们被我的话打动了。这与最近发生在杜尔门的一件案例有些相似。我不得不在神视中对一些人说话,他们被我说服了,几天后,他们来问我,他们是否不应该做这样或那样的事。他们得不到安宁——这是我规劝的结果。

— The island on which I landed lay in the midst of others, large and small, and it is called P-a- h-g-a-i" (Sister Emmerich pronounced each letter separately). “The shores are steep and rocky. It is dark and bleak all around. Ships seldom touch here. The island may be ten leagues in circumference ; it contains a city, but there are no Christians on it.

——我登陆的那个岛坐落在大大小小的岛屿中间,它的名字叫 P-a-h-g-a-i”(艾曼丽修女分别念出每个字母)。海岸陡峭多岩石。周围一片黑暗和荒凉。船只很少在这里靠岸。这个岛周长也许有十法里,岛上有一座城,但那里没有基督徒。

I saw the inhabitants adoring something like a lion which they carry in procession. I went to an old sick woman belonging to a tribe, dark and ugly but well-disposed, who dwell in caves around a high mountain. They build sheds before these caves, lighter or heavier according to the season. It was daylight when I arrived The woman lay on a bed of very white moss, a sort of shaggy skin around her shoulders and a covering over her. On first seeing me she appeared startled, but soon gained confidence.


I told her all about the little Christ-Child and urged her to make a crib ; where-upon she recalled some confused traditions of her people's ancestors. She was perfectly resigned to die. When I asked if she did not want to be cured, she did not show any anxiety that way but thought it was time for her now to go home, as she expressed it.


I told her to invoke the Infant Jesus with all her heart that she might get well. She obeyed most earnestly, and promised to make as beautiful a crib as she could. She had always sighed for the true religion. ' All my life,’ she said, ' I have longed for white people who could instruct me, and often in the fields I had so strong a feeling that they were behind me that I looked back to see them.'


She had a son and daughter whom she greatly lamented as they were in slavery, and she had no hope of ever seeing them again. Ah ! if they did but know the true religion ! If her son would only return and announce it to his people ! She had no other religion than that of making offerings of rice before a cross which she always carried with her, and which she stuck in the ground for that purpose. She also lay upon three iron crosses placed side by side in her bed of moss. Her people form a kind of procession around the fields and burn rice in honor of the Supreme Being, They gather the harvest three times a year.


I told her how I used to play with my little companions when a child, how we used to make a crib in the fields, say our prayers before it, and choose one of our number to preside as priest and keep order. Her people weave most beautifully. They make lovely baskets and other things out of fine rushes, grasses, and willows, and she had woven a beautiful body for her cross. I taught her all that she should teach her people and all that they should do.


I prayed with her and, though with difficulty, prevailed upon her to rise. She thought she could not, that she was still too ill, she must now go home. But when I repeated that the Infant Jesus can refuse nothing to earnest prayer, she prayed and arose. She wore a long cotton garment, a fur skin about her neck, and around her head a colored handkerchief which seemed to be padded with moss.

我和她一起祈祷,虽然很困难,但还是说服她站了起来。她以为她做不到,因为她的病得很重,她现在必须回家”(去世)了。 但是当我重复说,圣婴耶稣不会拒绝任何恳切的祈祷时,她祈祷并站了起来。她穿着一件长长的棉衣,脖子上围着一张毛皮,头上围着一条彩色的手绢,手绢上好像铺着苔藓。

After she arose, it appeared as if she no longer saw me. She called her people together, told them that she had been cured by a person who had come to her from a star (I forget from what star or heaven), who had related to her the history of a new-born Saviour whose feast occurred the next day, and who had instructed her how to pray to Him, the Infant Jesus.


She also informed them of her promise to make a crib, for which she had received all necessary directions. The joy of these simple-hearted, innocent people was great on hearing the above ; they believed all that she said, for they both loved and esteemed her. — I learned also that at a former period a Christian traveller had visited the island, and found the pagans honoring for twenty days in the year a child in a crib. This was the sole remnant of Christianity once existing among the natives."


December 25, 1822.— “I was again with the woman on the island, and I saw the simple, beautiful crib she had made. The child was a doll in swathing bands, the features drawn in lines without relief, the body beautifully woven. It lay in a basket of lovely flowers and moss in the centre of a garden and under a tent made of the best materials that could be produced. There was a figure dressed in finely plaited paper to represent the Blessed Virgin ; but I thought the child rather large compared with the mother.

1822 年 12 月 25 日——我又和岛上的那个女人在一起了,我看到了她制作的简单漂亮的婴儿床。婴儿床上的孩子是一个裹着绷带的洋娃娃,没有绘出五官轮廓,身体编织得很漂亮。它躺在花园中央的一个篮子里,篮子里装满了美丽的鲜花和苔藓,花篮下是用最好的材料做成的帐篷还有一个穿着精心编织的纸褶衣服的像,代表圣母玛利亚;但我觉得婴儿床上的洋娃娃比编织的圣母像大多了。

St. Joseph, the Three Kings, and the shepherds were all dressed in paper. All around were long, hollow reeds stuck in the ground, furnished with oil and a wick ; around the stem was a ring to force the oil up. The effect of these lights under the trees was very beautiful. These flambeaux were trimmed off with colored paper folded to represent roses, stars, garlands, etc.


— The people own flocks of very agile animals which they keep penned up. They are not sheep or goats like ours ; they have long hair and run very swiftly. The whole scene was wonderfully beautiful ! Crowds of grown people and children came in procession with torches in their hands and bearing crowns and garlands ; they knelt around the crib and offered all sorts of things as alms for the poor. The woman instructed them, explained all that had happened to her, all that had been told her of the Birth of Christ, His Childhood, doctrine, Passion and Ascension.


Her hearers were full of joy and eager to know more. The woman was very old, but still uncommonly active and vigorous. I saw the Blessed Virgin and the Child Jesus assisting at this celebration, both clothed as they had been in the cave at Bethlehem. The infant wore a cap with a pointed fold on the forehead. The people did not see them.


 “I spoke again with the old woman and learned that two centuries before in an island not far off, the inhabitants used to erect a tomb on the anniversary of St. Thomas's death, and go on a pilgrimage to it for the space of twenty days. (This number is usual in their festivals.) They used to lay fine white bread on the tomb, which, the Apostle appearing, blessed. It was then divided as a sacred thing. But something happened later on which deprived the people of this grace, and the Apostle came no more.


They think that he was offended. Such is the tradition, such the belief of these people, handed down from father to son. As I listened to the old woman's earnest desires that her only son, who was at sea, might introduce into his country some ideas of Christianity, it was given me to glance at him. He was more than a common sailor, something like a pilot on the ship which had a mixed crew. He had spoken in some place with so much earnestness of his people's longing after Christianity, that two men resolved to visit them.


I do not think they are priests, but they will report the case at Rome; perhaps they will ask for a priest. There dwells in another wild part of the island a darker race who are slaves. The people to whom my woman belongs wear long garments and pointed caps, larger or smaller ; they are rich in rice and immense nut-trees. The monkeys climb the rocks like men, and leap around freely. The woman lives about two leagues from the sea."



30. Conversion of a Rabbi, at Maestricht.

30. 马斯特里赫特的一位辣彼的皈依。




February 26,   1821. — The Pilgrim began to read a letter to Sister Emmerich containing the   news of the conversion of a Rabbi of Maestricht. But she interrupted him : “I   know all about it. I have seen him several times. Once I saw him in a   mail-coach with some devout persons who spoke of the Mother of God and of the   miracles they had just witnessed before a miraculous picture, Our Lady of   Good Counsel, I think, which they had just visited.

1821 年 2 月 26 日——朝圣者开始读一封写给艾曼丽修女的信,信中提到了一位马斯特里赫特的辣彼皈依天主教的消息。但艾曼丽修女打断了他的话:我全都知道了。我见过辣彼好几次。有一次我看到他和几位虔诚的人坐在一辆运送邮件的车里,他们在谈论圣母玛利亚,谈论他们刚刚在一幅神奇的圣像前所目睹的圣迹,我想那是【善导之母】画像。


The Jew interposed : ‘Mother of God ! Mother of God ! God has no Mother!’— and he mocked their faith. The good people were saddened. They prayed and asked the prayers of others for the Jew's conversion through Mary. All my life I have felt great compassion for the Jews and, through God's mercy, many things have been shown me in vision for which I had to pray ; consequently, I saw this man also and prayed for him.

犹太辣彼插嘴说:天主之母!天主之母 !天主没有母亲!——他嘲笑他们的信仰。善良的人们都很难过。他们祈祷,并请求其他人为犹太人的皈依向圣母祈祷。我一生都对犹太人有极大的怜悯,通过天主的怜悯,许多事情都在异象中向我显明,我必须为他们祈祷;因此,我也看到了这个犹太辣彼,就为他祈祷。

After the incident related above he was shown me more frequently, and I perceived that he was unable to drive the thought of Mary from his mind. I used to see her approaching him and presenting the Infant Jesus to him with these words : ‘This is the Messiah!’— I know not whether he really saw her, or if his inmost thoughts were thus shown me, symbolized as I am accustomed to see consolations and temptations. He looked upon them as temptations and struggled against them. He used to find out where processions of the Blessed Sacrament were to be made for the sole purpose of attending them, thus to excite in himself disgust and to mock at them in his heart.


I saw him on such an occasion, I think it was Corpus Christi, fall involuntarily upon his knees. I know not whether it was through some inexplicable emotion, or whether he saw what I did ; viz., the Mother of God in the Sacred Host holding toward him the Infant Jesus. Straightway he became a Christian. I am sure were he questioned on the subject, he would say that the thought of Mary pursued him constantly. I have heard nothing of this conversion and, indeed, I thought it only a dream."



31. An Infanticide Prevented.

31. 防止杀婴。

On the evening of February 27, 1821, as Sister Emmerich lay in prayer, she suddenly cried out : " O it is well that I came ! It is well that I came ! The child is saved! I prayed that she might bless it, for I knew she could not then throw it into the pool. A wretched girl was about to drown her child not far from here. I have prayed so much lately for innocent babes that they might not die without Baptism, for the martyrdom of the innocents again draws nigh, we have no time to lose ! 1040

1821 年 2 月 27 日晚上,当艾曼丽修女躺在床上祈祷时,她突然喊道:哦,幸亏我来了!幸亏我来了!孩子得救了!我祈祷她会保佑孩子,因为我知道她不能把孩子扔进池塘里。在离这里不远的地方,一个可怜的女孩正要淹死她的孩子。最近我一直在为无辜的婴儿祈祷,希望他们不要在没有领洗的情况下死去,因为无辜婴儿们的殉道又要来临了,我们没有时间可以浪费了!

I have just been able to save both child and mother. I may, perhaps, go again to see the child." — Such were the words just after the fact accomplished in vision, of which she gave a detailed account the next day. “I saw a miserable girl of Miinster give birth to a child behind a hedge, and then carry it in her apron to a stagnant pool with the intention of drowning it. A tall, black spirit stood by her from whom radiated a sort of sinister light.


I think it was the evil spirit. As I approached the girl and prayed, it withdrew. Then she took the child in her arms, blessed it, kissed it, and had not the heart to drown it. She sat down weeping bitterly, for she knew not what to do. I consoled her, and suggested to her to go to her confessor. She did not see me, but her angel told her. She seemed to belong to the middle class."


32. Sister Emmerich Assists a Dying Jansenist.

32. 艾曼丽修女帮助一位垂死的詹森主义者。

“Last night my mother appeared to me, telling me to go to a castle she pointed out in the distance where I was to assist a dying lady. These apparitions of my mother puzzle me. I cannot understand why she is so brief in her words, why she is so strange toward me ; perhaps, it is because she is a spirit and I am not. I set out with my guide over a difficult road, to the Netherlands, I think.


When we came in sight of the castle we met two roads leading to it : one smooth and pleasant ; the other wild and marshy. My guide bade me choose between them. I was, at first, very undecided and ; being very much fatigued, I greatly inclined toward the good one ; but, finally, I took the other for the sake of the poor souls in purgatory. The castle was old, dilapidated, and surrounded by trenches ; but the land was fertile, and there was a fir-forest near.


I was at a loss how to enter. Again my mother appeared, and showed me an opening in the wall like a window through which I climbed. Inside I found a noble old lady in a most pitiable condition. She was at the point of death. She was a most disgusting object, covered with filth and sores. She lay off in a deserted part of the house, abandoned by every one excepting one old domestic who had been appointed to wait on her.


By her, on oblong porcelain plates, lay several small slices of buttered bread. Not one in the house gave the poor lady a thought. The young people lived in another part of the castle; they were just then having a feast, celebrating a name's day I think. The poor old lady had no priest, for they were no longer Catholics. An ecclesiastic, who had once attended her, had become a Jansenist, and she had followed his example.---


Here I was shown something connected with the history of the Jansenists which, however, I do not remember very well. Their first separation from the Church was caused by an ill- regulated desire of greater piety, and they ended by becoming a sort of Calvanists. I saw, also, that that pious sect lately formed in Bavaria, will very likely fall into similar errors. — At my guide's command and to overcome myself, I had to kiss the poor old lady.


As I entered, she seemed quite changed, sat up, thanked me joyously and heartily for coming, and expressed her desire for a Catholic priest. The nearest was three leagues away, but he was brought to her secretly by the old servant. She confessed, received the Sacraments, and died in peace shortly after her return to the Church,"


August 28, 1822. — As Sister Emmerich was conversing with Father Limberg, her confessor, she suddenly paused, and fell into ecstasy, her countenance becoming unusually grave. When she returned to consciousness, she exclaimed: “I was called by my angel to pray for a man belonging to the middle class, who was just then dying in a fit !" Such cases were of frequent occurrence.

1822 年 8 月 28 日——当艾曼丽修女与她的告解神父林堡神父交谈时,她突然停了下来,陷入了神魂超拔之中,她的脸色变得异常严肃。等她回过神来时,她惊呼道:我的天神叫我为一个中产阶级的男人祈祷,他刚刚死于心脏病!这样的事情经常发生。

33. Affecting Death of a Converted Sinner in Munster.

33. 明斯特一名皈依的罪人之死。

September 2, 1820. — "I saw a poor, God-fearing man dying in sentiments of deep contrition, the Blessed Virgin and the Infant Jesus at his bedside. Then I saw his whole history. He belonged to a distinguished French family. At his birth he had been dedicated to the Blessed Virgin by his parents who were, I think, afterward guillotined. He grew up, became a soldier, and deserted ; but, because of his secret veneration for the Blessed Virgin, he always escaped the greatest dangers.

1820 年 9 月 2 日。——我看到一位贫穷而敬畏天主的人在他深深的痛悔中死去,圣母和圣婴耶稣在他的床边。然后我看到了他的全部历史。他出生于法国名门望族。他的父母在他出生时就把他献给了圣母玛利亚,我想他的父母后来被送上了断头台。他长大后当了兵,后来当了逃兵;但是,由于他对圣母的秘密恭敬,他总是能躲过最大的危险。

At last, he joined a band of robbers, or rather assassins, among whom he lead a debauched life ; but as often as he passed an image of Mary, he was seized with shame and fear. For some crime or other, he was sentenced to imprisonment for life. His comrades found means to procure his escape, and he afterward led a wandering life until again committed to prison for robbery in a certain city.


On an invasion of the French, he recovered his freedom. He again enlisted in the army, once more deserted, took foreign service, received a wound in his arm, and then settled down peaceably on his pension. He married and devoted himself to the care of the sick and similar charitable offices. He was again tempted to commit a robbery at Ueberwasser ; but the Blessed Virgin appeared to him ; told him of his consecration to her at his birth, and exhorted him to amend his life.


He entered into himself, reflected upon God's patience toward him and began a new life, a life of rigorous penance, passing his nights in sharp disciplines and prayer. I saw him die last night in peace and joy, assisted by Jesus and Mary. He had often changed his name during his wild career. "


November 28, 1822. — Sister Emmerich, though very ill, related the following : “I have had much to do in the Low-Countries. I was with a pastor who lay dying miserably. One could do nothing for him. He was a Free-mason, and a crowd of the brethren gathered around him like a strong chain, the padlock of which was another parish-priest who lived a scandalous life with a certain person. He, too, was a Free-mason and in such disrepute that the faithful would not receive the Sacraments from his hands.

1822 年 11 月 28 日——艾曼丽修女虽然病得很重,但她还是讲述了以下几点:我在低地国家有很多事情要做。我和一位悲惨的奄奄一息的神父在一起。谁也帮不了他,他是一个共济会的成员,一群教友像一条坚固的锁链一样聚集在他周围,锁链上的挂锁是另一个堂区神父,他和某个人过着一种可耻的生活。他也是一名共济会会员,声名狼藉,以至于信友都不愿从他手中接受圣体。


He was now called upon to prepare his friend for death, the latter being fully aware of his evil life. — It was altogether a villainous affair. The chain was fast locked, but the two went through the ceremonies with as much pomp and gravity as if it were a saint assisting a saint. With difficulty I pushed my way to the dying man and, by prayer, obtained that he should live till the morrow and perhaps repent.


This nest of impiety must be cleared out. I had business also with the Bishop and his affair at Rome. I went, like-wise, to five beguines who are full of self-conceit, who live perfectly at their ease. I had to send to them a devout man to rouse them up and make them change their life. "

共济会这个邪恶的巢穴必须被清除 我还参与了主教他在罗马的事。同样地,我也去拜访了五个贝干诺派的人,他们都自命不凡,过着安逸的生活。我必须派一位虔诚的人去唤醒他们,让他们改变自已的生活。

注:贝干诺派 beguines 1:根据现存的资料,大会似乎在第三期会议中谴责了 贝格派 ( Beghards )及贝干诺派(Beguines)有关成全的谬论(DS 891-899):如人可以达到不能犯罪的境界,届时他将不用守斋、不用祈祷,而且他能让肉身自由..

November 29th — “The pastor is still alive and even getting better. He confesses all — many things will now come to light !" (Sister Emmerich was herself very ill at this time). “The other will also confess and amend his life, and the persons seduced by him, as well as their children, will receive a support. " For several nights Sister Emmerich's sufferings were very intense, on account of the miserable state of this unhappy priest.

11 月 29 日——神父还活着,甚至正在好转。他坦白了一切——许多事情现在都大白于天下了!(艾曼丽修女当时也病得很重)。另一位神父也会坦白并改正他的生活,被他引诱的人,以及他们的孩子,都会得到悔改的支持。因为这位不幸的神父的悲惨处境,一连好几个晚上让艾曼丽修女都非常痛苦。

34. A Church Profaned and a Sacrilege Committed.

34. 一个被亵渎的教会和一个大不敬的犯罪。

October, 1820. — “I was in an agony all last night at seeing a robbery committed in a church of this place, and I had no one to send to prevent it. It was between one and three o'clock. There were five or six men, three in the church, the others keeping watch outside. The watch-man passed twice, but the robbers hid.

1820 年 10 月——昨天晚上,我看到在这里的一个教堂里发生了一起抢劫案,我心里痛苦极了,可我派不出人去阻止。抢劫发生在凌晨一点到三点之间。有五六个人,三个在教堂里,其他二个在外面放哨。教堂守夜人经过两次,但强盗们都藏了起来。

I saw two go by here, and I think one remained concealed in the church to open it. For about two hours and a half, I saw them busy rummaging and breaking. In the street back of the choir was a woman on watch and another near the doctor's house; a boy, only eight years old, was stationed near the post-office. Once they had to interrupt their work, because people were passing through the cemetery.


They had planned also to break open the Canon's house, and they watched their chance a long time. It is the same party that robbed the Dean. I think the mother of one of them lives here. As they poured out the Hosts on the altar-cloth, one of them said : ‘I will lay Our Lord on a bed !' They did something also behind the main altar — the sight was horrible !


I saw a devil by each of the robbers helping him ; but the evil spirits could not approach the altar, they had to remain far off. I saw them running up to one another, and it looked to me as if a devil does not know of what his fellows are thinking. At times they flew to the miserable wretches whom they were instigating to crime, and whispered something into their ears.


I saw angels hovering over the Body of the Lord and, when the robbers broke off the silver from the large crucifix, I saw Jesus in the form of a youth whom they struck and buffeted and trod under foot. It was horrible! — They did everything boldly, carelessly ; they have no religion. I cried out to Jesus to work a miracle, but received for answer that it was not the time. My heart was rent with anguish ! "


December 30, 1821. — Lying in ecstasy this evening, Sister Emmerich began to recite gaily the following nursery rhyme :

 1821 年 12 月 30 日——今天晚上,艾曼丽修女沉浸在神魂超拔之中,欢快地背诵着下面这首童谣:


" Down yonder, by the Rhine,

Stands a barrel full of wine,

Without bung;, without tap —

Now, tell me what is that?"





The Pilgrim thought she had suddenly recalled some childish sport and, when she returned to consciousness, he questioned her as to the meaning of it. She seemed, at first, not to know to what he referred : but, after a little reflection, she remembered having been on the shores of the Rhine where smugglers had concealed a cask of liquor and then hid from the custom-house officers.


" I had to go there and pray that they might not be caught," she said. “I saw what trouble they would get into if they were taken. I stood by the cask near the Rhine, and I almost froze in the storm. It was a large cask, and I thought: ‘What a pity ! It will go to waste ! if the Father only had it in his ceiler!’ Then that childish riddle came to my mind, and I recited it shivering with cold."


上一篇:下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为上莱茵教省、为罪人的悔改、为临终者的祈祷和受苦
下一篇:下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐


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