September 5, 1882
Marie-Julie: “The brightest moment willbe that when Christian ministers, who were all scattered by the teeth of thetigers, will return by frightful paths, for the solemn day. Among the ministersof the Lord, friends of the King, I saw only four bishops.”
玛利亚.茱莉:「在这个庄严的节日里,那些被老虎牙齿撕裂的基督圣职人员们,会从(昔日)可怕的路径回来,这是最光曜的时刻。在所有主的圣职人员和国王的朋友们中,我只看到四个主教。 」
September 28, 1882
St. Michael: “A very short respite willfollow this great entry into the evil that will be complete, especially in theCentre (Paris) and the surrounding area.
May 24, it will happen between thepeople who call themselves winners and elevated in science, a brightness thatwill shake this Big City where blood has so often reddened the pavement andthis motion will not appease them.
You know the number 14 has been chosenby me."
你知道,“14”这个数字是我选的。 」
"The second and violent crisis willcommence and go up to 45 days. France will be invaded to the diocese whereBrittany begins.
The strongest army will fall on Orleansand invade areas of land that I cannot restrict.”
最强大的军队将会进攻奥尔良,入侵那些我无法控制的地区。 」
“With one stroke, they will reach the vicinityof the Great City. (Paris) They will penetrate there only in the middle of thecrisis. " (September 28,1882)
「只要一击,他们就能到达大城的附近(巴黎)。他们只会在危机中间侵入到那里。 」
September 29, 1882
"The Church will have its seatvacant for long months ... (...)
There will be two successive antipopesthat will reign all this time over the Holy See ..."
在这期间,将有连续两个反对教宗的,统治罗马教廷…… 」
October 5, 1882 A Chastisement ofDarkness
Our Lord: "My people, My people, Mypeople,your eyes will see the beginning of the terrible hour, when the wheat isnot the third node of growth.
At the moment when My people will onlyhave Faith and Hope to arm itself, still in the hard season, lasting for fourhours - from 12:00 to 4:00 in France - in those hard days still, the sun willbe like a veil of mourning; it will be darkened, without light.
Never could anyone on earth believe inthe blackness of this darkness. The earth will have nothing more.
The eye will be veiled, without it beingable to see any object.
My people, this will be the beginning ofMy punishment of Justice.
The sun will announce these sorrows: thesky will cry, unable to be comforted, because it will be the entrance of thetime when souls will be lost, the entrance, in a word of the terriblemisfortune. My people, this darkness will cover Brittany in the space of fourhours, but there will not be any hurt (or evil) ...simply a small fright."October 5, 1882 (i.e., to warn us.)
太阳会宣布这些悲伤:天空会哭泣,无法得到安慰,因为那将是灵魂迷失的时刻,一句话,可怕不幸的时刻。我的子民们,黑暗将笼罩布列塔尼四个小时,但不会有任何伤害(或害处)……只是一个小小的惊吓。 」(即警告我们)
October 12, 1882
Our Lord: "In several cities ofFrance, they will hold meetings of many pastors about the subject of a callmade by an impious and guilty law.
My children, many of these apostles ofFrance, I count but only three who will be absolutely worthy and who declarehighly, publicly and with formal will, for the side that I want, despite thegreat opposition of men.
The seed of the Faith will not bedestroyed; it will remain ... The evil will have its complete triumph, but thegood will rise again in all its thickness."
信心的种子必不被摧毁。它将存留……邪恶会完全得胜,但善良会重新站起来,在其所有的层次上。 」
October 12,1882
Same Day:
October 12, 1882
"My children, you will read manyletters written by the priests of France, as not disapproving of the laws ofthe government.
The Bond of the Faith, (i.e. the Pope)seeing the empirical sight of these bad luminaries, will make a call of Faithto the French clergy, as he told them: "Take the Faith as a weapon andshield; with it, you will overcome all that is opposed to the ecclesiasticallaw.”
There are those who will respond to hiscall, but not all.
Many remain in the wrong way, and thetrue priests will be very small in number.
My children, the Lord who sees aninnumerable loss of Christian souls, is at this moment, making all effort toshow the peril and the severity of the times (to) those will build on the rockof revolution.
And the Flame adds: "redrevolution."
"My daughter, now I will make passto My real people, before the great days without rest, the main facts to bepublished in France, in those places where they will find good and bad.
I do not want to mix those announcementsof the great days; it would be too late to warn My people." October 19,1882
我不想与伟大日子的宣告混在一起;(那样的话)警告我的人民就已经太迟了。 」