anuary 29,1875
Testimony ofa witness to one of Marie-Julie's ecstasies, sherecognizes the presence of newrelics.
LastWednesday, a religious gave me a precious relic forMarie-Julie. He did notwant his name to be known. I came to La Fraudais, theecstasy had begun,consequently Marie-Julie did not know I was there. I couldnot talk to her.
She knewneither the donor nor the reliquary. She took the TrueCross, prayed to theHoly Spirit,took the reliquary and carried it to her mouthand said:
- Thank youmy dear Spouse,for introducing me to the three relics of St. Francis de Sales,St.Chantal andmy little sister Margaret Mary.
Thank you forthe good Father, for the good Brother that madeknown to me this devotion.
St. Francisde Sales founder of love, he so simple, so innocent,you did love, my dearSpouse and you, Saint Chantal, all you, spouses crucifiedin love, pray for thegood Brother.
Thank you forintroducing me to these relics. St.Francis deSales, you burn with love, youhave (or, are) with Jesus Christ of Heaven,you love poverty and humility, youare so sweet, gentle as a lamb, you are soinnocent, who had a serene face, prayfor the good Brother, for my Fatherconfessor who brought me these relics.
GreatSt.Francis de Sales, you directed St. Frances de Chantal inher enterprises.
Her heart wasnot an enclosed garden, she had no secretsfrom you and you, Saint Francis deSales, you had nothing to hide from her, herebelow, in Heaven, you are moreintimate.
Grand St.Francis de Sales, you had a great love and wisdom tolove and worship JesusChrist with all your communities.
You who arevisiting, you said that wisdom was the most beautifulflower with humility.
SaintChantal, in your last hour, you (communicated?) with allthe daughters of theCommunity.
You placed intheir hearts the love of Jesus crucified. Jesuscame down to visit you in sweetvisions, Saint Chantal followed all your advice.
She lived inthe house of my little sister Margaret when shedied, where you have germinatedthe love of the Sacred Heart, all three in the samecommunity.
Thankyou,precious relics. You will bless us, you (whose face?)is so good and fullof goodness.
Thank youmy dear Spouse for introducing me to such a greatSaint and Saint Chantal who Idid not know.
Give me agreat devotion to the Saints, to me who is so anunworthy and wretchedcreature.
(Note by theSanctuary Website: It is only through revelationthat Marie-Julie was able to findthe passage from Madame de Chantal in Paray leMonial and the miraculousassistance of St. Francis de Sales in his lastmoments, all things related inthe life of the Saint.)