我们被警告(胡文浩译 王保禄 杨开勇校阅)列表
·01我们被警告 玛丽·茱莉的生平
·02我们被警告 玛丽·茱莉的启示和
·03我们被警告 撒旦要把人悉数扫入
·05.我们被警告 关于法国和罗马教庭
·06我们被警戒 得到新圣髑
·08我们被警告 会见玛加利大.玛利亚
·10.我们被警告 三天大黑暗
·18我们被警告 关于共济会
·19我们被警戒 最后的温柔劝诫!
·22.我们被警戒 背教还是殉道?
·25.圣文德的造访 !
·35.圣本笃造访: 警告假基督到来的
·36. 惩罚之前“良心的内在警告”
·80.我们被警告 圣神论法国要经受的
·82. 立恶表的坏司铎有祸了,圣母对
·097 .天主宣告法国教会与罗马教会
·098.门徒与教宗的分离 巴黎大塌方
·099 .善与恶的征兆
·100 更多关于分裂、邪恶、三天黑暗
·101 天父对我们可怜的灵魂的三个要
·102 为保全身体的性命,将有许多人
·103 在那里,天地之间的争战要临到
·104 我看到敌人在高层(圣教会的首
·105 关于新弥撒(这个弥撒是由不听
·106 我们被警告 关于儿童教育
·109 玛利亚·茱莉宣布,全球四分之
·110 大量的人将背教,许多父母养育
·111. 在1920年,宣布第二次世界大战
·112. 灵魂们,思念我吧。思念我,
·116 .你们是耶稣的血,你们是耶稣
·117 .相信上主的怜悯
·118 .痛苦圣母告诉我们:对不敬虔者
·119 .我呼召你成为这世上末日的使
·120 . 如何使千万罪人悔改
·121 .受苦、补赎、牺牲是耶稣圣心
·123 .没有经历苦难,就体会不到怜
·125. 警告2天和3天的黑暗,加上补
·126 我的孩子们,法国罪恶重大,应
·127 玛利亚.茱莉临终前最后的话
·128 主年复一年地警告祂的百姓:大
·129 将有许多灵魂,被附魔,作出世
·130 火将从天上降落在索多玛(巴黎
·132 天主和圣母, 一步一步地向我
·134 大圣若瑟的能力及劝告:不要依
·135 意大利在可怕的危机和内战期间
·139 我们被警告 关于拯救法国的细
·140 我们被警告 在法国受到各种惩
·142 对主肩膀上伤口的敬礼(在最后
·143 主耶稣基督肩膀的圣伤和对那些
·144 .我正在寻找爱我的灵魂来感同
·145 .我正在寻找爱我的灵魂来感同
·146.我们被警告 最后一滴宝血从十
·147 我们被警告 我们的主教导玛利
·148 我们被警告 法国得救了
·149 我们被警告 向玛丽·朱莉所启
·150 伟大的君王将在十字架的标记下
·151 更多关于十字架圣所:当暴风雨
·152 更多关于十字架圣所2:十字架是
·160. 被放置在未来圣所十字苦路的
·163. 我们的博纳加德圣母和勒加缪
·165 众多圣人们和神学家们都预言了
·166 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·167 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·170 众多圣人和神学家的预言(六)
·171 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·172 众多圣人和神学家的预言(八)
·173 众多圣人和神学家的预言(九)
·174 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十)
·175 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十一
·176 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十二
·177 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十三
·178 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十四
·179 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十五
·180 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十六
·181 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十七
·182 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十八
·183 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十九
·184 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·185 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·186 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·187 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·188. 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·189 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·190 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·191 我们被警告 给玛利亚·茱莉关
·192 我们被警告 宽免的十字架和修
·193 我们被警告 关于圣本笃圣牌
·194.书末预言(165-190) 引证出处
浏览次数:1925 更新时间:2020-7-17

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September 28, 1880 (“The BretonStigmatist”, p.34)


Saint Michael: "Here is my fierysword, I want to lend it to the friends of the Sacred Heart and offer them thissword for the fight because the time is not far off when all of you faithfulpeople will have to take up the arms of faith and courage to fight against therelentless pursuit of Hell and the vengeance of men..."

圣弥额尔总领天使:「这是我的烈焰之剑,我想把它借给圣心之友,把这把剑献给他们战斗,因为日子不远了,你们所有忠信的人都将不得不拿起信心和英勇的武器,对抗对地狱的无止息追求和人类的复仇…… 」

On September 29, 1880 (This text mayalso include observations from the webmasters of the Sanctuary Website, I havetranslated what I found as is.)


Marie-Julie: “I contemplate the greatArchangel Saint Michael on his magnificent throne of glory that shines andglows with a heavenly brightness.


The Holy Archangel said:


“I am here today on behalf of the Lordby His command and His eternal will. I come to speak to the hearts of thefriends of my Divine Master and give them a word that is from the Lord as withevery year.” (i.e., it seems St. Michael was permitted to give a message or awarning through Marie-Julie on his feast day each year.)

「我今日在这里,是照主的命令和祂永远的旨意。我来到这里,是对我圣主朋友们的心说话,并告诉他们一个来自天主的话语,就像每年一样。」(即圣弥额尔总领天使似乎被允许在每年的他的庆节,通过玛利亚.茱莉传递信息或警告。 )

Marie-Julie: “Thank you Archangel, athousand times!”

玛利亚.茱莉:「太感谢你了,总领天使! 」

“There,” he says, pointing to the SacredHeart of Jesus that he himself brings, “the door of the Divine Heart is open,it is so broad and so large that they can enter all at once.


There, dear friends of the Divine Heart,the door of the shelter opens, the prison of love to shelter all His childrenthat He wants to preserve in the midst of the storm.”

在那里,圣心的亲爱朋友们,避难所的门打开了,爱的囚牢为祂所有的孩子们提供了避难所,祂要在暴风雨中保护他们。 」

Marie-Julie: “Thank you, HolyArchangel.”

玛利亚·茱莉:「谢谢你,总领天使。 」

St. Michael: “Here is a flaming sword,shining, I come to share it with the friends of the Sacred Heart, to offer themthis sword to fight for the hour is not far off when all you, faithfulpeople,  must take up the arms of faithand of courage to fight against the implacable fury of hell and the vengeanceof men.


I place, by order of the Lord, my swordat your service without fail.”

我奉主的吩咐,将我的剑放在你面前给你使用,不得有误。 」

And he said, “Friends of the SacredHeart, I stay with you, your company is that of Jesus, you are generous andbrave soldiers.


The Lord desires me to tell you thesewords: 'Get ready brave servants of God as the Divine Master will soon comefirst in His Mercy, secondly in His righteous anger and vengeance. He wants meto say this word to His present friends and I have done my duty.”

主要我对你们这样说:『勇敢的主仆准备吧,因为上主很快就会以祂的慈悲在先,然后是祂的义怒和报仇。祂要我把这话告诉祂现在的朋友们,我已经尽了我的责任。 』 」

Marie-Julie: “Thank you, HolyArchangel.”

玛利亚.茱莉:「谢谢你,总领天使。 」

St. Michael: (He shows her another swordnext to his?) “This is the sword that I delegate to the friends of God, this ismine, they are similar, they both bear the seal of the Lord, it is the Name ofJesus written on the blade, well engraved.

总领天使圣弥额尔:(他让她看他旁边的另一把剑) 「这是我委托给天主朋友的剑,(另外)这一把是我的,它们是相仿的,都具有主的印记,耶稣的名字,写在剑上,妥当刻好。

Dear friends of the Lord, we are here onthe threshold of Mercy and the threshold of the justice of God.


This is the door that the Lord hasreserved for His friends, there is another way that is for the unfortunate thatthe heavens threaten by blast of His anger.


This is the time when we will all fight,to be witness to things that the eye has never seen, mortal ears have neverheard what the Lord reserves for the times (yet) to pass on earth.”

现在我们都要争战,要见证世人未曾看见的事,人耳未曾听过,主为世界所预备要发生的事。 」

Marie-Julie: “Holy Archangel, you areall powerful, so take the defence of these poor wretches!”

玛利亚.茱莉:「总领天使,你们都是强大的,所以保护这些可怜的人吧! 」

St. Michael: “They are raising,” hesaid, “the criminal weapon, despicable and treacherous against God and Hisministers, they will raise the trembling banner, (and) under this standard,they will wrap him whom the Blessed Virgin loves so much, for whom She hastaken so much trouble.”

总领天使圣弥额尔:「(与上主作对的人)他们举起卑鄙和奸诈的罪恶武器,对抗主和祂的仆从们,他们将举起飘动的旗帜,(并)在这旗帜下,把圣母玛利亚深爱的人裹挟起来,圣母为此无比忧虑。 」

 (The Great Monarch to come who is loved by OurLady will be wrapped under their evil banner for some time? The evil ones willtry and make him do their will?)

(圣母所爱的未来大君, 会被他们邪恶的旗帜裹挟一段时间吗?邪恶的人会试图让未来大君按他们的意愿去做吗?)

Marie-Julie: “Not all, Archangel, fromthe tree there will still remain some branches where the standard of hell willnot pass.”

玛利亚.茱莉:「不是所有的(都好),总领天使,那棵树上的部分树枝,仍然会有一些是地狱的模式,无法通过的。 」

 “Yes,” said the Archangel, “in several partsof this poor Kingdom, various protections are written into the Adorable Heart.

「是的, 」总领天使说,「在这个可怜王国的几个地方,各种各样的保护都写进了这颗可敬爱的心。

Here is the Heart that is going to fallto pieces on the Cross, it will be pierced by the criminal lance of men, Itwill be, It is going to be desecrated.


Soon the side of the Lord will open andthe Divine Blood will flow in abundance and Its Drops will line up with Hisvictims who will fall under the instrument of the murderers.


Yes, this realm is the realm of murder,crime, all sorts of hypocrisies and injustices.


Her good name is lost (i.e. the goodname of France) but one man is destined to bring her to flourish as before,Saint Louis.


 (As we have seen in an earlier ecstasy, St.Louis told Marie-Julie he would protect the king to come and he shall reign asa saintly king like him.)

(正如我们在之前的神魂超拔中看到的,圣路易告诉玛利亚.茱莉,他会保护王的到来,他将像王一样成为一个圣贤的君王。 )

Maire-Julie: “Saint Michael Archangel,speak then to the Lord to stop them in their decision so that He will notpermit so many crimes under the eyes of His beloved children.”

玛利亚.茱莉:「圣弥额尔总领天使啊,求主阻止他们的决定,不要允许这么多罪行在祂心爱的孩子们眼前发生。 」

St. Michael: “Ever since the day Luciferwas cast into the abyss, afterwards, this epoch is written in the Sacred Heart,this present epoch that follows a frightening course, yes, without the hope ofthe Sacred Heart, a fatal one without the hope of the Eternal Power.


I tell you that the epoch (or time) ofthis year and next, is written in large letters in the afflicted Heart of Jesusand his august Mother.”

我告诉你们,今明两年的时期,是用大写字母写在耶稣和祂可敬的母亲那颗痛苦的心中的。 」

Marie-Julie: “Saint Michael, if allthose who want to war against the Lord, if they convert, it would not exist.”(i.e. the dreadful epoch of punishment.)


St. Michael: “It must pass, (thisdreadful epoch ) it is close, they move, they conspire, they plot secretly anddecide their course.


They fix for it (to occur) in a veryshort time, be sure, dear friends of the Cross, that Hell is not going to restfrom now on.


There is almost no more than two days ofrest for him. For her, (France) this is not a rest but it is still calm andthen they will commence their horrible project and they will come withoutmeasure, without delay, to begin their ugly, their cruel vengeances, they willattack everything, not one thing will escape them.


This month which passes (i.e.September?), since we are in the end, the Lord has said these words to Satan,"You will not move, you will not show more than I by your power, I stillhold you in chains."

这个月过去了(就是九月?),因为我们已经到了尽头,主对撒殚说这些话:「你必不能行动,你的力量必不超过我,我仍用锁链捆绑你。 」

Saint Michael said that Satan answeredthe Lord: "My chains will be free at the end of this month, you will leaveme at liberty and I will first come as a great conqueror to the kingdomthreatened to perish."

总领天使圣弥额尔说,撒殚回答主说:「到本月底,我的锁链就会松开,你就会给我自由,我将以征服者的身份来到这个即将灭亡的国度。 」

The Lord said to him:


 “It will perish much, and in perishing muchmany will be saved and will have a shelter under the Cross and in My Heart.”

「它(法国)会有许多败亡,在毁灭的过程中会有很多人得救,在十字架下和我的心中都会有一个庇难所。 」

At these words, Satan, cursed before theLord and he swore (with) a great hatred that was ever so infernal.


Saint Michael said that Satan wasvomiting his rage before Our Lord, saying:


 “I will attack the Church, I will throw downthe Cross, I will divide (or cause division among) the people, I will depositin hearts a major weakening of the faith and there will be a great betrayal.”

「我要攻击教会,我要扔掉十字架,我要分裂(或造成分裂)人民,我会把信心的重大削弱,存入人们心中,那将有一次巨大的背叛。 」

He finally said to the Lord:


 “I will become for some time, the SupremeMaster of all things, I will have everything under my empire, even Your templeand (all of) Yours entirely.”

「一段时间后,我将成为万物的最高主宰,在我王国内我将拥有切,甚至你的圣殿和你所有的子民。 」

St. Michael says that Satan will also begiven a permission for some time over everything and that he will reign fullyover all things that do good; faith, religion, all will descend into the tombof deep mourning.


Satan and his own will triumph joyfullybut after this triumph the Lord will take His turn.


He will triumph over evil and will makerise from the tomb, the buried Church, the ruined cross, prayers seeminglydisappeared, all the people appalled by the empire of massacres but the Lordwill bring forth the sun to console after it has been obscured.


It is impossible, that the poor Frenchpeople will be saved without a shining miracle from heaven, because all of thispoor kingdom will descend into the last limits of shame and evil, an evilwithout remedy.


St. Michael said“I have my sword, for the hour of battle is going to sound, thevoice of God will speak, the vengeance of men will burst. I will be on the sideof the righteous, I will march with them under the banner of the Sacred Heart,we will confront the standard of hell, which one will triumph?



Ours will fall to the ground but we willkeep it all the same. That of hell shall not flinch, it will be lifted whenours will be prostrated and (fall) around the children of the Lord that Hewants to protect with His grace.”

我们的(旗帜)会跌落于地,但我们会使它保持原样。地狱(旗帜)不会退缩,当我们(的旗帜)倒在主的子民面前时,它会被举起来,主用祂的恩宠来保护他们。 」

Marie-Julie: “Saint Michael, all ourdear friends who are on earth, I have been far, there are a few very closetoday, I want to say this to you before you go because I may never see youagain, maybe not anymore?”


St. Michael: “Do not worry, I know, fromthe height of Heaven, marching on the ramparts of grace up to their homes and Iprotect them with my flaming sword. Do not worry, they are a good numberdestined to publish (make public) the wonders of the Lord. (Do) you (not) seethey will not perish?”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「不要担心,我知道,从天堂的高处,我沿着恩宠的城墙行进到(主亲密的朋友)他们的家,用我燃烧的剑保护他们。别担心,他们是注定要宣扬(公开)主的奇事的一批人。你(难道)看不到他们不会灭亡吗? 」

Marie-Julie: “I want you to tell mesomething else, I know, there is a secret, I know that you have one, I saw itbut I have not seen inside it, tell me what is in the interior.”

玛利亚.茱莉:「我想让你告诉我一些其他的事情,我知道,有一个秘密,我知道你有一个,我看到了,但我没有看到里面,告诉我里面是什么。 」

St. Michael “See, they have a specialprotection since all, from near and far, are expected to attend the beautifulplanting of the Cross, my whole secret, this cross will be blessed in the parishchurch, friends, your brothers will bring it to the church just inside thisplace on their shoulders, presided by a number of vivid personages whose heightand grandeur will show that many come from the Eternal City.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「看,他们有一个特殊的保护,因为所有人,无论远近,都希望参加十字架美丽的树立,我的全部秘密,这个十字架将在教区教堂里被祝圣,朋友们,你的兄弟们会把它扛在肩上带到教堂里,由一些耀眼的人物主持,他们的高度和显赫将表明许多人来自永恒之城。 」

Marie-Julie: “But they are very tired,Holy Archangel, because it is very far.”

玛利亚·茱莉:「可是他们很累,总领天使,因为太远了。 」

St. Michael: “Never is there wearinessin such a beautiful procession, never such weariness when you walk in theharmony of hymns and prayers, that is my secret.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「当你在赞美和祈祷的和谐中行进时,你永远不会感到疲倦,这就是我的秘密。 」

Marie-Julie: “I knew a little well, butnot all.”

玛利亚.茱莉:「我知道一点,但不是全部。 」

St. Michael: “Friends of the Lord, afterthe standard of hell has prevailed a few months, the banner of the Lord willrise in turn to also win but again it will fall. And in the second round, theeffect will be so great that most of the people will live as before withoutpriests, without Masses, without receiving the Adorable Divine Heart.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「主的朋友们,(法国)在地狱的模式流行了几个月之后,主的旗帜将转而举起,也将再次落下。而在第二回合中,影响将是如此之大,以至于大多数人将像以前一样生活,没有司祭,没有弥撒,没有领受可敬的圣心。 」

Marie-Julie: “O Holy Archangel, it isstill very sad!”


玛利亚.茱莉:「哦,总领天使,这仍然是非常令人悲伤的! 」

St. Michael: “I affirm that there hasnever been a like epoch despite the many anxieties that have passed on earth,so many victims have succumbed, but never has there been a time so cruel asthat which is commencing and that follows slowly to the end, his terriblerevenge.


But more rest, we should expect and beprepared, not be surprised.” (i.e., not caught unawares).


Marie-Julie: “Oh! No, holy Archangel! Mydear friends will bear the shield of faith, hope and confidence.”

玛利亚.茱莉:「哦!不,总领天使!我亲爱的朋友们将配带忠诚、盼望和信心的盾牌。 」

St. Michael: “All the demons will comeand assemble: there are many in the form of man and who after a long time wouldlike to throw brightness (i.e., make seeming miracles?) but they have heldsomething back so far.



Consequently freedom will open (to them)and this brightness will run up and down through the entire kingdom. There itis, dear friends, poor (evil) times, spoiled, corrupted, polluted to the lastdepths.


All these men are under the habit wornby even the true servants of God: they are fierce demons, they have a strangehunger to feed and to be fed, they need victims, they need the flesh of theministers the Lord, the flesh of His Christian children, the blood of theirveins where the faith is flourishing.”


Marie-Julie: “Do not leave, SaintMichael, do (say) it all!”

玛利亚.茱莉:「不要走,圣弥额尔总领天使,把全部都说出来! 」

St. Michael: “It is the Lord who sent meand charged me with all His warnings, I am obliged to obey.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「是主派我来的,祂把所有的警告都交给了我,我必须服从。 」

Marie-Julie: “I would rather not hear,but like you, I want to obey the Holy Will.”

玛利亚.茱莉:「我宁愿没有听到,只像你一样,我愿服从圣意。 」

St. Michael: “I am directed to thepoisoned centre, threatened with lightning from the sky its fate is fixed as oftoday: Blessed are those who will abandon its walls to take refuge in theremoteness away from this pitiable place where the victims will be heaped andthe squares stained with blood like the rain that falls into the storm.” (i.e.,the prediction of the destruction of Paris. Paris is described as “The Centre”to Marie-Julie during her ecstasies.)

圣弥额尔总领天使:「我被指派到这个败坏的中心,威胁以天空闪电,如今命运已经注定:那些愿意抛弃城墙,远离这个可怜地方去避难的人有福了,(因为)在这里,受害者将堆积如山,广场上血迹斑斑,就像暴风雨中的雨水一样。 」(即,对巴黎毁灭的预测。在玛利亚.茱莉神魂超拔的时候,巴黎被描述为她的“中心”。 )

Marie-Julie: “It is very sorrowful,Saint Michael!”

玛利亚.茱莉:「圣弥额尔总领天使,这太让人伤心了! 」

St. Michael: “This needs to happen, itis inevitable, sin and crime are the cause, the prayers of the righteous willbe put to use for reconciliation with the God of Mercy toward His avengingpeople. I am going to take over the bottom of hell whose source is under theearth.


All the servants of Satan and hiszealous servants will not perish in the first fight: to them will be thevictory and to the just will be the pain in seeing and hearing these horriblecrimes.


But after that, the enemies will havetheir vengeful punishment, not all but a great number.


At this point, to you, faithful people,you will rise up under the burden of sorrows to enter the throne of glory andto raise your voices to acclaim the one God destined for the peace of Hispeople. (The arrival of the Great Monarch.)

现在,你们这忠信的子民啊,你们要在重担之下起来,进入荣耀的宝座,为那天主命定给祂子民带来平安者高声欢呼。(伟大君主的到来。 )

Today, the promise of the Divine Heartis insulted, it is not believed, that by the small number of those predestinedby the grace of protection, it is the faithful people.


Today the miracles of Heaven areblasphemed, rejected, insulted.


You, dear friends of God, you aredestined to live to see accomplished great miracles, great prodigies among theplagues, great justices, great calamities that the Lord has promised.


You will be well protected, but observewell all that the eternal voices (i.e. endless voices) have commanded.” (i.e.,no one believes in the chastisements, and have forgotten or cast aside thepredictions concerning the Great Monarch that saints have made over the centuries.We must observe what they have told us.)

你会得到很好的保护,但是要注意所有永恒(嘱咐)的声音(即不止尽的声音)。 」(即没有人相信这些惩罚,且忘记或抛弃了圣人几个世纪以来对伟大君王的预言。我们必须遵守他们告诉我们的。 )

Marie-Julie: “St. Michael, be sure thatwe are faithful to obey the eternal voices.”

玛利亚.茱莉:「圣弥额尔总领天使,一定要确保(对我们的许诺)我们是忠诚服从永恒的声音。 」

St. Michael: “Dear friends, you willalso have your trials with all the righteous, but these tests are very sweetcompared to the cruelty that extends its arms to attack without any respect: toattack (with?) the blasphemy on the lips, the hypocrisy in their hearts, theblackest hypocrisy to attack what is most holy, most real and most respectable.Dear Friends of the Cross, do you know why until now, the Lord's Hand has notstruck?”


Marie-Julie:“No, Holy Archangel.”

玛利亚.茱莉:「不知道,总领天使。 」

St. Michael: “You, good and faithfulservants, your prayers, your devotion, your faith and trust that so far, withsuffering, has sustained that Arm that carries the angry vengeance. Yourshoulders have sustained It.


Your prayers and your suffering is likea strong pillar that rises from the ground and goes up to the angry Hand of theLord. Remark, dear friends, until now the Lord sent a lot of suffering, ofcrosses, many sorrows, privations of all kinds. This was only an extension ofdays for the poor sinner, and he has not benefited.


The suffering, the sacrifices, thepenalties will soon end and the sinner is still in a poor and awful condition!”(i.e., God has sent many sorrows to try and convert sinners, but they have notchanged.)


Marie-Julie: “O Holy Archangel, he (thesinner) does not know this, if he knew, he would return to the Lord!”

玛利亚.茱莉:「哦,总领天使,他(罪人)不明白这个,如果他知道,他会回到主身边! 」

St. Michael: “Many will not come back.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「许多人不会回来了。 」

Marie-Julie: “Oh! What more is there todo?”

玛利亚·茱莉:「哦!还能多做什么呢? 」

St. Michael: “I do not see much that canbeen done, there is more to receive than to give.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「我看不出还能再做什么,因接受的比给予的要多。 」

 (i.e., there are more sinners who needsacrifices than those who are willing to give them to save them.)


Marie-Julie: “O Holy Archangel, shouldrather give up to the end and not receive until the last day.”

玛利亚·茱莉:「哦,总领天使,(他们)宁愿放弃到最后,直到最后一天也不接受。 」

St. Michael : “Here the time isapproaching when the victims will close their mortal eyes to the land of thislower world, to go with the Lord enthroned in glory.



All will rejoice, they will tremble withhappiness, joyful because His Hand will soon place (on them) the merited crownfor having suffered and having followed the road to Calvary without complaint,without a murmur, but always joyful.”

所有人都会欢喜,他们会因快乐而颤抖,因为很快主的手会把诸德的冠冕戴在他们头上,因为他们受苦,跟随加尔瓦略山的道路而没有牢骚,没有怨言,一直是喜乐的。 」

Marie-Julie: “O Saint Michael, to thinkof such a high existence, what have we to offer the loving Spouse who is sogood?”

玛利亚.茱莉:「哦,圣弥额尔总领天使,考虑到如此崇高的存在,我们能为亲爱的净配献上什么呢? 」

St. Michael: “All the merits from thetests and virtues gained in the pain of abandonment.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「从试炼中所得的诸德,和从被弃的痛苦中获得的德性。 」

Marie-Julie: “It is hardly enough, HolyArchangel, I will borrow from my friends something, and I will make a return tothem (repay them) when they come to heaven.”

玛利亚.茱莉:「这还不够,总领天使,我会向我的朋友借一些东西,当他们来到天堂的时候,我会归还(偿还)他们。 」

St. Michael :“I will make the donation.”


总领天使圣弥额尔:「我也会(对他们)捐赠的。 」

Marie-Julie: “Archangel, I would likethat, I would like that.”

玛利亚.茱莉:「总领天使,我喜欢那样,我喜欢那样。 」

St. Michael: “It is I that hold thescales.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「是我拿着天平秤。 」

 (Note: St. Michael is depicted in art holdinga pair of scales as he weighs the souls to be judged. He may be reminding herthat he will keep her to her promise and weigh the returns she makes for hishelp.)

(注:艺术作品中描绘的圣弥额尔总领天使拿着一副天平秤,称着要被审判的灵魂。他可能是在提醒玛利亚,他会记得她的诺言,衡量她的帮助所得到的回报。 )

Marie-Julie: “Yes, I think often of whenyou will weigh our souls, you will pay attention and justly place the good andthe bad.”

玛利亚.茱莉:「是的,我经常想,当你称量我们的灵魂时,你会小心专注,并公正地安置好的和坏的。 」

 (I.e., everything will be justly weighed, allthe good and the evil we have done.)


St. Michael: “I intend to let pass allmy friends of the Cross who are the chosen friends of the Lord, all, I think ofthem, I will send them into the heavenly Jerusalem.”


圣弥额尔总领天使:「我打算让我所有在十字架上的朋友,也就是主所拣选的朋友,都通过,我要把他们都送到天上的耶路撒冷去。 」

Marie-Julie: “Saint Michael, those whoyou weigh, if you place them, when there is a small crumb missing (for them) togo to Heaven, if you place a small weight to bring these hidden souls whosometimes have only three hours, one hour of atonement, it is a charity, mygood Archangel!”

玛利亚.茱莉:「圣弥额尔总领天使,那些你称量的人,如果你安置他们,当(他们)上天堂的时候少了一小块面包屑(的重量),如果你放一点重物(在天平秤上),而把这些隐藏的灵魂带回来,即那些有时只有三个小时、一个小时补赎的人,那就是爱了,我的好总领天使! 」

 (I.e., She pleads that he spares the pains thefriends of the Cross must still undergo in Purgatory by adjusting the balancein their favour.)

(即玛利亚恳求总领天使,不让十字架上的朋友在炼狱里经历痛苦,通过调整天平,使天平向对他们有利的方向倾斜。 )

St. Michael: “It must be just.” (Hisscales must balance correctly.)

圣弥额尔总领天使:「称量必须是公正的。(他的天平秤,必按正直称量。 )

Marie-Julie: “I know that well, but if Iweighed them myself, I would speak to the Good Jesus for them to give them thatgrace, I would cherish them, I would beg for them, I would comfort them, Iwould kiss His Adorable Feet.”

玛利亚.茱莉:「我很清楚这一点,但如果我自己称量他们,我会为他们对好耶稣说,赐给他们恩宠,我会珍惜他们,我会为他们祈求,我会安慰他们,我会亲吻耶稣可敬爱的脚。 」

St. Michael: “They must go for the timethey are set, to be purified and sanctified.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「他们必须在规定的时间前往,以得到净化和圣化。 」

Marie-Julie: “Where do you weigh suchbeautiful things, tell us?”

玛利亚.茱莉:「告诉我们,这么美的东西你在哪里称量? 」

St. Michael: “In a day, where there isno night.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「在没有黑夜的白天。 」

Marie-Julie: “Who weighs during the timeyou are with us?”

玛利亚.茱莉:「当你和我们在一起的时候,谁会称重? 」

St. Michael: “I am there.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「我在那里。 」

Marie-Julie: “Saint Michael, you cannotbe in two places!”

玛利亚.茱莉:「圣弥额尔总领天使,你不可能(同时)在两个地方! 」

St. Michael: “The Eternal Power isgreat.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「永恒的力量是伟大的。 」

Marie-Julie: “How many souls do youweigh in a day?”


玛利亚.茱莉:「你一天称量多少个灵魂? 」

St. Michael: “Sometimes 10,000,sometimes less.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「有时一万,有时更少。 」

Marie-Julie: “O Saint Michael, you havethe book all the same!” (The Book of Life, where all the names are written?)

玛利亚.茱莉:「哦,圣弥额尔总领天使,你有同样的那本书! (名字都写在那里的生命册? )

St. Michael: “Sometimes, I suffer muchwhen I see a criminal loaded with sins.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「有时候,当我看到一个罪恶深重的罪人时,我会感到非常痛苦。 」

Marie-Julie: “Oh! I know that, yes, youhave little taste for that.”

玛利亚·茱莉:「哦!我知道,是的,你对此有所认识。 」

St. Michael: “No sooner is it weighed,that soul, when the demons are with a net and ready to take it.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「(作恶的)灵魂啊,才刚刚被称重,恶魔就已经拿着网,准备要把他带走了。 」

Marie-Julie: “Do you hear?”


St. Michael: “No, but the soul can hearthem well, it very painful for it to go there, but it must be, because itsplace is assigned.”


圣弥额尔总领天使:「(我)不,但是(作恶的)灵魂可以清楚地听到(恶魔)牠们,去到那里是非常痛苦的,但必须去,因为那地方是已被指定的。 」

 (This is an unusual admission, St. Michael isnot permitted to hear the sentence of damnation, or, to see the demons drag asoul to hell?)

(这是不寻常的承认(罪过),圣弥额尔总领天使不被允许听到罚下地狱的判决,或者看到恶魔把一个灵魂拖进地狱? )

Marie-Julie: “Will there be rosary(beads) in Heaven?”

玛利亚.茱莉:「天堂里会有玫瑰经念珠吗? 」

St. Michael: “Yes, and books too.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「是的,还有书。 」

Marie-Julie: “And books too! Those whouse them, to read, they learn? So who makes this school in Heaven?”

玛利亚.茱莉:「还有书!那些使用书来阅读的人,他们还学习?那么,这天堂里的学校是谁建的呢? 」

St. Michael: “The Good Jesus, His Angelsand Saints.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「好耶稣,祂的天使和圣人。 」

Marie-Julie: “Are they letters writtenby pen or by print?”

玛利亚.茱莉:「那些文字是手写的还是打印的? 」

St. Michael: “They are glorious lettersthat havenothing in common withthose of the earth.”


圣弥额尔总领天使:「那是荣耀的文字,与地球上的文字毫无共同之处。 」

Marie-Julie: “Are they difficult toread?”

玛利亚.茱莉:「它们难读吗? 」

St. Michael: “No, nor are the dearbrothers who can fluently write them.”


Marie-Julie: “I do not know writing, donot have me read them, I would be confused.”

玛利亚.茱莉:「我不懂写作,如果不让我读,我会糊涂的。 」

St. Michael: “No, we do not confuse.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「不,我们不会混淆。 」

Mare-Julie: “But (how) do they rest whenthey will never sleep?” (I.e, how do the saints enjoy eternal repose withoutsleeping?)

玛利亚·茱莉:「但是,他们不睡觉,怎能休息呢? 」 (即圣徒不睡觉,怎能享受永恒的安息呢? )

St. Michael: “We never sleep, we liveonly for love, prayer and worship.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「我们从不睡觉,我们只为爱、祈祷和崇拜而活着。 」


Marie-Julie: “Oh! How beautiful! But togo there, I must bring my good works, but I do not have any.”

玛利亚·茱莉:「哦!多么美丽!但去到那里,我必须带着我的善行,可是我没有。 」

St. Michael: “The Good Jesus will findsome.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「好耶稣会(在你内)找到一些的。 」

Marie-Julie: “Ah! I forgot, I sawmusicians in heaven, big and large. (i.e., groups/choirs of musicians) Wholeads them?”

玛利亚·茱莉:「啊!我忘了,我在天堂看过歌咏者,又大又多。谁领导他们? 」

St. Michael: “These are the Seraphim,Cherubim and Archangels.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「这些是赛辣芬、革鲁宾和大天使。 」

Marie-Julie: “You lead them, HolyArchangel?”

玛利亚.茱莉:「你领导他们,总领天使? 」

St. Michael: “Yes.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「是的。 」

Marie-Julie: “Will you teach me in yourmusic some beautiful canticle of love?”

玛利亚.茱莉:「在你的音乐中,你会教我一些美丽的爱之颂歌吗? 」

St. Michael: “Soon when the Good Jesuswill come to celebrate Holy Mass in your cell, you will sing with the music.”


圣弥额尔总领天使:「不久后,主耶稣就要来到你的小室里,庆祝神圣的弥撒,你将伴随音乐一起歌唱。 」

(Note: If I have translated thiscorrectly, Christ Himself came to say Mass for her!)

(注:如果我翻译正确的话,基督亲自来为她举行弥撒! )

Marie-Julie: “Ah! Lady, (Our Lady?) I donot want to get involved, I do not know how to sing.

玛利亚.茱莉:「啊!圣母,我不想投入其中,我不知道怎么唱歌。 」

Holy Archangel: “they will sing theCreed in music, and the Gloria in music by all the little angels, and the Creedby the Saints and the Virgin.”

总领天使:「他们将用乐曲唱出信经,由所有小天使唱出光荣颂,由圣人和童贞女唱出信经。 」

St. Michael: “And the Communion will besung by the most harmonious and the most delightful music, the Eternal HighPriest will sing it Himself with the Holy Virgin and also you.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「圣体圣事将由最和谐和最令人愉快的乐曲来唱,永恒的大司祭将与圣女童贞玛利亚和你一起吟唱。 」

Marie-Julie: “Oh! I would rather praythan sing.”

玛利亚.茱莉:「哦!我宁愿祈祷也不愿唱。 」

St. Michael: “We will do both.”


圣弥额尔总领天使:「我们都要祈祷也要唱。 」

Marie-Julie: “Thank you, good Archangel.What must be given to you for this (favour)?”


St. Michael: “Five little medals whichbelong to me.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「五枚属于我的小圣牌。 」

Marie-Julie: “I do not know if I haveany, I think, and to whom should we ask for them?”

玛利亚.茱莉:「我想,我不知道我有没有,我们应该向谁要呢? 」

St. Michael: “Who you like, yourfriends. These medals will be as five gold pieces that will be included in theMass of thanksgiving and blessing, four in the corners of your cell and theother in the middle, which is opposite the door through which you will leaveand never enter again. (I.e, the door her body will pass through on herdeath?)”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「在你的朋友中,你所喜欢的。这些圣牌就像五块金币,包括在感恩的弥撒圣中,四块在你房间的角落,另一块在你房间正对着门的中间,而你将来会从那扇门出去,再也不会进来了。 (即在她死后,她的肉身会通过哪扇门? ) 」

Marie-Julie: “Ah! I see it well, SaintMichael.”

玛利亚.茱莉:「啊!我看得很清楚,圣弥额尔总领天使。 」

St. Michael: “This is the piece of goldthat will be changed into a sun and accompany you to the sanctuary.”


圣弥额尔总领天使:「这是一块金子,它会变成太阳,陪你去圣所。 」

Marie-Julie: “If I do not have five,Saint Michael?”

玛利亚.茱莉:「圣弥额尔总领天使,如果我没有五个呢? 」

St. Michael: “Ask, I will find them foryou.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「求吧!我会帮你找到的。 」

Marie-Julie: “I have some, but not five,another is of Jesus, or otherwise Mary.”

玛利亚.茱莉:「我有一些(你的圣牌),但不是五个,另一个是耶稣的,或者玛利亚的。 」

St. Michael: “I will accept them as thesame, I will bless some you have in your box in your drawer.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「我将同样的接受它们,我也将祝圣你抽屉里盒子里的其它圣牌。 」

Marie-Julie: “I will not recognizethem!” (i.e. which medals he plans to bless).

玛利亚.茱莉:「我认不出它们(是什么圣牌)!」 (即总领天使打算祝圣哪些圣牌)。

St. Michael: “I will make them known toyou, rest tranquilly.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「我会让你知道的,安静地休息。 」

Marie-Julie: “I am very happy!”


玛利亚.茱莉:「我非常高兴! 」

St. Michel: “I also, now, the HolyVirgin will come for a moment in Her turn.”

圣弥额尔总领天使:「现在,要轮到圣母玛利亚来了。 」

Marie-Julie: “Oh! I am happy to seeher.”

玛利亚·茱莉:「哦!我很高兴见到她。 」

St. Michael: “I am going to withdraw.This evening, I will bless all my children.


Rest, relax until the hour of pain andjoy; things that are close will melt the heart of pain, the crisis of alldisorders is gathered near its brightness, but do not be discouraged, the Lordloves you, He will protect you all to find your (way) to the blessed Shrine.”(i.e., referring to his prediction about the possessed men and their evilplots)

安息,放松,直到痛苦和欢乐的时刻;接近的事物会融化痛苦的心,所有混乱的危机都聚集在它的光亮附近,但是不要气馁,天主爱你,祂会保护你们所有都找到通往圣地的路。 」(即总领天使对魔鬼的预言和他们邪恶的阴谋。)

Marie-Julie: “If you see my Jesus, tellHim many things for my dear Father and my friends.



Tell Him for me that I want to love Himand to grant me the virtue not to offend Him.”

替我告诉祂,我要爱祂,并赐予我不得罪祂的德性。 」



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