Saint John FrancisRegis was a Jesuit priest (1597-1640) who evangelized the south of France. Hewas canonized in 1737. Feast Day June 16. (Biography provided by the SanctuaryWebsite.)
“I have come togive a word on behalf of God at the entry of your Holy Novitiate. We are at thefoot of the Cross, and we wait and we hope to go into our sweet and BlessedCountry.
What is thisearth, what is suffering in comparison with endless happiness? Our life onearth is short and Our Lord has measured our years.
Let us commence,it is time to live for God and for Heaven.
If the adorableLord descended now, upon a bright cloud to judge and condemn, how would He findany just in this fair land of merit? It is frightening! ...
Today, whatinjustice! What hidden infamies! What veiled slander! How do they persevere,those souls who commit them?
This is how theydo it. First they try to stifle remorse, but it follows them everywhere.
In conversations,in their companies, their words are beautiful, clear as glass. But thereasoning of the soul, at the bottom of their interior, no one hears and it isfrightening.
The soul moans,cries, suffers, because it is the only thing in these men that belongs to theSovereign Good.
Slander is like aworm, it eats into the soul of the most beautiful and chaste virtues, and then,after being eaten whole, the soul can not become master because it is opposedby the evil human mind, by human nature so angry and so cruel.
The soul can nolonger prevail, and if God does not come to its aid, it is forever doomed ...
Wait withpatience! The time of the Lord is open to Heaven.
But what asurprise for the headstrong! (The stubborn.) But what joy for the few that Ienvy their position on earth,because I would have the honour to suffer for myGod! Heaven, I come to their aid!
How admirable isthe way of the Cross! It is worthy of envy!
How great are itsmerits! O Royal Way! Vive la Croix, the treasure of the true chosen ones ...”