真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
040.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第36章 艾曼丽修女被捕-——她对这一事件的预感,及事件的结果
040.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第36章 艾曼丽修女被捕-——她对这一事件的预感,及事件的结果
浏览次数:1809 更新时间:2024-7-30


Sister Emmerich is Placed Under Arrest. — Her Pre-sentiment of this Event. — Its Results.



From the beginning of the ecclesiastical year, 1818-' 19, Almighty God prepared Sister Emmerich for the expiatory sufferings in store for her. The events from which these sufferings were to arise were still future, but the invisible enemy of man had already his powerful engines at work toward their furtherance. The mystery of iniquity which “already worketh," according to St. Paul, was making at that period new and vigorous exertions to sap the foundations of faith in many dioceses, and the weapons used were precisely those which are now about to be turned against the poor invalid herself.


As in preceding ages, so was it now: unworthy clerics in the service of anti-Catholic and secret societies, were the inventors and executors of measures which, under the name of " Fundamental Rules" "Ecclesiastical Laws" " Conventions" "Acts' of Endowment" etc., were destined to destroy secretly but surely the Church of Jesus Christ. As the struggle drew near, the invalid's visions became more comprehensive, more significant. They were not only prophetic pictures, but real, personal combats, fruitful in results inasmuch as they were a continued development of the great combat of the Church ; she suffered and accomplished in very truth all that she saw in vision. The sentiments and designs of the Churches enemies were made known to her, that she might oppose them by prayer.

和以前的时代一样,现在的情况也是如此:反天主教和为秘密社团服务的不称职的神职人员,是各种措施的发明者和执行者,这些措施以「基本规则」、「教会法」、「公约」、「资助法案」等名义,注定要秘密而肯定地摧毁耶稣基督的教会。 随着斗争的临近,病人的神视异象变得更加全面、更加重要。这些神视异象不仅是预言性的画面,而且是真实的、个人的战斗,其成果丰硕,因为这些神视异象是教会伟大战斗的持续发展,她经历了痛苦,并真正地完成了她在神视异象中看到的一切工作。天主让她了解了教会敌人的企图和计划,以便她可以通过祈祷来反对他们。

Her visions were not idle dreams, nor her action in them vain and imaginary, rather was it the confirmation of her own marvellous spiritual life. This life was one, having but one and the same operations although existing in two different worlds and following a two- fold law, the world of sensible things and that elevated above the senses. In contemplation, she prays, she struggles, she triumphs ; whilst, at the same moment, she suffers in the natural state, or accomplishes her duties of ordinary life.


In both cases she is free, in the full possession of her faculties and of all that is requisite, in the natural and supernatural order, to produce meritorious acts. Her external life bears the same relation to her transcendent interior life as the symbol to the thing signified, the similitude to the reality, the shell to the kernel. Her persecutors are, though unconsciously, the representatives of the tendencies of the period. Of these prophetic visions, the invalid was able to recount but a very small part. It is, however, enough to awaken the surprise of the reader, when he beholds how exactly they were realized in all that referred to her own approaching trials.


Advent, 1818. — “I have been warned by my guide to prepare for a severe struggle. I must invoke the Holy Ghost to inspire me what to answer. I do it now all day, and I know what this struggle will be. Artful men will attack me and try to make me contradict myself by their perfidious questioning. It seemed as if my heart would break. But I turned to my Heavenly Spouse and said : ‘Thou hast begun the work, Thou wilt also bring it to a close ! I abandon myself entirely to Thee!’— and then when I had put the case into His hands, I felt great strength and peace in God. I said : ' Joyfully will I be torn to pieces, if thereby I can help the world!’— Among my persecutors I saw a physician and some ecclesiastics who came, one after another, to take me away. They pretended to be very friendly, but I saw the deceit in their heart.

1818 年的将临期。「我的护守天神警告我,要我准备好迎接一场激烈的斗争。我必须祈求圣神启发我该如何回答。我现在一整天都在这样祈求圣神,我知道这将是一场怎样的斗争。狡猾的人会攻击我,并试图用他们背信弃义的质问来使我自相矛盾。我的心似乎要碎了。但我转向我天上的净配说:『祢已经开始了这项工作,祢也将结束它!我将自己完全交托给祢!』然后当我这件事交托给祂时,我在天主里面感受到了极大的力量和平安。我说:『如果我能帮助这个世界,我会很高兴地被撕成碎片!』在我的迫害者中,我看到了一位医生和一些神职人员,他们一个接一个地来,他们想把我带走。他们假装很友好,但我看到了他们内心的欺骗。

"May 19th — I have had a bad night. I was assailed on all sides and torn to pieces, but I remained calm, I rejoiced at what was done to me, and I recognized the instigators of the affair and the chief actors in it. They all talked at once, clamored around me, and ended by tearing me piecemeal. Not one of my friends was present, no one to help me, no priest. I became sad, and I thought of Peter's abandonment of his Lord.



 “I saw a party of men assembled to deliberate and exult over their cunningly devised plans to carry me off. They resolved to make use of new means. My guide told me to be calm, that if they succeeded, it would end in their own confusion and be all for the best.


" May 28, 1819 — I saw myself alone in my time of trial and, what was worse, my confessor dared not come to me. He seemed forced to go away without bidding good -by, I had a vision in which I found myself alone in a room with only Sister Neuhaus. Then some people came and fell upon me at the right side and foot of my bed, I was utterly defenceless.

1819 年 5 月 28 日——我看到我独自一人接受审判,更糟糕的是,我的神师不敢来看我。他似乎没有告别就被迫离开,我有一个神视,我发现自己和诺伊豪斯修女单独呆在一个房间里。然后一些人来了,从我的右侧和床脚扑向我,我完全没有防备。」

“June 6th — I have had a very miserable night. I saw myself abused more than ever, I cannot think of it without shuddering. I was abandoned by all my friends. My bed stood in the middle of the room, and I was tended by strangers. I knew that I was in this miserable state on account of a quarrel between some ecclesiastics and laics, who tore me to pieces to show their mutual contempt. I saw Dean Overberg in the distance sitting sad and silent, and I thought all was over with me.

「6 月 6 日——我度过了一个非常悲惨的夜晚。我看到自己比以往任何时候都更受虐待,我一想到这就不寒而栗。我被我所有的朋友抛弃了。我的床放在房间的中央,我由陌生人照看。我知道我之所以处于这种悲惨的境地,是因为一些神职人员和平信徒之间发生了争吵,他们把我撕成碎片,以表示他们互相蔑视。我看到远处的奥弗伯格总铎悲伤地、沉默地坐着,我想我完了。

"July 17, 1819 — Again I had visions of my approaching trials. I saw all my old convent companions visiting me, speaking of our past intercourse, and questioning me as to whether I had or had not said when in the convent such or such things of my state, etc. I could not understand what they were aiming at, and I said : ‘God knows what they and I have done !' — Then I saw them all going to confession and Communion, after which they came back to me. They were, however, no better than before, and they tried to find something out from me, I know not what.

「1819 年 7 月 17 日——我再次看到我即将到来的考验。我看到我修道院所有的老同伴都来拜访我,谈起我们过去的交往,并询问我在修道院的时候有没有说过这样或那样我的状况的话,等等。我不明白她们的目的是什么,我对自己说:『天主知道她们和我做了什么!』——然后我看到她们都去办了告解并领了圣体,之后她们又回到我身边。但她们并没有比以前更好,她们试图从我这里打听到什么,我不知道那是什么。

I asked them if they did not know that, long before my joining them, I had had unaccountable pains in my hands and feet; that when with them, I had often made them touch the palms of my hands which were burning hot ; and that my fingers had been quite dead, without my understanding what it all meant ? Was I not unable for a long while to take food on account of the vomiting it brought on ? Was not this the case for seven months without my attaching any importance to it ? Did I not think it a sickness, although it never kept me from my duties, or from prayer, my only delight? But I found them all hesitating and insincere in their declarations.


All sought to clear themselves from blame, all excepting the Superioress and Sister Neuhaus — they alone were honest. After this came a great many of my acquaintances — they did as they always do, they spoke at random, not one willing to stand up for me. The Abbe Lambert could not help me, they would not listen to him. My confessor was not far off, but he was dejected and weary. Then six ecclesiastics and laics, among them two Protestants, came not all together but one by one, and some were false and malicious to the last degree. The sweetest and blandest among them treated me the worst. Then a man came in saying : ‘Whatever is done to this person will also be done to me.' I knew him not, but he stayed by me a long time and was honest and true to me. He saw all that was done, but he could not help me. When the others surrounded me (my bed stood in the middle of the floor) they were careful not to jostle him. Then they began to put all kinds of questions, but I made no answer. I had already responded three different times, as recorded in the report, and I had nothing more to say.


The Vicar-General was near by ; there was some question of him. I saw that the Dean (Rensing) was interested ; he gave instructions but he was not for me. Dean Overberg was absent, but praying for me. The two little nuns Frances and Louisa comforted me. They repeated continually: ‘Have courage, only courage ! all will be right ! ' — My persecutors began to draw off the skin from my hands and feet. They found the marks of a deeper red than those on the surface. They did the same to my breast and discovered the cross more plainly marked below than on the skin. They were amazed, they knew not what to say ! In silence they slunk away one after another; each told his own story, but all were confounded. Whilst lying there awaiting the operation on my wounds, I was seized with anguish ; but the two holy nuns encouraged me, promising that no evil would result from it.



Then a marvellously beautiful little Boy in a long robe appeared to me ; His face shone like the sun. He took my hand, saying: ‘Come, we will thank our dear Father!' — and raising me up lightly we went into a beautiful chapel, open in front and only half-finished. It appeared to be split down the middle. On the altar were the pictures of St. Barbara and St. Catherine. I said to the little Boy : ‘Why the chapel is split!’ — and he replied : ‘And it is only half-finished.' — I felt that we were near a magnificent mansion in which many persons were awaiting me. It was surrounded by gardens and fields, paths and groves, it was like a little village. Still it seemed as if it were afar off, and there did not appear to be any place as yet destined for me.


I know only that I looked into the chapel with the little Boy and saw the pictures. It was as if I had been caught up in spirit whilst they drew the skin from my wounds, for I felt nothing ; I only saw, after it was over, the shreds of red skin. I beheld the amazement of the men when they found the marks penetrating the flesh, and I saw them scratching behind their ears ! In this confusion of the chapel and the operation, I awoke. The vision of the nuns and the people from the city was obscure. It seemed as if I were informed of an interrogatory to which I was to be subjected. I saw, too, something like a tumult in the city.


"The little Boy said: ‘ See, now all that troubled and disquieted thee lasted so short a time, but eternity has no end. Take courage ! A rude trial is in store for thee, but thou wilt bear it well, it will not be so hard as it seems. Many evils can be averted by prayer, be comforted !’ Then he told me to pray in my waking moments at night, for many are in danger of perishing, a great storm threatens. ‘Fear not to say it out boldly and urge every one to pray. ‘"


A few days later, Sister Emmerich had another vision, that of a young virgin-martyr, and the sight strengthened her for her own approaching struggle :— " I was in prayer. Two unknown men came to me and invited me to go with them to Rome to the place in which the martyrs were tortured. There was to be a great combat that day, some of their friends were to engage in it, and they wanted to see them die for Jesus. I asked them why they exposed themselves. They answered that they were Christians in secret, no one would know them and, as they were relatives, a place was reserved for them that the sight of the martyrs' torments might affright them ; they desired also to strengthen themselves by the sight and to encourage their friends by their presence.


They took me to the amphitheatre. Above the inclosure, facing the entrance to the right of the judge's seat, was a gate between two windows through which we entered a large neat apartment in which were thirty good people, old and young, men and women, youths and maidens — all Christians in secret and assembled for the same purpose.


“The judge, a tyrannical old man, waved a staff right and left and at the signal, the subalterns down in the circle began their work. There were about twelve. — To the left before our windows, I saw something like an idol. I knew not what it was, but it made me shudder with horror. On the same side were the prisons. They brought out the martyrs, two by two, driving them forward with iron spears. They were led first before the judge and, after a few words, given over to martyrdom. The whole building was filled with spectators seated in tiers, raging and shouting.


 “The first martyr seemed to be about twelve years old, a delicate little girl. The executioner threw her to the ground, crossed her left arm over her breast, and knelt upon it. With a sharp instrument, broad and short, he cut all around the wrist and peeled off the skin as high as the elbow; he did the same to the right arm and then to both feet. I was almost distracted by the horrible treatment of the tender child. I rushed out of the door, crying for mercy, I wanted to share her torments, but the slave pushed me back so violently that I felt it. The child's groans pierced my heart. I offered myself to suffer in her stead, and I had an impression that my turn would soon come. I cannot say what this sight cost me.


 “Then the slave bound her hands across and it seemed to me that he was about to cut them off. When I went back into the room (it was semi-circular and there were square and also triangular stone seats around it) two good people comforted me. They were the little girl's parents. They said that their child's torments had pierced their soul, but that she had drawn it upon herself by her excessive zeal. It was very sad ; she was their only daughter. She used to go openly to the catacombs to be instructed, and she always spoke out boldly and freely as if courting martyrdom.


 “Now the two slaves wrapped her up and laid her on the round funeral-pile which stood in the middle of the place, her feet toward the centre ; below was a quantity of little branches which quickly caught fire, and shot up their flames through the wood above. The good people, though resigned, appeared to me quite overcome with grief. A woman among them opened a roll of parchment as long as one's arm, fastened in the middle with a large clasp. They read in an undertone, three or four together, and passed it along from hand to hand. I understood perfectly what they read. They were short sentences, how strong and elevating no words can say. The sense of it was that they who suffer go straight to God out of this miserable world. I was sure that I could never forget the words. I still feel them, though I cannot repeat them, The reader often interrupted herself after a short sentence with the words : ‘What think you now!' The petitions were addressed to God in most energetic language. I, too, looked at the parchment, but I could not read a letter ; it was in red characters.


 “During this martyrdom I was in indescribable anguish, never before had the spectacle affected me so. The little maiden with the skin hanging loose around her arms and lower limbs, was always before me and her groanings pierced my soul. I could not get away, they would not allow us to cross the arena. Many others were afterward martyred. They were pushed from side to side with iron points, struck with heavy clubs and their bones broken, the blood spouting around. At last, there arose wild cries from the spectators and shrieks from one of the tortured. He was the last, and they maltreated him so that he wavered in the Faith.


He cursed and yelled at the executioners; despair, pain, and rage made him an object frightful to behold. The good people near me were very sorrowful on his account, for they knew that he had to die. When the others were thrown on the funeral-pile, I grieved over this one, I felt that his soul was not in glory. All was now over, and the good people left me. The bodies were not entirely consumed, and a ditch was dug to receive the bones. I saw coming down from the heavens a shining white pyramid of light into which the souls of the martyrs entered with indescribable joy, like happy children. I saw one fall back again into the fire which now disappeared and in its stead, arose a dark, gloomy place where the soul was received by others. It was the fallen martyr. He is not lost, he went to purgatory — this makes me rejoice. Ah ! but, perhaps, he is still there ! I always pray for such poor, abandoned souls.


" I have a feeling that this martyr was shown me to animate me to patience in my sufferings, and lately I have seen my own skin peeled from my feet and hands. These old Romans must have been of steel. The tormentors were like the spectators, the martyrs like their friends ; but nowadays people are lukewarm, soft, and slothful, they pray to the true God as coldly as the pagans did to their false gods."


From the Feast of the Visitation till the end of July, Sister Emmerich suffered violent inflammation of the chest. A breath of air from the opening of a door, or even a person's approach provoked convulsive coughing; profuse perspiration flowed from her breast, and involuntary dread of coming events pursued her. On the 2d of August, the Pilgrim found her sad and nervous. The next day there arrived in Diilmen a Prussian "Commission of Inquiry," so-called, the Landrath Buenninghausen at its head. The other members were Dr. Rave of Ramsdorf, Dr. Busch of Miinster, the Cure Niesert of Velen, Vicar Roseri of Leyden, and Prof. Roling of Miinster. The Landrath went with the Vicar to announce to Sister Emmerich the “new investigation." She replied that she knew not what they wanted with an investigation since she was ready to give them all the information they might desire, there was nothing which had not already been investigated.

从圣母访亲瞻礼到七月底,艾曼丽修女的胸部一直在发炎。打开门呼吸一口空气,甚至一个人的走近都会引起抽搐性咳嗽;她胸口大汗淋漓,不由自主地对即将发生的事情感到恐惧。8 月 2 日,朝圣者发现她既悲伤又紧张。第二天,一个普鲁士的「调查委员会」到达了杜尔门,以所谓的兰德拉斯.布宁豪森为首。其他成员是拉姆斯多夫的雷夫医生、明斯特的布希医生、维伦的科尔.尼塞特、莱顿的教区代表罗塞里和明斯特的洛林教授。兰德拉斯和教区代表一起向艾曼丽修女宣布「新调查」。艾曼丽回答说,她不知道他们想要调查什么,因为她已向他们提供他们可能想要的所有信息,没有什么是尚未调查过的。

“That is of no account," replied the Landrath. " The investigation has been resolved upon, it must be begun at once ; therefore Miss Emmerich must forthwith allow herself to be removed to the residence of the Councillor Mersmann."


" If such be the orders of my Ecclesiastical Superiors," she replied, "I willingly submit to all demanded of me. I shall look upon it as the will of God. But I am a religious and although my convent has been suppressed, I am still a religious, and I cannot act independently of my Superiors. The Vicar-General has already proposed a mixed investigation, and if that is what you mean I am ready, for I cannot but desire to see the truth established !"


The Landrath replied: " Ecclesiastical Superiors are in this case of no account ; but here are three Catholic priests." At these words Sister Emmerich turned to the Vicar Roseri and said : " How can you, a priest, appear here if ecclesiastical authority is of no account? You took part in the last investigation in a manner little becoming a priest, and I am deeply grieved to see you here again. I have lost confidence in you." Roseri excused himself, saying that his presence on the occasion alluded to was only accidental ; but that now it was not only permitted by the Vicar.General but even desired, and that he regretted not having with, him the document to that effect (1). Sister Emmerich again declared that she would not consent to her removal, that her physician would not countenance such a step. The Landrath withdrew, declaring that she should be conveyed to Minister whether or not. Dr. Wesener's journal runs as follows: “Aug. 3d —I found the invalid this evening excited, but not disconcerted. She feared only that the old Abbe, who was sick, would be neglected.

兰德拉斯回答说:「教会长上在这种情况下,无关紧要,但这里有三位天主教神父。」听到这些话,艾曼丽修女转向罗塞里神父说:「如果教会当局与此事无关,你作为司铎怎么能出现在这里?你参与了上次的调查,态度很不像个司铎。再次见到你,我很难过。我对你失去了信心。」罗塞里神父为自己辩解,说他在提到的场合出现只是偶然;但现在调查不仅是副主教允许的,甚至是他希望的,罗塞里神父说他后悔没有带那份生效文件(1)。艾曼丽修女再次声明她不会同意将她转移,她的医生不会支持这样的举动。兰德拉斯退了出去,宣布无论怎样都要将她转移到明斯特。韦塞纳医生的日记如下: 8月3日——今晚我发现病人很激动,但并没有惊慌。她只担心生病的老兰伯特神父会无人照顾。

 “Wednesday, Aug. 4th — I found her to-day quite resigned. She saw in a vision last night that they would make her fine promises, but that she would be reduced to a most wretched state of weakness in which her confessor would assist her."

「8 月 4 日,星期三——我发现艾曼丽今天很顺从。 她昨晚在神视中看到,他们会向她做出美好的承诺,但她会陷入最悲惨的虚弱状态,而她的神师会在那时帮助她。 」


(1) false statement, as will hereafter be seen in the official acts. Sister Emmerich saw the sad state of the young man's soul, but she could only say that she had no confidence in him.


(1) 虚假的文件,以后将在官方法案中看到。艾曼丽修女看到了年轻人灵魂的悲哀状态,但只能说,艾曼丽对罗塞里神父没有信心。


The Pilgrim was indignant and tried to avert the persecution from the poor invalid. On Aug. 3d, he wrote her a long letter, begging her to propose him to the Commission as a witness possessed of the necessary qualifications for assisting at the investigation. But when she presented his petition to the Landrath, he declared the Pilgrim "especially excluded" Mr Brentano then appealed to the Chief- President von Vinke, at Munster. who wrote as follows : "In reply to your letter of the 4th inst., which I had the honor to receive, I regret my inability to gratify your desire to take part in the investigation instituted with regard to Miss Emmerich, as I have been expressly enjoined to remove her from her present surroundings. This is so necessary for the attainment of the end in view that I can-not neglect the instructions given me on this point. All, however, that you may wish to communicate to the Committee concerning your personal observations will be received with pleasure.

朝圣者非常愤怒,并试图避免这位可怜的残疾人的迫害。 8 月 3 日,他给艾曼丽写了一封长信,恳求艾曼丽向委员会推荐他作为具有协助调查所需资格的证人。但是,当艾曼丽向兰德拉斯提交朝圣者的请愿时,兰德拉斯宣布朝圣者“特别被排除在外”,然后布伦塔诺先生向明斯特的首席主席冯.文克提出上诉。冯.文克写道:「我很荣幸地收到了您本月 4 日的来信,很遗憾我无法满足您的愿望,参与对艾曼丽小姐的调查,因为他们明确要求我将她从目前的环境中转移走。为了达到目的,我必须这样做,我不能忽视在这一点上给我的指示。但是,如果您想向委员会转达您的个人意见,我们将非常乐意接受。

 “l am also inclined to think that your presence would prove unpleasant to Miss Emmerich ; for last winter during a certain medical visit paid her, she showed uneasiness at the mention of your name. We have earnestly recommended to the commissioners to treat her with great consideration and all possible kindness, although the choice made of them is sufficient to assure us that such a suggestion was unnecessary.  I shall be most happy to make the acquaintance of M. Savigny's (1) brother-in-law. My approaching visit to Diilmen will, I trust, procure me that pleasure."

明斯特的首席主席冯.文克又说:「我还倾向于认为,你的光临会让艾曼丽小姐感到不快;因为去年冬天,在一次对她的医疗探访中,一提到你的名字,她就显得很不安。我们恳切地建议委员们对她多加关照,尽量善待她,尽管委员们的选择足以使我们确信,这样的建议是不必要的。我很高兴认识萨维尼先生(1)的内兄。 我相信,我即将对迪尔曼的访问会让我感到高兴。 

 (1)M, Savigny, a celebrated lawyer, professor at the Berlin University, who had married Mr. Brentano's sister.



The Pilgrim next applied verbally to the Landrath himself; but here, too, he met a refusal. Disappointed in his hopes of being placed on the commission, he went, in compliance with the invalid's desire, to the paternal mansion of Cardinal Diepenbrock, at Bockholt, to await the result of the investigation.


Aug. 4th, the Landrath again renewed his persuasions, but Sister Emmerich persisted in her refusal to consent to any change not authorized by her ghostly Superiors. ‘I demand,’ she said, ‘An order from the Vicar- General, officers delegated by him to execute it, and impartial witnesses; then I shall accept whatever happens as coming from God, then I shall have nothing to fear." — The Landrath did not as yet dare to attempt force. His visit was followed by one from Cure Niesert and the Vicar Roseri. The latter began :

8 月 4 日,兰德拉斯再次进行劝说,但艾曼丽修女坚持拒绝接受任何未经她的神长授权的改变。她说: 「我要求,有副主教的命令,有他委派执行命令的官员,有公正的证人;然后,无论发生什么事,我都会认为是天主的旨意,这样我就没有什么可害怕的了。」兰德拉斯还不敢贸然使用武力。在他来访之后,科尔.尼塞特和罗塞里神父也来访了次。后者开始说: 

"Now, tell us how would you like to be treated?” Sister Emmerich answered : “Why do you ask? Have you an order to treat me as I would like ? If so, I ask for priests lawfully commissioned and for two witnesses to draw up an official statement which they will read to me, that I may know what is ascribed to me."  “You ought not to complain," said the Cure ; "you are lying there comfortably, you seem to be very well." “How I am," responded the invalid, “God knows !" then turning to Roseri, she said : “I know now through the Dean (Rensing) that you have no authorization from the Vicar-General to be here."


On Friday, Aug. 6th, Dr. Borges of Miinster, a Protestant, arrived in Diilmen accompained by a mesmerist. As soon as they entered the inn, the former boasted that he would “make short work of the girl, that there would be no shuffling now! — He would have her removed to Berlin by the police without its doing her the least harm." The news of this incident soon spread, and the people became alarmed lest, indeed, force might be used with the poor invalid. The liveliest sympathy was manifested by all. An assembly was held to protest against proceedings so opposed to law and justice and Commissioner Keus selected to draw up resolutions.

8 月 6 日,星期五,明斯特的新教徒博尔赫斯医生在一位催眠师的陪同下抵达杜尔门。他们一走进客栈,博尔赫斯医生就吹嘘说,他将「在短时间内治好这个女孩,这次不会拖泥带水!——他会让警察把她转移到柏林,而不会对她造成丝毫伤害。」这件事的消息很快就传开了,人们开始担心,害怕他们真的会用武力来对付可怜的病人。大家对艾曼丽的同情心是那么强烈,人们举行了一次集会,抗议如此违反法律和正义的诉讼程序,并选出凯斯专员起草决议。  

These were placed in the Landrath's hands, who solemnly promised to present them at head-quarters. This restored calm, and the good citizens hoped they had averted the threatened blow. Dr. Borges and his companion went with the Landrath to see Sister Emmerich and urge her once more to consent to her removal. As the doctor held a high position among the Freemasons, his presence was particularly odious to her, and his flattery more disgusting than his abuse. " How unreasonable in you," lie said jeeringly, “to reject the fine offer made you of being surrounded by the most distinguished men, and of receiving their attentions in a place far preferable to this ! "


 “The good intentions of these gentlemen," replied Sister Emmerich, "I leave to God. I wish them every blessing, although I have not as yet profited by their good will. If you wish merely to discover the truth, you can examine me here in this room ; but I know there is no question for you of the truth, which you could easily discover. If you want the truth, why not seek it here by me ? "- As both gentlemen asked what they could do for her during the investigation, she replied : "I demand, being seriously ill, the presence of my physician and confessor, a companion to attend to me, and two priests and two laics as witnesses ; nevertheless, I again protest that I will leave this house only by force." Then she remonstrated against Dr. Rave's having any share in the matter, since, besides his official report in February, he had published another and very different account greatly prejudicial to her. The result of the remonstrance we shall see later on. The mesmerist's discreet and reserved behavior during the interview made it evident that he saw not in Sister Emmerich any marks by which to recognize a medium (1).



 (1) The Landrath himself declared : "There can be no question of mesmerism in Sister Emmerich's case, I may say once for all that I have remarked that she holds it *pd its adherents, individually and collectively, in abhorrence."

(1) 兰德拉斯本人宣称:「在艾曼丽修女的案件中,不存在催眠术的问题,我可以明确地说,她对催眠术的追随者,无论是个人还是集体,都深恶痛绝。 」

Dr. Wesener says: "In the morning I found the invalid tolerably strong, but still opposed to the idea of moving. Dr. Borges tried to persuade me to consent, but when I told him Sister Emmerich was not in a condition to be moved he grew angry, and threatened force. Toward midnight, they did, indeed, intend to remove her, but as there were some assemblies going on, the execution of their scheme was deferred.'' —


Mr. von Schilgen, an eye-witness, gives the following account of this nocturnal escapade : " Many of the citizen and myself had made use of the Landrath's acceptance of our protest to calm the people and persuade them that force would not be resorted to. I was so fully convinced of the truth of what I said that I went quietly to rest ; but just about midnight, I was aroused by one of the police who came with orders to assemble his comrades, one of whom lodged in my house. I was, of course, surprised. I ran to the invalid's house where I found quite a number collected awaiting the issue of the affair. The police were in motion.


At midnight, Dr. Borges, Landrath Bcenninghausen, and Dr. Busch made their appearance. After rapping for some time at the door leading to Sister Emmerich's lodgings and receiving no answer, they went around to the kitchen and made Mr. Limberg show them the front room on the lower floor; but this they did only to ward off suspicion. They declared it suited to their purpose and went away leaving the owner, as well as the assembled crowd, under the impression that they would hold the investigation there. The people, however, did not disperse till daylight called them to their various occupations. It was rumored that at eight o'clock the next day, the invalid would be carried off by- force. To be able to give an exact account of the affair, if it really happened, I went half after seven o'clock to Sister Emmerich's.

午夜时分,博尔赫斯医生、兰德拉斯·布森宁豪森和布西医生出现了。 他们在通往艾曼丽修女住所的门口敲了一会儿,没有人回答,便绕到厨房,让林堡先生带他们看楼下的前室。但他们这样做只是为了避免怀疑。他们声称这符合他们的目的,然后就离开了,留下屋主和聚集的人群,人们以为他们会在那里进行调查。然而,直到天亮,人们才各自散去。有传言说,第二天八点,病人就会被强行带走。如果真的发生了这样的事情,为了能够准确地描述事情的经过,我就在七点半到艾曼丽修女家去。

After the usual salutations, I inquired upon what she had resolved. She answered : ‘I am extremely embarrassed. The Landrath has appealed to the Dean to use his influence to gain my consent to being removed and to submit to a new investigation. He came to see me for that purpose (1). I know not what I shall do !' I remarked that something must be resolved upon, when she cried : ‘No ! never will I consent to it ! I persist in my refusal!’ and she implored me to stay and get the police to protect her. Just at this moment the Landrath entered and renewed his entreaties. I interfered and reminded him of the protest of the preceding evening, but all to no purpose.

在例行的问候之后,我询问艾曼丽做出了什么决定。她回答说:「这让我非常尴尬。因兰德拉斯已经请求伦辛总铎利用他的影响力来获得我的同意,将我转移并接受新的调查。伦辛总铎就是为了这个目的来见我的(1)。 我不知道该怎么办!」我说你必须下定决心,艾曼丽却哭着说:「不!我决不同意!我坚决拒绝!」,她恳求我留下来,让警察来保护她。就在这个时候,兰德拉斯进走了进来,他再次恳求我,要求转移艾曼丽。我打断了他的话,并提醒他在前一天晚上的抗议,但都无济于事。

He raised her by the shoulders himself, wrapped the bedclothes around her, and a nurse, whom he had brought with him, took her by the feet ; thus they carried her down stairs, laid her upon a litter there in readiness, and four of the police bore her away to the house of the Councillor Mersmann, escorted by the Prefect and his men. There was no disturbance, the lookers-on expressing their sympathy only by sobs and tears. I noticed, to my satisfaction, that at the moment they wrapped her in the bed-coverings she fell into the cataleptic state and was, consequently, unconscious of what was being done to her (2)."


(1) Dean Reusing told her that the Landrath had complained bitterly that he would lose his position if she did not yield to their demands.— (Pilgrim's Notes)-

(2) In Sept., 1859, the author visited the abode of Sister Emmerich at Dulmen, and found the marks of the government seals still visible on the doors of the house. Father Limberg's brother, the owner, was living. He told him that, when the poor Sister was carried off, the cows in the adjoining stable bellowed piteouslv.


(2) 1859 年 9 月,作者访问了位于杜尔门的艾曼丽修女的住所,发现房屋门上仍可见政府封印的痕迹。林堡神父的兄弟,也就是屋主,还活着。他告诉作者,当可怜的修女被抬走时,隔壁马厩里的奶牛发出凄厉的吼叫声。

We shall now subjoin Sister Emmerich's own account: — " The afternoon preceding my removal, being fully awake, I saw in vision all that was to take place the following day. The pain it caused deprived me of speech. Dean Rensing wanted me to submit freely, and the Landrath told me that he would lose his position if I did not ; but I still refused. When he seized me by the shoulders, my spirit was caught up out of this miserable world into a vision of my youth which I had often had before my entrance into the cloister, and I remained perfectly absorbed until the next day. When I awoke and found myself in a strange house, I thought it all a dream. The whole time of my captivity, I was in a state of mental transport unaccountable to myself. I was frequently pray, and again full of pity for the blind investigators for whom I prayed, I offered all that I endured for the poor souls in purgatory, begging them to pray for my persecutors.


I often went down into purgatory and I saw that my sufferings were like those of the holy souls. The more violent my persecutors were, the calmer and even the more contented was I, which infuriated the Landrath. God kept me from making any outward demonstration, my graces were silent ones. Without the blessing of a priest or anything holy, I received from God a strength hitherto unknown, as well as every word that I had to say. I had nothing prepared. When my persecutors attacked me on one side, questioning and abusing, I saw on the other a radiant form pouring outstrength and grace upon me. He dictated every word that I should say, short, precise, and mild, and I was full of pity. But if I spoke any words of my own, I perceived a great difference; it was another voice, rough, hard, and shrill."


On the Feast of St. Lawrence, I saw his martyrdom. I saw also the Assumption of Mary, and on St. Anne's day, my mother's patroness (1), I was taken up to her in her blessed abode. I wanted to stay with her, but she consoled me, saying : ‘Although many evils are before thee, yet terrible ones have been averted from thee by prayer.' Then she pointed out many places in which they prayed for me. ‘The heaviest trials thou hast well sustained, but thou hast still much to suffer and accomplish.’


 (1) The Feast of St. Anne falls on August 16th In the Calendar of Munster.

(1) 圣亚纳庆节是在明斯特日历中的 8 月 16 日。

" On the Feast of my Holy Founder, I had a clear view of the position I should have been in, if my enemies' desires had been fulfilled. Some of them were fully confident that, in my person, they had all Catholics in their power, and were about to disgrace them. I saw some ecclesiastics even animated by very evil dispositions. I saw myself in a deep, dark hole, and I thought I was never more to come out ; but, day by day, I rose higher and higher and the light increased. My persecutors, on the contrary, were buried deeper and deeper in darkness; they grew uncertain as to how they should act, struck against one another, and finally, sank to the bottom. St. Augustine, whom I invoked, stood by my bed on his feast-day, and confounded my cruel tormentors. St. John also came to me on his feast and announced my speedy deliverance.


 “When my persecutors came, I always saw the wicked enemy standing by. He looked like an assemblage of all the bad spirits : some laughing, weeping, cursing, playing the hypocrite ; some lying, intriguing, making mischief. It was the demon of secret societies.



 In this vision my guide led me by the hand like a child. He lifted me out of the window of my father's cottage, led me over the meadow, across the marsh, and through the grove. We went on a long, perilous journey over desert countries, till we reached a steep mountain up which he had to draw me after him. It was strange to think myself a child, although so old ! When we gained the summit, he said : ' See, if you had not been a child, I should never have been able to get you up here. Now, look back and see what dangers you have escaped, thanks to the providence of God!’



— I did so and I saw the road behind us full of pictures of different kinds. They represented the various snares of sin, and I comprehended how wonderfully I had been preserved by the watchfulness of my angel. What on the way had appeared to me simply as difficulties, I now saw under human forms as temptations to sin. I saw all kinds of troubles which, thanks to the goodness of God ! I had escaped. I saw people blindfolded. This signified interior blindness. They walked safely on the edge of the abyss for a time, but at last they fell in. I saw many whose safety I had procured. The sight of these dangers filled me with alarm, and I knew not how I had escaped.



" When my angel had pointed all this out to me, he went on a few steps ahead, and I at once became so weak and feeble that I began to stagger like a child not yet able to walk alone, to cry and lament like a little infant. Then my guide came back and gave me his hand with the words : ‘See, how weak thou art when I do not lead thee ! See what need thou hast of a guide in order to pass over such dangers ! '


 “Then we went to the opposite side of the mountain and descended, crossing a beautiful meadow full of red, white, and yellow flowers, so thickly crowded that I was in dread of crushing them. There were, too, some rows of apple trees in blossom and different other trees. Leaving the meadow, we came to a dark road with high hedges on either side. It was muddy and rough ; but I passed over gaily, holding my guide's hand. I did not even touch the muddy path, I only skimmed above it. Then we came to another mountain pleasant to look upon, tolerably high, and covered with shining pebbles. From the top I cast a glance back upon the perilous road, and my guide said that the last road, so pleasant with its flowers and fruits, was typical of spiritual consolations and the manifold action of grace in the soul of man after resisting temptation.



My fear of walking on the flowers signified scruple and false conscience. A childlike spirit abandoned to God, walks over all the flowers in the world, without thinking whether it bruises them or not : and, indeed, it does them no harm. I said to him that we must have been a whole year on the journey, it seemed to me so long. But he replied: ‘To make the journey thou seest, ten years would be needed !’ —


 “Then I turned to the other side to look at the road that lay before me. It was very short. At the end of it, only a little distance from where I stood, I saw the Heavenly Jerusalem. The gloomy, perilous road of life lay behind me, and before me only a little way off was the magnificent city of God shining in the blue heavens. The plain I still had to cross was narrow and beyond it was a road from which, right and left, branched by-paths in different directions, but which finally returned to the main road. By following them the journey would be considerably lengthened. They did not seem so very dangerous, though one might easily stumble on them. I gazed with joy into the Heavenly Jerusalem, which appeared much larger and nearer than it had ever done before.



Then my guide took me to a path that led down the mountain, and I felt that danger threatened. I saw the Pilgrim in the distance. He seemed to be carrying something away, and I was eager to go to him. But my guide took me into a little cottage where the two religious, whom I know, prepared a bed and put me into it. I was again a little nun and I slept peaceably in uninterrupted contemplation of the Heavenly Jerusalem until I awoke. On the journey, I gave my hand at several different times to people whom I met, and made them travel part of the way with me.


" The Heavenly Jerusalem I saw like a glittering, transparent, golden city in the blue sky, supported by no earthly foundations, with walls and gates through which I could see far, far beyond. The view was rather the instantaneous perception of a whole than of a succession of parts such as I have here been obliged to present. It had numerous streets, palaces, and squares, all peopled by human apparitions of different races, ranks, and hierarchies. I distinguished whole classes and bodies bound together by ties of mutual dependence. The more I gazed, the more glorious and magnificent did it become.


The figures I saw were all colorless and shining, but they were distinguished from one another by the form of their raiment and by various other signs, sceptres, crowns, garlands, croziers, crosses, instruments of martyrdom, etc. In the centre arose a tree, upon whose branches, as if on seats, appeared figures still more resplendent. This tree extended its branches like the fibres of a leaf, swelling out as it rose. The upper figures were more magnificent than those below ; they were in an attitude of adoration. Highest of all were holy old men. Crowning the summit was a globe representing the world surmounted by a cross. The Mother of God was there, more splendid than usual, It is all inexpressible ! During this vision I slept in the little cottage, until I again awoke in time,"




上一篇:039.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第35章 朝圣者再次回来 —— 谣传新的调查
下一篇:041.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第37章 副主教采取的措施


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