Vision of a chastisement, (and signs in thesky?)
“Blood Rain” and a Cross in the sky thatwill not be effaced.
April 8, 1880
"I see in my sun, a black and blue rainbow.
It rains from this rainbow when the murderattempts and crimes are being committed, it rains a red rain.
On the roofs of houses, it (the rain) remainsstuck as paint; when on the ground, it cannot be drunk. It falls with a frighteningspeed.
In this rain, there will be produced a signof fear: a cross formed in the rain that bears the imprint of Christ.
It produces signs of terror that will notbe effaced. The cries of the righteous are frightening.
In this rain will perish all who are opento impiety, they will be struck with terror.
After three days, the rain from the rainbowwill visibly stretch through all the universe. "
三天后,(黑色和蓝色的)彩虹中的紅雨将明显地延伸到整个宇宙。 」
April 12, 1880
“I see in the sun that at the time of thesuppression of the works of God, there will be a fury (relentless) of hell againstthe devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Already they do not want to recognizeor respect this devotion.
「我在太阳里看到,在压制天主的工作的时候,将会有地狱的愤怒(无情地)反对向耶稣圣心的敬礼。(不敬虔的人) 他们已经不想承认或不尊重这种敬礼了。
They do not want to admit that through this,God is able to make the peace (to come) more peaceful.
This devotion, in the heart of this placewhere it exists, will be pursued with relentless fury just up to the point theywill admit, if they can, that men will not be able to save the world (that is) inperil.
I see that the kingdom and the true faithin the Divine Heart will be much weakened at the moment when men will triumph (asthey like) and that the Divine Heart seems to expect (or wait) with a great effortto show the true promise of Its power.”
May 4, 1880
“Pending the pain that will frighten awaythe inhabitants of the Eternal City, several ministers of the Lord, wishing to diefor the Faith, will take refuge in a Temple that does not touch the sanctuary ofthe Vatican, but that which is closest to its right. (Church of Transtevere?)
Under their eyes will remain a medium-sizeCrucifix.
From the five wounds of the Crucified therewill spring forth, at the time, five rivers of blood.
This blood will gush so hard that two angels,whose forms will not be seen, will collect it in two cups that will be seen, surroundedby a halo.
I also see that the chains of St. Peter willbe invisibly and miraculously brought to Christ that lets His blood flow forth.This miracle will be to touch the hearts of the wicked, and loosen for a time thebonds of the Common Father of the faithful, who will be under the blows of thosehearts without pity.
The two chalices, where the blood of Christhas been collected, will be deposited by the angels, on the great Altar where theHoly Father celebrates every day the Holy Sacrifice. (Other) persons cannot climbthe steps of this Altar.
At one hour in the night, the hour of theAgony in the Garden of Olives, the Father of the faithful, barefoot and accompaniedby apostles who love and are loved by him, by privilege, will ascend up to the Altarwhere the two cups are.
He will not be able to climb the stairs withoutspilling a torrent of tears, without being seized with infinite respect. This Altarwill be his, as it was that of Pius IX. He will see, written in the Blood of thechalice on the left:
"Courage,very August Pontiff, the blood of the French, who are also your children, comesto offer itself to the point of death for your defence."
「刚强壮胆,非常可敬的教宗,法国人,他们也是你的孩子,为了保护你,不惜流血牺牲。 」
I see the holy Pontiff drink a drop of Blood,the other cup, from that where there is nothing in writing.
This Blood will render him in conformitywith his Saviour dying on the Cross.”
这血将使教宗与在十字架上死去的救主相合。 」
May 12, 1880:
Our Lady speaks on the "dawn of thebeautiful morning when the transparent sky will allow to be seen coming from afarthe one destined by God," the "just one", the "man of God",the "peace and salvation of His people," the "one France will placeon her heart", as Our Lady and Her Divine Son say in other apparitions. (i.e.,The Great Monarch to come.) 。
June 1, 1880 (“The Breton Stigmatist”, p.39)
"All the works approved by the infallibleChurch will cease to exist as they are today for a time. In this sorrowful annihilation,brilliant signs will be manifested on earth.
If because of the wickedness of men HolyChurch will be in darkness, the Lord will also send darkness that will stop thewicked in their search of wickedness..."
June 3, 1880 (“The Breton Stigmatist”, p.39)
Our Lord describes how Lucifer will proceed.He (Satan) will address priests: "You will dress in a large red cloak...We(devils) will give you a piece of bread and a few drops of water. You can do everythingthat you did when you belonged to Christ...."
"But," says Our Lord, "theydo not add, Consecration and Communion."
「但是,」我们的上主说,「他们沒有加上,祝圣和共融(领圣体)。 」
And Hell added: "We will permit youto say it in all houses and even under the firmament."
地狱(魔鬼)补充道:「我们将允许你在所有的房子里,甚至在露天举行弥撒献祭。 」
(Mypersonal observations: Apparently, Satan and his demons will invent another typeof service and either introduce it into the Church, or perhaps cause another schismwith 'novelty' rites.
Signs to watch out for: the 'vestments' becomea red cloak.
The wine is removed from the sacrifice ofthe Mass, perhaps only the server / minister is allowed to receive the 'piece ofbread'.
Our Lord says a service of this type willnot be a valid consecration.
They will be able to celebrate this 'service'everywhere, out in the open, outside consecrated buildings, and 'in all houses'.
'All houses' could mean in the homes of people,or, all houses of worship no matter what the denomination, i.e., an ecumenical-basedservice that is 'watered down' so it is made acceptable to everyone and can be celebratedby all Christians.
We must be wary of all forms of worship that do not follow the normsof the Holy Catholic Church and try to 'come down' to the level of other denominations.
We must remember there is only One, True,Holy Catholic and Apostolic Faith, and no service however 'nice' and 'charitable'to other Christians can ever be compared to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
我们必须记住,只有“唯一”, “真正的”、“神圣的大公教会”、和“从宗徒(传下来)的”信仰,任何对其他基督徒的服务,无论多么“美好”和“慈善”,都无法与弥撒的神圣祭献相比。
The Mass is not a symbol! It is a true sacrificewhere the Passion and Death of Christ takes place in an unbloody manner.)
June 28, 1880
"In those years,” says Satan, “I willmake many revelations. (I.e., False revelations through apparitions that are actuallydemonic.)
It will be impossible to expose my language.I will imitate all too well the words of Christ and His revelations.
By loading these souls, I want a lot of piouspriests to be lost, to mislead them deeply into all these things. I also want tolose many souls (the same way) who are not priests.
If I can not lose these souls, I will (makethem) lose their reputation at least, I will make them charges of heavy slander,I will make them denounce up to the point of counsels of human laws."
(Mypersonal interpretation: in the years when Satan creates great confusion in theChurch, he will cause many false apparitions to occur to mislead even the zealousand faithful with high sounding mysteries.
It will be difficult to tell the differencebetween a false message from the true ones as Satan will mimic how Our Lord andOur Lady speak.
The demon will try to mislead the faithfulby several ways.
First, by the false messages of course, butalso by having us waste precious time trying to discern which are the true apparitionsfrom false ones, when we should be concentrating on the true messages already giventhat always say the same thing: stop sinning, go to confession, change your life,pray for sinners, pray the rosary and go to Mass.
Basically, stop being Catholics in name onlyand live your faith.
The real messages are very simple, we shouldnot be looking for novelties and trying to discover “new secrets” of heaven.
Satan will also create confusion as thosewho believe the false messages in faith, not out of malice, will defend them, andin the process, further the confusion.
They will either destroy their own reputations,or those of others who try to oppose the false apparitions.
Satan is very crafty and knows how to manipulatepeople and create disunity.)
July 7, 1880
"The Church will be deprived of itsLeader who governs now. The remains of this present holy Pontiff have to disappear.The imprint of his feet at the holy altar will be reduced to ashes by the flamesof hell. The head of the Church will be outrageously outraged!"
「教会将失去现在执政的领袖。现在这位神圣教宗的遗留必被清除。他在圣坛上的脚印,必被地狱的火焰化为灰烬。教会的头会义愤填膺! 」
(My personal observations: Pope Leo XIIIwas pontiff at the time of this ecstasy / prophecy:
this could be a prediction that the Churchshall be deprived of all his holy reforms and the teachings he set forth.
It was he who had the famous vision of Satanconfronting Our Lord, declaring that he could destroy the whole Church if he weregranted time to do it.
Our Lord agreed to the test and granted Satanup to a century, although the pope was not told which century Satan would be letloose to do his worst.
It is said he also saw a terrible battlebetween St. Michael and the demons.
As a result, he composed the prayer to St.Michael in addition to other prayers that he ordered to be said at the foot of thealtar after every Mass for the protection of the Church, i.e, the Three Hails Marys,The Salve Regina, and the prayer beginning with “O God, our refuge and our strength,Look down in mercy to Thy people who cry to Thee, etc....”.
Since the Council of Vatican II, these importantprayers for the protection of the Church have been dropped from the conclusion ofthe Ordinary (Vernacular) Mass.
Compare this with what Marie-Julie says:“The imprint of his feet at the holy altar (Pope Leo XIII) will be reduced to ashesby the flames of hell.”
与此相比,玛利亚.茱莉莉说:「他在圣坛上的脚印(教宗良十三世),将被地狱的火焰烧成灰烬。 」
Of interest, it was revealed to St. CatherineEmmerich that Satan would be let loose 60 or 40 years before the year 2000, andwould be granted a considerable time before that to prepare his onslaught.
A rather interesting timeline, consideringthe confusion that has been unleashed with the various misinterpretations of VaticanII.
Other holy practises and devotions were alsobrought in by Pope Leo XIII to combat Satan,such as the minor exorcism that everyone was permitted to say.
Today, so few people pray it for protection.
In fact, even the rite of the Major Exorcismof the Roman Rite that has been used for centuries was altered in 1999, and exorcistsin Rome are complaining the new format is not as effective in dispelling demonsas the old rite.
As we have seen in an earlier prophecy withMarie-Julie, Satan wants to alter all the rites in the Church, water them down,or remove them entirely.)