July 10, 1879
Our Lord says:
“My children, when I look on earth atyour mortal residences, My eyes fill with tears.
Now My hour is not much farther.
My mercy is so wide, for My real friends,that I cannot express the greatness, but also My Justice is so frightening thatif I am developing a spark, I will cause you a pain incurable.
My children, do not be frightened. Now Ican no longer wait.
The more I do for My people, the more itoffends Me and makes Me suffer. There will never be peace, unity, charity andhappiness, as (long as) my Justice will not come on earth.
Everything is despised everywhere: Mylove, My goodness, My Cross, my Tabernacle.
My people seem to go in disbelief. Whattears My Divine Heart, it is the war that they have declared on the holy templein which home to console and fortify souls.
My children, it is not only a war, it isa terrible fury. The spirit of the most part of men is tainted, corrupt to thelast fiber.”
Marie-Julie: “It is true, my Jesus.”
Our Lord: “Religion, every day, isweakening.
Soon it will be almost deserted by thewhole world, but it will reign in the isolated souls, prosecuted, beatencruelly and without mercy.
Soon, in large parts of this land of thedead, there will be no more sanctuaries. The apostles will have fled. The holysouls weep over the ruins and the abandoned. The road ahead will lead there, inno time. See how they insult and how they offend Me.”
很快,在这片死亡之地的大部分地区,将不再有圣所。使徒们会逃走。圣洁的灵魂为毁坏和离弃而哭泣。前面的路很快就会通向那(灾难)里。看看他们怎么侮辱我,怎么得罪我。 」
Marie-Julie: “It is true, my Jesus”
玛利亚·茱莉:「这是真的,我的耶稣。 」
Our Lord: “Oh! Soon, the land of mycreation, (France),
oh! How soon you will contain victimswithout life!
Soon, land of My creation, you will havea shaking finery: the blood of the apostles and of Christians who remain in thefaith!”
很快,在我创造的土地上,你(法国)将有一件颤抖的华服:那是使徒们的血和忠信基督徒的血(染成的华服)! 」
Marie-Julie: “I see the hand of Our Lordraised and surrounded by a large lightning flash.
This flash is so strong, every day, wewait and prepare ourselves.”
Our Lord continues.
“I have waited long enough and I invitedenough, enough I begged.
The ungrateful had their triumph, it istime that the righteous enter into the joy.
I have only one word to tell you: not tobe surprised, (about the chastisements) until the day I will come and proclaim:enter now in the peace of the land that has come to you from heaven.
Do not expect anything from men herebelow - and I mean absolutely nothing - but waitwhile all is (under) evil.
They do not have that force, that power,(i.e., to bring the promised heavenly peace).
Sinners of the earth have only onedesire: to feast on evil, to feed on all sacrileges.
The smell of their breath is terrible.”