June 25, 1924
The Divine Heart:
"My little loving souls, My Divine Heart sighedlong after the arrival of your beautiful souls, temples that I love, templeswhere I live.
Oh! My Heaven of peace, Oh, My heaven where I (pourforth My sentiments). In My effusion My little spouses, you heal My wound. Mywound is deep.
It is the spear that wounds Me, the spear of beingunknown, if little loved, not adored,and especiallysearched for.
I love so much, My little spouses, thank you for yourhearts.
They rise up to My Heavenly Father and in joy He saidto Me: "My Divine Son, attach great rewards to thank My children and Yourloved ones."
(我的小净配们)他们升到(圣心)我的天父面前,(天父)祂高兴地对我说:『我的圣子,要用大赏报感谢我的儿女,也是你所爱的人。 』
"It is so sweet to My Adorable Heart, it is sosweet to thank for a grateful heart for so much love and so manyblessings."
「这对我可敬爱的心来说太甜蜜了,感谢一颗会感恩的心,感谢这么多的爱和祝福,太甜蜜了。 」
"This is a great joy to My Adorable Heart thisthanks of your heart.
It is a diamond that I fill with love.
Thank you for your heart that I love.
Ah! How precious it is to Me; it is a sweetness to MyDivine Heart that receives so much bitterness and in Heaven I will give backwith rewards.
I love this thank you, I drink it as a refreshment. Itwarms My Divine Heart that is so forgotten by so many souls.
I thank you so much this makes My Heart beat. Itcomforts me,and in Heaven there will be an immense joy for all eternity. "
我太感谢你了,这让我心跳加速。它安慰了我,在天堂里将会有永恒的巨大快乐。 」
October 21, 1924
Distraction in prayer--we must have a good will.
Marie-Julie: "Oh! Good Mother, that you do wellto teach us.
So often it is said: "Our Father", with thelips but not from the heart and"vanqué ben" (a prayer?) withoutrespect too."
The Blessed Virgin: "My little children, theDivine Father does not always stop distraction and little reflection.
He knows poor humanity,(or, the poverty of humanity).A good will suffices for Him to give many graces and obtain His divinefriendship, His holy friendship. "
祂知道人性的贫乏。一个好的意愿足以让祂给予许多恩宠,获得祂神圣的友谊,祂圣洁的友谊。 」
November 11, 1924
The Blessed Virgin: "My little beloved children,Ihave left many times this word when returning to Heaven:
'The forerunner of the great signs of doom and ofprotection for our little just ones, it will be the sharp sting of hate and vengeanceagainst the Holy Church, the Holy Religion.
Here, my little children, the first sign that you willannounce well the others, which are terrible because souls know what they do.
They want to destroy the Name of my divine Son, destroyHis power, take away from our dear souls that sacred Name and efface it fromthe souls of little children.'
他们想摧毁我圣子的名字,摧毁祂的权柄,从我们亲爱的灵魂中夺走这个神圣的名字,从可爱的灵魂中抹去它。 』
My dear and beloved children, I assure you my graces.I am your Mother and you are my children."
我亲爱和挚爱的孩子们,我向你们保证我的恩宠。我是你们的母亲,你们是我的孩子。 」
The Blessed Virgin: "My little children, Heavencan be nothing but good. Heaven is so great, Heaven is your home, Heaven is yourrest,where you will live forever in peace and love.
All will pass. The Earth has been visited, upset,duginto, its mountains melted and transported under the power of Justice. Theywill be the tomb of many, buried under the blows of Divine Justice .
It is frightening, this is what sin causes, forgetfulnessof the Creator, ungodly laws and now more than ever before."
这是可怕的,忘记造物主,不敬虔的法律,这就是罪的原因,现在比以往更甚。 」
"My children, my last words before my graces:
There is little everywhere plots hatched by thewretched souls who have no faith, which work together for terrible things.
Crime is their pleasure of all these infamoussubjects; from one end of the earth to the other they rejoice, they await thedecisive moment of the great leader to walk in bands with the refinement oftheir conscience without justice, without mercy, their thirst for gold andhuman flesh."
犯罪是所有这些恶名昭著人的快乐;从地球的一端到另一端,他们泯灭良心,没有正义,没有怜悯,等待着邪恶的极权时代,他们饥渴着黄金和人的肉性(之事)。 」
"There, my little children, my last word, but letnothing frighten you. This is a warning from my mother's heart."
「好了,我的孩子们,这是我的最后一句话,但不要让任何东西吓着你们。这是我母亲之心的警告。 」
"As I did on the Holy Mountain, make known to myfaithful (said 3 times) to my chosen souls that I shelter under the veil of mymercy and my peace (said 2 times).
Little children, this word has passed: 'If they do notconvert, I will strike if they reject My word, it is to aggravate the DivineJustice.'
孩子们,这句话已经被认可:『如果他们不悔改,我就要打击他们,如果他们拒绝我说的话,那就是加剧神圣的正义。 』
They rejected it, it was despised and more. Well, Irepeat as on the Holy Mountain: 'My little children, make it known to mybeautiful souls, to my loving souls, make it known to your friends which aremine.'. "
他们拒绝它(我说的话),它被鄙视,甚至更甚。好吧,我在圣山上重复说:『我的孩子们,把它(我说的话)告诉我美丽的灵魂,告诉我可爱的灵魂,告诉属我的朋友们。 』 」
The Divine Heart: "I gave them to you, I havechosen them to support you, to strengthen you in the same love as you love Meall, beloved souls, this union of compassionate charity, devout andgenerous."
Marie-Julie: "Thank you, adorable Divine Heart, goodMother of Heaven you rise up to the feet of the Saviour."
The Blessed Virgin: "My little children, it isfor infamous sinners I place my lips on the feet of the living and gloriousSaviour to ask forgiveness."
圣母:「我的孩子们,我以嘴唇(亲吻)这位伟大救主的脚,是为那些邪恶的罪人请求宽恕。 」
He replied: "No forgiveness without justice. Thereis a long time that I await, that I am patient, that I do good for My revilersfor, the great culprits." (i.e. He waits and does not strike immediatelythat they may convert.)
主回答说:「没有公义,就没有宽恕。我会等待很长一段时间,我会忍耐,我会善待“我的辱骂者”,那些大罪人。 」(也就是说,祂等待,而不是立即倾泄怒火,而是缓于发怒,而让他们还有时间和机会悔改