On March 19,1878
Saint Joseph said to Marie-Julie:
“Despitethe curses which are reserved (for France), my Son accorded the gift ofprotection to several families who behaved charitably in the faith and in recognitionof divine grace; they will be protected but in flight, they will have to do asI when I fled to Egypt.”
「我的儿子不顾对法国的诅咒,给了几个在信仰和天主恩宠方面表现无私(慷慨)的家庭保护的恩赐;他们必蒙保护,但在逃亡的时候,他们要像我逃到埃及一样行事。 」
Marie-Julie: “But St. Joseph, we do nothave Egypt, us.”
玛利亚.茱莉:「但是圣若瑟,我们没有埃及。 」
St. Joseph: “Brittany will be Egypt.”
大圣若瑟:「布列塔尼将成为埃及。 」
Here, it is not off our topic to readwhat Bossuet writes about the flight of Saint Joseph in Egypt:
"Strange fate as that of a poor artisanwho is suddenly banished, and why? Because he is placed in charge over Jesus,whom he has in his company. We cannot (have) Jesus for nothing; it is necessaryto participate in the cross."
「奇怪的命运,一个可怜的工匠突然逃亡了,为什么?因为他被指派照料耶稣,因为他与耶稣同在。我们不能不付代价地拥有耶稣;参与十字架是必要的。 」
September 21, 1881
Marie-Julie says: "As with our Lordwho leaves escape bitter complaints against His people, especially on Hisapostles that no longer respect Him, who have outraged him and who make theHoly Church suffer, He showed me a deep wound in His Divine Heart and He toldme:
"The Holy Church is wounded by asimilarly large number of them that should comfort her and (but) are only makingit sad."
「神圣的教会也同样被大量的人所伤害,这些人本应该安慰她(教会),但只是让她悲伤。 」
"If you did not want to accept forthem your immense sufferings, I would have weighed down My arm charged withpunishments.
Your charity has sustained them, but thechastisements when the time comes will be no less great; they force Me tostrike.
They lose their respect for theconfessional; they leave the rules that the Church orders them and they are thecause of many of the offences that (they?) make."
他们失去了对告解室的尊重;他们不遵守教会的规定,他们犯下了许多罪行。 」
"Woe to the priests who do notthink about the immense responsibility they will have to render to Me!
They are the cause of an evil beyondmeasure.
They are fierce against the good that Ioperate on the Earth to awaken the Faith, to excite souls to serve Me morefaithfully."
他们强烈反对我在地球上为唤醒信德而运行的善,激励人灵更忠实地为我服务。 」
"Soon, they will be punishedterribly."
「很快,他们就会受到严厉的惩罚。 」
Marie-Julie: "I tried to imploremercy."
玛利亚.茱莉:「我试图乞求宽恕。 」
Our Lord: "I am listening, but fora very little time."
我们的主:「我在听,但只有很短的一段时间。 」
And with a loud voice, He added:
"And the pastors of the Church, howare they in their faith? (Or, where are they in their faith?)
The largest number is ready to give uphis faith to save his body.
The Church weeps; the pain they causewill never be repaired. In a short time, the pastors of the Church will havespread scandals all over and they will give the last spear thrust to the HolyChurch.
Let this (message?) go so that theChurch knows how I suffer in the person of my priests and that she hascompassion for My pain.
They put Me in their hearts amidst greatand terrible mistakes.
Their responsibility will beterrible." (i.e., priests also receive the Blessed Sacrament unworthily?)
他们(要付出)的责任将是可怕的。」(亦即,司祭也不配领受圣体吗? )
September 29, 1881 (“The BretonStigmatist”, p. 50)
"Our Lord tell me that: The Sanctuaryof Montmartre (Sacre Coeur) would become in a short time the house of their counsels(i.e., the evil government) and of their treacherous organizations for thefinal destruction of the chapels, religious men and women, and also the closingdown of the places of apparition, the violation of the laws of the Church to apoint that no-one could imagine."
「我们的主告诉我:蒙马特(巴黎北区)的圣所(圣心)将在短时间内成为他们(即邪恶政府)的顾问,成为他们不忠的机构,他们最终摧毁了教堂、宗教男女,还关闭了显现(显圣?)的地方,违反教会的法律到了无人能想象的地步。 」
October 5, 1881
"There will be epidemics of theSouth, Valence, Lyon, Bordeaux, everything after this land coming to the Centre(Paris).
Very few people can escape. The corpseswill spread a stench that kills.
I will protect all of mine. I haveplaced the ladder leading from earth to My Heart, a road prepared for theunhappy times.
The time will not be very long, but itwill be terrible in three different times (or reprises)."
时间不会很长,但会有三波(或反复)会很可怕。 」
October 11, 1881
“This is the time when the Lord's dearpriests, nearly all also will experience and suffer great pains about Christianeducation and from the masters of institution.
If these dear apostles do not buy, attheir expense, these houses where they teach, men of power will seize themfreely and place them under their power and it will not be possible to havereligious souls to develop the germ of religion in young children that Heavenhas called on the Earth.
Remember, faithful people, that thesepowerful of the Earth are inflexible and do not return anything.
If it were possible to have all thehouses for healing and Catholic schools, acquired at the price of gold itself,the assurance would be more complete, the worry less intense.”
如果能以黄金般的价格买下所有用于医治的房子和天主教教会学校,那么確保就会更充分,担忧就会更少一些。 」
(Apparently, Heaven is giving advicethat in order to secure the faith, it is necessary to purchase private propertyfor the establishment of Catholic schools and hospitals despite the costsinvolved so they are not under the control of the liberal secular governmentsthat will try and stamp out religion.)