“My victim,” says Jesus, “you see that the fatal hour will growl over France and beyond. Good and evil will fight.“我的祭献,”耶稣说,“你看,那个终极时刻将在法国和其他地方吼啸。善与恶必有一战。Evil, for a while, will win but soon give way to good. The Universe is almost reversed, because My people are guilty.”邪恶会暂时占上风,但很快就会让位于良善。世界几乎黑白颠倒了,因为我的人民都陷在罪恶中。”“I promised that the chastisements of heaven will turn the corrupted race. The time will come.“我曾预许,上天的惩罚会使沉沦的族类改邪归正。那时刻终必到来。I shut the mouth of the impious. I will surprise by My Justice. I can no longer bear the pain. It is like I am in a pool where the water wins over Me, I am submerged.”我封住不敬虔之人的嘴。我将为我的公义而惊讶。我再也不能忍受这种痛苦了。就像我在一个水池里,水漫过我身,我被淹没了。”Marie-Julie: “Yes, Lord. If, after Pontmain and the appearance of Our Lady of Hope, our cries would never have reached You, You would have already struck.”玛利亚•茱莉:“是的,上主。如果在蓬曼我们的希望圣母显现之后,我们的呼求不能上达于你,你早就动手处理了。”(注:1871年1月17日在法国马耶讷省的小村蓬曼出现的圣母显现事件。此时正是普法战争高潮。蓬曼村,是一个约500名居民居住的小村庄,位于即将到来的普鲁士军队和法国拉瓦尔城(Laval)之间。在显现中,圣母说“祈祷吧,我的孩子。 天主会及时听到你的祈求。我的圣子会因此感动。”在这里圣母被称为希望圣母。同一天晚上(1871年1月17日),普鲁士的军队莫名奇妙地放弃了他们的进攻计划。普鲁士军队的冯.施密特将军即将进攻拉瓦尔市并前往蓬曼村,将军接受了他的指挥官的命令,要求他不要继续前进了。在这一晚,普鲁士的军人也看到了圣母的显现异象,只是他们离得较远;不久后,即1871年1月23日,普鲁士与法国签署停战协议,结束了漫长的普法战争。蓬曼村被征召入伍的38名男子,也毫发无损的回到了家乡。)Our Lord: “I will still allow Myself to be touched, but only after the destruction that I promised. Those in the middle of the ashes I will spare for the glory of France.”我们的上主:“我仍然会让自己被感动,但只是在我预许的毁灭之后。我将为法国的荣耀而饶恕那些在灰烬中间的人。“
Marie -Julie: “ Oh! Lord, I see Your Justice over France.”玛利亚•茱莉:“哦!上主啊,我看到了祢对法国的公义。”Our Lord, “It will be a terrible moment for the ungrateful and the wicked. This time will be without fear for the righteous.我们的上主:“这对忘恩负义者和恶者乃是可怕的时刻。这一次,义人必无所畏惧。”I will be trampled upon: My prison of love will be violated, but I will not be there.(Tabernacles?)我必被践踏,我爱之牢狱必被亵渎,我却不在那里。(圣所?)My ministers will have Me removed and taken away, hidden in their hearts.
My temple shall be unclean and full of horror,but this time will be short.我的圣殿必不洁净,满有可怕的事,但这景况必不长久。My sanctuary will be closed, but I will be with you, and those days will be fast.Guilty France will see the blood flow, My pain will be bitter, but I remain unmoved.罪恶的法国会看到血流成河,我的痛苦会激烈刺骨,但我依然不为所动。The land will be watered with the blood of martyrs and those of the wicked: the first will cry, mercy, the second, vengeance.”这土地必被殉道者和恶人的血浇灌。前者必呼喊‘怜悯’,后者必呼喊‘复仇’。”
October 26, 1877 (“The Breton Stigmatist”) Marie-Julie saw four crosses.The first was for:"France, your tears and your wailing have not been heard.Second: Brittany, your moaning heart sighed to my Son. He has heard your voice.第二个代表:布列塔尼,你悲痛的心向我的儿子哀鸣。祂俯听了你的声音。The Third: Dear Vendée, how many times you have shed your blood for your faith. My blessings fall on you.第三个代表:亲爱的旺代,你为你信仰的缘故,抛洒多少次热血!我的祝福会降临于你。
The fourth: Alsace and Lorraine will be reunited to France."(评注:阿尔萨斯-洛林(Alsace-Lorraine) 是法国东部大区,包括今法国上莱茵、下莱茵和孚日、摩泽尔等省。在17世纪以前属于神圣罗马帝国领土,以说德语的居民为主,后成为哈布斯堡家族统治的领地,三十年战争后,根据威斯特伐利亚和约割让给法国(首府斯特拉斯堡到路易十四时代才被法国吞并)。当地居民长期不断抵制法国统治者强加于他们的语言与习俗。普法战争后,于1871年割让给德国。1919年第一次世界大战德国战败,这块土地又割让给法国。第二次世界大战期间被德国夺回,战后又割让给法国。法国修改了许多战前与当地自主独立主义相抵触的政府政策,因此,自治运动大部分销声匿迹。请注意,这个预言是阿尔萨斯和洛林刚刚割让给德国的,起码到1919年才再次回到法国。二战后就再也没被德国拿去,说明这个预言是精准的。)
Blessed Margaret Mary is kneeling at the foot of the banner of the Sacred Heart, held by Saint Michael.真福玛加利大•玛利亚跪在天神弥额尔高举的圣心旗帜下。The Lord shows the wound in His Heart and said:“My children, My Divine Heart has the privilege of all the pious.That is the triumph. But before I give you this triumph, I want to test you.I will send many hardships, you will see My justice fall on the earth, you will also see appear, in the firmament, bright precursory signs.我将降下许多艰难,你会看到我公义降临于地,你也会看到在苍穹中,光明前兆的神迹出现。I promised the Blessed victim of My Sacred Heart (St. Margaret Mary) to give the victory to France by My Sacred Heart, but on condition that all children of France would be subject (to the Sacred Heart).我预许我圣心的真福祭献(圣女玛加利大•玛利亚),以我的圣心把胜利授予法国,但条件是所有法国的孩子都要服从(圣心)。If they remained slow and ungrateful, the punishments would be more terrible.I promised that, perhaps I would have waited two hundred years, maybe more.If My people had been submissive, I would have given the triumph earlier... It was not submissive: I waited.如果我的子民服从的话,我早就赐予胜利了……它并不顺从,我在等。But the triumph will be held. My victim, remember it well.He said: “The victim of My Sacred Heart (St. Margaret Mary) could not transmit all My revelations.祂说:“我圣心的祭献(圣女玛加利大·玛利亚),无法传达我所有的启示。That is why today I want to warn My people, that it is well prepared when the time of My Justice arrives.这就是为什么我今天要警告我的子民,当我的公义到来的时候,一切都能准备就绪。I promised the triumph of France would come after great chastisements: this revelation was not passed on.我预许,法国的胜利在大惩罚之后才会到来:这个启示没有被传递。I announced, to several holy souls, before the triumph of France, there would be a major revolt among all My children.我曾对几个虔诚的人说过,在法国胜利之前,我的孩子们都要起来进行一场大抗争。They will try to desecrate everything that is respectable on earth: it will be in vain.他们要亵渎一切在地上受人尊敬的东西,这都将是徒然的。Guilty France, do not you see the tomb that opens to bury the victims of crime? You do not see the fatal hour that grows?有罪的法国,你没有看到那座为埋葬犯罪牺牲品而打开的坟墓吗?你看不见那致命的时辰在延长吗?This will be the hour of the devil. He will throw in My face the poisonous breath of his anger.My children, I warn you: Satan will satisfy his rage that is so great that his own * will be vanquished. (Satan's rage will be so great it will also destroy his own followers.) I want to humiliate My people, they did not listen to My words. Then I will give the complete victory.我的孩子们,我警告你们:撒殚的怒火如此之大,以至于它会毁灭它自己的跟随者。我要使我的子民受羞辱,因为他们不听我的话。然后我将给予彻底的胜利。(*les siens = French expression for 'one's own' as in people or family members. I apologise if this translation is incorrect.)(*les siens =法语表达“某人自己的”,如子民或家庭成员。如果这个翻译是错误的,我道歉。以上是英文译者所言)Mes enfants, je vous préviens : Satan va satisfaire sa rage qui est d’autant plus grande que les siens seront vaincus. Je veux humilier mon peuple, il n’a pas écouté mes paroles.Ensuite je donnerai la victoire complète.(中文译者评注:上面是法文原文,可以直译成:“我的孩子们,我警告你们:撒殚会满足它的愤怒,它的愤怒就越大。我想羞辱我的子民,他们没有听我的话。然后我将给予完全的胜利。”这段话可以理解为撒殚的愤怒越来越大,所引起的毁灭越来越大,其实它不会怜惜它追随者的灭亡,因为它的目的就是让更多追随者灭亡,所以撒殚会尽情发泄它的愤怒,当然耶稣也借此使祂的子民受辱,因为他们不听祂的话,当然最后耶稣自己和祂的子民会完全得胜。综上,英文译者确实可能翻译得有些不到位,不过其他的翻译还是非常不错,本人没学过法语,只能主要参考英文译本,在不确定意思时,再查看法文原文。)This is the time when the white lily and white banner will still be trampled under foot. (I.e the Great King and his standard will be mocked).这个时候,白色的百合和白色的旗帜仍会被践踏在脚下。(即伟大的国王和他的旗帜将被嘲笑)。It will only be for a while. This white banner will be planted in France, and his enemies will be forced to live under its control.这只是暂时的。这面白旗将被插在法国,他的敌人将不得不生活在法国的掌管之下。(评注:默示录本身的主旨也是如此,那就是:恶者虽然一时猖狂,基督终会永远得胜。)