我们被警告(胡文浩译 王保禄 杨开勇校阅)列表
·01我们被警告 玛丽·茱莉的生平
·02我们被警告 玛丽·茱莉的启示和
·03我们被警告 撒旦要把人悉数扫入
·05.我们被警告 关于法国和罗马教庭
·06我们被警戒 得到新圣髑
·08我们被警告 会见玛加利大.玛利亚
·10.我们被警告 三天大黑暗
·18我们被警告 关于共济会
·19我们被警戒 最后的温柔劝诫!
·22.我们被警戒 背教还是殉道?
·25.圣文德的造访 !
·35.圣本笃造访: 警告假基督到来的
·36. 惩罚之前“良心的内在警告”
·80.我们被警告 圣神论法国要经受的
·82. 立恶表的坏司铎有祸了,圣母对
·097 .天主宣告法国教会与罗马教会
·098.门徒与教宗的分离 巴黎大塌方
·099 .善与恶的征兆
·100 更多关于分裂、邪恶、三天黑暗
·101 天父对我们可怜的灵魂的三个要
·102 为保全身体的性命,将有许多人
·103 在那里,天地之间的争战要临到
·104 我看到敌人在高层(圣教会的首
·105 关于新弥撒(这个弥撒是由不听
·106 我们被警告 关于儿童教育
·109 玛利亚·茱莉宣布,全球四分之
·110 大量的人将背教,许多父母养育
·111. 在1920年,宣布第二次世界大战
·112. 灵魂们,思念我吧。思念我,
·116 .你们是耶稣的血,你们是耶稣
·117 .相信上主的怜悯
·118 .痛苦圣母告诉我们:对不敬虔者
·119 .我呼召你成为这世上末日的使
·120 . 如何使千万罪人悔改
·121 .受苦、补赎、牺牲是耶稣圣心
·123 .没有经历苦难,就体会不到怜
·125. 警告2天和3天的黑暗,加上补
·126 我的孩子们,法国罪恶重大,应
·127 玛利亚.茱莉临终前最后的话
·128 主年复一年地警告祂的百姓:大
·129 将有许多灵魂,被附魔,作出世
·130 火将从天上降落在索多玛(巴黎
·132 天主和圣母, 一步一步地向我
·134 大圣若瑟的能力及劝告:不要依
·135 意大利在可怕的危机和内战期间
·139 我们被警告 关于拯救法国的细
·140 我们被警告 在法国受到各种惩
·142 对主肩膀上伤口的敬礼(在最后
·143 主耶稣基督肩膀的圣伤和对那些
·144 .我正在寻找爱我的灵魂来感同
·145 .我正在寻找爱我的灵魂来感同
·146.我们被警告 最后一滴宝血从十
·147 我们被警告 我们的主教导玛利
·148 我们被警告 法国得救了
·149 我们被警告 向玛丽·朱莉所启
·150 伟大的君王将在十字架的标记下
·151 更多关于十字架圣所:当暴风雨
·152 更多关于十字架圣所2:十字架是
·160. 被放置在未来圣所十字苦路的
·163. 我们的博纳加德圣母和勒加缪
·165 众多圣人们和神学家们都预言了
·166 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·167 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·170 众多圣人和神学家的预言(六)
·171 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·172 众多圣人和神学家的预言(八)
·173 众多圣人和神学家的预言(九)
·174 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十)
·175 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十一
·176 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十二
·177 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十三
·178 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十四
·179 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十五
·180 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十六
·181 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十七
·182 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十八
·183 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十九
·184 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·185 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·186 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·187 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·188. 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·189 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·190 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·191 我们被警告 给玛利亚·茱莉关
·192 我们被警告 宽免的十字架和修
·193 我们被警告 关于圣本笃圣牌
·194.书末预言(165-190) 引证出处
174 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十):天主必叫大灾祸临到祂的教会
174 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十):天主必叫大灾祸临到祂的教会
浏览次数:1645 更新时间:2020-12-5

 Venerable BartholomewHolzhauser (1613-1658)


 “Thefifth period of the Church, which began circa 1520, will end with the arrivalof the holy Pope and of the powerful Monarch who is called "Help FromGod" because he will restore everything [in Christ]…”

「教会的第五个时期大约始于1520年,而结束于神圣教宗和被称为“从天主而来的帮助的大能君王的到来,因为大能君王将恢复(在基督里的)一切…… 」


(Bartholomew Holzhauser, Apocalypsin,1850 p 69, quoted in Desmond A. Birch, Trial Tribulation and Triumph: Before,During and After Antichrist, Queenship Publishing, 1996, p 271)

 “Thefifth period is one of affliction, desolation, humiliation, and poverty for theChurch.


Jesus Christ will purify His peoplethrough cruel wars, famines, plagues, epidemics, and other horrible calamities.


It is a period of defections, calamitiesand exterminations.


Those Christians who survive thesword,plague and famines, will be few on earth.


Nations will fight against nations andwill be desolated by internecine dissensions…”

国与国之间交战,并将因自相残杀而满目疮痍…… 」

(Bartholomew Holzhauser, Apocalypsin,1850 p 69, quoted in Desmond A. Birch, Trial Tribulation and Triumph: Before,During and After Antichrist, Queenship Publishing, 1996, p 331)

 “Duringthis period the Wisdom of God guides the Church in. several ways:


1) by chastising the Church so thatriches may not corrupt her completely;


2) by interposing the Council of Trentlike a light in the darkness, so that the Christians who see the light may knowwhat to believe;


3) by setting St. Ignatius and hisSociety in opposition to Luther and other heretics;


4) by carrying to remote lands the Faithwhich has been banned in most of Europe…”

4)把在欧洲大部分地区被禁止的信仰带到遥远的地方…… 」

(Yves Dupont, Catholic Prophecy, TanBooks and Publishers, 1970, p 39)

 “Arewe not to fear during this period that the Mohamedans will come again workingout their sinister schemes against the Latin church…?”

「在这段时间里,我们难道不必担心穆罕默德教会再次来制定对拉丁教会的邪恶阴谋吗……? 」

(Bartholomew Holzhauser, Apocalypsin,1850,p. 69, quoted in Desmond A. Birch, Trial Tribulation and Triumph: Before,During and After Antichrist, Queenship Publishing. 1996, p 332)

 “Duringthis period, many men will abuse the freedom of conscience conceded to them. Itis of such men that Jude the Apostle spoke when he said, ‘These men blasphemewhatever they do not understand; and they corrupt whatever they know naturallyas irrational animals do…


(评注:经上原文如此:「这些人却不然,凡他们所不明白的事就亵渎,而他们按本性所体验的事,却像无理性的畜牲一样,就在这些事上败坏自己。 」犹达书 1:10)

They feast together without restraint,feeding themselves, grumbling mur murers, walking according to their lusts;their mouth speaketh proud things, they admire people for the sake of gain;they bring about division, sensual men, having not the spirit.’”


(Yves Dupont, Catholic Prophecy, TanBooks and Publishers, 1970, p 39)

 “Duringthis unhappy period, there will be laxity in divine and human precepts.


Discipline will suffer.


The Holy Canons will be completelydisregarded, and the Clergy will not respect the laws of the Church. Everyonewill be carried away and led to believe and to do what he fancies, according tothe manner of the flesh…”

神圣的法典会被完全藐视,神职人员也不会尊重教会法。每个人都被引诱,误导去相信,去行他喜欢的事,按肉体的方式行事…… 」

(Bartholomew Holzhauser, Apocalypsin,1850, p 69,quoted in Desmond A. Birch, Trial Tribulation and Triumph: Before,During and After Antichrist,Queenship Publishing, 1996, p 333)

 “Theywill ridicule Christian simplicity; they will call it folly and nonsense, butthey will have the highest regard for advanced knowledge, and for the skill bywhich the axioms of the law, the precepts of morality, the Holy Canons and religiousdogmas are clouded by senseless questions and elaborate arguments.


As a result, no principle at all,however holy, authentic, ancient, and certain it may be, will remain free ofcensure, criticism, false interpretation, modification, and delimitation byman…”

这样的结果,沒有任何的原则,无论它是多么神圣、真实、古老和确定,都难免被人们责难、批评、错误的解释、修改,和界定…… 」

(Bartholomew Holzhauser, Apocalypsin,1850, p 69, quoted in Desmond A. Birch, Trial Tribulation and Triumph: Before,During and After Antichrist, Queenship Publishing, 1996, p 333)

 “Theseare evil times, a century full of dangers and calamities.


Heresy is everywhere, and the followersof heresy are in power almost everywhere.


Bishops, prelates, and priests say thatthey are doing their duty, that they are vigilant, and that they live as befitstheir state in life.


In like manner, therefore, they all seekexcuses.


But God will permit a great evil againstHis Church:


Heretics and tyrants will come suddenlyand unexpectedly; they will break into the Church while bishops, prelates andpriests are asleep.


They will enter Italy and lay Romewaste; they will burn down the churches and destroy everything.…”

他们将进入意大利,摧毁罗马;他们会烧毁教堂,摧毁一切…… 」

(Bartholomew Holzhauser, Apocalypsin,1850, p69, quoted in Desmond A. Birch, Trial Tribulation and Triumph: Before,During and After Antichrist, Queenship Publishing, 1996, p 337).

 “TheSixth Age of the Spirit commences with the powerful Monarch and the HolyPontiff as previously mentioned and will last until the appearance of theAntichrist.


This sixth epoch of the church – “thetime of consolation” begins with the Holy Pope and the Powerful Emperor andterminates with the reign of Antichrist.


This will be an age of solace whereinGod will console His church after the many mortifications and afflictions shehas endured in the Fifth period, for all nations will be brought to the unityof the True catholic faith.


The sacerdocy will flower more thanever, and men will seek the kingdom of God in all solicitude.


The Lord will give good pastors to theChurch.


Vocations will be abundant as neverbefore and all men will seek only the kingdom of God and His justice. Men willlive in peace and this will be granted because people will make their peacewith God.


They will live under the protection ofthe Great Monarch and his successors….”

他们将生活在伟大的君主和他的继任者的保护下…… 」

(Bartholomew Holzhauser, Apocalypsin,1850, p 69, quoted in Desmond A. Birch, Trial Tribulation and Triumph: Before,During and After Antichrist, Queenship Publishing, 1996, p 337)

 “TheGreat Monarch will come when the Latin Church is desolated, humiliated, andafflicted with many heresies….”

「伟大的君王来的时候,拉丁教会是荒凉、羞辱,和受许多异端的折磨的时候…… 」

 (William Von Peters, The Siri Thesis, based onthe work of Mr Gary Giuffre)

 “TheSixth Epoch of the World, which commences with the emancipation of the peopleof Israel and the restoration of the Temple and of the city of Jerusalem, willendure until the advent of Jesus Christ…


For likewise, in this epoch, the peopleof Israel will be consoled to a very high degree by the Lord, our God, who willdeliver them from the captivity of Babylon.


The kingdoms, the nations, and thepeople will submit to the Roman Empire, furiously vanquished by the verypowerful and very illustrious monarch who will govern during fifty-six years,rendering the peace of the universe and reigning alone until the advent ofJesus Christ and even after him.


Thus, in the Sixth Age, God will delighthis Church with the greatest prosperity…”


(Ven Bartholomew Holzhauser, Visions,1646)

 “The“angel” is the Great Monarch: “from heaven” means he will be a catholic:“clothed in clouds” implies he will be humble and modest; “rainbow” he willbring peace to the world;


 “sunshine”refers to his wisdom, talents and title; “feet” refers to his power and zeal;“Open book”he will rule with justice “Right and left foot” he will exercisepower over all the world; “Lion Voice” he will put fear into the wicked.


The “Golden Crown” refers to his Holy Roman(German)Empire; “Cutlass” means his victorious army; the other “angel” refersto the pope (Angelic pastor).


 “Otherangels” are the other helpers of the Great Monarch who will help him crush theTurks…”

其他天使是伟大君王的其他助手,将帮助他粉碎土耳其人…… 」

 (Apparently,this appears to be his interpretation of Chapter 10 in the Apocalypse.)

显然,这似乎是他(Rev R. Gerald.Culleton)对《默示录》第十章的解读。

 (Rev R. Gerald.Culleton, The Prophets and OurTimes, Tan Books and Publishers 1941, p172)

 “Duringthe fifth period we saw only calamities and devastation, oppression ofCatholics by tyrants and heretics, executions of kings and conspiracies to setup republics but by the hand of God almighty there occurs so wonderful a changeduring the sixth period that no one can humanly visualize it.


The powerful Monarch, who is sent fromGod, will uproot every Republic.


He will submit everything to thisauthority and he will show great zeal for the true church of Christ.


The empire of the Mohamedans will bebroken up and the monarch will reign in the east as well as in the west.


All nations will come to worship God inthe true and Catholic Roman faith. There will be many saints and doctors of thechurch on earth.


Peace will reign over the whole earthbecause God will bind Satan for a number of years before the days of the Son ofPerdition.


No one will be able to pervert the wordof God since during the sixth period there will be an ecumenical council whichwill be the greatest of all councils.


By the grace of God, by the power of thegreat Monarch, by the authority of the holy pontiff and by union of all themost devout princes atheism and every heresy will be banished from the earth.


The council will define the true senseof Holy Scripture and this will be beloved and accepted by everyone.”

大会将定义圣经的真正含义,这将被所有人所喜爱和接受。 」

(Bartholomew Holzhauser, Apocalypsin,1850, p 68-69 quoted in Desmond A. Birch, Trial Tribulation and Triumph:Before, During and After Antichrist, Queenship Publishing. 1996, pp 337-338)

 “Wheneverything has been ruined by war; when Catholics are hard pressed bytraitorous co-religionists and heretics, then the Hand of Almighty God willwork a marvellous change,something apparently impossible according to humanunderstanding.


There will rise a valiant monarchanointed by God. He will be a Catholic, a descendant of Louis IX, yet adescendant of an ancient imperial German family, born in exile. He will rulesupreme in temporal matters.


The Pope will rule supreme in spiritualmatters at the same time. Persecution will cease and justice shall rule.


Religion seems to be suppressed, but bythe changes of entire kingdoms it will be made more firm….He will root outfalse doctrines and destroy the rule of Moslemism. His dominion will extendfrom the East to the West.


All nations will adore God their Lordaccording to the Catholic teaching.


There will be many wise and just men.


The people will love justice, and peacewill reign over the whole earth, for divine power will bind Satan for manyyears until the coming of the Son of Perdition.”

人民将热爱正义,和平将统治全地,因为上主的能力将捆绑撒殚许多年,直到地狱之子降临。 」

(Bartholomew Holzhauser, Visions, 1646)

 “Thereign of the Great Ruler may be compared with that of Caesar Augustus whobecame Emperor after his victory over his enemies, thereby giving peace to theworld, also with the reign of Constantine the Great, who was sent by God, aftersevere persecution, to deliver both the Church and State.

「伟大宰治者的统治可以与凯撒.奥古斯都的统治相提并论,凯撒.奥古斯都在战胜敌人后成为皇帝,从而给世界带来和平;也可以与君士坦丁大帝的统治相提并论,君士坦丁大帝在遭受严重迫害后,被天主派去拯救教会和国家。 」

By his victories on water and land hebrought the Roman Empire under subjection which he then ruled in peace”

通过在水上和陆地上的胜利,他(伟大宰治者)使罗马帝国臣服于他,然后他和平地统治了罗马帝国。 」

(Rev R. Gerald. Culleton, The Prophetsand Our Times, Tan Books and Publishers, 1941, p171)

 “[Aftera world war] will come a new period, in which two mighty ones will face eachother.


The wrangle between these two will beginin the second half of the twentieth century.


It will overthrow mountains and silt uprivers.


A great change will come to pass, suchas no mortal man will have expected; Heaven and Hell will confront each otherin this struggle, old states will perish and light and darkness will be pittedagainst each other with swords, but it will be swords of a different fashion.


With these swords it will be possible tocut up the skies and split the earth.


A great lament will come over allmankind and only a small batch will survive the storm, the pestilence and thehorror.


And neither of the two adversaries willconquer nor be vanquished.


Both mighty ones will lie on the ground,and a new mankind will come into existence.


God possesses the key to everything.


Blessed is he who will then be able topraise him, having obeyed all his commandments.


And the great monarch of the world willcreate new laws for the new mankind and will cause a new age to begin, in whichthere will be only one flock and one shepherd, and peace will be of long, longduration, for the glory of God in heaven and on earth…”

世界上伟大的君王将为新人类创造新的法律,并将导致一个新时代的开始,在这个时代里,只有一个羊群和一个牧人,为了天主在天上和地上的荣耀,和平将是长久的,持续的…… 」

Ven Bartholomew Holzhauser, Visions,1646.

 “Nowthe Great Monarch also will dominate over all the beasts of the earth, that isto say over the barbarian nations, over the rebellious peoples, over theheretic republics and over all men dominated by their evil passions…”

「现在伟大的君主还将统治世界上的一切野兽,也就是说,统治野蛮民族、反叛民族、异端共和国,和一切被邪恶情绪支配的人…… 」

 (Ven Bartholomew Holzhauser, Visions, 1646.)

 “Itis in that age that the relation of the sixth Spirit of the Lord will be known,that is to say the Spirit of Wisdom that God diffuses over all the surfaces ofthe globes in those times. For men will fear the Lord their God, they willobserve the law and serve it with all their heart.


The sciences will be multiplied andcomplete on the earth.


The Holy Scriptures will be unanimouslyunderstood,without controversy and without the errors of heresies. Men will beenlightened, so much as in the natural sciences and in the celestial sciences…”

圣经会被大家一致理解,没有争议,没有异教的错误。人们会被开启,就像自然科学和天体科学一样…… 」

( Ven Bartholomew Holzhauser, Visions,1646)

 “Finally,the Sixth Church, the Church of Philadelphia, is the type of this sixth age,for Philadelphia signifies friendship of brothers, and again guarding theheritage in union with the Lord.


Now all these characters conveneperfectly in the sixth age, in which they will have love, concord and perfectpeace and in which the powerful Monarch will have to consider almost the entireworld as his heritage.


He will deliver up the earth, with theaid of the Lord his God from all his enemies, of ruin and of all evil…”

藉上主天主的帮助,他从一切仇敌手中,解救了毁坏的大地,邪恶的大地…… 」

(Ven Bartholomew Holzhauser, Visions,1646)

上一篇:173 众多圣人和神学家的预言(九)
下一篇:175 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十一


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