December 26, 1877
Lucifer: "It is necessary to crush the Lily".
Marie-Julie retorts: "Satan does not love the King. Ah! I am not like him (Satan) because I love him! (The King.)玛利亚•茱莉反驳道:“撒殚不爱国王。啊!我不像它(撒殚),因为我爱他!(国王)。”Marie Julie continues:"One hears two great cries coming from the left. It is the cry of France. Our Lord says, ′I know this heart-breaking voice.玛利亚•茱莉继续说:“有人听到从左边传来两声极大声的哭喊。这是法国的呼声。”我们的主说:“我知道这令人心碎的声音。The one who cries so mournfully suffers for herself and for her children, but how will she ever repair the cruel sufferings she has caused Me since she refused My Cross and despised My orders?”那为自己和儿女如此悲惨哀哭的,怎么能补赎她因拒绝我的十字架,藐视我的命令,而要承受的苦难呢?”Our Lady intercedes: "My beloved Son, her voice beseeches Thee. Take pity on her misery."我们的圣母恳求道:“我亲爱的儿子,她祈求你。可怜可怜她吧。”"My Good Mother, before she enters into her glory she will suffer great tribulation."“我的好妈妈,在她进入她的荣耀之前,她将经受巨大的磨难。”After a struggle of France, who refuses the help of Saint Michael and then of Our Lady, she enchains France and forces her to follow Her.经过法国的斗争,谁会拒绝帮助天神弥额尔和我们的圣母,她管束了法国,促使她跟随她。She is brought to the feet of Jesus who judges her,reviews all her crimes, then says:她被带到审判她耶稣的脚前,审查她所有的罪行,然后说:"Where is the white flower (the lily) which formed the radiant crown on your forehead?"France: "They have removed my white crown..."Our Lord: "Lift your forehead and your eyes towards Me.""Lord, I am not worthy to look at Thee, I would not see Thee, I am blinded by my crimes..."“主啊,我不配注视着祢,我不能看见祢,我的罪行蒙蔽了我的双眼……”Jesus presents the Lily to her saying: "Guilty France, do you recognise him?"France admits her guilt, Our Lord continues ..."Guilty France, accept this Lily, I give it to you."法国承认她的罪行,我们的主继续…“有罪的法国,接受这朵百合花吧,我把它给你。”(Represents the Monarchy, and especially the Grand Monarch)France replies: "The one who caused my downfall is no longer here. He made me believe the Lily would be my ruin, he threw me into darkness. Lord, I cannot come out if it without Thee."法国回答道:“导致我下台的那个人已经不在了。他让我相信百合花会毁了我,他让我陷入黑暗。主啊,若是没有祢,我就不能出来。 (Note:This is an obvious reference to the Republican revolutionaries influenced by the hidden tendrils of Freemasonry and who overthrew the monarchy in France, executing King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette).(注:这显然是指受共济会隐藏的势力影响的共和革命者,他们推翻了法国的君主制,处决了国王路易十六和王后玛利亚•安托瓦内特)。But France always thrusts aside the Cross, but the Cross means suffering...Our Lady and Saint Michael uphold France.但法国总是把十字架推在一边,而十字架意味着苦难……我们的圣母和天神弥额尔支持法国。But Our Lord commands Saint Michael and the good angels to dig a tomb for France so that she will go under the earth to rise up later, glorious and triumphant.但是我们的主命令天神弥额尔和善良的天使们,为法国挖一座坟墓,好让她进入地下,然后从地下爬起来,荣耀而胜利。Saint Michael then reproached the Freemasons for having seduced France and tells them he will reduce them to ashes...接着,天神弥额尔责备共济会成员引诱法国,并告诉他们,他将把他们化为灰烬……The Freemasons reply: "We want to crown France with the Lily. As a crown and diadem we will give her the red ribbon".共济会回答说:“我们要用百合花为法国加冕。作为王冠和加冕,我们将送给她红带。”(Note: According to Marie-Julie's prophecies, it appears the crown the Freemasons will accept is a constitutional monarchy with democracy intermixed, not an absolute monarchy under the Divine Right of Kings.(注:根据玛利亚•茱莉的预言,共济会成员将接受的王权,是一个混合民主的君主立宪制国家,而不是君权神授的君主专制国家。(评注:这一点现代人的确很难理解,总会觉得君权神授君主专制,总比不上民主制,事实上,把天主抛开的民主,源头一定是魔鬼,不敬畏天主的现代社会的确陷入更大、更多的混乱和罪恶中。当“启蒙运动”把更多人“启蒙”到以人为本时,离天主就越来越远了,其实,所谓的“黑暗的中世纪”,在许多层面上,比现在光明得多。倒不是人非得要找个“王”当奴才才好,而是当人人都要当王时,就越加与天主为敌了。)It is interesting to note, those condemned to the guillotine during the Revolution wore a red ribbon around their necks.值得注意的是:那些在革命中被判上断头台的人脖子上都系着红带。Furthermore, Cagliostro, a charlatan who claimed to have occult magic powers and formed his own Egyptian Masonic Rite introduced a ceremony into his order where apprentices wore a red ribbon around their necks.此外,自称拥有神秘魔力的骗子卡格里奥斯特罗,还编制了自己的埃及共济会仪式,他在自己的教团中引进了一种仪式,学徒们脖子上都系着红带。Another secret sect, the Illuminati, used Cagliostro to infiltrate the Masonic lodges of England and France.另一个秘密教派,光明会,利用卡格里奥斯特罗渗入英国和法国的共济会。Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, also a Freemason, and famous for his drama “Faust”, was disgusted how Cagliostro was used to strip the French Royal court of its respect and implicate Queen Antoinette in the “Diamond Necklace Affair”.若望•沃尔夫冈•冯•歌德也是共济会成员,以戏剧《浮士德》而闻名,他对卡格利奥斯特罗用来剥夺法国王室的尊荣,并将安托瓦内特王后牵连进“钻石项链事件”感到厌恶。Goethe always remained a supporter of monarchies, and at one point agreed with the Duke of Weimar to close their local masonic lodge for some time, no doubt due to the political upheaval the ′Brotherhood′ was creating.)歌德始终是君主制的支持者,并一度同意魏玛公爵关闭他们当地的共济会团体一段时间,毫无疑问,由于“兄弟们”正在制造的政治动乱。)(评注:不仅歌德是个共济会成员,许多所谓“启蒙运动”名人,美国部分建国者,现在相当数目的天主教神父都是共济会,新教牧师也有。共济会实际情况可能超过我们的想象。)