Visit of St. Paul
Ecstasy of August 12, 1878
“May the Peace of the Lord be in yoursoul and your spirit, and with all the friends of God. I am Saint Paul. I cometo say a word on behalf of Our Lord before the entry of your Holy Novitiate.
Look first at our Lord on the Cross, andthis glance will lead us to suffer.
Let us meditate on the Sorrows of aGod, and we will suffer bravely the trials of life. God was the last of men byshame, by the ignominy, by insults.
Why would we not wish to suffer? Dowe wish to be above the Divine Master?
It is not only the pains of lifethat opens for us the door of heaven and mark our place in glory.
He who does not suffer is not thedisciple of God, and does not know Him.
We are esteemed to be treated as Hisfavoured ones.
If we are chained by the authorityof men, if we can not leave, let us be silent. An hour will come, when we willspeak to the authority of this land, which is not that of (or not by ) theauthority of man.
It is a thousand times better to besilent and suffer all things, (by those) who speak, with envy and jealousy.These two ways of persecution are horrible in God's eyes, the eyes of One whosees everything. I prefer, I would rather have been chained for Jesus Christ,than to have been delighted to be ravished up to Heaven.
There, however, was the joy,happiness without suffering, without alteration, it was perfect joy, but I didnot suffer anything and I did not merit anything.
Our adorable Lord, in the designs ofHis infinite Mercy, also wants us to be stoned at the hands of treacherouslanguage.
The slanderous tongue is moredangerous than a double-edged sword,because the blow of the sword can be curedor relieved, because it only extends to the depth and width of the blade, whilethe stroke of language extends everywhere.
In one day, it will spread aroundthe world, and who can stop it?
Our Father the Creator is pleased totest us in different ways, friends tried, but friends of God.
When God wants to do a solid work,especially when He wants to establish the Friends of the Cross who worked fromthe beginning and are determined to work until the end, the persecution must begreater, because it is a double work.
Our Lord, choosing friends of theCross,requires that the blows are deeper because the work will be morebeautiful. The more disciples,the more suffering. It is the sign of a greatwork.
It is a sure sign. Do not be afraid!...”