September 6, 1880
Our Lord:
"The suppression of the ringing ofbells and of religious funerals will be demanded ... They will erase all memoryof the first religion and they will instruct in an impious religion …”
September 20, 1880
(Text similar to one above, possibleconflation of texts, or, Marie-Julie continually asks when the period ofSatan's kingdom will come and receives the same answer.)
Marie-Julie asked what epoch when Satanwould reign as master.
The Flame of the Holy Spirit replied:"It is the one you are now in, children of God."
圣神的火焰回答说:「就是你现在所在的时代,天主的孩子。 」
"If the righteous had not redoubledtheir prayers, above all in respect of the justices announced (punishments?)after the centuries, the Hand of the Lord would have weighed down on all Hispeople, and greater trials would have long visited His children."
(Possible interpretation: if thefaithful had not redoubled their prayers after centuries of warnings, thepunishments would have come long before now and would have lasted much longer.Prayer averts God's wrath.)
Same Day:
September 20, 1880
"From the time when the rage of theimpious will stop for a short respite, there will come a great disease, almostsuddenly. This chastisement will leave its victims as those without life, theywill still breathe with the ability to speak, the flesh raw like after a deepburn.
This malady will be very contagious andnothing will stop it. It is a punishment from God to bring many (souls)back."
(Mypersonal observations: This could be the disease mentioned earlier that willattack the heart, mind and tongue.)
Same Day: The TWO NIGHTS of DARKNESS,not to be confused with the THREE DAYS of DARKNESS:
September 20, 1880
The Lord "will give His warnings bynature, at the beginning of each year."
天主「将在每年年初,通过自然的方式发出警告。 」
(The Webmaster of the Sanctuary Siteproposes these warnings could be the great atmospheric disturbances withexcessive rains that hamper planting and the feeding of cattle.
However, in recent times, we have seenmajor cataclysms close or at the beginning of each year that seem more inkeeping with this prophecy, such as the Tsunami of 2004 in the Indian Ocean,the deadliest in recorded history, and the recent earthquakes that have crippledHaiti, not to mention the earthquakes in northern Japan and the resultingnuclear disaster on a par with Chernobyl.)
It is predicted:
"Two days of darkness outside thethree days of punishment. Only the blessed wax candles will light.
The Flame (of the Holy Spirit) says thatin the designs of the Lord, there will be two days of horrible darkness,separate from the three days that many souls have announced.
The sky will be purple and red; it willbe so low that a clump of tall trees will be lost within it, up to a quarter ofthe tallest trees.
These two days will tell (or foretell)and be as a genuine cachet of Goodness, (i.e., they remind us the Three Days ofDarkness are coming) but will also be the descent of God in His wrath on theearth. You will not be free from the darkness ...
During these two days the trees will be burnedand will not produce any fruit the following year, because the sap will beburned and stopped.
The rain that falls from the sky belowwill have a foul odour, and wherever it falls, it will be as a big hailstone offire that pierces that which is most solid and will leave a visible mark ofburning.
Your homes will be preserved. Only thatwhich is covered lightly will suffer. (i.e., of weak construction.)
"The water that will be poured onthe earth will be black, a frightening black and most of the land will bear itequally everywhere, but it will not hurt that which serves as food to theChristians."
「倾泻在地上的水将会是黑色的,一种可怕的黑色,所有地方的大部分土地将会同等地承受它,但它不会伤害作为基督徒食物的东西。 」
"The Flame said that in Brittany,in these two days of darkness, under the lowering sky, it will seem light, butno one will be able to see, because they cannot put out their face by day whenopening a door; there will be an envoy of God, in the form of a hot flash,which will obscure the human eye. "
"The Lord is urging me to pass onHis words and His wishes.
The day of these darknesses will stillbe bearable, despite the darkness ...
But if the day is calm, the night willbe violent, and during the two nights, cries will come out where they know not,they will hear nothing, nor walk on earth, covered with Justice.
At night, the blessed candle, the candleshould not be put out.
During the day, they will be able to gowithout it, a grace that comes from beyond the Heart of God."
在白天,他们可以出去不用蜡烛,这是来自天主圣心无比的恩宠。 」
(NOTE:it is obvious we will need blessed wax candles for these two nights ofdarkness, nothing else will light, but we will be able to put them out duringthe daytime, something we are instructed not to do during the THREE DAYS ofdarkness.
These Two Nights will be a warningsometime before the Three Days, reminding people that there will be period ofthree days of darkness on earth as promised.
Marie-Julie was warned in anotherecstasy that the candles must be of pure wax, (100%beeswax is the optimummaterial).
Candles mixed with anything else WILLNOT LIGHT.
My belief is that as the Jews wererequired to have a spotless lamb for the Passover as a symbol of Christ as theSpotless victim, we recall the symbol of His Blood on their door spared them,it follows that when the darkness comes in our times we must light purecandles, which represent Christ as the Light of the World and also the Light ofthe True Faith. Our faith must not be mixed or adulterated with anythingcontrary to it, i.e. all the 'novelties' Satan declares he will try andintroduce.)
看啊!黑暗笼罩着大地,阴云遮蔽着万民;但上主却照耀着你,他的荣耀要彰显在你的身上。。(【依撒意亚】60:2 )
我又看见,启开第六道印的时候,地就大动,太阳变黑,像粗毛布,月亮全体如血。(默示录 6:12 )