July 19, 1906 (Several prophecies listedtogether on this date on the Sanctuary website. I will assume they were allmade on this day.)
"Desecration of the crosses andtemples, but they will be preserved; desecration of the Blessed Sacrament. Thedevil wants to destroy everything.
He does not leave one stone uponanother, but he will not be able. (I.e, his power will be limited.) Our templeswill be kept.
The children that do not yet have theage of reason insult God before the know Him and they blaspheme Him."
那些还没有到理性年龄的孩子,在认识天主之前,侮辱天主,亵渎他。 」
"At the time of persecution, theyare My worst enemies," said Jesus.
耶稣说:「在迫害的时候,他们是我最大最坏的敌人。 」
“Theyroam the streets carrying these sentences: "Death toChrist","Death to Christians".
「他们在街上传播这样的话:『基督去死吧』,『基督徒去死吧』。 」
“Soon you will see Satan and Satan'sminions travelling the world. They want to destroy the name of Jesus, they wantto make everything disappear.
They will break the cross, even whererests the dust of the Christians (graves will be desecrated) and they willsubject the divine tree(the cross) to the coarsest and the most refined insults... My Heart is shattered in pieces and in a pool of blood.
I suffer pain more bitter than My firstPassion."
我遭受的痛苦比我第一次的苦难还更痛苦。 」
"These times that come will neverhad their equal on earth. Heaven will open up and let to be seen the featuresof My irritated Justice ... A great number will apostasy, I will have no morethan a handful of souls.
「这些即将到来的时代将在地球上从未有过。天开了,人们看到我义怒的特征……,大量的人将背教,属我的人将会很少。 」
Even in Christian souls, lovediminishes, today,parents in great numbers are raising the soul and the bodiesof their children for eternal torments."
即使是在基督徒的灵魂里,爱也在减少,今天,许多父母养育孩子的灵魂和身体,是(给孩子)永恒的折磨。 」
October 19, 1911
Our Lady:
"The Antichrist has commenced hisappearance on earth, but he will multiply. Soon, he will run through the earth;He will possess souls and above all many priests, monks and nuns.
He will enter these souls; He will makethem do unheard wonders."
他将进入这些灵魂;使他们行前所未闻的奇事。 」
February 9, 1914
"To whom He has chosen, God willgive all the graces and lights which will be necessary to know the means bywhich it will do everything possible for the regeneration of mankind, as God wants."
「主给祂的选民,一切必要的恩宠和领悟,让他们知道怎样才能按照天主的旨意,为人类的重建尽一切可能。 」
February 9, 1914
(Thisis either the Great Monarch, or the Angelic Pontiff.)
June 16, 1914
Our Lord: "My little loving souls,I have a time measured in this terrible ordeal when My righteous suffer andwhen My enemies rejoice,but the task will soon be shortened.
In short, I will turn over the earth, Iwill sound the depths of the mountains, a voice of lamentation and of threatsthat will have all the accents of the great "Libera" reserved for thehigh mortality (death toll?) of the earth under the wrath of My Justice andunder the rigours of My righteous anger.
My little loving souls, you will findyour refuge in My Cross and My Sacred Heart, as My Sacred Heart is surmountedby the Cross and the Cross is the lightning rod and the shelter for My justones.
July 16, 1914
"There will not be a multitude ofmen to direct to the throne of peace the man just and wise chosen to raise upthe ruins of the Eldest daughter of the Church." (France)
“Oh! How France wounds Me,” the SacredHeart complained bitterly June 26, 1917, “Oh! How France wounds Me.
My wound is so deep that the pain haspierced all My adorable and sacred flesh.
I am wounded to the exterior by the (tratiors?) from within that have made Me suffer somuch, and it is made such that the pain pierces throughout. Look to the pointwhere I am wounded.”
我被叛徒伤害从里到外,它使我遭受了如此多的痛苦,痛苦穿透了全身。看看我所受的苦痛吧!。 」
February 20, 1919
Our Lord warned:
“As long as My people will not return tothe faith, I will punish in many ways. I test just souls, and I take theirtests of pure gold to compensate Me and console Me.
A very sensitive pain that is tearing MyDivine Heart, it is that I see the faith fall, even in many of My dearministers: the zeal, dedication, falling with the faith.
Ah! My Divine Heart is grieved andsaddened.
I assure you that on earth, fornow,Satan wins, he is full of victories, he triumphs,he dominates, he losessouls, he is sowing disorder and anxiety in My most beloved of the chosen andthe closest to My Divine Heart.
Ah! If My people returned to mercy! Atan instant, I will forgive all, I will forget everything, I will save all souls,I will take away the calamities, I will precipitate Satan with all his minionsto the bottom of the abyss.
But no,no, very few return to grace;indifference is everywhere, souls are lost without regret and precipitate intothe abyss without reflection.
And yet My Divine Heart desires that thetriumph is complete.
In this gathering that men do for peaceon earth,in the midst of all of these councils, My Holy Name is stillblasphemed instead of imploring the divine light.
And still, there is nothing of the soulstruly French.
My Justice rumbles above the Earth, butfor refuge you have My Divine Heart, you will have My victorious and triumphantCross.
Since Louis XVI died on the scaffold,France is threatened with danger and misfortune.”
On May 15, 1919 (Why answers to ourprayers seem slow in coming.)
Marie-Julie: “For a special intention.”
玛利亚.茱莉:「为了特殊意向(的祈求)。 」
The Blessed Virgin: - “My littlechildren, I love to exercise their patience to increase their merits and givegraces long after the prayer of petition.
Persevere and you will obtain.”
坚持下去,你就会得着。 」