我们被警告(胡文浩译 王保禄 杨开勇校阅)列表
·01我们被警告 玛丽·茱莉的生平
·02我们被警告 玛丽·茱莉的启示和
·03我们被警告 撒旦要把人悉数扫入
·05.我们被警告 关于法国和罗马教庭
·06我们被警戒 得到新圣髑
·08我们被警告 会见玛加利大.玛利亚
·10.我们被警告 三天大黑暗
·18我们被警告 关于共济会
·19我们被警戒 最后的温柔劝诫!
·22.我们被警戒 背教还是殉道?
·25.圣文德的造访 !
·35.圣本笃造访: 警告假基督到来的
·36. 惩罚之前“良心的内在警告”
·80.我们被警告 圣神论法国要经受的
·82. 立恶表的坏司铎有祸了,圣母对
·097 .天主宣告法国教会与罗马教会
·098.门徒与教宗的分离 巴黎大塌方
·099 .善与恶的征兆
·100 更多关于分裂、邪恶、三天黑暗
·101 天父对我们可怜的灵魂的三个要
·102 为保全身体的性命,将有许多人
·103 在那里,天地之间的争战要临到
·104 我看到敌人在高层(圣教会的首
·105 关于新弥撒(这个弥撒是由不听
·106 我们被警告 关于儿童教育
·109 玛利亚·茱莉宣布,全球四分之
·110 大量的人将背教,许多父母养育
·111. 在1920年,宣布第二次世界大战
·112. 灵魂们,思念我吧。思念我,
·116 .你们是耶稣的血,你们是耶稣
·117 .相信上主的怜悯
·118 .痛苦圣母告诉我们:对不敬虔者
·119 .我呼召你成为这世上末日的使
·120 . 如何使千万罪人悔改
·121 .受苦、补赎、牺牲是耶稣圣心
·123 .没有经历苦难,就体会不到怜
·125. 警告2天和3天的黑暗,加上补
·126 我的孩子们,法国罪恶重大,应
·127 玛利亚.茱莉临终前最后的话
·128 主年复一年地警告祂的百姓:大
·129 将有许多灵魂,被附魔,作出世
·130 火将从天上降落在索多玛(巴黎
·132 天主和圣母, 一步一步地向我
·134 大圣若瑟的能力及劝告:不要依
·135 意大利在可怕的危机和内战期间
·139 我们被警告 关于拯救法国的细
·140 我们被警告 在法国受到各种惩
·142 对主肩膀上伤口的敬礼(在最后
·143 主耶稣基督肩膀的圣伤和对那些
·144 .我正在寻找爱我的灵魂来感同
·145 .我正在寻找爱我的灵魂来感同
·146.我们被警告 最后一滴宝血从十
·147 我们被警告 我们的主教导玛利
·148 我们被警告 法国得救了
·149 我们被警告 向玛丽·朱莉所启
·150 伟大的君王将在十字架的标记下
·151 更多关于十字架圣所:当暴风雨
·152 更多关于十字架圣所2:十字架是
·160. 被放置在未来圣所十字苦路的
·163. 我们的博纳加德圣母和勒加缪
·165 众多圣人们和神学家们都预言了
·166 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·167 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·170 众多圣人和神学家的预言(六)
·171 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·172 众多圣人和神学家的预言(八)
·173 众多圣人和神学家的预言(九)
·174 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十)
·175 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十一
·176 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十二
·177 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十三
·178 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十四
·179 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十五
·180 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十六
·181 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十七
·182 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十八
·183 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十九
·184 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·185 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·186 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·187 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·188. 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·189 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·190 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·191 我们被警告 给玛利亚·茱莉关
·192 我们被警告 宽免的十字架和修
·193 我们被警告 关于圣本笃圣牌
·194.书末预言(165-190) 引证出处
浏览次数:2767 更新时间:2019-10-8




October 27, 1887



I see St. Michael the Archangel arriving with a troop of angels. The Holy Archangel carries the banner of the Sacred Heart all in splendour.



He said to the Immaculate Mother:



“Come, Mary, Mother of the Sacred Heart, come to the throne of your Son.”



The Good Mother went ahead of St. Michael and walked before the banner.



St. Michael said,turning and extending his eyes far away, all over France:



“France, this is the banner of your triumph, the banner that will give you the resurrection in spite of the violent attacks that you suffered.



Courage, people of France. This banner does not fly over your heads in vain. I will shelter the culprit France under the banner of the Sacred Heart.”



Blessed Margaret Mary is kneeling behind the banner. She is delighted.



The Good Mother went to the throne of the Sacred Heart where I see Jesus.



The Divine Master shows the wound in His Sacred Heart and said:



“My children, My Divine Heart which has the privilege of all graces, in It is the triumph.



But before I give you this triumph, I want to test you, I will send many ills.



You will see My Justice fall on the Earth, you will also see bright warning signs appear in the sky.



Do not be afraid, I promised you the victory.



My victim, I promised the Blessed victim of My Sacred Heart (St. Margaret Mary) to give the victory of France and of the Holy Church by My Sacred Heart, provided that all the children of France would be subject.



If they were ungrateful, the chastisements would be more terrible.



I promised the victim of My Sacred Heart that maybe I would have waited for two hundred years or maybe more.





If My people had been submissive, I would have given this triumph earlier.



It was not submissive, I have waited a little more than two hundred years, the triumph will be held. My victim, remember it well.”



Marie-Julie:“Yes, O Jesus, I will not forget.”


He continues:“My victim, the victim (St. Margaret Mary) of My Sacred Heart could not transmit all My revelations, many have not been transcribed.



That is why today I want to warn My people to be well prepared when the hour of My Justice arrives.



Victim of My cross, it is impossible that I do not punish evil, (i.e. leave evil go unpunished), I can no longer suffer so many iniquities.



Victim of My cross, I promised My beloved Blessed lover of My Sacred Heart that the triumph of France would come after great chastisements.


This revelation was not transcribed, I recall now that promise to your heart.”



Marie-Julie:“Thank you my Divine Jesus.”



The Divine Heart:“My victim, I predicted to several holy souls that before the triumph of France there would be a major revolt among all My children: the good and the bad.



May My faithful children never allow themselves to be seduced by the weapons of the wicked!



I desire that they resist them, by faith and courage they will succeed.



This will be the last great effort of the wicked, that is when I will put a stop to it, they still try to stir up trouble among friends, to profane all that is respectable on earth, it will be in vain.



Remember well this promise.”



Marie-Julie:“Yes, my good Jesus, Adorable Heart, I will remember, and then the good servant is writing it there.”


The Divine Heart:“I am very satisfied. I want My people to be warned.



This is My Heart, look, victim of My Cross, see written in My Heart the promise I have made:



I will save France by My Sacred Heart, I will resurrect it by the love of My Sacred Heart.”



Marie-Julie:“I see perfectly (with) the eyes of the soul, these words written in the Wound of the Divine Heart.



The Divine Saviour shows in His Heart that evil will far exceed the good but, still, evil will be defeated.”



The Divine Saviour continues:“I carry in My Sacred Heart the names of My friends who persevere in the good in amidst the test.



I promise My protection so that they may bear the trials with courage.”



Hell, right now, searches for its victims to enlist to spread wickedness across the land, and the Sacred Heart, He, is also looking for victims, but to house them under His banner.



The Divine Heart:“This is the time when I suffer, My Heart is torn.



This is the hour when many tears flow. My children, again I warn you: Satan will satisfy his rage that is so great that his own (followers) will be defeated. ( que les siens seront vaincus?)





I want to humble My people, they did not listen to My words, but then I will give My complete victory, that is to say, the resurrection of the Eldest Daughter of the Church.



This time, My children, where the white lily and white banner will be trampled on, but it will only be for a while. Their triumph will come later.


I want to reward the hope and the unshakable confidence of he who expects everything from Me and not of men.



Despite the persecutions of all kinds that are high and will rise up against him; (i.e. the Great Monarch)although they discuss his thoughts with great hypocrisy, although they heap him with slander,his white banner will be planted in France, and his enemies will be forced to live under its control.”



Marie-Julie:“I am always close to the Sacred Heart and Blessed Margaret Mary.” The latter said:“Little sister, it is the Wound of the Sacred Heart that gives my place in heaven. We, though vile instruments, have been chosen to publish His glory.”



Marie-Julie:“O blessed Sister, it was you who was the cause of our deliverance.”



Then, the Sacred Heart speaks to both Margaret Mary and Marie-Julie:“Victim of My Sacred Heart (St. Margaret Mary) and you, victim of My Cross, (Marie Julie), you are not chosen for the same work.



Blessed Margaret Mary was chosen to publish the glory of My Sacred Heart, and you, you are chosen to publish the glory of My Cross.



She is the victim of My Sacred Heart, you are the victim of My Cross.



The Work of My Cross is beautiful and grand, it will quickly follow the Work of the Sacred Heart.”



November 29, 1877, (About La Salette).



 “I prayed,” Our Lady said, “I cried, I suffered. I went down to earth to warn them. I promised salvation if they did penance .



I announced to the clergy the fatal destructions,I made them hear my threats to it, it weakened in the fury and the storm.



I cried on France. I have traced the path of the Cross. I opened fountains to wash the sick. I comforted my people, promising to save it.



All this has not affected the culpable. It stayed in crime, its punishment is at hand.” (France)



(It is said that when Our Lady walked on the mountain at La Salette, her path followed the same contours as the Way of the Cross in Jerusalem.



A healing spring was also discovered under the rock on which she wept.



Of interest, before the breviary was reformed, the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows once fell upon the date when she appeared there.)


(评注:教会早期,通常在敬礼耶稣苦难时,纪念圣母的痛苦。中世纪开始独立纪念敬礼圣母痛苦,更喜欢首先追念圣母的喜乐。五乐发展为七乐:领报、圣诞、主显、复活、升天、降临、圣母升天。十三世纪尤其在德国(Germany)开始敬礼圣母七苦。圣母忠仆会对圣母的苦难很早就有特别的敬礼。1668年起,该会获准于每年9月第3主日举行特别敬礼,纪念圣母七苦。1817年起,教宗庇护七世(Pius VII)为感谢圣母保护他由法国(France)安返罗马(Rome),通令普世圣教会举行这个典礼。圣母七苦的内容:西默盎预言、埃及避难、耶稣失踪、苦路相遇、十字架下、怀抱圣尸,耶稣安葬。


December 6, 1877



The Great Monarch to come is described as:"The miracle king," “The Saviour of France," "chosen from his birth to give back to France the Lily and the white flag."


下一篇:18我们被警告 关于共济会


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