真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
017.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第14章 肉体的痛苦(上)
017.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第14章 肉体的痛苦(上)
浏览次数:2254 更新时间:2024-4-18


Corporal Sufferings.



 “I   gave myself to my Heavenly Spouse and He accomplished His will in me. To   suffer in repose has ever seemed to me the most enviable state in this world,   but one to which I never attained. “In these words Sister Emmerich summed up   the mystery of her whole life both in the convent and out of it, for   sufferings never failed her. She accepted them gratefully from the hands of   God, she welcomed them as a precious gift, but never was repose in suffering   hers, never did a peaceful, hidden life fall to her lot. She was to arrive at   perfect conformity with her Spouse.

「我把自己献给了我天上的净配,祂在我身上成就祂的旨意。在我看来,在平静中受苦是这个世界上最令人羡慕的状态,但我从未到达过这种状态。   」艾曼丽修女用这几句话概括了她在修院内以及被逐出修院后的一生的奥秘,因为苦难从未离开过她。她从天主的手中感激地接受了苦难,把它们当作一份珍贵的礼物来迎接,但她从末在苦难中得到安宁,也从末过上平静、隐修的生活。她要与她的净配完美契合。

He   consummated His mission amidst contradictions, tribulations, and persecutions   — His servant was not to accomplish hers otherwise. From her infancy she had   suffered for others; but now these sufferings assumed a more elevated, a more   extended character. The wounds of the body of the Church, that is the falling   off of whole dioceses, the self-will and negligence of ecclesiastics, the   deplorable state of society — all was laid upon her to be expiated by varied   and multiplied sufferings.


Her   infirmities resulted from spiritual wounds entailed upon the flock of Christ   by the sins of its own members. In this she may be compared to Blessed   Lidwina of Schiedam who together with Christina of Saint-Trond (Christina   mirabilis) is, perhaps, the most wonderful instrument of expiation ever made   use of by Almighty God for the good of the Church. A glance at her life will   give us a clear insight into Sister Emmerich's mission (1).


 (1) Blessed Lidwlna's life   was compiled by a   contemporary, Brother John Brugmann,   Provincial of the   Friars Minor, In Holland, who died in the odor of   sanctity. Communications   were made for this end by Lidwina’s   confessor, Walter von Leyden, and John   Gerlach, his friend. The   Burgomaster and Council of Schiedam testified   thereto. as also the   blessed Thomas & Kempis. - See Acta   Sanctorum, April 14th.

(1) 真福李维娜的生平是由同时代的若望.布鲁格曼修士编纂的,他是荷兰的小兄弟会省会长,李维娜在圣的气味中去世。为了修士编纂的李维娜的生平,李维娜的告解神师沃尔特.冯.莱登和他的朋友若望.盖拉赫进行了沟通。市长和希丹市议会作证,还有真福托马斯和肯皮斯。参见《圣训学报 Acta Sanctorum》,4 月 14 日。

Lidwina,   the daughter of a poor watchman of Schiedam, was born some weeks previously   to the death of St. Catherine of Sienna and, by a special privilege,   dedicated to the Mother of God to receive from her strength to continue the   mission of suffering for the Church bequeathed to her by the saint. Catherine   had been raised up by God in the fourteenth century, like St. Hildegarde in   the twelfth, to aid Christianity by the spirit of prophecy.


Her life   counted but thirty-three years; for her heart, riven by divine love, could not   longer endure the sight of the un-happy divisions in the Church   caused by the election of an anti-pope opposed to Urban VI. A schism burst   forth two years before her death, and St. Catherine shrank from no sacrifice   to restore peace and unity, even imploring Almighty God to permit the rage of   hell to be unchained against her own person rather than against the Head of   the Church. Her prayer was heard.


During   the last three months of her life from January 19, 1380, Sexagesima, till   April 30, fifth Sunday after Easter, hell did indeed make her its victim, as   it had formerly done St. Hildegarde who for three consecutive years wrestled   with the infernal cohorts for the good of the Church. On Palm Sunday, 1380,   only a few weeks before the death of St. Catherine, Lidwina, the heiress of   her sufferings and struggles, was born in Holland. From her very cradle she   was a little victim of pain, the intolerable agony of the stone being her   portion;

从 1380 年 1 月 19 日四旬期前第二主日,到 4 月 30 日复活节后的第五主日,在圣女加大利纳生命的最后三个月里,地狱确实让她成为了牺牲者,就像以前连续三年与地狱势力搏斗的圣女希尔德加德所做的那样为教会的利益而战。1380 年的苦难主日,就在圣女加大利纳去世前几周,她的苦难和斗争的继承人李维娜在荷兰出生。从她的摇篮开始,她就是一个痛苦的小牺牲品,结石就是她受苦的一部分,使她承受着难以忍受的痛苦。

yet, in   spite of her ill health, she was so beautiful and presented so robust an   appearance that her hand was sought in marriage at the early age of twelve.   But long before she had consecrated her virginity to God by vow; and now, to   free herself from suitors, she begged Him to deprive her of her beauty, a   prayer most pleasing to the Author of all beauty. In her fifteenth year she   fell ill.


On her   recovery she was so disfigured as to be no longer an object of attraction. In   this way she was prepared to be a vessel of sufferings, and the miseries   which at that period afflicted the Church were laid upon her. Whilst skating   on the ice a companion struck against her. Lidwina fell and broke a rib of her right side. An internal abscess   formed which no remedies could relieve and from which she endured horrible   pains. About a year after this accident, her father approached her bed one   day to soothe and comfort her, when in a paroxysm of agony she threw herself   into his arms.


The   sudden movement broke the abscess, the blood gushed violently from her mouth   and nose, and she was in imminent danger of suffocating. From this moment she   grew worse; the suppuration of the abscess hindered her taking nourishment   and if she forced herself to eat, her stomach refused to retain the food.   Burning thirst consumed her and when she dragged herself out of bed to   swallow a mouthful of water, it was only to throw it off immediately.


Nothing   gave her any relief; and, what was still more deplorable, she was for years   deprived of spiritual consolation and direction. Once a year, at Easter, she   was carried to the church to receive Holy Communion, and that was all.   Sometimes it seemed to her as if she could not possibly endure her state of   suffering and abandonment longer; but sickness, even such as hers, could not   at once crush her youthful buoyancy and she was often seized with a longing   desire to be cured.


A   miserable little room on the ground floor, more like a cave than an   apartment, was the one assigned her and the merry voices of the young people   as they passed the narrow window intensified her feelings of utter   abandonment. Three or four years passed away, and then God sent to her a holy   confessor and director in the person of John Pot, who taught her how to   meditate on the dolorous Passion of Christ, from which exercise she drew   fortitude and resignation.


She was   docile and faithful to his instructions, but perfect relief came to her   desolate soul only when the gift of tears was granted to her, which happened   one day after Holy Communion. For fourteen days her tears flowed constantly   and uncontrollably over her former impatience and tepidity whilst, at the   same time, her. soul was inundated with consolation. From that moment she   made such progress in prayer that all hours of the day and night found her   absorbed in contemplation, and she regulated the time as precisely by her own   interior admonition, as if by the sound of a clock.


In the   eighth year of her sickness, she could say; " It is not I who suffer; it   is my Lord Jesus who suffers in me!" and she continually offered her-   self as a victim of expiation. Once upon Quinquagesima Sunday she asked for   some special pain to atone for the sins committed during the Carnival;   whereupon she was attacked by pains in her limbs so excruciating that she no   longer dared to make such petitions. Again she offered herself as a victim to   avert the plague from her native city, and instantaneously two pestilential   sores appeared on her throat and breast; she begged for a third in honor of   the Most Holy Trinity, and another appeared on her knee.


Soon the   entire dismemberment and devastation of the Church were cast upon her. The   three-fold havoc made at the time of the great schism by freedom of opinion, immorality,   and heresy, was represented in her by swarms of greenish worms that generated   in her spine, attacked her kidneys and devoured the lower part of her body,   in which they made three large holes. About two hundred of these worms, an   inch in length, were daily generated.


To   protect herself in some degree, Lidwina fed them on a mixture of honey and   flour, or with   capon fat spread on linen and laid over the wounds.   This she had to beg as an   alms; and, if it happened not to be fresh,   the worms attacked her instead. As   infidelity, heresy, and schism   spring from pride of intellect and sins   against the sixth commandment,   this triple evil had to be expiated in a   manner analogous in its   nature, that is by putrefaction and worms.


What   remained of the other internal parts of her body after the action of the   purulent abscess, was, at Lidwina's own desire, buried and the cavity of the   abdomen filled up with wool. She was attended by the physician of the Duchess   Margarite of Holland. The agony she endured from the stone, notwithstanding   the decomposition of her organs, reached at times such a degree of intensity   as to deprive her of consciousness. This suffering was in expiation of the   abomination of concubinage even among clerics.


Her   kidneys and liver rotted away; purulent tumors formed on her breasts, because   of the milk of scandal given to multitudes of children, instead of the   nourishment of pure doctrine; and, for the strife and discord that reigned   among Christian theologians, Lidwina endured the most agonizing toothache,   which was often so violent as to affect her reason. The unhealthy excitement   agitating the body of the Church was atoned for by a tertian fever that, like   a withering blast, dried up her bones or shook her with icy chills.


Lastly,   as Christianity for forty years was divided between popes and anti-popes, so,   too, was Lidwina's body literally separated into two parts. Her shoulders had   to be bandaged to keep them from falling asunder. A split extended vertically   through her forehead down to the middle of her nose ; her lips and chin were   in the same condition ; and the blood sometimes flowed so abundantly from   them as to prevent her speaking.


As the   Pope could no longer guard the entire flock, Lidwina lost the use of her   right eye, and the left was so weak that she could not endure the light. The   fire of revolt paralyzed the Sovereign Pontiff's power — and Lidwina's right   arm was attacked by St. Anthony's fire ; the nerves lay upon the fleshless   bones like the cords of a guitar, the arm itself being attached to the body   merely by a tendon. With the use of only her left hand she lay upon her back,   helpless and motionless, and for seven consecutive years she could not be   moved lest she would literally fall to pieces.


[注:圣安东尼之火 (SAF) 是一种因摄入受真菌污染的黑麦谷物而导致的麦角中毒(麦角中毒)疾病。这种疾病的俗名来源于中世纪的本笃会修士,他们献身于为患者提供治疗,有时会使用圣人的遗物来治疗。“火”元素指的是疾病患者经常在身体四肢感受到的灼烧感。SAF的知名度不如黑死病瘟疫,但它在整个中世纪都一直存在。尽管仅在一次事件中(公元   994 年在法国爆发),这种疾病在全国造成 20,000-40,000 人死亡,但尚无数据表明可能死于 SAF的人数。SAF经常出现坏疽、抽搐、溃疡甚至幻觉的症状,困扰着中世纪社会,导致许多人常常过着悲惨的生活。]

Her body, deprived of sleep and nourishment, was like a   worm-eaten tree supported only by the bark; and yet there daily flowed from   her mouth, nose, eyes, ears, from all the pores of her body so great a   quantity of blood and other fluids that two men would not have been able to   carry it away in the space of a month. Lidwina well knew whence came this   substitute for the vital sap which had entirely dried up in her frame, for   once being questioned as to its origin, she answered : “Tell me whence the   vine derives its rich sap which in winter is apparently all dried up!”

她的身体,被剥夺了睡眠和营养,就像一棵被虫蛀的树,只靠树皮支撑着;然而,每天从她的嘴、鼻、眼睛、耳朵,从她身体的所有毛孔中流出大量的血液和其他液体,以至于两个男人花上一个月的时间都无法将它们运走。李维娜很清楚这种在她完全干涸的身体骨架里涌出生命树液的替代品是从哪里来的,有一次被问到它的来源,她回答说:「告诉我,葡萄树的汁液是从哪里来的,葡萄树在冬天显然已经全部干枯了! 」

She felt   herself a living branch of the true vine, whose benedictions stream to the   ground when they find no member to receive them. Lidwina expiated this waste   by the blood which flowed from every pore, and which day by day was   miraculously replenished. The wonderful vase of her body, notwithstanding its   corruption and worms, emitted a most sweet odor. It became at last a victim   so agreeable in the sight of Our Lord that He impressed upon it the seal of   His Sacred Stigmata.


For   thirty-three years Lidwina presented this amazing spectacle of suffering,   utterly in contradiction to nature's laws, and which no natural experience   could explain. When plied with questions such as these : “ How can you live   without lungs, liver, or intestines, and almost consumed by worms!” — she   would quietly answer : “God and my conscience bear witness that I have lost   piecemeal what He once gave me. You may well believe this loss was hard to   bear, but God alone knows what, in the fulness of His almighty power, He has   done in me to replace that loss."


Lidwina's   pious biographer, Francis Brugmann, Provincial of the Minorites, throws light   upon these inexplicable facts when he says that God, in miraculously   preserving the wasted body of His spouse, willed to manifest to all ages the   means by which He daily preserves the grace of Redemption to men who   persecute the Church, her faith, and her mysteries, as the worms, the fever,   and the putrid matter consumed the body of Blessed Lidwina.


That it   might be evident to all that Lidwina bore in her own person the wounds of the   entire Church, God restored her to her perfect state some time before her   demise. When Christianity again acknowledged one Head, Lidwina' s task was   accomplished, and she received once more all that she had sacrificed for the   interests of the Church.


We may   now very lawfully inquire how life could possibly be prolonged in a body   entirely destitute of vital organs, and we find Lidwina on several occasions   alluding to a supernatural nourishment. Her biographer says: “Curiosity   impelled crowds to visit the pious virgin, some actuated by laudable   intentions, others coming merely to condemn and blaspheme. All saw indeed but   a picture of death; yet the former beheld also in this mutilated vase the   balm of sanctification ; in this disfigured image the wonder-working Lord ;   in this semblance of death the Author of life, the most lovely among the   children of men.


Were   Lidwina asked in amazement what fever could lay hold of in her, since she   took no nourishment, she would answer: “You are surprised that fever finds   anything to feed upon in me — and I, I wonder that I do not become like a   barrel in a month! You judge by the cross you see me bearing, but you know   not of the unction attached thereto, you cannot see the interior."


When   holy persons expressed their surprise at seeing her alive in such a state,   saying; " You could not live if God in His mercy did not preserve you   " — she would reply: “Yes, I acknowledge that I do receive, though I am   unworthy of it, a sustenance which God pours out upon me from time to time.   Poor whelp that I am, I could not live in such a body, if some crumbs from my   Master's table fell not to me; but it becomes not the little dog to say what   morsels it receives."


Sometimes   indiscreet females tormented her with questions as to the reality of her   taking no nourishment; then she would answer sweetly: " If you cannot   understand it, yet do not join the number of the incredulous, do not despise   God's wonderful operations. He it was who supported Mary Magdalen in her   solitude and Mary of Egypt in the wilderness. There is no question as to what   you think of me — but do not rob God of His glory."


Lidwina   did not mean merely the unction communicated by the gifts and fruits of the   Holy Ghost. She alluded more particularly to the relief received from the   terrestrial paradise, which invigorated her in a manner altogether   miraculous. The Fathers tell us that paradise still exists in all its first   beauty untouched by the waters of the Deluge. Here Enoch and Elias were   transported to await the coming of anti-Christ, at which time they will   reappear upon earth to announce to the Jews the Word of Salvation. St.   Hildegarde says: " Enoch and Elias are in paradise, where they have no   need of corporal food ; and, in like manner, a soul rapt in the contemplation   of God has no necessity whilst in that state of those things of which mortals   make use."


The   terrestrial paradise was not created for pure spirits, but for man composed   of soul and body; consequently, it is provided with whatever is requisite not   only for his sustenance but also for his safeguard against sickness and   death, by virtue of the state of original justice in which he was first created.


The   creatures of this magnificent abode, its animals and plants, belong to a   higher order, as much elevated above those of earth as the body of Adam before   his sin was superior to his fallen posterity. And as the body of Adam was a   real body of flesh and blood, not pure spirit, so, too, paradise is not a   celestial or purely spiritual region, but a material place connected with   human nature and with the earth itself. This relation between the earth and   paradise is clearly indicated in the Holy Scriptures.


The   manna in the desert revealed to the children of the Old Law the food prepared   for man during his earthly pilgrimage. St. Hildegarde says on this subject in   her Scivias, Lib. I., visio II.: — " When Adam and Eve   were expelled from paradise, a wall of light was raised around it, and   the Divine Power effaced from it all marks of their sin. It was fortified, as   it were, by this great light so that no enemy could reach it; but by this God   also testified that the transgression which had taken place in paradise   should in time be effaced by His mercy.


[译注:Scivias 是希尔德加德   Hildegard von Bingen 的插图作品,完成于 1151 年或 1152 年,描述了她经历的 26 种宗教异象。这是圣女著作描述她愿景的三部作品中的第一部,其它是 Liber vitae Meritorum 和 De operatione Dei(也称为 Liber divinorum operum)。标题来自拉丁语短语“Sci   vias Domini”(“知道主的道路”)。[1]这本书有 35 个微型插图,比她后来的两本异象书中包含的还要多。 ]

Paradise   still exists, a region of joy, blooming in all its pristine loveliness, and   imparting abundant fruitfulness to the sterile earth. As the soul   communicates life and strength to the body it inhabits, so the earth receives   from paradise her supreme vitality; the darkness and corruption of sin, which   shroud this miserable world cannot entirely check its beneficent   influence."


Man's   spiritual bond with paradise is the grace of Redemption, which not only   restored him the high gifts possessed by Adam in that abode, but conferred on   him besides that superior beauty, dignity, and worth which emanate from the   Precious Blood of Christ. By virtue of baptismal innocence, God in every age   bestows upon certain chosen souls many of those privileges which Adam   received by virtue of original justice.


Baptism   confers a certain right to those extraordinary gifts, for its innocence is   superior to that of paradise. St. Hildegarde wrote to the Cathedral Chapter   of Mayence: "God who, by the light of truth leads on His elect to   beatitude, has been pleased at various epochs to renew the spirit of faith   among them by the gift of prophecy ; by its illumination they may, in a   measure, recover that happiness possessed by Adam before his fall."


It is   not a matter of surprise, then, that not only the spiritual but also the   material favors of paradise, should be bestowed upon God's chosen ones as a   recompense for their fidelity; but such gifts are merited by sufferings and   privations.


Man, even whilst living in the flesh,   is conducted to paradise and its fruits are brought to him by pain and   self-renunciation, and by the good works performed by souls in the splendor   of unsullied innocence. The way to these heights is absolute self-denial open   only to those who have been, as it were, spiritualized in the fire of   affliction. No extraordinary natural faculty, no mysterious malady, no   disarrangement between the functions of soul and body, only purity and heroic   fortitude fit man though still an exile upon earth to enter the terrestrial   paradise.


Rewards   and punishments are meted out by Almighty God according to the nature and   importance of good or evil works; and so for every pain, every sorrow, for   every privation borne upon earth there blooms in Paradise a corresponding   production which, as a flower or a fruit, as food or drink, as consolation or   relief, is communicated to souls according to their special need, and this   not merely spiritually, but really and substantially.


This is   the wonderful repairer of their corporal life, this explains their miraculous   vitality. It is related of Lidwina that once a woman very virtuous, but a   prey to the deepest melancholy, came to implore her help. Lidwina received   her with kind words and promised her relief. Some days later the poor   sufferer was admitted with Lidwina herself to the earthly Paradise, a favor   obtained by Lidwina's prayers; but in spite of the wonders she beheld on all   sides, the poor woman ceased not to lament and weep.


Then   Lidwina led her to a certain locality which seemed to serve as the storehouse   of the whole world; — here were perfumes, health-giving spices, and healing   herbs, and here the poor sufferer was finally cured and so inundated with   celestial consolations that, for several days after, she could not support   even the smell of food. As a reward for her docility to Lidwina's advice and   directions her melancholy entirely disappeared.


In the   life of St. Colette, contemporary with blessed Lidwina, it is related that   during the whole of Lent, she abstained from food excepting perhaps a few   crumbs of bread. On a certain Easter-day God sent her from Paradise a bird   resembling a hen, one of whose eggs sufficed her for a long time and, as she   had need of some little recreation amid her great labors (she reformed the   Poor Clares) there was sent her from Paradise in reward for her incomparable   purity a charming little animal, dazzlingly white and perfectly tame when   with her.


It used   to present itself at the door or window of her cell, as if craving entrance   and, after a short time, disappear as mysteriously as it had come. Her   sister-religious regarded it with intense interest and curiosity, but they   could never succeed in catching it; for, if they happened to meet it in   Colette's cell or any place about the convent, it instantaneously vanished   (1). Colette entertained the deepest reverence for holy relics and, above   all, for the Cross upon which the Saviour died, and as she ardently longed   for a little piece of it, her desire was miraculously gratified.


A small   golden cross, not made by hand of man but a natural production, containing a   particle of the True Cross, was brought her from the garden of paradise, and   Colette ever after carried it on her person. Again, as she was one day   conferring with her confessor on the reform of her Order, a cincture of   dazzling whiteness descended from above and rested on her arm.


Lidwina   often acknowledged that, without the help of divine consolation, she would   have sunk under her accumulation of suffering. Her strength was daily renewed   in those hours of rapture which transported her either to heaven itself or to   the terrestrial paradise, and the sweetness she then tasted rendered the bitterness   of her pains not only supportable but even delightful. Her guardian-angel,   ever visible to her, was her conductor on these spiritual journeys.


Before   setting out, he used to take her to the parish church to an image of the   Mother of God, whence after a short prayer they rose swiftly above the earth   in an easterly direction until they reached the garden. The first time   Lidwina made this aerial journey, she was afraid to enter the beautiful   gates. It was only on the angel’s assuring her that her feet would not hurt   the flowery carpet stretching out before her that she ventured in, holding   the while her guardian's hand who went on before and gently drew her after   him. When, at times, she paused in hesitating wonder at the height and   luxuriance of the flowers which seemed no longer to afford a passage, the   angel lifted her lightly over the fragrant barrier.


The   meadows bathed in light, inaccessible to cold or heat, surpassed Lidwina's   powers of description. She ate the luscious fruits presented by her angel,   and inhaled their delightful perfume; and when returned to her little   chamber, her family dared not approach her from the respect which her   appearance inspired. She was wholly embalmed with the glory of another world.   Her emaciated frame shone with light; perfumes unlike those of earth breathed   around her poor couch; the hand held by the angel on their joyous expedition   exhaled a peculiarly delicious odor, and a sensation was experiencd by one   who approached her such as is produced by aromatic spices. On one occasion,   the light surrounding her was so brilliant that her little nephew thinking   her in flames ran away in terror.


Lidwina   kept near her bed a stalk of dried hemp, light yet firm, with which she could   with her left hand open and close the curtain to admit air to her feverish   brow. A fire broke out at Schiedam on the night of the 22d of July, and in   the confusion this stick was lost. Poor Lidwina was the sufferer, for she was   now unable to procure even the small relief of a breath of fresh air. Her   angel promised her assistance and, in a short time, she felt something laid   gently on the coverlet of her bed.

李维娜在她的床边放着一根干麻茎,轻而结实,她可以用左手拿着它打开和关闭窗帘,让空气吹拂她发烧的额头。7 月 22 日晚上,希丹发生了一场火灾,这根棍子在混乱中丢失了。可怜的李维娜很痛苦,因为她现在连呼吸新鲜空气的一点点安慰都没有了。她的天神答应帮助她,不久之后,她感觉到有什么东西轻轻地放在了她的床单上。

It was a   stick about a yard and a quarter long. But in vain did she try to lift it,   her poor hand refused its weight, and laughingly she exclaimed: “Ah! yes,   now, indeed, I have a stick!' — Next morning she begged her confessor to   whittle it for her and thus render it lighter. He did so or, at least, tried   to do so; but, even with a sharp knife, he could scarcely cut away a few   chips, which shed around so delicious a fragrance that he dared not whittle   any more of the precious wood.


He took   it to Lidwina, asking her where she got it, but she could answer only that   she thought her angel had brought it to her. On August 8th, Feast of St.   Cyriacus, being again conducted to Paradise, the angel pointed out to her a   cedar near the entrance and showed her the bough from which he had broken a   branch for her. He reproved her for not sufficiently honoring the precious   gift, which possessed the power of expelling evil spirits. Lidwina kept this   branch a long time.

告解神师把棍子带回到李维娜那里,问她从哪里得到的,她只能回答她认为是护守天神给她带来的。 8 月 8 日,圣西里亚库斯庆日她再次被带到伊甸乐园,天神指给她看入口附近的一棵雪松,并指出为她折断的那根树枝。天神责备她没有充分尊重这份具有驱邪能力的珍贵礼物。李维娜从此保留了这个树枝很长一段时间。

It lost   its fragrance only in a hand stained by sin. On another visit to Paradise,   Dec. 6th, of the same year, she was fed from a date-palm laden with   magnificent fruit whose stones shone like crystals. We shall mention only one   more of the gifts brought from Paradise to console and strengthen the patient   sufferer.

只有在沾满罪恶者的手里,它才失去了芳香。同年 12 月 6 日,她又一次来到伊甸乐园,她从一棵枣树上摘下了一颗果实,果实硕大无比,果核像水晶一样闪闪发光。我们将再提一件从天堂带来的礼物,以安慰和加强病人的痛苦。

"She   was one day rapt to the choirs of the blessed and the Mother of God addressed   her in the following words: ‘My child, why do you not put on a crown and join   these glorious spirits? ‘— to which Lidwina answered simply; 'I came with my   angel; I must do what he tells me.' Then Mary gave her a beautiful crown with   instructions to keep it herself for seven hours and then give it to her   confessor, who was to hang it at Our Lady's altar in the parish church of   Schiedam, whence it would be removed later. When Lidwina returned to earth,   she remembered all that had passed; but she dreamed not of taking it   literally until she felt the crown of lovely flowers upon her head. When the   seven hours had elapsed, she sent for her confessor at dawn, gave him the   crown, which was hung at Our Lady's shrine according to order, whence it disappeared   before full daylight."


After   this digression, more apparent than real, we return to Sister Emmerich whose   sufferings were of the same nature and signification as Lidwina's. Besides   her interior torments, she endured a succession of cruel maladies most varied   in form and opposite in symptoms, since she atoned both for the whole Church   and her individual members. God had accepted the sacrifice of her whole   being, and every part of her body offered its tribute of expiation, the natural   order of things being entirely reversed in her regard — sickness and pain   becoming health and strength to her whilst she lay consumed in the fire of   tribulation.


Her body   was, so to speak, the crucible in which the Physician of souls prepared   healing remedies for His people, whilst her soul was keenly alive to terror,   sadness, anguish, dryness, desolation, to all those withering impressions   which the passions of one man can cause another, or by which diabolical   malice can assail its victims. She was burdened with the fears of the dying,   the corruption of morals, with the consequences of wrath, revenge, gluttony,   curiosity; with them she struggled, over them she gained the victory, the   fruits of which she relinquished in favor of poor sinners. But these pains   were nothing to the anguish she endured at the sight of the unprecedented   degradation of the priesthood.


The evil   one succeeded in intruding many of his own servants into Holy Orders, men   lost to the faith, members of secret societies who, with the indelible stamp   of ordination upon their soul, shrank not from the blackest crimes against   Christ and His Vicar upon earth. There was no attack made on the Church, her   rights, her worship, her doctrine, and her Sacraments, that was not inspired   by a Judas from among her own.


The   Saviour felt His Apostle's treason more keenly than all His other sufferings   ; and, in like manner, the sharpest wounds in the Church's body are ever from   one clothed with the sacerdotal dignity. The impious attacks of heretics did   not call for so grievous expiation as did the crimes of fallen priests, and   the latter were followed by far more terrible consequences than the former.



上一篇:016.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第13章 安纳.加大利纳宣发圣愿
下一篇:018.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第14章 肉体的痛苦(下)


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