A Selection of Approved Theologians, Saints andCatholic Mystics that have Predicted the coming Chastisements, the GreatMonarch and the Angelic Pontiff.
Remember, the Chastisements do not signal the End ofthe World just yet, they are the penultimate punishments before the end.
“And you shallhear of wars and rumours of wars. See that you be not troubled. For thesethings must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” (Matt. 24: 6)
「你们要听到战争和战争的风声。小心,不要惊慌!因为这是必须发生的,但还不是结局。 」 (玛 24:6)
• St. Polycarp (69-155 AD) (Disciple of St. John, theEvangelist)
圣波利卡浦(69-155 AD)(宗徒兼圣史圣若望的门徒)
“Everyone whodoes not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is an antichrist [ 1 John4: 2-3, 2 John 7 ]; whoever does not confess the testimony of the cross is ofthe devil; and whoever perverts the sayings of the Lord for his own desires,and says that there is neither resurrection nor judgement, such a one is thefirstborn of Satan.” (Letter to the Philadelphians, 7: 1, 135 AD)
「凡不承认耶稣基督是成肉身来的,就是敌基督的 [ 1 John 4: 2-3,2 John 7 ]
凡为自己的私欲,颠倒主的话,说没有复活,也没有审判的,这样的人就是撒殚的长子。 」
(Note: theAntichrist and his precursors who will come before him will be recognized bytheir false doctrine denying either the humanity or the divinity of Christ.)
(注:敌基督和他的先锋,将因他们否认基督的人性或神性的错误教义,而被认出。 )
• Pastor Hermes (2nd Century)
“When thesethings thus come to pass then He who is Lord looking upon what is done andopposing His own will to the disorder, He cleanses the wickedness, partly byinundating the world with much water, and partly burning it with most rapidfire and sometimes pressing it with wars and pestilences, He will bring Hisworld to its ancient state.”
「这些事既成了这样,那作主的就观看所行的事,违背自己对混乱的旨意。他净化邪恶,部分通过大量水淹没世界,和部分通过极速的火,有时通过战争、瘟疫来强逼它,祂会把祂的世界带到它的古老的状态。 」
(Rev R. Gerald.Culleton, The Prophets and Our Times, Tan Books and Publishers, 1941,p107)
• St. Anthony of the Desert (251-356 AD)
沙漠中的圣安东(251-356 AD)
“Men willsurrender to the spirit of the age. They will say that if they had lived in ourday, Faith would be simple and easy.
But in their day, they will say, things are complex;the Church must be brought up to date and made meaningful to the day'sproblems.
When the Church and the World are one, then those daysare at hand.
Because our Divine Master placed a barrier between Histhings and the things of the world.”
因为我们的天主在祂的事物和世界的事物之间设置了一道屏障。 」
(Yves Dupont,Catholic Prophecy, Tan Books and Publishers 1970), p. 36
• Origen of Alexandria (185-254 AD)
亚力山大的奥力振(185-254 AD)
“That will bethe time in which righteousness shall be cast out, and innocence be hated; inwhich the wicked shall prey upon the good as enemies; neither law, nor order,nor military discipline shall be preserved; no one shall reverence hoary locks,nor recognize the duty of piety, nor pity sex or infancy; all things shall beconfounded and mixed together against right, and against the laws of nature.
Thus the earth shall be laid waste, as though by onecommon robbery.
When these things shall so happen, then the righteousand the followers of truth shall separate themselves from the wicked, and fleeinto solitudes.
And when he hears of this, the impious king, inflamedwith anger, will come with a great army, and bringing up all his forces, willsurround all the mountain in which the righteous shall be situated, that he mayseize them.
But they, when they shall see themselves to be shut inon all sides and besieged, will call upon God with a loud voice, and implorethe aid of heaven; and God shall hear them, and send from heaven a great kingto rescue and free them, anddestroy all the wicked with fire and sword.”
但他们(义人)见自己四面被围困,就要大声求告天主,祈求天上的帮助。天主必应允他们,从天上差遣一个伟大的王来救他们,释放他们,用火和刀剑灭绝一切恶人。 」
• St. Methodius of Olympus (d. 311)
“A day will comewhen the enemies of Christ will boast of having conquered the whole world.
They will say “Christians cannot escape now!”
But a great King will arise to fight the enemies ofGod. He will defeat them and peace will be given to the world, and the Churchfreed from her anxieties.”
惟有伟大君王兴起,与天主的仇敌争战。祂(天主)会打败他们(仇敌),和平就会降临世界,教会就会从焦虑中解脱出来。 」
(Desmond A.Birch, Trial Tribulation and Triumph: Before, During and After Antichrist,Queenship Publishing, 1996 p 244)
St. Methodius continues to say that the earth will beconquered by Muslims as a punishment for the sins of the earth, and that theGreat Monarch will suddenly break forth to conquer them, freeing the Christianlands.
The Great Monarch is called the “Roman” King by St.Methodius, possibly, for defending the Roman Catholic faith, andre-establishing the Christian Holy Roman Empire.
The Great Monarch will eventually go to the Holy Landwhere he will die:
“...when the Son of Perdition has arisen, (theAntichrist), the King of the Romans will ascend Golgotha upon which the wood ofthe Holy Cross is fixed, in the place where the Lord underwent death for us.
The king will take the crown from his head and place itupon the cross and stretching out his hands to heaven will hand over thekingdom of the Christians to God the Father.
The cross and crown of the king will be taken uptogether to heaven. This is because the Cross on which our Lord Jesus Christhung for the common salvation of all will begin to appear before him at hiscoming to convict the lack of faith of the unbelievers.
The prophecy of David which says, "In the lastdays Ethiopia will stretch out her hand to God" [Psalm 68:32] will befulfilled in that these last men who stretch out their hands to God are fromthe seed of Chuseth, the daughter of Phol, king of Ethiopia.
达味曾预言说:「在末后的日子,雇士向天主高举双手。 」(圣咏68:32)这些最后向天主举手的人,是古实王腓珥的女儿古塞特的后裔,这预言就要应验了。
When the Cross has been lifted up on high to heaven,the King of the Romans will directly give up his spirit.
Then every principality and power will be destroyedthat the Son of Perdition may manifest (himself)...”
那时,一切执政的,掌权的,都必被毁灭,那沉沦之子必显明出来……。 」
(E. Sackur,Sibyllinische Texte, pp. 89-94)
The Son of Perdition arrives because Christians willgrow complacent during the Great Peace ruled over by the Great Monarch and theAngelic Pontiff, evil will grow again, it is time for the Antichrist to come:
“In the lastperiod Christians will not appreciate the great grace of God who provided amonarch, a long duration of peace, a splendid fertility of the earth.
They will be very ungrateful, lead a sinful life, inpride, vanity, unchastity, frivolity, hatred, avarice, gluttony, and many othervices, [so] that the sins of men will stink more than a pestilence before God.
Many will doubt whether the Catholic faith is the trueand only saving one and whether the Jews are correct when they still expect theMessiah.
Many will be the false teachings and resultantbewilderment.
The just God will in consequence give Lucifer and allhis devils power to come on earth and tempt his godless creatures.” (Rev R.Gerald. Culleton, The Prophets and Our Times, Tan Books and Publishers, 1941, p110)
(Rev R. Gerald.Culleton, The Prophets and Our Times, Tan Books and Publishers, 1941, p 110)