SaintJohn of the Cross was a great Spanish mystic and theologian who worked withSt.Teresa of Avila in the founding of the Order of Discalced Carmelites(1542-1591).
Hewas canonized in 1726 and declared Doctor of the Church in 1926.
Hiswork in the field of mystical theology is authoritative.
Hestudied with great precision, all stages of the ascent of the contemplativesoul in its return to God. It is a long path of light and love, of painfulpurification and enlightenment gradually, resulting in the total andindissoluble union of the soul with God.
SaintJohn of the Cross describes his personal experience which gives him aninvaluable skill.
Hispresence in La Fraudais should reassure those who still doubt the atmosphere oftruth and obedience to the Church.
Hewas just appointed to guide Marie-Julie in the ways of the Holy Novitiate.
Forseveral months she was taught by the Holy Spirit on the essential place of theCross in the spiritual life of Christian souls on earth to heaven. (Biographyprovided by the Sanctuary Website.)
“Iam Saint John of the Cross. I come to say a word before you enter the HolyNovitiate.
Lovethe cross, all carry the cross. Cherish the cross and we all take comfort inthe Cross.
Itis the love of the Cross which perfects within us the beautiful virtues thatthe Lord wants to give us in His generosity.
Without the cross and without thetribulations,we must not rely on the supreme happiness,because happiness is inpain, in suffering, in the Cross, in persecutions in this world. The Cross is avaluable book, but so few know how to read(it).”
Marie-Julie:“It is true, good saint, but teach us.”
St.John of the Cross: “The Cross of the Divine Master contains all the lights andall the sublime riches.
Itis necessary to start our study there during (our) life because that is wherethe perfection of the soul begins.
Themore the Lord sends us pain, suffering in this world, the more He loves us, themore it brings us closer to Him, He caresses us more in His blazing love.
Thepains of the earth and all the miseries of life are infinitely precious meritsbefore the Lord. Many suffer on earth, but many suffer badly.”
Marie-Julie:“Teachus good saint.”
St.John of the Cross: “To suffer well is to procure the immense glory of peace,wealth,love on earth, the recovery of the bliss of repose of the soul.
Ialso lived on earth in the midst of crosses and tribulations, but I was neverweary,because I felt so great perfection, a tenderness of love in suffering, asif I could take all the suffering of the earth, I would have done so for myGod.
If you are the friends of God, you must expect to suffer. And you, the friends ofGod, He will help you, sometimes in His joy, sometimes His dear Cross on whichHe has suffered so much.”
Marie-Julie:“Thankyou, good saint, this is good.”
St.John of the Cross: “It is a sure sign that God loves us when He makes us sufferon earth.
Hewho does not suffer, is not the true friend of God. The Lord admits us (into)His grace, thank him.
Rememberthat when we feel the pains of life, we experience His grace.
Whenthe Lord begins a work in which He wants His glory to break forth, he surroundsit first with persecutions, the cross, neglect, all kinds of penalties.
Thisis the real charm of the Finger of God. It is necessary that one who is in thefriendship of the Lord be tested, that everything in his soul is purified.”
Marie-Julie:“I always fear offending the Lord,teach us, good saint, what to do not todisplease Him in the smallest things.”
St.John of the Cross: “First, we must maintain humility, obedience, submission,love can say to the Divine Jesus: 'I offer you in advance what will happen,penalties, crosses, or love and joy,'that is the real way not to displease God,for all has been offered to Him in advance ...”