May 16, 1882
"The enemy of God will passthrough Persia (now Iran) and the other kingdoms and will rise for one year, onthe unfortunate seat of one who will cut off the head of the apostles and whowill make a martyr of him who supports the Church and the Faith.
The voice said that the Church willremain vacant for months. She adds; the third Pope will be the most holy, butwill not reign but three years before God calls him for his reward."
那声音说教堂将空置数月。她(玛利亚.茱莉)补充說;第三任教宗将是最圣洁的,但直到三年后,天主召唤他(成为教宗)给他赏报,他不会掌权。 」
May 16, 1882
"Over Spain Heaven also has itsplans. It is the king of this Kingdom, which, before two years pass, he willnot be afraid to call highly the brother of the true crown, among which twoflags and hopes are similar (Henry V).
By the beginning of the period, thisCatholic king will see himself forced to abandon his kingdom for a few months,and to withdraw from (open?)pursuers; but the time will not be long before hecan return ...
This return will be a real triumph thatwill revive his Faith and Hope."
这次归来将是一次真正的胜利,将使他重拾信心和希望。 」
May 26, 1882
"It is not a pastor of the Centre(i.e. a bishop of Paris) who will have the honour of crowning in glory the King(The Great Monarch), the heir who has deserved to govern his country.
The pastor will be young; 45 years willnot have sounded.
He will come from the diocese of Aix.
The pastors who govern the diocesestoday are no longer on their episcopal see.
The glorious and worthy child of God whowill crown the true King, on the ruins of the Centre, when the earth will bemuch deserted, will come from far way.”
天主荣耀可敬的孩子必从远方来,在地被遗弃的时候,在“中心”荒废之处,为真王加冕。 」
June 1, 1882 (“The Breton Stigmatist”,p. 29)
Our Lord, "They have all wanteddisorder and revolution, they will have their fill."
我们的主:「他们都想要混乱和革命,他们会得到满足的。 」
Same Day
1st June 1882
Our Lord: “Do you wish to suffersomething for your homeland, your country and the land of your cradles?”
我们的主:「你愿意为你的家乡、你的国家、你的出生地故乡受苦吗? 」
Marie-Julie: “My Jesus, I desire it, Iaccept, I choose and I obey.”
玛利亚.茱莉:「我的耶稣啊,我渴望,我接受,我揀选,我顺服。 」
Our Lord: “Do you wish to suffersomething for her (France), because the name of the victim will never beforgotten through the ages.”
我们的主:「你希望为她受苦吗(法国)?因为殉道者的名字将永世难忘。 」
Marie-Julie: “My Jesus, it is as Youwish, but I saw her in a tomb amidst the horrors of abominable iniquities,consumed in decay.
Lord, You can no more take her becauseshe has sworn to (destroy) Your Church and will not be satiated when she willhave triumphed in all things.”
Our Lord: “I can no more raise her, inher is planted the red sign set back in terror.
Her lips are black with blasphemies, theenemies of My glory surround her and have her turned against Me.
I will save, but after her misfortune. Iwill stop for now.
All these things make Me suffer and nowI am relieved to have revealed them to you.”
这一切事使我受苦,现在我把这些事告诉你,我就释然了。 」
June 6, 1882
"(During the first half of thethird year) the servants closest to the Pope dare sully their dignity throughshameful articles and will (become), to safeguard their lives, murderers andtorturers of the Poor Martyr, the sight of evil uprisings over Rome extinguishthe strengths and shorten the advantage of the martyrdom.
After three weeks his sufferings aredoubled: now he sees and feels the blow definitely come to the Church, to hisperson and the land they inhabit.
三周后,(教宗)他的痛苦倍增:现在他看到并感觉到打击肯定会降临到教会,到他本人和他们居住之地。他将看不到迫害的尽头;接替他的人也看不到,第三位将会长寿,但在这么多的瓦砾中,(卻)很难找到他。 」