Visit of St. Pantaleon, Martyr
Ecstasy 1 October 1878
Saint Pantaleon, whose names means “the All-Compassionate”,was a physician and never took fees for his services. According to tradition, hewas martyred under Diocletian in 305 AD,apparently at Nicomedia. Feast Day, July27.
“Iam Saint Pantaleon cruelly put to death for the Faith, for defending the rightsof the Church.
It is under those barbaric emperors I shedmy blood. I was tortured severely. I was sentenced to death after suffering nineinterrogations. I had always supported the right of God, and I kept my faith. Ireceived my sentence by the Emperor and judges without fright and without fear.
I had a kind of crucifixion terrible withpain and suffering. I had my legs and knees pierced by a sort of iron needle whichhad three branches.
I suffered untold pain, my bones were crushed.In the other part of my body, this is what I had endured. My body was sawn intopieces with a iron saw whose teeth were very long and very sharp.
I had my head split in two from the mouth.God gave me the grace to suffer a little less time than many other martyrs who havesuffered the same fate.
They threw my flesh to animals who refusedto feed on it. They ordered to throw me into the river but the Will of God stoppedthose men.
I was brought back (I.e for burial) by colleagueswho risked death in doing so, and I was buried in blessed ground because God sawto that.
Now, a word on behalf of Our Lord.
Dear Brothers of the Cross, we are all inthis life, the heirs of the glory of Heaven. That is why we must suffer in our soulsand our bodies.
You who have faith, dear brothers in theLord, you should be happy! Because it is only in the Faith that makes the happinessof man. Without this Faith, man is always unhappy. God chose you for His instrumentson earth. He needs you.
We all know, dear brothers, that all theworks of God are traversed (i.e. crossed, as in persecuted), on the earth and exposedto the contradictions of men and the devil.
But for us there is something easy to notice,it is that the souls who live for God and persevere in God ascend the degrees ofpatience and resignation in all the contradictions.
Only souls led by God truly have such courage.The soul under the influence of Satan weakens soon, grows bored and rests as a massof beaten dirt where it can neither hope, nor move, nor live because it is in atorment of despair, the torment of hell.
This should reassure you. (i.e., these signsto tell the difference in the movements of the soul and detecting what comes fromGod should set us at peace.)