September 29, 1877
"The cross of Saint Michaellights up like a torch.
The whole of France gathers around theThrone of Divine Jesus. Saint Michael, standing up and dressed in all his gloryholds his sword....Jesus orders him to separate the good from the wicked.
The Holy Archangel descends, his faceshining and places a barrier between the good and the wicked... I see that thebattle will begin between Saint Michael and Hell, between good and evil....Mary Immaculate watches over us, what have we to fear?
Saint Michael says: "AfterGod, I am your protector and your support. Have recourse to me.
If you knew my power, you would be moreeager to address your prayers to me each day."
October 6, 1877:
"The triumph of the livingwill be beautiful when the Holy Church, now surrounded by thorns, will besurrounded by a crown of the Golden Lily!"
(i.e., the Lily represents therestored crown of France, the promised Great Monarch who will smite the enemiesof the Church).
Ecstasy of October 17, 1877
Marie-Julie: “Yes my good Jesus,adorable Heart, and I will remember the good servant who writes there.” (I.e.the person recording her ecstasies.)
“I am very satisfied, I want Mypeople to be warned.”
Same Day Ecstasy of October 17,1877
Another Way of the Cross(Recounted by a witness.)
A quarter to one - Marie-Julie issitting in a wicker chair, her head resting on her bed. She is oppressed.Monsieur (Fr.) David said that it is the happiness she feels united with herSaviour.
We were placed on chairs and onbenches around the room which can only hold seven or eight people, the otherseven in number, start at the door outside the house (her room).
Marie-Julie asks for the blessing of thepriests at the invitation of Fr. David, they rise while all the assistantsimitate Marie-Julie, prostrating themselves during the priestly blessing. Shesits down and almost immediately the ecstasy begins:
"My beloved Jesus, I adoreYou and love You and I see You come to me full of love and tenderness!
My beloved Jesus, hide me in thisholy love. My heart flies to You, my beloved Jesus, receive me!
Come to me Love of my heart, transportedwith love. I did not deserve to have so much happiness, I will be with You,near the cross, dear Beloved, treasured Spouse.
I give You my heart to walk inYour footsteps.
Make me suffer because I languishwith love.
My heart is Yours, enclose it inYours. It's too much love. Give me suffering, the cross, my Spouse of Calvary!"
The servant of God put her hands behindher back, she continues her holy effusions. She attends the Saviour’s agony inthe Garden; the abuse, he is condemned, the outrage, the taking up of thecross.
Marie-Julie shares the pain ofJesus and refers to the column of the flagellation, the barbarous treatmentinflicted on Jesus Christ.
She admires the heroism of Veronica who,braving the soldiers and executioners, came to the Divine Master and wipes Hisface covered with sweat.
In the words of the ecstatic, the holywomen, especially Madeleine, try to give some relief to our Lord that traditiondoes not report. Marie-Julie implores forgiveness of Jesus and His mercy.
Marie-Julie: “Strip me,” she said, “andmy will,and my freedom, give me Your love, give me Your cross, Your thorns andYour nails.
Strip me of everything, put on me Yourclothes of poverty, give me a piece of clothing at the foot of Your cross,purity, virginity. Forgiveness for sinners, for me, my beloved Jesus!”
The Man of pain does not utter awhisper.
Perfect model of patience, resignation,charity. Marie-Julie kneels and begins the way of the cross, walking in silenceon her knees and bearing a mystic cross that crushes and she is made to marchunder its weight with extreme difficulty.
She wears a small cross with bothhands above her left shoulder.
One hour and twenty minutes -First fall.
She falls face against the groundand cries.
After a time during which she speakssoftly and requests, she said aloud:
Marie-Julie: “My beloved Jesus, Iadore You and love You.
I see You wear my sins, in Yourtenderness and Your love.
How I may not ask to suffer, miserablesinner that I am! My beloved.
Jesus said:
Jesus: “Do you wish to suffer more? Willyou suffer to console My Divine Heart? Suffer for the conversion of sinners?”
Marie-Julie: “Oh! too happy to sufferwith You at the stake of torture of the Cross.
Always and everywhere to suffer! This iswhere I enjoy my happiness.
I must suffer. Oh! prepare me the cross,suffering!”
She goes back on her knees and continuesthe path of the Cross, bearing the mystical wood with more pain and fatiguethan before.
One hour thirty five minutes, the secondfall.She speaks softly, sobbing and praying. Her small cross fell to her left,detached from her.
Then she said aloud:
Marie-Julie: “My beloved Jesus, I adoreYou and I see You and I am with You. For some time I offend You, You havesuffered long enough for me! I promise You O my treasure, I promise you athousand times to die rather than offend You.”
Jesus shows His wounds. He falls faceagainst the ground and separates the cross from Him.
Oh! Father! O my eternal Word, Icontemplate Your adorable Wounds. They are many voices crying, asking forprayers!
Jesus' words: “Prepare your heart,” saidthe good Jesus in His tenderness to me, “give Me your love. I saw that youshare My pain.
I will make you (a) support to complywith My Will,(to) call the graces and blessings of heaven.
Marie-Julie: I see the bloodywound in His shoulder! How deep and painful it is.
Jesus: “I will tell you My prayers thatalleviate My suffering. I desire that this Wound be made known to My children.”
My divine Jesus opens His Heart.He said:
Jesus: “The people for whom you pray,they come knocking at the door of My Divine Heart.
I will purify by the pain andtheir sacrifices, which you ask me.”
An hour and three quarters.Marie-Julie gets on her knees once more, rests a moment, looking intently upinto the sky, closes her eyes and walks again on her knees.
She stops beside her chair, supported bythe parish priest of Savenay (Monsieur l'Abbé Mauclerc) to whom she gives hersmall cross (20 to 30 centimetres), fixed her eyes again to heaven. She isoppressed, she sobs,closed her eyes and leaving her small cross in the hands ofthe priest continues her walk with her mystical cross that is so heavy.
One hour fifty five minutes - she fallsfor the third time, her face against the ground, upper arms parallel to thedirection separated from the body. She sobs. After some time of silence andprayer, she speaks again:
Marie-Julie: “My beloved Jesus, Iask You to have a share on Calvary, in Your suffering.
The Cross of Your sacrifice is prepared.Cruel executioners, nail me to the place of my Jesus, it was I who deserved allthe pain! My Saviour said:
"Come on MyCross."
Marie-Julie: “O tender love of thecross, when you have tasted it, you can not leave it! Lay me on the gallows, Iwant to live and die on the Cross, the Cross of Calvary.”
She tries to get up six times andsix times she always falls face against the ground! In the seventh effort, sheremains kneeling.
Marie-Julie continues her invocations tothe Divine Heart of Jesus. She relies on Mary and unites her prayers to thoseof the Virgin without stain. She attends the crowning with thorns, thecrucifixion and her language is that of an angel calling the torments of theeternal King of ages, consumed with this holocaust of reparation.
She opens her arms and looks up toheaven:
"Too sweet suffering, come toaccomplish the sacrifice I ask of you.
My heart swims in delight, I am with Youon the Cross that consoles!"
Three quarter hours - She raisesher hands by further opening her arms, turns, puts her left foot on the rightfoot and fell behind her arms up high and open, hands clenched as nailed to theCross.
She says the Litany of St.Germaine (composed by her) in which each verse begins with "St. Germaine,spouse of Jesus Christ or my sister, O my Germaine etc.."
After these litanies that are admirable,she sings a plaintive air, with arms in the same position, she is still on thecross and said:
"Every day, my Spouse ofHeaven, give my heart, an extreme tenderness, on the top of the Cross, O Jesus,from the top of the Cross, render a kind glance to your children that weep andmoan.
My beloved Jesus, show us Your love.fromheaven, watch your children. Mercy, my God for sinners who so far have notlistened!
And you, O Mary, O my lovingMother, pray to Jesus, your beloved Son! Ask that He has mercy on us!
Without You, my God, alas, withoutYou, we perish!
Hide us in your heart, tender Mary, bearour hearts to Jesus! O Divine Master, we will all bless You, Your Sacred Heart.It will be our defence.
It will be the King of men! DivineJesus, bring forth the victory in Your adorable Heart. Show your mercy.
Precious Treasury that is the Cross!What rich portion to possess the Cross! Pity, my God, from the height of theCross, for your children covered in a coat of mourning.
Show us the flower of hope thatwill one day save us.
Mary, my august Mother, present toJesus, the plaints of our hearts and say to Him we want peace. Your dear Sondoes not know how to refuse you! Hurry this time of peace.
Pity for your children!
Oh! Mary, ask Jesus that He forgivesbefore exercising His Divine Vengeance! We will not perish because Mary haspromised us. Mother Mary will protect us."
Three hours and forty five minutes. Theysay a decade of the rosary while Marie-Julie does not speak.
Three hours and fifty minutes. Sheis struck with a spear.
We see her sufferings betrayed bygroans of pain and the side that is contracting.
She kissed the crucifix that sheis presented, she prays in a low voice and is stationary.
Then, four hours, she said:
"My beloved Jesus, I adoreYou and love You with all my heart.
I see You died for me on thatcross ...
There are many tender hearts butthere are others who are cold and very hard, for whom faith is dead.
Have mercy on these poor, wake uplove in them!
My beloved Jesus looks with pity,(He) calls them in His mercy.”
Words of Jesus: "Love, come,sinners,” He says,“it is time for forgiveness, repentance,contrition.
Soon the time will be spent. I will notforgive any more, it will be time for Justice, and I will strike."
The Heart of God is full of hiddentreasures and not yet known. “Soon,” says the Saviour, “you will see how MyHeart possesses love for you.
Oh, My children who have ceased tooffend me!I do not want to leave you to die because you are My work, I have forgivenyou and forgive you every day!”
At the foot of the Cross for poorFrance, I saw Mary quench her tears with her cloak.
For a long time She holds the armof her Son. She suspends Justice.
Mary asks for prayers for thechildren of the Sacred Heart. She is begging for us, she asks the Sacred Hearta little more time before we invoke again.
The Divine Jesus, does He forgive(us)?"
Marie-Julie saw Saint Francis ofAssisi at the foot of the Cross and lets fall from her soul accents worthy ofthe founder of the Seraphic Order.
玛利亚•茱莉在十字架下,看到了亚西西的圣方济各,在她生命中特别尊敬的色辣芬修会(Seraphic Order,爱火修会,即方济各修会)创始人。
Marie-Julie (drops) down the armsalong the body: the tomb. She remains motionless. Then at half past four, shereceived a new strike from a spear。
Embraces the crucifix, the relic of theTrue Cross, the statue of the Blessed Virgin .
She asks for the image of Saint Francisof Assisi, a priest takes one from his breviary,she does not take it. Fr Davidsaid to the Abbot,"I know what it is, the image is not holy."
He blessed it and immediately sheapproached affectionately with her lips. (Kisses the image.)
Same thing happens for a rosary sherefuses.
Fr David asked if it was blessed.- “Yes,” they say.Is it the cross? -
“I do not know” is the answer.“I hadlost it, and I replaced it.” We present the rosary again to Mary-Julie who didnot take it (until the cross is blessed) and she accepted the rosary and thecross with kisses.
She makes signs of the cross on herforehead with her relic,she passes it over her eyes. She prays and often bringsto her mouth, crosses, rosaries, relics she has with her.
During this time of silence, one recitesthe last four decades of the second part of the Rosary, plus ten for the intentionsof Marie-Julie.
Five hours. She gets up, gets on herknees,hands, eyes turned heavenward, she said:
"The Seraphic Father SaintFrancis had a tender love for his crucified Jesus that when he heard His namepronounced, he fell face against the ground and could not contain hishappiness.
Oh! Seraphic Father St. Francis, soon Iwill call you my Father, and many others too. "
Marie-Julie points out the followingfacts: St.Francis remained unconscious three hours when he felt the iron of thespear for the first time.
He stayed five hours in agony on therock. A flame would come from his heart sometimes.
Marie-Julie saw a consoling graceof which the day is not far away.
Five and a half hours. Her eyes areopen, she gives her crucifix to kiss, which he returned after his turn ofassisting.
Marie-Julie announced that an abundanceof grace came out of the Sacred Heart of Jesus "but I can not quitesay"she cries, “I will speak in secret, my beloved Jesus and His BlessedMother will defend me from speaking in public.
The Blessed Virgin does not bless usnow, it will be Our Lord and the seraphic St. Francis. We will honour and makeamendment to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.”
She falls down and said an admirableprayer aloud. The whole audience joined her on her knees. Then she gets up andbows with Our Lord and St. Francis all the objects in her hands for theblessing.
Finally, she falls, broken, into thearms of her mother who sits in her chair when she revived to normal life, butnot right away. Everyone retires discreetly leaving her family. Each of theassistants is happy and confident. Fr. David her confessor waits for her tocompletely revive.(from her ecstasy)