February 22,1877
Marie-Julie:“The Beloved of my soul asks for my heart. It is fair that I give it to Him, Itis(exhausted?) to nourish me, I can not refuse.”
“Do youlove Me?” saith the Lord.
“No, I cannot love you on Earth. Let me die for I love You with an infinite love.”
“Marie-Julieof the Crucifix, come and stay in My Loving Wound.”
“I amafraid to go because of my misery.”
“ComeMy spouse crucified, come to receive these sweet consolations.”
“Idesire it well, but through the heart of my Mother to shake off all mymiseries.”
“Myspouse, here is My Sacred Heart and the gates of heaven will open.”
“Come, Mydove, leave the earth.”
“I am sosmall. Oh! I fear leaving my stake!”
“My spouse,how much do you love Me?”
“Let me dieto tell You.”
“I havechosen you. Make yourself small.”
“Pick me aflower and bury my small body in the flower.”
“This isthe flower, it is My Heart.”
“I'm toomiserable.”
“You are My(more or higher) elect”.
“Let me digmy grave to divest myself.” (Of earthly attachments?)
“The hour willstrike, hurry to finish your retreat.”
“Let itcommence and I will go and correspond.“
I burymyself in the flower of Mary, I will never more see the eyes of the Lord.”
(1877 and1879, during the elections in France that secured the Republicans.) (“TheBreton Stigmtist”, p.29)
Our Lady"It was the priests, nearly all of them who were the first to call for theungodly men who govern the world. The priests hid themselves to give their voteto the Revolutionaries....
(but) the eyesof my Son followed them..."
April 6,1877
Our Lord:"I turned My eyes to this wicked city,ungrateful city, (Paris) are you notbuilt on a mountain of sins? Have you not spilled rivers of blood?
In thepast, you gave Me martyrs. Today,you populate Hell and depopulate Heaven.Yes,My Justice will visit you!
You,Christian families, who still bear the Cross at the bottom of your heart, thememory of My blessings, stay away from this ungrateful city that will perish byMy Justice!"
April 16, 1877
"Allthe sorrow of Jesus, is that the Fathers of the Church will betray the DivineSaviour in the midst of the chastisements."
April 27, 1877
"The cries ofalarm and despair rise up to Heaven.
The monthof the Sacred Heart (June) and My Blood (July), it will be the signal ofpunishment, civil war."
"Whenthe government will see these changes it will be like a bird, it will fly toanother country and France will be free in its revolution. It is at that momentwhen it will flee Paris. "
SameDay.April, 27, 1877
"Whenthe government will see the turmoil and rebellion, it will be like a bird! Itwill take flight and go to another country and France will be free in therevolution.
The firstuprising will be in the city of Paris and the throne of bad kings will collapseas the city and its victims will die within its walls ...
Many timesthe flames and the fire were shown in this criminal city, but this time it willbe a hail of fire and that will smother the culprits.
Here, theywill violate the Tabernacles. Here they will pursue the Fathers of the Churchwith rage.
Many willnot come out. I will receive the blood of martyrs to aid the true French toobtain the Victory.
This iswhere the flames will devour the churches, the statue of Mary will be brokenand thrown into the fire ... France will have no support for it. It will beleft alone and why?
Because itdoes not have a King."
May 11, 1877
"TheCross will defeat the greatest heroes (of the enemy). They will bring it to theface of the enemy and it will give them the victory ...
You Christians,who will spend a terrible moment, take the Cross for support ...
基督徒们,你们将度过一个可怕的时刻,你们要拿十字架来支撑 …
When theelected King and Saviour of France has seen the triumph of France, he willwrite everywhere “in hoc signo vinces;” by this sign you will conquer!(i.e. Thesign given to Emperor Constantine.)
France willbe under the banner of the Sacred Heart, the Cross and Mary."
SameDay.May 11, 1877
The Lordopens his Sacred Heart. (Marie-Julie apparently utters a prayer of desire.)
O fire of love, O repose of all the saints!
Let usenter, we cloister in that Wound bathed in blood.
That Hissparks of love start to illuminate all of France.
I want tobe every day at the door of this Sacred Wound.
Small,light flowers, fly up to this open door.
Smallbirds, fly to the inexhaustible source.
Fly, littlewhite doves, go and draw love.
小白鸽,飞起来吧!去汲取爱 。
Go too,doves of Earth!
Come,generous souls and captives, come to the Sacred Heart.
The Angelswill pray for the Earth and for France.
The Lordpours torrents of grace after the tears.
You are thedelight of souls tried, persecuted.
May 25,1877
"Franceis on the eve of its misfortune and happiness: unhappiness for sinners,happiness for the righteous."
"Beforepeace flourishes once more on earth,there must be a great penitence to bend thedivine wrath. It is the Lord Himself that exerts His Justice.
It belongsto Him to chastise, but in chastising, will purify the earth and its people.
He willspare nothing. He cultivates the earth to plant a new seed. "
May 28,1877
Our Lordsaid to Marie-Julie:
“Ever sinceLouis XVI died on the scaffold, France is threatened with danger andmisfortune.”
1st June1877
My Jesussaid:
“Come to MyDivine Heart, I wish to talk to your heart.
I love tosee you humble your thoughts, your thoughts have been straightforward.
I'll say aword about poor France!
NextFriday, the feast of My Sacred Heart, many prayers will be made in penance andreparation.
The morethe righteous pray, the more Hell is furious.
The wicked,the profane, the consciences without remorse are hatching the most blackestconspiracy that France would never have imagined without the breath of theinfernal spirit.
From thisinfernal project will be drawn all the wicks that will light up the spirit ofrevolt and attract terrible punishments.”
“For a longtime the usurpers have hidden a violet fire, a fire half discovered, under thewalls of the great city of Paris.
As soon asthe little bit of breath is brought on these purple sparks, at once they willform burning infernos that will devour homes and kill many people.
Know wellthat these men without faith, who do not desire (anything) but disorder anddeath, use the powder derived from the coals of hell.
- Herewhere the first and the last kings have insulted the Holy Church and itsleader, have stripped it, then there will be a fierce assault on that palace.
To have aKing like the one I have reserved,there must be new walls.
This Kingwill return to France as a new building of a fortified religion, (a symbol of )laws violated and renewed.
Toaccommodate this great man, this man of faith who carries over his heart thedecoration of honour and of his faith will require a new roof at the RoyalPalace.
This one(i.e. the Great Monarch) will further extend the devotion of My Sacred Heartand My cross.
He will beone of the famous preachers of My works, that is to say he will consecrate thewhole of France to the Sacred Heart.
He will belike a new Louis XVI, with his crucifix in his hand when he extended that handlooking to Heaven consecrating France to the Sacred Heart while in his prison.
O goodKing!(i.e., Louis XVI) Your heart beat close to Mine many times.
Goodservant, (i.e., the Great Monarch to come) your heart is about to beat on MyOwn.
Poor childexiled, you will see your homeland, welcomed by your tears.
The Faithis engraved in your heart and the consecration of France to My Divine Heartfortifies it.
O Henry, Myservant do you not see the sail of My love that sails you to remote areas?
This sailis formed as a pavilion! You will march under that veil, you and your dearcompanions and soldiers of your cause.
Henry,entering France you have the intention to defend the Holy Father. Henry,Myservant, these weapons are contained in a gold ring.
(ToMarie-Julie:) My victim, here are the beautiful designs of My servant!
Onreturning to France, he wants to carry a large scapular representing the SacredHeart and France imploring the aid of Heaven.
This manwill not be ashamed of his faith, he will not be ashamed to be a Christian.
When Henrycomes into France, the fighting will be terrible, the centre right and centreleft will come as if to melt on the Prince with their irritations and theirblackest anger.
The mere sight of the scapular will beenough to overthrow them and Henry will pass freely with his court.
My victim,My designs are great for the King and for France.
I have inMy domain great preparations that have not been revealed (how) France willprogress!
- PoorFrance, without Me, you would never be raised up!”
(What ismeant by a 'violet fire'? This could be a misprint for a 'violent fire', butthe fact this prophecy also mentions “powder derived from the coals of hell”,we understand a specific gunpowder is described here.
Ofinterest, when iodine is released from saltpetre, (potassium nitrate, alsocalled nitre), it creates a violet vapour that can condense into crystals.Saltpetre is a prime component of gunpowder.
We noteNormandy and Brittany were one of the main producers of gunpowder during theNapoleonic wars. Iodine was discovered in 1811, which would make it a nearcontemporary event with this prophecy. The prophecy says this is a “fire halfdiscovered,”which possibly means mankind had just begun to unlock the powerscontained in saltpetre, not just iodine.
Man wouldsoon invent other explosive devices that would be used to cause greatdestruction.
From thiswe can deduce, a new era of advanced gunpowder is predicted, which the'usurpers' will hide under the walls of Paris and then detonate.
Possibly anadvanced chemical method which will detonate on exposure to oxygen, judgingfrom the words of this prophecy: “As soon as the little bit of breath isbrought on these purple sparks, at once they will form burning infernos thatwill devour homes and kill many people.”
从这个预言中: “一旦这些紫色的火花被吹来一丁点儿气息,它们就会立刻形成熊熊燃烧的地狱,吞噬家园,屠戮许多人。” 可以看出,这可能是一种先进的化学方法,一旦暴露在氧气中就会爆炸。
Is this aprediction of Islamic terrorist attacks on Paris? The 'usurpers' will haveplenty of places to hide their 'violet powder', the whole city of Paris istunnelled underneath with thousands of kilometres of gypsum mines.
We notethat most home-made bombs used by terrorists are generally constructed withingredients from garden fertilisers that contain potassium nitrate.)
不过,巴黎城墙(Enceintes de Paris)在历史上曾多次修建,最后一次修建的城墙为梯也尔城墙,于1919年到1929年期间拆除,仅余部分。如果这部分预言,真的指实际的城墙,那么预言应该早就应验了。