“Ipromised Margaret Mary, in one of My revelations, that when devotion to MyDivine Heart would be spread throughout the land of France and beyond, thatwhen Christians, His children, do not pay respect (to it) any more, when thatcharity would be banished from the earth, My Heart would be outraged and thatevil would be done by almost all (men) here below,then I will descend to theEarth with My Love and My Justice.
I willseparate the sinners and My friends. To some, I give My Justice, to others, MyLove. That this secret is known,”said Jesus.
我要把罪人和我的朋友分别出来。对一些人,我给予我的公义;对另一些人,我给予我的慈爱。这奥秘是众所周知的。” 耶稣说。
“It is twohundred years since I promised my humble servant, at My feet, to save France byMy Divine Heart.
I told herthat this Divine Heart would be cruelly outraged by the realization of thispromise.
This secrethas not been fully realized, this was hidden: After two hundred years hadpassed, I said that France would triumph.
This partof my promise had been hidden, I (defended?) My maid to reveal it.
Since I didnot realize (i.e. bring to pass) that promise before two hundred years, it willbe accomplished soon.
If I hadseen the faith of My people grow stronger, I would have given this triumph muchsooner.
You willsee the beginning of the chastisements,but not only of France.(I.e., duringMarie-Julie's lifetime?)
The largerpart of the punishments will be directed to Paris where there are the mosttreacherous conspiracies.
This is thetime when the days become dark. It is a long time since I made you (part of )this confidence, I will have you recall this as the secret is absolute andnecessary.
This iswhere the ministers are the most persecuted.
There willbe three days of devastation, there will not be any more Sacrifice, any moreMasses, we can call it the Holy Quarantine, (or, a Holy ′Forty Days′, i.e.a Lenten/penitential-like season?), it willbe three days of hell.
(注:在14世纪中期,一场毁灭性的瘟疫在欧洲蔓延,这就是所谓的黑死病(plague)。它于1346年首先出现在黑海地区,然后沿西南方向向地中海传播,并在随后几年内蔓延至整个欧洲,毁灭了欧洲将近三分之一的人口。1347年,威尼斯启动一项措施,强制要求所有来自疫区的船只在港口外停泊40天后,才允许靠岸。这段隔离期在意大利语中被称为quarantinagiorni(space of forty days)。其中,quarantine源自quaranta(40),意思就是“40左右”。后来,人们就用period of quarantine表示任何期限的隔离期,而quarantine就成了“隔离”的代表。所以,quarantine不一定是指四十天。英文译者所猜测的应该不会。还是指在这里重复说了两次的“三天”。)
Satan willtravel the Earth to turn over the shrines, but he will be rejected, broken anddefeated. I will make these confidences (secrets?), I wanted to warn My peopleso that it is not surprised, that its confidence in Me increases.
撒殚必遍地游行、要倾覆圣殿,却要被弃绝、摧毁 、打败。我要告诉我的子民这些机密 (秘密?),我要警告我的子民,这样他们就不会感到惊讶,他们对我的信心就会增加。
In thesethree days, the lights of the heavens will be extinguished and the angels willbe dismayed.
(It appearsthat Marie-Julie would live to see the beginning of the chastisements foretold,and that before the Three Days of Darkness, there would be 40 days of terror whereCatholicism will be persecuted, Mass shall be forbidden.)