Mystical Vision on the Stations of theCross to be placed in the Future Sanctuary.
Firstcross on the right
Our Lord standing, said:
“Thisis the first cross of the Sanctuary.
The first three victims descend fromthe boat to go to the fourteenth cross.
Our Lord accompanies them, blesses themand made them kiss His sacred stole.
The first Victim rises to the firstcross.
Our Lord leads them, then He goes backinto the boat, stop(ping) in front of the first cross, He gives to the Firstvictim a golden censer, then He passes it to the neck of a small cross floatingacross (his) chest. (?)
The cross is very short, but wide, thename of Jesus is in the middle, topped by three crosses.
(Marie-Juliewill give the exact description because it is the cross that the victims of theCross will bear).
Our Lord told the first victim:
“Youhave the Holy Doctrine in your heart that tells you everything you need to passin front of the cross(es).”
The first Victim prostrates himself,the second Victim is at the second step, the third in the third step.
The first is at the foot of the cross.
The third victim deposits the censer atthe foot of the cross.
The first turns and says:
“Inthe name of Your power and Your glory, I call here under my care the poorsinners to give them repentance and contrition. And (she, or it) bless us all.”
「奉你的权能和光荣的之名,我呼喚可怜的罪人在这里受我的照顾,使他们悔改和悔罪。(她(圣母)或它(十字架)祝福我们所有人。 」
The second victim said:
“Iam at the foot of the cross, my heart is overflowing for the salvation of soulswho will be entrusted to me.
I accept the second place of victim. Ileave my love and my faith at the foot of the cross.”
我作为第二个殉道者。我把我的爱和信仰留在十字架脚下。 」
Our Lord said:
“Mychildren, that is where the poor sinners will prostrate themselves face againstthe ground.
The blessing of incense and of lovewill spread in their hearts and contrition will be given them.”
香和爱的祝福会在他们的心中传播,忏悔也会被给予。 」
At the second cross, on the left, twoother Victims meet with the first three.
Our Lord appears in the figure of theEcce Homo.
The first Victim embraces the crossthree times and bows deeply.
Our Lord goes to the altar, passingacross the Victims.
The first took into his arms Our Lordin the shape of an Ecce Homo, our Lord said to him and other victims:
“Mydear children, I present Myself under the figure of suffering.”
「我亲爱的孩子们,我把自己置于受难的形象之下。 」
And He rests his head against the heartof the first Victim, and He raises His hand over the others who remain on thesteps, and He said:
“Theheart of the first victim, large and generous, will have the greatest love for sinners,he will do what I did to Myself. (i.e., offer himself up as a sacrifice?)
It is charity for the poor sinners wholeave the heart.
Our Lord placed him between the firsttwo Victims and said to the third:
“Itook you for My glory and I will count you in the number who will make thegreat works.”
「我把你们当作我的光荣。我要使你们成为行大事的人。 」
The third victim responds:
“Lord,I obey.”
「主,我服从。 」
The first Victim said to the friends ofthe Cross:
“Iimmolate to my God my heart, and happily accept the thorns that have served forthe glory of God.”
Our Lord says to the second and thirdVictim:
You are chosen by My tenderness, youwill assist the first victim and you will share the glory and the great work ofsalvation of souls.”
「我的柔情拣选了你们,你们将帮助第一个殉道者,你们将分享荣耀和拯救灵魂的伟大工作。 」
Third cross
The Victims always follow on foot, whilethe boat and its procession moves from one station to another.
The boat always stops in front of eachcross.
Our Lord is back in the boat.
The first Victim lies at the foot of thecross as on the stake.
The second and third are standing at hisside.
Our Lord said:
“Hereis the Victim of sacrifice, immolation of his will, his desires, his mind, hisheart.
I have sacrificed everything, now it isLove that will make a second sacrifice.”
我已经牺牲了一切,现在是“爱”要做第二次牺牲。 」
Then, addressing the first Victim:
「起来。 」
And the four other Victims come forwardto the cross.
The first stands up, arms folded acrosshis chest, his eyes to heaven and said:
“Iwill make descend from Heaven, holy and sweet penance for the sheep goingastray.”
「我要自天而降为迷路的羊,作圣洁甘美的补赎。 」
And, turning to the servants and theservers of the Cross, he adds:
“Iwill make descend upon the altar of the Sanctuary, the Victim of Salvation forsinners and I will have nothing more dear than the glory of God.”
「我必下到圣所的祭坛上,成为罪人得救的祭献。我所宝贵的,莫过于天主的光荣。 」
The other four Victims unite in saying:
“Ourstrengths and all in us is united with the first victim.”
「我们的力量和我们所有的一切,都与第一个殉道者团结在一起。 」
Our Lord did not descend to this cross.
Fourth Cross
Our Lord descends from the boat, sinkingunder the burden of the Cross.
The first Victim mounts to the foot ofthe cross, the other four are on the steps.
The first takes a torch and presents theChildren of Calvary.
Our Lord comes forward, the otherVictims take the foot of the cross and help Our Lord to rise to the foot of theCross.
He said:
“Iwrite your names on the Cross.”
「我把你们的名字写在十字架上。 」
The first Victim takes the Cross on theShoulder of Jesus and presents it to us saying to Our Lord:
“MyAdorable Lord, I have carried my cross in my soul and You have crucified it.
I accept for myself the heaviest crossesand I will share them with the Friends of the Sanctuary.
I will bear the sign of God in my souland on my heart and I will speak everywhere on the Cross of my God, I will makea garden in the souls of sinners to lay the cross there.”
我要将天主的异兆存在我的心灵里,我要到处宣讲主的十字架。我要在罪人的灵里造一个花园,安放十字架。 」
The other four victims bear the Cross tothe fifth cross.
Fifth Cross
The boat still moves in front of eachcross.
Our Lord goes to the fourth and thefifth cross, leaving traces of His Blood.
He remains at the bottom of the steps ofthe cross and the first Victim mounts to the foot of the cross.
(TheVictim) takes a red flower and a white flower.
Our Lord holds out His hand.
The first Victim said:
“Iprostrate at the foot of the cross of my dear Jesus and I give my heart andthose of my beloved Victims.”
「我匍匐在我亲爱的耶稣的十字架下,我奉献我的心和我亲爱的殉道者的心。 」
(Thefirst Victim) rises and places the red flower at the foot of the Cross.
Our Lord calls the Friends of the Crossto come to rest in His Love and asks them for their hearts.
“Comeand rest under the wing of the Cross.”
「来,在十字架的翅膀下休息吧。 」
Our Lord places the Cross on the heartof the first Victim, who is at the feet of Our Lord who offers Him a whiteflower and places it three times on His Heart.
"This seed that I will give,” Hesays, “will produce abundant harvests."
「 主说,我所赐的这种子,必多得出产。 」
The other four Victims come in theirturn to the foot of the Cross and drink from a small spring in the hollow ofthe rock at the bottom of the fifth cross. Our Lord said:
“Youdrink the love of your Father, the love of Jesus, the love of the Cross.”
「你们来畅饮你们天父的爱,耶稣的爱,十字架的爱。 」
The four Victims take up the cross thathad been at the end of the steps.
Sixth Cross
The Divine Jesus moved toward the sixthcross,on the left.
The first Victim advances the last.
The other four are with Our Lord Whorises to the foot of the cross.
He forms a cross and a large source isdiscovered.
The four Victims rise at the foot of thecross (next to the source).
They each receive a small light, thevictims fall to their knees.
“Hereis the invincible weapon to carry everywhere, the streets and roads, poorsinners falling from exhaustion.”
「这是一件所向披靡的武器,无论是大街小巷,使得可怜的罪人精疲力竭。 」
The first Victim is at the foot of thealtar, one of the Seraphim cover him with a white mantle.
Here our Lord pronounced great wordsthat could not be transcribed.
Our Lord said:
“Itis in this is the heart that I will raise a tabernacle of strength, courage,faith.
I call this heart the tabernacle ofwonders.”
The Seraphim uncovers the first Victim,(who)ascends the steps and Our Lord marks (the Victim) with the sign with thewater from the source. Our Lord uncovers His Wounds and said:
“Itis here at the sixth cross that I put on insults and outrages; no peace for thesinner before it is washed!”
「就是在这里,在苦路第六站的十字架,我受到了侮辱和虐待;罪人在被洗净前没有平安。 」
Seventh Cross
Our Lord extends Himself on the Cross,the Victims are prostrate; the Wounds of Christ, shine like suns.
The Divine Jesus sighs and the fiveVictims say:
“Ourhearts are open and unite with You to join in Your suffering, give us a part.”
「我们敞开心扉,與主结合在一起,一起承受你的苦难,给我们一分承担。 」
Our Lord replied:
“Atthis cross, I will have under the eyes of the souls who will say (they are) inMy grace and who crucify Me in their hearts. Dear Victims, many sinners willresist you at this cross.”
「在这(第七)个十字架上,我在人的眼睛下,他们说(他们是)在我的恩宠中,却在他们的心里把我钉在十字架上。亲爱的殉道者们,许多罪人将在这(第七)个十字架反抗你们。 」
A book of gold is open to the right ofthe Cross.
The first Victim reads the first threelines.
They are written in threes.
The first Victim said:
“Ifind in this book, a profound knowledge.
Jesus Victim of Love, Jesus the Tree ofLove.”
耶稣是“爱的殉道者”,耶稣是“爱的树”。 」
The other four Victims say “We promiseto propagate the sublime doctrine of your Cross, as with Your Holy Gospel.”
另外四位殉道者说:「我们许诺传播你十字架的崇高教义,就像传播你神圣的福音一样。 」
“Victims,take Me down from the Cross,” says Our Lord.
「殉道者们,把我从十字架上取下来吧。 」我们的主耶稣说。
The Victims take down Our Lord fromCalvary and dye their lips with His Blood; they receive in their hearts, greatblessings.
“Ipass next to your hearts,” says Our Lord, “to dig a source (spring) oftenderness and blessings.”
「我经过你们的心旁,」我们的主说,「要掘出温柔和祝福的水泉。 」