March 16, 1880
Our Lady: "My children, so manypains, so many crosses, so many tears will be highly rewarded.
Heaven has you covered. This place (La Fraudais)will become great, an immense magnitude. Souls will come, driven by anextraordinary grace.
My children, a mountain has been raisedhere ...
It is my Son, who in His turn willcommand.
This is how the secret works arriveslowly coming to their term, after having long been veiled in appearance.
You are called to an extraordinaryregeneration.
You will be called the children of thenew world."
你们将被称为新世界的孩子。 」
March 16, 1880
The future of La Fraudais revealed toMarie-Julie
Our Lady: “My children, all you who arecalled to the regeneration of an extraordinary grace, you will be called thenew children by grace, children of the new world by the powerful fullness ofgrace.”
我们的圣母:「我的孩子们,你们所有被召叫获得超凡重生恩宠的人,你们因恩宠而被称为新的子女,因大能圆满的恩典而被称为新世界的孩子。 」
Marie-Julie: “Thank you, O good Mother.”
玛利亚.茱莉:「谢谢您,哦!我的好妈妈! 」
Our Lady: “More than ever before, I loveyou, my children, as I see the designs of Heaven close to opening. A mother,seeing these favours, is she not delighted in that happiness?”
我们的圣母:「我的孩子们,我比以往任何时候都更爱你们,因为我看到天堂的计划即将开展。作母亲的看到这些恩宠爱,能不为这幸福高兴吗? 」
Marie-Julie: “Yes, good Mother.”
Our Lady: “My children, it is not (thosewho are?) close that we are going to choose new hearts to glorify the grace andto be admitted to the glory of the Most High.
My children, my Divine Son has notcounted any science (knowledge) capable of glorifying Him in those who areclosest and which are coated with the order of grace.
My children, in very little time, acrowd of souls descend the narrow paths that lead to the solitary place butconsequently this name will not be borne long. On all sides, this place willbecome large, a vast expanse.”
我的孩子们,在很短的时间里,一群灵魂沿着狭窄小路往下走,通向那个孤独安静的地方,但是最后这个名字不会流传很久。这地四方周围要成为广大无垠开阔之地。 」
Marie-Julie “Because, good Mother, morethan before, it is these visits of souls?”
Our Lady: “My daughter, my children,they will come, driven by an extraordinary grace without knowing any mystery,driven by the voice from on high to come pick up the bright and visible gracesof Heaven.”
我们的圣母:「我的女儿,我的孩子们,他们会来的,被一种没有任何神秘的非凡恩宠所驱使,被从天上来的声音所驱使,来接受天上明亮可见的恩宠。 」
Marie-Julie: “Good Mother, we do notadmit so many people (de monde, = i.e., outsiders? The world?).
玛利亚.茱莉:「我的好妈妈,我们不能容纳这么多人! 」(demonde=即局外人,外来者?世界?)
(评注:原文是Bonne Mère, nous n'admettonspas tant de monde.其中de monde有全世界的意思。)
Our Lady: “My daughter, Heaven hasthought of everything and anything inside will not be able to refuse theentrance of outside, I mean the entrance of souls.”
我们的圣母:「我的女儿,天堂已经想到了一切,里面的一切都不能拒绝外面的东西进入,我的意思是灵魂的进入。 」
Marie-Julie: “Good Mother, if you dothis, I will not stay here.”
玛利亚.茱莉:「好妈妈,如果你这样做,我就不呆在这里了。 」
(Obviously, Marie-Julie thought the Great Planof Our Lord and this influx of pilgrims would happen in her lifetime and dreadedbecoming a public figure.)
Our Lady: “Where will you go child?”
我们的圣母:「孩子,你会要去哪里? 」
Marie-Julie: “Mother, I will take yourcloak and I will hide under it to be invisible.”
玛利亚.茱莉:「妈妈,我要拿起你的斗篷,我要躲藏在里面不被看见。 」
Our Lady: “My child, the instrument ofso much suffering, so many sacrifices, it will not stay still always on earth.It remains meanwhile up to an epoch when he shall be no more. It remains therefor a divine grace, full of wonders.
It remains to complete the finalgrandeurs with a merited grace and grace won at the cost of what so many soulsare ignorant of.”
器皿留在那里要以德性的恩宠完成最后的壮举,并以许多灵魂所不知道的代价而赢得恩宠。 」
(Note: Our Lady could talking aboutMarie-Julie as the 'instrument' of suffering, or, she is making a predictionabout a suffering soul who will come on earth, possibly the King to come as OurLord also predicted the king would suffer much.)
Marie-Julie: “I have not understoodthen, good Mother.”
玛利亚.茱莉:「我还不明白,好妈妈。 」
Our Lady: “My dear child, contentyourself with joy.”
我们的圣母:「我亲爱的孩子,你高兴就好了。 」
Marie-Julie: “Thank you, dear Mother.”
玛利亚.茱莉:「谢谢你,亲爱的妈妈。 」
Our Lady: “My child, so much pain and somuch work, so many crosses and tears are so highly rewarded, so miraculouslyturned into miracles that although many great works have been operating fromCalvary until today, never before have I remarked, my children, so many riversfilled, so many heavy rains of grace as reserved for the place where I speaknow.”
我们的圣母:「我的孩子,如此多痛苦和如此多的工作,如此多十字架和眼泪有如此高的赏报,出乎意料地变成了奇迹,虽然从加尔瓦略山到今天仍有许多伟大的工作在进行,直到今天,我从来没有谈论,我的孩子,如此多的恩宠的洪涛骤雨降落在我现在说话的地方。 」
Marie-Julie: “Good Mother, we have donenothing to deserve the smallest favour.”
玛利亚.茱莉:「好妈妈,我们没有做过一件配得你的哪怕最小的恩宠的事。 」
Our Lady: “My children, the thought of agenerous heart is able to attract all of Heaven, all the richest treasures ofHeaven upon him.”
我们的圣母:「我的孩子们,仁慈宽厚的心能够吸引天堂的所有一切,及他身上所有最丰富的天堂宝藏在他身上。 」
Marie-Julie: “Oh, good Mother, for solittle, so much to win!”
玛利亚·茱莉:「哦,好妈妈,这么少的(付出),竟赢得这么多! 」
Our Lady: “My children, if I were toreveal all the greatness of grace that you receive every day, you would beelevated in the highest glory of love and all human expressions would changeinto divine (ones).”
Marie-Julie: “ Good Mother, oh! teach usto act divinely and reject far from us, all human(things).”
玛利亚.茱莉:「我的好妈妈,哦!教导我们行事神圣,远拒一切属人的(事物)。 」
Our Lady: “My children, often it is frommisery that my beloved Son draws the most beautiful gold coins and the richestcurrency of reward.”
我们的圣母:「我的孩子们,我的爱子常常从苦难中给出最美的金币,和最厚的赏报。 」
Marie-Julie: “Oh, good Mother, after allthat your mouth without stain reveals about you, how on earth (can we) stilllive without loving up to the point of holy folly?”
玛利亚.茱莉:「哦,好妈妈,你那无玷的口启示了一切之后,世上的我们怎么还能活着而不爱你到圣痴的地步呢? 」
Our Lady: “My children, the Earth hasalready turned into a rich and beautiful mountain, formed of all the finestriches.
This mountain, every day, is raised bythe work of an Almighty God.
You are on it. Each day you rise more bygrace and soon the Earth will flee away from your eyes, flee from yourthoughts, escape from your regard.
The Earth will be so low when all thepilgrims who come to your mountain spreading a profuse sweat, as it will bedifficult to climb.
By that I mean they understand how theHoly of Holies is admirable in its intentions, how much He deserves to bepraised, exalted in His wonders.
This sweat, it is the tears that theywill pay for not wanting sooner to taste the so precious grace tasted by thatthe small number of children called anew by grace.
But it will be difficult to climb themountain where the blessed of my Son are elevated.
By dint of regret, in sorrow andrepentance in future years, they will succeed but the first will be raised veryhigh and be very mysteriously delighted in the work of my Son.
My children, from outside, they willignore the reason of this gripped (firm) march of triumphant souls who descendupon the Shrine of the Cross.
It is a secret to be revealed in thefuture.
My Divine Son prepares in heaven, inunion with all His elect, a festival to be celebrated in this place where weare now, in this place where I have descended.
How can He do this? Has not my Sonseemed to submit to men and let them do, as before when He submitted to thechaste Joseph?
After this charitable submission to men,he will reign as a King who conquers everything. It is my Son who, in His turn,will command.
This is how the secret works will comeslowly to an end, after having long been veiled in appearance. (Is this areference to the King to come?)
You are called to an extraordinaryregeneration.
You will be called the children of theworld again. "
Marie-Julie: “Good Mother, it is sweetto spend a few hours with you that expand the heart and renders it so happythinking of the future.”
玛利亚.茱莉:「好妈妈,能和您在一起呆上几个小时真是太好了,它开阔了我的心胸,使我对未来充满了美好的憧憬。 」
Our Lady: “My daughter, everything isbought, almost everything is paid, there remains the joy and happiness.”
我们的圣母:「我的女儿,所有的东西都救赎了,几乎所有的东西都支付偿还了,这里存有快乐和幸福。 」