真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
005.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第二章 亚纳加大利纳的洗礼和婴儿时期
005.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第二章 亚纳加大利纳的洗礼和婴儿时期
浏览次数:2906 更新时间:2024-2-29



Anne Catherine's Baptism and Infancy.


Bernard Emmerich's little girl could like St. Hildegarde say : "From the dawn of existence when God awoke me in my mother's womb, breathing into me the breath of life, He infused into my soul the gift of contemplation. Before my frame with its nerves and fibres was knit together, my soul enjoyed uninterrupted visions "


 for she, too, had been endowed with gifts so sublime that from her very infancy she had the use of her intellectual faculties.


A few hours after her birth she was taken to Coesfeld to receive holy Baptism in the Church of St. James, and the various impressions made upon her by the persons and objects met on the way never faded from her mind.


Besides the gift of sanctifying grace and the theological virtues, the light of prophecy was so abundantly infused into her soul by Baptism as to find a precedent in the Church's calendar only in a very small number of privileged souls.


(注:圣化圣宠:sanctifying grace,宠爱,又称:habitual grace:常存圣宠:是恒常的向善倾向,使人依照天主的召唤而生活和行动;是天主赐给没有大罪的善人之超性生命,得以分享天主的生命,成为天主的义子义女,蒙天主锺爱。)

Toward the close of her life she alluded to it in the following words :


 "I was born on the 8th of September and to-day (Sept. 8, 1821) being the anniversary of my birth, I had a vision of the same, as also of my Baptism.


It produced upon me a most singular sensation.


I felt myself a new-born babe in the arms of my god-mother going to Coesfeld to be baptized, and I was covered with confusion at beholding myself so small, so weak, and at the same time so old !


All the impressions I had experienced as an infant I now again felt, yet mingled with something of the intelligence of my present age. I felt shy and embarrassed.


The three old women present, so also the nurse, were displeasing to me.


My mother inspired very different sentiments, and I willingly took her breast.


I was fully conscious of all that passed around me. I saw the old farm-house in which we dwelt with all its appurtenances, and some years later I could recognize the changes that had been made in it.


I saw how the various ceremonies of Baptism -enriched my soul with the graces which they symbolized, and my eyes and heart were miraculously enlightened and touched.


The Mother of God was present with the little Infant Jesus, to whom I was espoused with a ring. I saw also my angel guardian, and my holy patronesses Sts. Anne and Catherine.


"All that is holy, all that is blessed, all that appertains to the Church, was as perfectly intelligible to me then as now, and I saw marvellous things of the Church's essence.


I felt the presence of God in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I saw the relics shining with light, and I recognized the saints who hovered above them.


I saw all my ancestors back to the first one that had received Baptism ; and, in a series of symbolic pictures, I beheld the dangers that menaced me through life.


The whole time I had most singular impressions of my god-parents, my relatives present, and above all of those three old women who were always a little repulsive to me.


I saw how my ancestors had branched off into different countries. The first one baptized lived in the seventh or eighth century.


He built a church. Several others became religious, and there were two who received the stigmata, but lived and died unknown to the world.


Among them was a certain hermit, who had once held a high position and had had several sons. He retired into solitude and lived the life of a saint.


On our way home through the cemetery, I had a lively perception of the state of the souls whose bodies lay there, and I was filled with veneration for some which shone with great brilliancy."


As other children experience heat and cold, pain, hunger, and thirst, so did this blessed little child perceive the relations and influences of the superior order into which holy Baptism had admitted her ; that is, the Church, the Communion of Saints, the mystical Body of Jesus. All was realized by her in the most perfect manner and, leaning from the nurse's arras, she dipped her tiny hands into the holy-water font to appropriate to herself its beneficial effects.



Her dignity as child of the Church was as palpable to her as the existence of her own members and, before she could articulate, she understood the signification of feasts and of the pious customs and practices that regulated the life of her good parents, all which she observed as far as the weakness of infancy would permit.


Her understanding was developed, her mysterious life regulated by her angel, who taught her to serve the triune God by the practice of the infused virtues, faith, hope, and charity.


The first movements of her soul were directed toward its Creator, who took entire possession of her heart before any created good could claim it.


In the splendor of baptismal innocence she belonged to that Spouse who had chosen her heart to be conformed to His own in purity, charity, and suffering.


The Holy Spirit animated all the powers of her soul and directed its rapturous elevations on high. In her second year when able to pronounce a few words, she began the practice of vocal prayer with all the fervor of one long used to the exercise.


Her pious father eagerly awaited the moment in which his little girl would utter her first words and, thanks to his watchfulness, they were those of the petitions of the Lord's prayer. Even in the last years of her life she gratefully recalled this fact.


"My father,"she said, " took great pains with me teaching me how to say my prayers and make the sign of the Cross.


He used to put me on his knee, close ray hand, and teach me first the small sign of the Cross, then opening it he would guide me in making the large sign. When I was too young to say more than half the Our Father, I used to repeat the little I knew over and over, until I thought I had said the equivalent of the whole prayer."


To this interior light belongs the angelic virtue, holy purity, which was bestowed upon little Anne Catherine at Baptism and whose effects were shown forth even at her mother's breast.


Never was she heard to cry, never was she seen in a fretful humor, but like Maria Bagnesi of Florence, or Colomba di Rieti, she was ever gentle and amiable.


St. Catherine of Sienna's friends used to vie with one another for the possession of her when an infant, for the sight of her charmed all hearts ; and Maria Bagnesi was so attractive a child that, when she was taken to see her sisters in the convent, the religious could not bear to let her leave. It was the same with the poor little peasant-girl of Flamske ; she was the joy of all around her.


Her parents found their delight and consolation in their affectionate little girl, who soon became the darling of the simple-hearted peasants among whom her lot was cast.


The lustre of purity which beamed in her whole person lent an irresistible charm to every glance, to every motion, to every word of the timid child.


As she advanced in age it clothed her with a sacred character which, unknown to herself, exercised a sanctifying influence upon all that came in contact with her.


When later she entered upon the most painful portion of her task of expiatory suffering, this purity of soul shone exteriorly in proportion as her pains increased; and the nearer she drew to the end of her mission, the more sensible became the mysterious power that emanated from her.


When her stigmata were subjected to investigation, the ecclesiastics and physicians engaged in it rendered this same testimony ; and the strongest impression received by Count Frederic Leopold von Stolberg on his first visit to her, was that of her angelic innocence.


One result of this purity was that Anne Catherine preserved till death the naive simplicity of an humble, innocent child knowing nothing of herself or of the world, because her life was wholly absorbed in God.


This simplicity was so pleasing to Him that it is shown us as the end of the wonderful operations of grace wrought in her soul.


Her Divine Spouse ever treated her as a child and, in His wisdom, so ordered it that in the full light of supernatural knowledge flooding her soul she was always the docile pupil.


With the heroism that sighed continually after fresh struggles, she evinced the most attractive timidity ; in a word, her grand and arduous mission in life found her in its accomplishment as at its commencement  a shrinking, artless child. With eyes still suffused in tears she would in an instant regain the joyousness of that age which knows not sorrow because it knows not sin, as soon as a ray of consolation mitigated the torments which like furious waves were unchained against her.


These sunbeams were often pictures of her own infancy presented to her soul by the God of all goodness. Then she became once more a little child, a little peasant-girl in her father's house, light hearted and loving. She drew from the sight fresh energy and fortitude to push on in the way of the Cross, at every step more steep and rugged.


Although the gift of purity had been bestowed upon Anne Catherine in Baptism, yet she had to purchase its possession by mortification and penance ; and, as its preservation and increase demanded an unrelenting struggle against self, the practice of patient suffering was the exercise she was destined to undertake even in the first year of her life.


" I remember," she said, " a heavy fall that I got in my first year. My mother had gone to Coesfeld to Church; but feeling that something had happened to me, she returned in great haste and anxiety. One of my limbs had to be stretched and bandaged so tightly that it became quite shrunken. I was unable to walk for a long time. It was not till my third year that I was cured."


The remembrance of this accident, as well as some of the consequences of it, Anne Catherine preserved all her life, which proves how perfect must have been her mental development at the time it happened. Guided as she was by her angel-guardian, we may presume that it was with her as with Maria Bagnesi whom she closely resembled in many particulars.


Maria, too, whilst yet a tender infant, began her task of suffering by enduring the cravings of hunger. Entrusted to an unprincipled nurse, who gave her neither milk nor other nourishment, the poor child was often seen picking up with her tiny fingers the scanty crumbs that fell to the floor. She then laid the foundation for that life of wonderful mortification and suffering which rendered her, like our own little child, a source of benediction for innumerable souls.


As soon as she was able to refuse a gratification, impose a penance, or gain a'victory over self, Anne Catherine began so to exercise herself as far as her age permitted, following in this the never-failing direction of her angel with astonishing prudence and constancy. She had hung up in a corner a picture of the Blessed Virgin and the Infant Jesus, and put before it a block of wood for an altar.


On this she laid the trifles given her from time to time, those little nothings that make children so happy. She firmly believed that these small sacrifices were highly pleasing to the Holy Infant, and she joyfully renounced in His favor every gift she received.


She did it so simply and quietly that seeing nothing to remark in these apparently childlike actions, no one ever interfered in her little arrangements.


As her offerings frequently disappeared, she had the happy assurance that the Infant Jesus had, indeed, taken them for Himself.


The more her sacrifice had cost her, the greater was her joy on such occasions ; for with all her wonderful gifts of grace, she was still a child capable, like others of her age, of being tempted with fruit, cakes, etc.


Flowers, pictures, ribands, wreaths, rings, toys, and such things of value in the eyes of a child, all had to be immolated to the holy rapture of her heart.


By such practices of mortification her purity of soul so increased that, in her third year, she offered to God this fervent prayer : "Ah! dear Lord, let me die now, for when children grow up, they offend Thee by great sins ! "


And did she step out of her father's cottage, she earnestly exclaimed :


" Rather let me fall dead on this threshold than live to offend my God ! "


When she grew older and began to associate with children of her own age, she gave them, for the love of God, all that of which she could dispose ; and, if she showed a preference, it was for the poorest.


A child herself of needy parents, she was bountiful in her gifts. She had not completed her fourth year when she was accustomed to deny herself at her meals, taking the worst of everything and eating so sparingly that her family wondered how she lived.


" I give this to Thee, God,"she said in her heart, "that Thou mayst divide it among those poor souls that have the most need of it."


The poor, the suffering, had so strong a hold on her affections that her first sorrows in life sprang from her great compassion for them.


If she heard of any misfortune, she was so overcome that she sank down like one about to faint. Her parents' anxious questions as to the cause of her strange emotion recalled her to herself; but the desire to relieve her neighbor became so ardent that she offered herself to God, earnestly begging Him to lay upon her the miseries of others.


If a beggar passed, she ran after him, calling out: "Wait, wait, I will run home and get you a piece of bread." And her good mother never refused her an alms for the poor. She even gave away her own clothing. Once she pleaded so earnestly that she obtained permission to bestow her only remaining undergarment on a poor child.

如果有乞丐经过,她就追赶他,一边喊道:「等等,等等,我回家给你拿块面包。」她的好母亲从不拒绝她对穷人的施舍。 她甚至给出自己的衣服。有一次,她恳切请求获准将自己仅存的内衣送给一个可怜的孩子。

She could not see a child crying or sick without begging to suffer in its stead, and her petition was always heard ; she endured the pain, and beheld the little sufferer relieved.


Her prayer on such occasions ran thus: "If a poor beggar asks not, he receives not. And Thou, O my good God, Thou dost not help him who prays not and yet is unwilling to suffer ! See, I cry to Thee for those that do it not for themselves ! "


If she knew of a child that committed faults, she prayed for it ; and to insure being heard, she imposed some punishment on herself. Years after, when asked to say how it was that at so tender an age she had thought of such things, she answered :


"I cannot say who taught me. Pity prompted it. I have always felt that we are but one single body in Jesus Christ, and my neighbor's pain is as sensible to me as if it were in one of my own fingers.


I have always asked for the sufferings of others. I knew that God never sends affliction without a design ; there must be some debt to be paid off by it. And if these afflictions weigh so heavily upon us at times, it is because, as I reasoned with myself, no one is willing to help the poor sufferer to pay off his debt. Then I begged to be allowed to do so. I used to ask the Infant Jesus to help me, and I soon got what I wanted."


"I remember," she said on another occasion, " my mother had erysipelas in her face. She was lying in bed, her face all swollen. "


I was alone with her and greatly distressed at seeing her in such a state. I threw myself on my knees in a corner and prayed with all my heart. Then I bound a piece of linen round her head and prayed again.


Soon I felt an intense toothache and my face began to swell. When my father and brothers came home, they found my mother entirely relieved, and I also soon got well."


"Some years later I again endured intolerable pains. My parents were both very ill. I knelt down by their bed near the loom and invoked Almighty God ; then I saw my hands joined over them and still praying, I was impelled to lay them upon them that they might be cured."


If she heard sin mentioned or saw it committed, she burst into tears. When questioned by her parents, she could give no satisfactory reason for her grief; consequently, she was often rebuked for her unaccountable behaviour.


This did not, however, cool the ardor of her loving heart ; she still continued to pray and do penance for her dear neighbor.


One day, in her fourth year, she stood by the crib of a sick child, its mother by her side. The father, in a fit of drunken rage, hurled at his wife an axe which would have cleft the child's skull, had not Anne Catherine skilfully intercepted the blow, the axe grazing her own head as it shot by the crib. The child was saved, and the terrible consequences of the furious act prevented.


On another occasion, Anne Catherine saw some children violating modesty in their sports. She was stung to the quick, and threw herself among the nettles, begging God to accept that act in expiation.


She deeply compassionated the Jews.


" When I was a little girl," she said, my father often took me with him to Coesfeld to make his purchases at the store of a Jew.


The poor man always filled me with compassion. The thought of this hardened race, so obstinate in rejecting salvation, often brought the tears to my eyes. Ah ! how much they are to be pitied ! They have no idea of the holy Jews of olden times such as I see.


The Jews of the present day are the descendants of the Pharisees. Their misery and blindness have always grieved me ; yet, I have often noticed that one can speak very well to them of God. Poor, poor Jews !


They once had among them the living germ of salvation, but they did not recognize the fruit ; they rejected it, and now they do not even seek it."


But the most astonishing of all Anne Catherine's mortifications was the practice of nocturnal prayer, begun in childhood and never after omitted.


She commenced from her fourth year to curtail her hours of sleep in order to devote them to prayer. When the family was buried in slumber, she arose from her little bed and prayed with her angel two or three consecutive hours, sometimes even till morning.


She loved to pray in the open air. When the weather permitted, she used to slip out to a little hill in front of the house. There she felt nearer to God, and there she knelt in prayer, her arms extended, her eyes turned toward the church at Coesfeld.


We cannot suppose the child would have undertaken such a practice save through an inspiration of her angel guardian and in accordance with the designs of Almighty God who, desiring to be glorified by the prayer of so pure a creature, imparted to her the strength necessary.


We must not, however, imagine that by reason of the special helps of grace bestowed upon her the practice was easy and, as it were, self-sustaining. Not at all ! It was quite the contrary.


It is a peculiar characteristic of such souls that they are forced to acquire little by little the perfection to which they are called, by a faithful co-operation with grace and a perpetual struggle against the weakness of nature.


By virtue of this law, Almighty God permitted the latter daily to assert its rights over Anne Catherine ; her delicate frame imperiously exacted the repose indispensable to growth and strength.


But the heroic little girl promptly obeyed the angel's call to prayer in spite of the involuntary shrinking of nature, in spite even of the hot tears that flowed from her eyes.


She even had the courage to devise means for facilitating her rising at any hour of the night. She found none more efficient than the sharp chips and hard cords strewn on her bed purposely to render her rest uneasy, besides which she bound her waist with knotted cinctures woven by herself.


It was from an increase of voluntary suffering she drew that strength which nature was not allowed to supply. God recompensed her generous efforts.


She gradually arrived at a state in which she was able to deny rest to her weary body and, up to the last moment of her life, she served her Lord, by day and by night, without repose or intermission.


Many will, perhaps, be more surprised at the fact of a child's being able to prolong her prayer two or three consecutive hours, at the tender age of four, than even at her power to deprive herself of sleep.


They will ask, "What, then, was the subject of this protracted prayer?" The subject was as varied as were the objects for which God willed the child's petitions to be offered. She was shown in a vision every day the task to be accomplished by prayer.


In a series of tableaux she beheld the corporal and spiritual miseries which she was to avert. She saw the sick inpatient, captives dejected, the dying unprepared ; she saw travellers wandering or shipwrecked ; she saw her fellow-creatures in distress and despair, trembling on the brink of the abyss ; and, moreover, she saw that Almighty God in His mercy was ready to give them at her request help, consolation, salvation.


She understood that, if she neglected penance and supplication, these souls in so great need would perish for want of assistance.


Her angel sustained her in her prayer, and her burning love for her neighbor made her so confident, so eloquent, so persevering in her petitions that the hours seemed rather short than long.


At the breaking out of the French Revolution, her visions became especially varied and frightful. She was carried in spirit to the prison of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, and told to beg strength and consolation for her.


The impression she retained of this visit was so strong that she related to her family the queen's distress, and begged them all to pray for the unfortunate lady. But her friends, as might be supposed, could not understand her.


They thought her dreaming, and told her quite plainly that a person who could be in two different places at one and the same time or who could see all that is going on at a distance, could be none other than a witch.


Anne Catherine was so appalled at this information that she ran to confession to regain her peace of mind. She assisted, also, at many executions  helped and consoled the poor victims by her prayers.


She was present in this way at the execution of the unfortunate monarch, Louis XVI.


"When I beheld the king and many other noble victims meeting death so calmly, so resignedly, I said to myself: Ah ! it is well for them to be taken from the midst of such abominations.


But when I mentioned what I had seen to my parents,' they thought I had lost my senses. I often knelt and with tears begged God to save such or such a person.


I then saw that dangers, either impending or still remote, may be averted by the prayer of faith. "


Some years later, when Anne Catherine was called upon to render to Dean Overberg, her director, an account of the prayer of her childhood, she said : 


"I always prayed less for myself than for others, that they might not sin, might not be lost.


There was nothing I did not ask of God, and the more I obtained, the more I asked.


I never had enough. I said confidently to myself : All things belong to God, and nothing pleases Him so much as to see me begging Him for something with my whole heart."


Dean Overberg tells us what purity of heart this wonderful little child attained by such practices. He says :


"From her sixth year Anne Catherine knew no other joys than those she found in God, no other sorrows than those that pierced her heart at the thought of His being outraged by men.


When she began to practise mortification of the senses, the love of God was enkindled in her heart with such intensity that she often cried out in the midst of her prayer : 'Were there no heaven, no purgatory, no hell, I would still love Thee, O my God, with my whole heart and soul'"


The poor sufferers in purgatory shared largely in her spiritual alms, and they often appeared to her, claiming her pity.


Even in winter she arose at night and went out in the snow to pray with extended arms for their relief, until frozen stiff with cold. Sometimes she knelt on a triangular block of wood whose sharp edge cut deep into her knees ; or, again, she forced her way through stinging nettles to discipline her innocent flesh, that penance might lend efficacy to her prayer.


In return for her charity, she often had the consolation of receiving the thanks of the souls that she had delivered.


"When I was a little child," she says, "I was taken by a person unknown to me to a place which appeared to be purgatory.


I saw crowds of souls in excruciating torments who earnestly begged for prayers.


I thought I was in a deep abyss. I saw a great, broad space, frightful, pitiable to behold.


In it were the poor souls, silent and afflicted, yet not without joy and hope in the mercy of God.


I saw no fire, but I felt that the souls were racked by the most intense interior sufferings."


"Whilst praying for them, I often heard voices around me, saying : 'Thank you ! thank you!'Once, on my way from church, I lost a little bag that my mother had given me.


I was very much concerned at my carelessne

ss, and I forgot that evening to offer my accustomed suffrages for the dear souls.


I had to go to the shed for wood, and as I went along a white figure covered with black spots, appeared before me, saying : 'Thou art forgetting me!'


I was very much frightened, and began right off to say some prayers. The next day I prayed hard and found my bag in the snow.


" When I grew older, I used to go very early in the morning to hear Mass at Coesfeld.


I always chose a lonely road, that I might pray without distraction for the suffering souls. When it was still dark, I used to see them floating before me two by two, like fiery sparks in a dull flame. The way was lit up before me and I rejoiced in their presence, for I both knew and loved them. They often came at night to beg help in their pains."



上一篇:004.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第一章 本世纪初威斯特伐利亚的风俗习惯
下一篇:006.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第三章 小安纳•加大利纳在神视异象的引导下前行


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