真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
019.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第15章 艾曼丽修女的神魂超拔和祈祷
019.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第15章 艾曼丽修女的神魂超拔和祈祷
浏览次数:2340 更新时间:2024-5-7




Sister Emmerich's   Ecstasies and Prayer.




Among all   her privations, none was so painful to Sister Emmerich as the want of proper   spiritual direction. She had no one with whom she could confer on her   interior, no one to help her bear the burden that weighed her down.


"Day   and night, " she says, " did I implore God to send me a priest to   whom I might lay open my interior, for I was often in dread of being deluded   by the evil spirit. This dread made me doubt everything, even what was before   my eyes, my sufferings, my consolations, my very existence itself. The Abbe   Lambert tried to quiet me ; but, as he knew little German, I was unable to   make him understand clearly, and my trouble always returned.



All that   was going on in my interior and around me I found perfectly incomprehensible,   ignorant peasant-girl that I was! Though it was the experience of my life, it   had never before disturbed me. The last four years in the convent were spent   in almost uninterrupted   contemplation and the incidents consequent   upon this state were multiplied. I could not render an account of them to   those that were ignorant of such things, they would have thought them simply   impossible. Whilst in this state, as I was praying alone in the church one   day, I distinctly heard this question: ‘Am I not sufficient for thee ?’ The   words made a profound impression on me."


It is not   astonishing that Anne Catherine left thus to herself was tormented by doubt   and anxiety. The gift of contemplation had been imparted to her for the   furtherance of her expiatory mission and, consequently, it entailed upon her   mental sufferings which, like her physical pains, corresponded to the state   of the Church at the time. Her soul gained strength and ripened in her   childhood from the rich contemplations presented to it, contemplations which   embraced the whole history of Redemption; now, if we may so express it, the   dark side of her visions was to be placed before her, that is the unfolding   of the mystery of iniquity, the combat of the enemy against the Church.


She must   now struggle against the malice and cunning of the evil one who glides into   the vineyard whilst the master sleeps, and sows the bad seed; she must   destroy it before it springs up and, clothed in the spiritual armor of purity   humility, and confidence in God, she must wrestle with the enemy in his   attacks on the sacred priesthood. In such encounters it is not the light of   contemplation, but strong and lively faith that insures the victory. The   father of lies may, indeed, cast her into mental agony, but he cannot shake   her faith. Anne Catherine had never wished for visions and extraordinary favors   and, when she first received them, she knew not that they were extraordinary,   she dreamed not of their being peculiar to herself; but as soon as the truth   dawned upon her, her chief care was to Submit them to the decision of her   director.


Not her   visions, but her Faith formed the rule of her conduct; rather would she have   endured a thousand deaths than violate its holy teachings, and when the   tempter cast her into doubt and fear as to the origin of her supernatural   favors, it was by acts of this virtue that she put him to flight. In his rude   and oft-repeated assaults, Anne Catherine was deprived of spiritual   assistance from the ministers of the Church. In this she resembled the Church   herself whose episcopal sees lay vacant; whose flocks were wandering without   pastors to check the ever-increasing ravages of heresy, and whose Doctors no   longer raised a voice against the torrent of evils pouring in upon her on all   sides.


We cannot   with indifference behold in the midst of this desolation the poor little nun   of Dulmen, unfolding like a miraculous flower a beauty equal to any belonging   to preceding ages. When Sts. Teresa and Magdalen di Pazzi adorned the Church,   the Order of St. Ignatius was in its first bloom. It was rapidly spreading   throughout the Church to which it has given more saints and learned men than   any religous institute since the time of St. Francis and St. Dominic. When   Sts. Catherine of Sienna, Lidwina, and Colette embalmed her vineyard   with the fragrance of their virtues, the Church languished, it is true, in a   most distressing state; but beside these saints there arose in all countries   holy and learned souls. But no period was more desolate than that in which   the Master of the vineyard poured out upon the little shepherdess of Flamske   the plenitude of His graces.


[译注:德.帕齐的玛丽亚玛大肋纳:1566 年 4 月 2 日 - 1607 年 5 月 25 日),是意大利加尔默罗会修女神秘主义者。]

God gives   His gifts only on condition of faithful co-operation; if this be wanting,   they are withdrawn and bestowed upon others who will make a better use of   them. Thus does He act toward the mass of the faithful. At no period are the   power and mercy of God lessened; but, when vessels are wanting to receive the   superabundant riches of His gifts, He displays the wonders of His love in a   few faithful souls upon whom he bestows in addition to their own share, the   graces slighted by others. It is on this account that Anne Catherine's   privileges and sufferings have in them something extraordinary and imposing.


St.   Magdalen di Pazzi's ecstasies took place in a cloistered community where such   things were regarded with respect not unmingled with fear.Being   Novice-Mistress she was surrounded by her young pupils, who delighted in   speaking of God or His saints, that they might behold their Mistress rapt in   ecstasy. But Sister Emmerich's raptures often seized her in the midst of   companions who regarded her with uneasiness on that very account, and to whom   she was as insupportable as was the Church to the gross infidelity of the   period, because she dared still to celebrate the grandeur and magnificence of   God in His saints.


"I   was frequently unable to resist the divine impulse, and I fell unconscious   before my companions. I was in choir one day, though not singing with the   rest, when I became rigid, and the nuns happening to push against me, I fell   to the ground. Whilst they were carrying me out, I saw a nun walking upon the   highest point of the roof where no one could go, and I was told that it was   Magdalen di Pazzi, who had borne the marks of Our Lord's wounds. Again I saw   her running along the choir-grate, mounting upon the altar, or seizing the priest's   hand. Her perilousflights made me reflect on myself, and I took every   precaution not to yield to these states.


My Sisters   understood nothing of the kind and they, at first, reproached me severely for   remaining in the chapel prostrate, my arms extended. But as I could not prevent   those raptures, I tried to hide myself from them in a corner. Despite my   efforts, however, I was ravished out of myself, sometimes in one place,   sometimes in another. I lay prostrate, stiff, and immovable, or I knelt with   outstretched arms. The chaplain often found me in this state. I always longed   to see St. Teresa, because I had heard that she had suffered much from her   confessors. The favor was vouchsafed me. I did see her several times, sick   and weak, writing at a table or in bed. I thought there was a close   friendship between her and Magdalen di Pazzi. It was revealed to me that   Magdalen from her infancy was pleasing to God, on accouut of her simplicity   and ardent love.


"In   my duties as sacristan I was often lifted up suddenly, and I stood on the   highest points of the church, on the windows, the carving, and the cornices,   cleaning and dusting where humanly speaking no one could go. I was not   frightened when I felt myself thus raised and held up in the air, for I had   always been accustomed to my angel’s assistance. Sometimes when I awoke, I   found myself sitting in a large closet in which were kept things belonging to   the sacristy ; sometimes I was in a corner near the altar where not a soul   could see me, and I cannot understand how I squeezed into it without tearing   my habit. But sometimes on awaking, I found myself seated on the highest   rafter of the roof. This generally happened when I had hidden myself to weep.   I often saw Magdalen di Pazzi mounting up in this way and running over the   rafters, the scaffolding, and the altars. “


Dean   Overberg deposed : —

"   Anne Catherine often had ecstasies   in the convent, especially during   the last four years of its existence.   Everywhere, in the cloister, the   garden, the church, and her cell, was she   accustomed to sink down upon   the ground. They came on chiefly when she was   alone, though she had   slight raptures in the refectory; but she used to beg   God not to send   them to her there. It seemed to her that the rapture lasted   only a   moment, though she afterward found that it was much longer.



"I   asked her if she knew how to distinguish between ordinary fainting-spells and   ecstasies. She answered: 'In fainting-spells from weakness, I am very, very   sick as if about to die; but in the other state, I know not that I have a   body. I am often quite joyous, or again sad. I rejoice in God ‘s mercy toward   sinners, lovingly leading them back to Himself; or I mourn over the sins of   mankind, I am sad at seeing God so horribly offended.


 “‘In   my meditation I looked up to heaven and there I saw God. When in desolation,   I seemed to be walking in a path scarcely a finger in breath, on either side   deep, dark abysses; above me all was blooming and beautiful, and at   resplendent youth led me by the hand over the perilous path. I used to hear   at this time the voice of God saying to me: “My grace is sufficient for   thee!" — and the words were sweet to my soul.' "

「在默观中,我仰望天堂,在那里我看到了天主。当孤寂的时候,我仿佛走在一条伸手不见五指的小路上,两边都是幽暗的深渊;在我之上,一切都绽放出美丽的光彩,光彩夺目的青年牵着我的手走过危险的道路。在这个时候,我常常听到天主的声音对我说:『我的恩宠为你够用! 』——这些话甜到我的心里。」  

Frequently   during her ecstasies, Sister Emmerich received from her angel an order to   bring the Sisters back to the strict observance of the Rule. Then, still in   ecstasy and shedding abundant tears, she would appear in their midst and   quote the Rules on silence, obedience, poverty, the Divine Office, enclosure,   and others most often infringed; or again, she would cast herself at the feet   of a Sister in whose heart she saw aversion or even downright hatred, and beg   her to pardon, to be charitable, helping her to resist the temptation, and   pointing out the guilt of entertaining such feelings.


The   religious generally yielded to her persuasions and opened to her their   interior, begging her advice and prayers to correct. If, however, they found   the former too difficult to follow, they indulged fits of pettishness and   mistrust, and hence arose fresh suspicions in those weak souls. They imagined   that Sister Emmerich had now ever before her mind their faults and   imperfections whilst, in reality, she received such communications as those   given her in vision. She guarded their confidence as a sacred deposit with   the sole view of rendering glory to God and assistance to souls in need.


 “It   often happened," she said, “that whilst doing my work or, perhaps, lying   in bed sick, I was in spirit among my sisters. I saw and heard all they did   and said, and sometimes I found myself in the church before the Blessed   Sacrament, though without leaving my cell. I cannot explain how it was. The   first time this happened I thought it was a dream. I was in my fifteenth year   and absent from home. I had been urged to pray for a giddy young girl that   she might not be led astray. One night I saw a snare laid for her. In an   agony, I ran to her room and put to flight a servant-man of the house whom I   found at her door. When I entered the chamber, she was in a state of   consternation.


Now, I   really had not left my bed, and I thought it was all a dream. Next morning,   however, the girl could not look me in the face and she afterwards told me   the whole affair and thanked me repeatedly, saying that I had freed her from   the tempter, that I had entered her room and saved her from sin. Then,   indeed, I regarded the circumstance as something more than a dream. Such   things often occurred at a later period. A woman, whom I had never seen, came   to me in great excitement, thanked me with many tears, and recounted her fall   and conversion. I recognized her as one for whom I had been told in vision to   pray.


"It   was not always in spirit only, as in the above cases, that I was sent to the   assistance of poor tempted souls. I used to go really in body also. The   servant-girls of the convent slept in the out-buildings. Once when I was very   ill, I beheld at night two persons conversing together apparently on pious   subjects, but their hearts were full of evil thoughts. I arose in the dark,   but seeing my way clearly notwithstanding, I went through the cloister to separate   them. When they saw me coming they fled in affright, and afterward they   showed ill-humor toward me. As I returned I awoke. I was only half-way up the   stairs that led to the convent, and I regained my cell with great difficulty   as I was so weak.


"On   another occasion, one of the sisters thought she saw me at the kitchen fire   taking something away in a vessel to eat in private, and again, gathering   fruit in the garden for the same purpose. She ran instantly to tell the   Superioress; but, when they came to inquire into it, they found me in bed   sick unto death. These incidents made my state a very embarrassing one, and   the religious knew not what to think of me."


From   Sister Emmerich's entrance into the convent, no suffering seemed to her   sufficiently great to outweigh the supreme privilege of dwelling under the   same roof with the Blessed Sacrament, of passing a greater part of her, day   before It. When at work in her cell or elsewhere, she involuntarily turned   toward the church, for the sentiment of the real and living presence of her   Lord was never absent from her heart. Nothing could oppose a barrier to her   loving communings. The very thought of the Blessed Eucharist threw her into   ecstasy and, if untrammelled by the commands of obedience, she found herself   prostrate on the altar-steps, although corporeally at a distance.


In all   that her Rule exacted of her, she discovered something bearing reference to   the Blessed Sacrament and she was, consequently, as faithful to the least as   to the greatest duty. Her charge of the sacristy she regarded as essentially   sacred, to be attended to at any cost of physical suffering, since it was the   service of the King of kings, a privilege the angels might well envy. Truly   and at all times did she turn toward Jesus on the altar as a flower to the   sun; all her thoughts and affections were His, all sent up to Him the sweet   odor of love and sacrifice. Her sufferings for the Blessed Sacrament were   great as her love, for no sins cried more loudly to heaven, none had greater need   of expiation than those directed against faith in the Real Presence.


It was at   this period, as we have before remarked, that Jansenism aimed at banishing   the Unbloody Sacrifice of the altar and the veneration of Mary, the Mother of   God. These abominations filled her soul with anguish as she knelt before the   altar and shared with the Heart of Jesus the sorrow occasioned by such   outrages. To none other could He turn, since His most cruel enemies were   numbered among those whose sacerdotal character gave them unlimited power   over this pledge of His love for man. Her ardor led her at night to the   church to kneel in the cold before its closed doors, shedding tears of love   and desire until day-light gave her admittance, for her only relief was found   in the presence of her Saviour.


Her   sufferings were as varied as the sins of that period against the Blessed   Sacrament, and she did penance for every affront offered It, from the   tepidity and indifference of the faithful in receiving Holy Communion to the   sacrilegious insults of Its greatest enemies. She would have sunk under the   weight of this terrible mission, had not God effaced its impressions from her   soul and inundated her, at times, with consolation. The more lively her   intuition of the grandeur and magnificence of this great Sacrament, the more   ardent became her devotion toward It, the greater her veneration. Her   reverence for It, joined to the deep feeling of her own unworthiness,   sometimes filled her with such fear that it was only obedience could make her   approach the Holy Table. She believed herself responsible, on account of her   own imperfections, for the numerous infractions of charity and the Rule   committed by the Sisters, and this fear prevented her approaching Holy   Communion as often as she might have done.


Dean   Overberg says : —

“Her   confessor wanted her to communicate oftener than the other religious, and she   obeyed for some time ; but, from the Purification till Pentecost, she   abstained through human respect, because she was accused of mock sanctity and   all kinds of remarks were made on the subject. Besides, she looked upon   herself as unfit to communicate so often and she fell into a state of   sadness. At last, she recognized her fault, and resumed her custom of   frequent Communion, though for two years she had to atone for her disobedience   on this point, all consolation being withdrawn from her.



"At   the end of this time, her peace of soul returned; and so great was her desire   for the Holy Eucharist that she could not wait for the usual hour. Her   confessor arranged for her to receive before the community arose on days not   marked for all to communicate that, being less remarked, the circumstance   might create less talk. Early in the morning she used to knock at the Abbe   Lambert's door, who kindly went to the church and gave her Holy Communion.


But   sometimes she presented herself before the appointed hour, and on one   occasion, even shortly after midnight, so great was her longing for the Holy   Eucharist. Her whole soul was on fire, and so violently was she impelled   toward the church that she felt as if her limbs were being torn from her   body. The Abbe was not, as might be supposed, any too well pleased on hearing   her knock at his door at such an hour; but on seeing the state in which she   was, he went and gave her Holy Communion.


"She   assisted at Mass with intense devotion. When the celebrant began: ‘In nomine   Patris,’ etc., she contemplated Jesus on the Mount of Olives, and begged for   the Faithful the grace of assisting devoutly at the Holy Sacrifice and for   priests that of offering It in a manner pleasing to God; lastly, she implored   Our Lord to cast upon all as gracious a look as He once cast on St. Peter.


"At   the Gloria, she praised God in union with the Church Triumphant and the   Church Militant, giving thanks for the daily renewal of the Holy Sacrifice,   and imploring God to enlighten all men and console the poor souls in   purgatory.


"'At   the Gospel, she asked for all the Faithful the grace to practise fully the   evangelical teachings.

"At   the Offertory, she presented to God the bread and wine with the priest,   praying that they might be changed into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ,   and she whispered to her heart that the moment was drawing near for the advent   of the Saviour.



"At   the Sanctus, she called upon the whole world to praise God with her.

"At   the Consecration, she offered the Saviour to His Father for the whole world,   chiefly for the conversion of sinners, for the relief of the souls in   purgatory, for the dying, and for her sisters in religion. She imagined the   altar surrounded at this moment by crowds of adoring angels who dared not   raise their eyes to the Sacred Host. She said to herself that, although it   might be very bold in her, Jet she could not deprive herself of the consolation   of gazing upon her Lord.



"She   often saw a brilliant light surrounding the Sacred Host and in the Host a   cross of dark color, never white. Had it been white, she could not have   distinguished it. It did not seem to be larger than the Host, but the latter   was Itself often larger than usual.


"From   the Elevation to the Agnus Dei, she prayed for the souls in purgatory,   presenting Jesus on the Cross to His Father that He might accomplish what she   could not. At this moment, she was often rapt out of herself and, indeed, she   sometimes fell into ecstasy even before the Consecration.


"At   the Communion, she reflected on Christ laid in the tomb, and begged Almighty   God to annihilate in us the old man and clothe us with the new.


"If   at Mass or any other service, she listened to the music, she would exclaim :   ‘Ah, how sweet is harmony! Inanimate creatures accord so perfectly, why   should not men's hearts do the same! How charming that would be!’ — and the   thought made her shed tears.


"Once,   during the Christmas Midnight- Mass, she saw the Infant Jesus above the   chalice, and what appeared to her strange was that the celebrant seemed to   hold the Infant by the feet, notwithstanding which, she saw the chalice too.   She often saw an Infant in the Host, but He was very small. "


 “When   she was sacristan, she occupied for a time a place in choir from which she   could not see the altar, having given hers up to a Sister who was tormented   with scruples when she heard Mass without enjoying that consolation.


One day as   she was watching to ring the bell for the Elevation, she saw the Infant Jesus   above the chalice, — how beautiful! She thought herself in heaven. She was   about to leap through the grate to get at the Child when suddenly   recollecting herself, she exclaimed: ‘My God! what am I going to do?’— She   succeeded in restraining herself, but forgot to sound the bell, a frequent   omission of hers which drew upon her many a reprimand."


Clara   Soentgen says : " When Sister Emmerich received Holy Communion her   bodily strength increased. She loved, above all, to communicate on Thursday   in honor of the Blessed Sacrament; but, as this gave rise to remark, she   obtained permission from her confessor to communicate in secret. Sometimes   she went to receive a little after midnight, sometimes at three or four   o'clock in the morning, her ardent desire rendering it impossible for her to   wait longer.


"Once   I asked her why she wore her best habit on Thursdays, and she answered that   it was in honor of the Blessed Sacrament. She rarely made use of a book   before or after Communion."


Sister   Emmerich herself speaks as follows: — "I very often saw blood flowing   from the cross on the Sacred Host; I saw it distinctly. Sometimes Our Lord,   in the form of an Infant, appeared like a lightning-flash in the Sacred Host.   At the moment of communicating, I used to see my Saviour like a bridegroom   standing by me and, when I had received He disappeared, leaving me filled   with the sweet sense of His presence. He pervades the whole soul of the   communicant just as sugar is dissolved in water, and the union between the   soul and Jesus is always in proportion to the soul’s desire to receive   Him."


Dean   Overberg gives the following account of her prayer: — “Before she entered   religion, Anne Catherine prayed for sinners and the souls in purgatory. In   the convent she prayed also for her companions, rarely for her own wants.   Save those prescribed by Rule, she said few vocal prayers, but made use of   frequent ejaculations. She spoke to God as a child to its father and   generally obtained what she asked.


"Her   communing with God ceased neither day nor night, even at table it was not   interrupted. She was often unconscious of what was said there, and if the   Sisters made remarks about her at such times, she rarely perceived it.


 “Abbe   Lambert asked her one day at the end of one of the meals: — ‘How could you   listen so quietly to what passed at table!’— when she answered that she had   heard nothing of what was said.


 “She   had, at one time, the habit of disputing with God on two points: that He did   not convert all the big sinners, and that He punished the impenitent with   everlasting pains. She told Him that she could not understand how He could   act thus, so contrary to His nature, which is goodness itself, as it would be   easy for Him to convert sinners since all are in His hand. She reminded Him   of all that He and His Son had done for them; of the latter's having shed His   Blood and given His life for them upon the cross; of His own words and   promises of mercy contained in the Scriptures. She asked Him with holy   boldness, how could He expect men to keep their word, if He did not keep   His?"





 “The   Abbe Lambert, to whom she recounted this dispute, said to her: ‘Softly! you   go too far!’ and she soon saw that God is right; for, if He did convert all   sinners or if the pains of hell were not to last forever, man would forget   that there is a God.


 “She   had great confidence in the Mother of God to whom she turned whenever she had   committed a fault, saying: 'O Mother of my Saviour, thou art doubly my Mother!   Thy Son gave thee to me for mother when He said to John: ‘Behold thy   Mother!' and then again, I am the spouse of thy Son. I have been   disobedient to Him, I am ashamed to appear before Him. do thou pity me! A   mother's heart is always so good! Ask Him to forgive me, He cannot refuse   thee."


"One   day just before the suppression of the convent, when she had sought in vain   for consolation among her sisters, she ran weeping to the church and   prostrated in agony before the Blessed Sacrament crying for pardon, for she   was overwhelmed by the thought that she alone was the cause of all the evil   in the house. ‘O God, I am the prodigal child!’ she cried; 'I have squandered   my inheritance, I am not worthy to be called Thy child! Have pity on me! I   ask it through my sweetest Mother, who is Thy Mother, too!’ — then the voice   of God sounded in her soul bidding her be at peace, that His grace would   suffice for her, and that she should no more seek consolation from creatures.


 “Often,   when begging some favor most earnestly and making great promises to Our Lord,   she heard these words: — ' How canst thou promise great things, when little   ones are so difficult to thee !' "


The   following is Dean Rensing's deposition: "Sister Emmerich said the   prescribed prayers with the religious, and some other vocal prayers; but when   she prayed interiorly she laid her request before God and in the depths of   her heart begged to be favorably heard. She added an Our Father or some other   short prayer, often going so far as to dispute the point with the Almighty.


 “She   loved mental better than vocal prayer. She asked herself: ‘What ought you to   be, and what are you?’ — and then she went on until her meditation had been   greatly prolonged, not knowing herself how she had passed from point to   point."


Clara   Soentgen says: — “Sister Emmerich told me that from the Ascension to   Pentecost, her state of contemplation was uninterrupted. She saw the   disciples assembled together praying for the coming of the Holy Ghost, and   she herself was present with them. This had happened to her even before her   entrance into religion. During the ten days of preparation, she used to   receive Holy Communion several times. I sat by her at table in the convent,   and she was so absorbed at this time that I used to have to remind her to   eat."

克拉拉.索恩根说:「艾曼丽修女告诉我,从耶稣升天到圣神降临节,她的默观状态从中断。她看到宗徒们聚集在一起祈求圣神降临,她自己也和宗徒们在一起。这甚至在她进入修会之前就发生在她身上。在十天的准备期间,她曾多次领圣体。在修院的就餐时,我坐在她身边,当时她全神贯注,以至于我不得不提醒她吃饭。 」

Anne   Catherine tells us :—

“I cannot   use the prayers of the Church translated into German. I find them insipid and   tiresome, though in Latin they are full and intelligible; however, I can   confine myself to no set form of speech. I was always glad when we had to   sing hymns and response in Latin; the feast was then more real to me, I saw all   that I sang. When we sang the Litany of the Blessed Virgin in Latin, I used   to see one after another in a most wonderful manner all the symbolical   figures of Mary. It seemed as if I uttered the pictures. At first, it   frightened me, but soon I found what a great favor it was, as it excited my   devotion. I saw the most wonderful pictures!"






上一篇:018.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第14章 肉体的痛苦(下)
下一篇:020.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第16章 修道院被关闭——艾曼丽修女领受圣伤


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