我们被警告(胡文浩译 王保禄 杨开勇校阅)列表
·01我们被警告 玛丽·茱莉的生平
·02我们被警告 玛丽·茱莉的启示和
·03我们被警告 撒旦要把人悉数扫入
·05.我们被警告 关于法国和罗马教庭
·06我们被警戒 得到新圣髑
·08我们被警告 会见玛加利大.玛利亚
·10.我们被警告 三天大黑暗
·18我们被警告 关于共济会
·19我们被警戒 最后的温柔劝诫!
·22.我们被警戒 背教还是殉道?
·25.圣文德的造访 !
·35.圣本笃造访: 警告假基督到来的
·36. 惩罚之前“良心的内在警告”
·80.我们被警告 圣神论法国要经受的
·82. 立恶表的坏司铎有祸了,圣母对
·097 .天主宣告法国教会与罗马教会
·098.门徒与教宗的分离 巴黎大塌方
·099 .善与恶的征兆
·100 更多关于分裂、邪恶、三天黑暗
·101 天父对我们可怜的灵魂的三个要
·102 为保全身体的性命,将有许多人
·103 在那里,天地之间的争战要临到
·104 我看到敌人在高层(圣教会的首
·105 关于新弥撒(这个弥撒是由不听
·106 我们被警告 关于儿童教育
·109 玛利亚·茱莉宣布,全球四分之
·110 大量的人将背教,许多父母养育
·111. 在1920年,宣布第二次世界大战
·112. 灵魂们,思念我吧。思念我,
·116 .你们是耶稣的血,你们是耶稣
·117 .相信上主的怜悯
·118 .痛苦圣母告诉我们:对不敬虔者
·119 .我呼召你成为这世上末日的使
·120 . 如何使千万罪人悔改
·121 .受苦、补赎、牺牲是耶稣圣心
·123 .没有经历苦难,就体会不到怜
·125. 警告2天和3天的黑暗,加上补
·126 我的孩子们,法国罪恶重大,应
·127 玛利亚.茱莉临终前最后的话
·128 主年复一年地警告祂的百姓:大
·129 将有许多灵魂,被附魔,作出世
·130 火将从天上降落在索多玛(巴黎
·132 天主和圣母, 一步一步地向我
·134 大圣若瑟的能力及劝告:不要依
·135 意大利在可怕的危机和内战期间
·139 我们被警告 关于拯救法国的细
·140 我们被警告 在法国受到各种惩
·142 对主肩膀上伤口的敬礼(在最后
·143 主耶稣基督肩膀的圣伤和对那些
·144 .我正在寻找爱我的灵魂来感同
·145 .我正在寻找爱我的灵魂来感同
·146.我们被警告 最后一滴宝血从十
·147 我们被警告 我们的主教导玛利
·148 我们被警告 法国得救了
·149 我们被警告 向玛丽·朱莉所启
·150 伟大的君王将在十字架的标记下
·151 更多关于十字架圣所:当暴风雨
·152 更多关于十字架圣所2:十字架是
·160. 被放置在未来圣所十字苦路的
·163. 我们的博纳加德圣母和勒加缪
·165 众多圣人们和神学家们都预言了
·166 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·167 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·170 众多圣人和神学家的预言(六)
·171 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·172 众多圣人和神学家的预言(八)
·173 众多圣人和神学家的预言(九)
·174 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十)
·175 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十一
·176 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十二
·177 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十三
·178 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十四
·179 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十五
·180 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十六
·181 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十七
·182 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十八
·183 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十九
·184 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·185 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·186 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·187 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·188. 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·189 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·190 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·191 我们被警告 给玛利亚·茱莉关
·192 我们被警告 宽免的十字架和修
·193 我们被警告 关于圣本笃圣牌
·194.书末预言(165-190) 引证出处
浏览次数:1624 更新时间:2020-11-27

Ecstasy of October 1, 1935


Our Lady of Bonne Garde:


 “During this beautiful month, recite to me three 'HailMarys' in the morning, midday and evening.


To obtain my assistance during your life and death,you will say:


 “I salute you,beloved Daughter of the Father, Lily of Purity, pray for us.


I salute you, Mary...(Hail Mary)


I salute you, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, Violet ofHumility, pray for us.


I salute you, Mary, (Hail Mary)


I salute you, O Mother of the Word Incarnate, Rose ofCharity, pray for us, I salute you, Mary, (Hail Mary.)”

我敬爱妳,道成肉身之母,仁爱之玫瑰,为我们祈祷,我敬爱妳,玛利亚。(万福玛利亚……) 」

Our Lady of 'Bonne Garde'--Guardian of Purity


 That children mayremain pure in these impure times: My children,”repeated the Holy Virgin, “I tell again to the father and mothers that it wouldbe good to have their children wear, small and big (i.e. children or youngadults), a medal, which does not exist yet, but which they could make, big orlarge, as they like.


This medal should bear these words:


 “Oh you, HolyVirgin, who crushed the head of the serpent, guard our Faith and the innocenceof our children.”

「哦,童贞圣女,你踏碎了毒蛇的头,保护我们的信德和我们孩子的纯真吧。 」

The Holy Virgin wore the medal on her heart, it wasround and white. It is not necessary, she said, for it to be expensive, (i.e.,of valuable metal like gold or silver), its efficacy will be the same.


It will be to guard innocence, in the difficult times,when corruption will spread everywhere.


Every Christian can take it to arm themselves, as adefence and a weapon of faith.


Before having come the first time to speak here, I wasinvoked under the name of Notre-Dame of the Garde (Care/Watch), but I wanted toassert 'Bonne’ Garde, because I had in mind to (certain)protections so brightthat the word 'Good’ belongs to me and is more honourable.” (August 26, 1880)

在我第一次来这里说话之前,我被以加尔德圣母(照顾守望)的名义被呼唤,但我愿被宣称博纳,。因为我内心有(某种)强烈的守卫感,因此,‘好’字属我,且更能光荣我。 [注:法文英文Medal of Notre Dame de la Bonne Garde - (Our Lady ofGood Guard) 好护卫的圣母]

 (Note: A medalhas since been struck with an image of Our Lady of 'Bonne Garde'.)


The Coronation of Our Lady of 'Bonne Garde'(Includesobservations and commentary from the caretakers of the Sanctuary Website)


Since the big event of this day is the crowning of OurLady of 'Bonne Garde', I think our friends will be interested to know a littleof the recent history of this crown.


It shows how the Virgin Mary leads us with infinitedelicacy, to achieve her merciful desires without us being aware.


The original idea was to commemorate in a holy manner,by honouring the Blessed Virgin, the double anniversary of 91 years: thefiftieth anniversary of the death of Marie-Julie and 90 years of the Marquis ofFranquerie.


 (i.e., who wasentrusted with the writings of her ecstasies and who wrote “The BretonStigmatist”.)


What ex-voto (offering) could be more rich than acrown for Our Lady?


I will not dwell at length on the adventures about OurLady of 'Bonne Garde' that led us to a Catholic goldsmith, it was the veryleast of things you would think, but we did not know it, it was thereforenecessary that Our Lady took charge.


I will pass more quickly onto the establishment ofthis project of which a qualified and disinterested assistance we were assured.


I think the Madonna had arranged everything so well,with her benefactors much better than we could ever do.


The project thus set, we (decided) upon a modestselection of stones, when, on the 11th of November on the feast of St. Martin -a great confidant of Marie-Julie (i.e., she had spoken with this saint manytimes?) - the description of a crown during an ecstasy fell before (our) eyes.


If we had read this text a year earlier, we wouldwithout doubt have appreciated the poetry that emerges from it, but we wouldcertainly not have seen the signs for a work that we would be confided with!Mere chance would you think?


Yet, if we had read it 24 hours later, it would havebeen too late!


The stones remained in the control of the supplier andwould have been shipped to the smelter and it have become very difficult tochange - our goldsmith here present can testify (to this). Having lived thesefacts, we saw the Finger of God.


This encourages us to read this ecstasy carefully,youwill see that it is worth it.


Explanation of the crown of Our Lady of 'Bonne Garde'('Good Care', 'Good Protection', or 'Good Watch')Written 1992


162 我们被警告 圣母的第一顶冠冕

(Ecstasy of May10, 1904)


Marie-Julie:"I see rising to the top of the Heart of Mary, Our Good Immaculate Mother,a crown from which detaches a dazzling burst of glory, formed by rays of whitediamonds interspersed with emeralds."

玛利亚.茱莉:「我看到圣母玛利亚圣心的顶端有一顶王冠,从冠冕上发出耀眼的光芒,那是由点缀着绿宝石的白色钻石所形成的。 」

The BlessedVirgin: "My children, this crown is interlaced with the most abundantriches of my maternal heart."

圣母:「我的孩子们,这冠冕与我母性的心最大的丰富交织在一起。 」

Marie-Julie:"There is in the suns where is imprinted the Face of the Divine Redeemer,where shines the face of the Holy Immaculate Virgin, where there are lightsintertwined with pearls and beads so beautiful and white we read in the burstthat go out: love, generous rewards, suffering crowned, battles ended."

玛利亚.茱莉:「在太阳里,有神圣救主的脸,那里还闪耀着圣洁的圣母玛利亚的脸,那里有光与珍珠和宝珠交织在一起,如此美丽光亮,我们在灿烂中读到:爱、丰厚的赏报、痛苦的加冕、斗争的结束。 」

"Oh Heavendo not delay any more!"

「哦,天主,不要再耽延了! 」

I say thisexactly, but this all passes without leavening any memory of it.


"Thisfirst crown, oh, what a burst of beauty!


It is theannouncement, it is like a predecessor burst that prepares the way, sanctifiesit, fills it with lights and dazzling jubilations.


It is the sun afuture dawn that comes, radiant, radiant with glory, preparing the way fromHeaven to Earth. "

那太阳是未来的黎明,太阳来了,光芒四射,闪耀着光辉,准备着从天堂到地球的道路。 」

"This richcrown, it is a blessing that is spreading (the) ways to be followed by others.


It is (thisone) that comes first to prepare the thrones where must repose all those thatfollow it.


The way isresplendent, it is a light similar to the lights of Heaven; we understand inthis very large way harmonious songs that make the soul tremble with joy, a joythat is intoxicating, a joy which fills one in a transport that it can notdescribe,” and she said:

道路是辉煌的,它是一种类似于天堂之光的光;我们以这种非常宏大和谐的歌曲方式理解,这使灵魂颤抖和喜悦,一种令人陶醉的喜悦,一种无法形容的使人充满激情的欢乐, 」玛利亚.茱莉说:

"Tosuggest my sublime exclamations, I wait for the hour that is even closer; thisclose(approaching) hour will make me exclaim with jubilation and joy.


In an ecstasyof delight and happiness, I will leave my exile of sadness and tears.


In the mostpure breast my Beloved Spouse, I will plunge and become inebriated."


The BlessedVirgin: "My children, this first glorious crown that comes like a sun ofhope and glory to prepare the path and the gentle way of many others that willfollow slowly, gently swaying on the waves of a love all pure, the flames of mypurity.


This is thefirst glimmer that must delight your sweet hopes, revive you in a delicious joyand that tells you, my beloved ones that the way advances and that Heaven isabout.


I love youdearly, I have opened the way clear.


The crown ofglory and splendour prepares its glorious ways: it sanctifies even thefriends."


"It is myDivine Son who wants to delight your souls in leaving you understand that thetime is coming and Heaven opens and already decks with flags the radiant paththat comes from Heaven to Earth."

圣母:「是我的圣子想要让你们的灵魂愉悦,让你们明白时间即将到来,天堂开启了,已经用旗帜装饰了从天堂到地上的光辉道路。 」

At this ecstasyattended Mr. Hermary.


People who readthe story of the arrival of Our Lady of 'Bonne Garde' to Marie-Julie, know thisis Mr. Hermary who brought this precious statue from Tours.


Our Lady, whodoes not forget the devotion of her servants, could not fail to send a smile tothis generous man.


In his presenceshe showed her crown of glory.


But he thought,like many others, it was the crown of Marie-Julie.


Some passagesmust indeed refer to the glory of Marie-Julie in Heaven, especially when sheexclaims:


"In anecstasy of delight and happiness, I will leave my exile of sadness and tears.


On the mostpure breast of my Beloved Spouse, I will plunge myself and becomeinebriated."

在我净配最纯洁的胸膛上,我要纵情陶醉。 」

The crown ofMarie-Julie will be the completion of her long life of suffering, it will be atransition from Earth to Heaven.


But, we read:“This first crown, it is the announcement, the sun of a dawn that comes,preparing the way from Heaven to Earth."

但是,我们读到:「这第一顶(圣母圣心上的)冠冕,是个宣告,是黎明的太阳,为从天堂到尘世预备道路。 」

"This richcrown, it will come first."

「这华美的冕冠,它会先来的。 」

"Thisfirst crown, that comes like a sun of hope."

「这头一个冠冕,好像希望的太阳的来到。 」

This is goodbeginning, not a completion.


As for theadjective "rich", it seems more appropriate for a terrestrial objectthan an ornament of heaven.


And why is thisthe first crown?


"It is ablessing that is spreading ways to be followed by others.


It comes firstto prepare the thrones where mustrest all those who follow it."

先要预备宝座,让跟随宝座的人安息。 」

"Who ispreparing the path and the gentle way of many others who follow slowly."

「她为许多慢行的人准备了道路和温柔的道路。 」

The crowns ofthe King, the Pope and other Catholic monarchs?


The ecstasyends with the comforting promise:


"The houris coming and Heaven is already decking with flags the radiant path that comesfrom Heaven to Earth."

「时辰就要到了,天堂已经在用旗帜装饰,从天堂到人间的光明之路。 」

It issurprising to notice how with what insistence certain terms return.



Besides theidea of first fruits, of a first crown, we read 11 times it prepares the way,the path, track, and it also comes, to advance the paths (7 times).


Finally, notethat the Blessed Virgin addresses "her" children,"friends", it would not be the case if it were only the passage ofMarie-Julie from her earthly exile to the heavenly homeland.


Thecircumstances led us to establish a link between this revelation and the crownof Our Lady of 'Bonne Garde', but it may seem presumptuous to attribute thelittle crown that has come to be realized, so rich it is, as also a shiningrole.


But would itnot be the harbinger of an infinitely important and glorious event which shouldfill us with unspeakable joy?


Would it notbear some mysterious relationship to this event?


Do not forgetthat Our Lady of Bonne Garde, although of modest appearance in its proportions,is nonetheless an extraordinary statue; and has done numerous miracles in thepast, including that of self-preservation for at least seven or eightcenturies.


But since itspassage to Marie-Julie's home, the Blessed Virgin appeared under her word (or,according to her word), we know that its future will be even more glorious.


As of todayAugust 22, 1992, feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the crown of Our Ladydoes not belong to us any more, it was dedicated to her solemnly, "I seethe crown rise to the top of the Heart of Mary, Our Good ImmaculateMother," says Marie-Julie.


The Introit ofthis day calls the Immaculate Heart of Mary the throne of grace, is it notproper for a crown to be elevated above this throne, "it will come firstto prepare the thrones where there needs to rest all those who follow it."

今天的进堂咏称圣母无玷圣心为恩宠的宝座,把冠冕高升到宝座之上,难道不合适吗?「要先预备宝座,好让跟随的人安息。 」

Today's feastwas instituted by Pius XII in order to obtain, through the intercession of theImmaculate Heart of Mary, peace for humanity and freedom for the Church.


In this great hope,the vision we have just read, (may we not join it)to this other, where Our Lordaddressing the King, said: “Do you hear my voice, O beloved Son?


You,who for solong tread upon a foreign land, do you not see the path where I will send tomeet you the princes of the Hosts, My seraphim, My cherubim with their wings,so that this triumph is beautiful like that fit for a King predestined andchosen?


My beloved son,dry your tears,your brother is the Lily (the Holy Pope), and My mother is yourmother and on your forehead the Lys will flourish forever.


Then, from yourforehead, it will blossom on your throne, your throne of France, your Kingdomreserved, and from there to the French borders, even to the Eternal City."


上一篇:160. 被放置在未来圣所十字苦路的神秘的神视异象(二)
下一篇:163. 我们的博纳加德圣母和勒加缪夫人


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