真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
006.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第三章 小安纳•加大利纳在神视异象的引导下前行
006.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第三章 小安纳•加大利纳在神视异象的引导下前行
浏览次数:2907 更新时间:2024-3-1


Anne Catherine is Led by the Way of Visions.




When little Anne Catherine began to talk, the wonders revealed by infused light to her soul were soon made known to all around.


Her father's favorite recreation, as he sat by the fire after his day's toil, was to take his little daughter on his knee and listen to the marvellous things she would relate at his bidding.


"Anna Kathrinchen," he would say, " now here we are ! now tell me something ! "


Then she would describe to him the pictures shown her from the Old Testament, until the good man would exclaim, with tears in his eyes : "But, child, where did you get all that ?"


And the little one would answer earnestly : "Father, it is all true ! That is the way I saw it !" Whereupon the astonished father would become silent and forbear to question further.


No special time was chosen for the unveiling of these pictures before the eyes of her soul — all hours of the day, all occupations were the same.


Anne Catherine thought that every one had visions, as well as herself; consequently, she used to speak of them quite freely.


But when her little playmates contradicted or ridiculed her on the subject, she became pensive and silent. Once it happened that a hermit, who wanted to impress his hearers with the belief that he had been in Rome and Jerusalem, spoke of the Holy Places, but in a manner altogether incorrect.


Anne Catherine, who had been silently listening by the side of her parents, could not long restrain her indignation. She boldly taxed the man with falsehood, describing the Holy Places herself as if perfectly familiar with them, until her parents checked her vivacity and she became silent.


Anne Catherine went to the village school taught by an old peasant. One day she described the Resurrection of our Lord as she had seen it in vision, for which she received a severe reprimand and an injunction never again to indulge such imaginations.


This treatment sealed the lips of the frightened child, who ever after refrained from communicating what passed in her interior.


Her visions, however, were not discontinued. The truths and mysteries of holy faith, linked together in grand historic pictures, passed in still greater numbers before the eyes of her soul; wherever she chanced to be, they formed the subject of her contemplation.


The Twelve Articles of the Apostles' Creed were presented to her during the course of the ecclesiastical year.


She contemplated the creation of heaven, the fall of the angels, the creation of the earth and Paradise; she beheld Adam and Eve and their fall. In successive visions, she followed, through ages and generations, the development of the holy mysteries of the Incarnation and the Redemption.


The scenes of Sacred History and the personages of the Old Testament were better known to her than those of her own life and those saints who, by their relationship to the Sacred Humanity of Jesus Christ, appear more closely connected with the faithful, were shown her in vision as communicating directly with her.


Among them were the holy families of Joachim and Anne, of Zachary and Elizabeth, with whom she kept up the most familiar and affectionate intercourse. With them she celebrated the feasts of the time of Promise, made pilgrimages to Jerusalem and other holy places, sighed for the Saviour's coming, hailed His advent, and adored Him at His birth.


The Temple of Jerusalem , the splendor and magnificence of the worship there offered to the Most High, the Ark of the Covenant and all it contained, the mysteries of the Holy of Holies, understood by so few, the chanting of psalms, the numerous ceremonies and observances of the Old Law, all were perfectly familiar to her even in their slightest details.


She understood, likewise, the pious customs and traditions of the faithful Israelites in the fulfilment of the law and the government of their family.


These contemplations were not for her a vain show she actually lived among the scenes and associated with the actors of a thousand years ago.


In this she resembled St. Catherine of Sienna, who also had been prepared by visions for the important part she was to play in the history of the Church.


Her abstraction of soul from the things of this life, her recollection in God were so great that even when surrounded by the tumult of the world, in the midst of Popes and princes, she was as inaccessible to every distraction as if in the sanctuary of her own cell.


She had acquired this power in the school of the penitents of the Thebaid whom she contemplated for many years in so real a way that with them she wove baskets and mats, chanted psalms, fasted, performed penances, observed silence in one word, practised with them those mortifications which elevated her to perfect union with God.


St. Paul, St. Antony, St. Pacoraius, St. Hilarion, were her models and teachers. She communicated as intimately with them as Anne Catherine with St. Joachim, St. Anne, and their holy predecessors.


Although Anne Catherine celebrated in spirit the feasts of the Old Law as if really contemporary with them, yet she was, at the same time, a child of our holy Catholic faith since in these prophetic figures and mysteries, she contemplated their fulfilment, seeing in them both their actual celebration and the historical events that gave rise to them.


Her marvellous intuition embraced the whole plan of Redemption. These were the visions of her early years ; they were succeeded by others, no less comprehensive, on the life of our Holy Redeemer.


This order was in conformity with the task imposed upon her. She was called to suffer for the faith at a time in which men, in their insensate malice, questioned even the possibility of divine revelation, denied the mystery of the Incarnation and Redemption, and blasphemed the prophets, the Apostles, and the saints with diabolical rage a time in which the enemies of God daily gained fresh recruits even from the ranks of the priesthood.


At this terrible epoch it was that God gave to Anne Catherine full and clear knowledge of the truths of religion.


He called upon her to bear witness to the accomplishment of His eternal decrees, and the purity and ardent love of her heart indemnified Him in some degree for the outrages offered to His mercy.


Our Saviour Himself deigned to be her guide through the immense circle of visions granted her, and He communicated to her the light to understand His hidden mysteries. 


With Him she visited the places sanctified by His presence, and learned from His own lips the mysteries there enacted for the salvation of fallen humanity.


His never-failing assistance gave her the strength to support the infinite variety of her visions, and to maintain her interior and contemplative life in harmony with the exterior.


For whole days she was lost in contemplation, her soul perfectly abstracted from the things of sense but, in spite of this, the duties imposed upon her by her parents were as promptly and carefully fulfilled, as if she had no thought beyond.


It was proper that no exterior affair should disturb her contemplation therefore, God bestowed upon her wonderful aptitude for manual labor and domestic duties.


As soon as she opened a book, she could read its contents whatever work she undertook, either in the house or field, instantly succeeded it appeared as if her very touch imparted a blessing even to things inanimate.


Her friends were so accustomed to her taking part in the most painful labors and accomplishing them well, that they respected her interior recollection, and never intruded upon her by inquisitive questioning.


The embarrassing task of rendering an account of her visions had not yet been imposed upon Anne Catherine she had not yet been called upon to confine in the narrow compass of human language the spiritual riches lavished upon her.


She herself could gaze upon them only by the prophetic light shed upon her soul she saw them not under a form capable of being clothed in words.


Although pain and suffering were her constant companions, yet they could not ruffle the profound peace and recollection in which her days glided by.


In after years she often sighed for the silence and solitude of her childhood. She used to say :


"When I was a little girl, I was continually absorbed in God. I performed all my duties without interfering with this abstraction. I was always in contemplation.


Working with my parents in the fields, or engaged in any other labor, I was, as it were, lifted above the earth.


Exterior things were like a confused and painful dream, within all was heavenly light and truth."


Our Lord deigned to be her teacher not only in the regions of contemplation, but also in the practice of piety.


He played with her as a little child that He might lead her step by step to perfection, to the highest conformity with Himself.



Sometimes He appeared to her as a child of her own age, a cross on His shoulders.


He would stand and gaze at her in silence until she, in her turn, would snatch up a heavy log of wood and carry it after Him as far as she could, praying all the time or again, she beheld Him in tears at the treatment He endured from disobedient children, and at this sight, she would throw herself among the nettles to console Him by her own penance.


When she made the Way of the Cross, He used to lay His own cross upon her shoulders.


When she kept the cows in the fields, which she did when only five years old, He came to her under the appearance of a child looking for its little companions, eager to share their sports and labors.


He wished thereby to teach her by word and example to turn all her actions to God. He endued her with intelligence to act only for His glory, and taught her to sanctify even her little amusements.


In connection with this subject, she used to relate some very pleasing little incidents.


" When I was a child," she said, " the Little Boy used to come and work with me. At the age of six I did just what I now do.


I knew, though I cannot say how, that I was soon to have a baby brother, and I wanted to make my mother something for the child but I could not sew.


The Little Boy came to my aid and showed me how to make a little cap and other things necessary for infants.


My mother was astonished at my successful attempts, and she gladly made use of the articles."


"When I first began to mind the cows, the Little Boy used to meet me in the fields, and so arranged matters that my cows took good care of themselves.


Then we used to talk together about all kinds of holy things, that we wanted to serve God and love the Infant Jesus, and that God sees all things.


These encounters often took place, and nothing appeared impossible to me when I was with Him. We sewed, we made caps and stockings for poor children.


I could do whatever I wanted, and I had everything necessary for my work. Occasionally some of the nuns of the ' Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin ' joined us.


There was one thing that puzzled me : I always thought that I myself was managing everything, whereas it was, in reality, the Little Boy who was doing it all."

有一件事使我迷惑不解: 我一直以为都是我一个人在处理所有的事情,其实一切都是那个小男孩在做这一切。」

The blessing emanating from such intercourse was communicated by Anne Catherine to all with whom she came in contact ; but it was chiefly among children of her own age that she practised the teachings she had received.


She spoke to them so charmingly of the presence of God, of the Infant Jesus, and of their angel-guardian, that the little ones listened with delight.


When she went with them to gather stubble along the roads, she arranged them in procession, reminding them of their holy angels who also were present.


"We ought," she said, " to imitate the blessed in heaven.


We should do nothing bad ourselves and, when we can, we ought to keep others from doing it.


If, for instance, we come across traps or nets set by idle boys to catch hares or birds, we ought to remove them, that such petty thefts may be prevented.


We ought to begin, little by little, to lead a new life, a life of heaven upon earth."


If she played in the sand with other children, her skilful hands piled it up in imitation of the Holy Places of Jerusalem such as she had seen in her visions.


She afterward said in allusion to this : "If I had had some one to help me, I could have made models of most of the roads and places of the Holy Land.


They were always before my eyes no locality was better known to me.


When playing with my companions in the moist sand, I used to build up a Mt. Calvary, lay out a garden, and hollow out a sepulchre in it then I formed a brook with a bridge over it and houses on either side.


I can remember how I joined the square houses and cut with a chip strange looking openings for windows.


Once I was about to make figures to represent our Saviour, the Blessed Mother at the foot of the Cross, and the two thieves, but I gave up the idea as irreverent.


One day two children and myself were playing in the fields.


We wanted a cross for the little mud-chapel we had built, to say our prayers before it, but we knew not where to get one.


At last, I cried out: 'I know, I know ! Let us make a wooden one and then press it down into the soft clay until it leaves a deep mark.


I can get an old pewter lid we have at home. We'll melt it, pour it into the mark, and when it cools, we'll have a beautiful cross,' I ran to the house to get the lid and fire to melt it.


But just as we were ready to begin our work, my mother made her appearance and I was punished."


St. John the Baptist also shared Anne Catherine's innocent amusements, appearing to her as a child such as he was when he dwelt in the desert under the guardianship of the angels, irrational creatures his only companions.


When she went out with the cows, she used to call him : "Come, little John ! I want little John in his sheepskin,' and he came immediately to keep the child company.


His life in the desert was shown her in detailed visions, and he taught her to imitate that ineffable purity and simplicity which had rendered him so pleasing to God.


Whilst celebrating with him the marvels of his birth, she was conducted into his paternal home, and introduced to the wide circle of his relatives.


She knew them all well ; she felt more at home among them than even in her father's house.


To what an extent this mysterious intercourse with the characters of Sacred History was interwoven with the outward life of the child, we may glean from her own words.


When, shortly before her death, she related her visions on the life of Our Lord, she gave the following account of what passed within her respecting them :


" Every Advent since my childhood I have accompanied St. Joseph and the Blessed Virgin from Nazareth to Bethlehem.


The solicitude I felt for the holy Mother of God, and my share in all the difficulties of the journey, were as real for me as any other incident of my life.


I took a far greater interest in it all, I was more affected by it than I could possibly be by anything that might happen to myself for Mary was the Mother of my Lord and my God she bore in her womb my salvation.


The feasts of the Church were for me not only simple commemorations or subjects of attentive consideration my soul actually took part in them, as if the mysteries they celebrated were under my very eyes. I saw them, I felt them, as if present before me."


So lively an intuition could not lie dormant in her soul its influence marked her every action.


Filled with tender love for Mary, she did with childish eagerness all she would have done had she really lived with the Holy Family for instance, if she beheld Mary and Joseph journeying toward Bethlehem, she joined them in spirit if she went out to pray by night, she waited on the road for Mary, and she deprived herself of food that she might have something to offer the holy travellers wearied by their long journey.


She took her own short repose on the bare ground, that her little bed might be free for the Mother of God she ran out on the road to meet her, or waited for her in prayer under a tree, because she knew that Mary would rest beneath its shade.


On Christmas Eve she had so distinct a perception of the Blessed Virgin's arrival in the grotto of Bethlehem, that she lit a fire to warm her and to enable her to prepare some food.


All that she had to dispose of, she held in readiness to offer to the Divine Mother.


"Almighty God," she said one day, " must have been pleased with this good-will of a child, for, from my infancy to the present time, He has shown me every year during Advent all the circumstances of His coming, and always in the same way.


I am always seated in a little corner from which I can see everything. When a child I was free and unrestrained with Him but, when I became a religious, I was much more timid and reserved.


At my earnest request, the Blessed Virgin often laid the Infant Jesus in my arms."


These tender and intimate relations with God and His saints awoke in the child's heart a desire, or rather an insatiable thirst for purity and penance which suffering alone could allay.


The visions that nourished her soul wonderfully increased her exquisitely delicate perception of all that is pure and holy, and filled her with horror of sin and everything leading to it.


This instinct was an infallible guide on which she could rely as unerringly as upon her angel-guardian.


It increased in delicacy and power in proportion to her fidelity in following the impulse of the Holy Ghost, urging her to watch scrupulously over her senses and conscience by virtue of the abundant graces that enriched her soul. Before the world's corruption could sully her sight, her eyes had gazed in vision on the splendors of sanctifying grace and innocence as existing in paradise.


She knew the infinite value of the merits of the Redeemer, who deigned to restore fallen man to his pristine purity, even before he was conscious of the dangers menacing his soul.


Her love of purity was like a consuming fire it destroyed whatever could sully her soul before it had the power to touch her. Her director, Dean Overberg, renders the following testimony:


  " Anne Catherine never experienced a movement of sensuality, never had to accuse herself of even a thought against holy purity.


When questioned as to this perfect exemption from every temptation to the opposite vice, she answered in obedience that she had been shown in a vision that her nature would have inclined her thereto but that, owing to her early mortification, her efforts to repress her desires and to surmount all other vicious inclinations, she had rooted out these evil propensities even before they had made themselves felt.


This unerring instinct was manifested in her childhood in a singularly touching manner, as may be seen by the following communication made whilst relating her visions of paradise :


" I remember that when I was about four years old, my parents took me one day to church, where I was sure I would see God and meet people very different from any I knew, I thought they would be far more beautiful, indeed quite resplendent.


I looked all around the church as I entered, but saw nothing of what I had pictured to myself. ' The priest there at the altar,' I said to myself,'may, perhaps, be God, but where is the Blessed Virgin Mary?'


I expected, too, the whole heavenly court to be in attendancebut alas ! I was disappointed. After awhile I saw two pious-looking women, who wore beads and appeared more devout than their neighbors.


I thought, perhaps, they were those for whom I was looking but no, they were not.


I used to think that Mary wore a white robe, a sky-blue mantle, and a white veil.


I had had before this the vision of paradise, so I now looked through the church for Adam and Eve, hoping to see them as beautiful as they were before their fall but disappointed in this also, I said to myself : ' Wait till you have been to confession, then you will find them.'


But alas ! even then I found them not. I saw a pious noble family in the church, the daughters all in white. I felt that they came a little nearer to those whom I sought, and I conceived very great respect for them.


Still I was not satisfied. I felt that what I had once seen so beautiful had now become sullied and deformed.


I was so taken up by these thoughts that I forgot to eat. I often heard my parents say : i What is the matter with the child ?


What has happened to little Anne Catherine?' Sometimes, too, I would complain to Almighty God that He had done such or such a thing.


I could not understand how He, who is all powerful, could have allowed sin to enter the world ; and the endless duration of hell torments seemed to me incompatible with His attribute of mercy.


Then I was instructed in visions on the infinite goodness and justice of God, and I was soon convinced that, if things were according to my ideas, they would be very miserable."


After what we have thus far seen of little Anne Catherine, we may lawfully apply to her the words of Prof. Sebastian of Perouse, when speaking of Blessed Columba di Rieti :


"This child was born for a life elevated above the senses ; she was to be liquified in the fire of charity, to be inflamed with the love of God and the neighbor.


She was so well grounded in her holy vocation that she could not be disconcerted by the insinuations of the evil one, troubled by pride, nor attacked by the sting of the flesh."


And how, indeed, could Anne Catherine's soul receive such illumination, did it dwell in a body which was not as pure as a lily, in a body which knew no other law than that which subjected it wholly to God



上一篇:005.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第二章 亚纳加大利纳的洗礼和婴儿时期
下一篇:007.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示 第四章 早期的圣召培训和教育


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