God's Justice and Mercy
On August 17, 1920 (Date texts were transcribed? Notsure if this is date of the ecstasy.)
1920年8月17日(日期文本被改写?不确定这是不是神魂超拔的日子。 )
Note from the Sanctuary Website: We have grouped thefollowing seven ecstasies under the same title.
It would be arbitrary indeed to title each differently– save only to retain the details that separate them - because the teachingthey give us is the same.
It could give the reader of this compilation a sense ofrepetition, however,for those who can appreciate these revelations, it is not.
We listen to these words as variations of the sametheme, repeated and enriched over a single symphony.
Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin reveal to us, bysuccessive small steps,the economy of Providential action in the world.
NB - Some words are missing from the original texts,they were replaced by dots (......).
The Blessed Virgin: "My little children, Icome(dressed) in all white for purity, all radiant with beauty, resplendentwith virtues.
I have brought you the gentle joys of heaven. My littlechildren,in the Holy Octave there is no more sadness on Earth for my littlechildren who love me.
Every day is for my little children who love me a joyand every day is for Me in Heaven, a great joy to receive their prayers,greetings, full of grace,their sighs filled with blessings and also their joysand sorrows.
My little children if you saw the number ofimmeasurable graces that I give you every minute, every second. Oh! My wellbeloved little children, your soul would break the weak bonds that hold yourbeautiful souls in your bodies. It is for this great grace that my Divine Sonsaid these words:
'Mother, I leave you much to shine all your wonders onearth for My well beloved and dear spouses, for your beloved and dear children.
My Mother,' Jesus said, 'who can and who could bear thebrightness of so many wonders, the brilliance of so much glory, the glory of somuch joy, the glow of so much sweetness?
Oh, My Holy Mother, you (steal) all My souls from theEarth to Heaven and who supports for Me the weight of My justice, who atone forso many crimes, so many crimes in an age of perversion, destruction, crimes,blasphemy, impurity and all sorts of vile slander.'
(i.e., Our Lady lessens the sufferings of her followersso much, Our Lord has less sacrifices to appease His Justice and prevent itfrom striking the earth!)
"My little children, that is why I moderate mygraces so sensitive, my wonderful miracles, my vivid tenderness, my boundlesspowers, my little children, but today I left the black veil of mourning for thedawn of the 15, while all the octave I will bless you all white, pure andsmiling, but after this Holy Octave I will take again the mourning veil ...
My little children for the great days of terriblemisfortunes do not be discouraged, they are not yet come. (i.e., at that time.)
I surround you with all my protection, I cover you withmy white mantle that eliminates Justice, which returns the terrible punishmentreserved for people who go into ingratitude unto ingratitude.
My little children, I surrounded all by my protection,I cover you with my white mantle that eliminates Justice, which sends back theterrible punishment reserved for people going into ingratitude untoingratitude.
Little children, I will send my wishes. Stay calm andconfident in one who loves you dearly and that comes only to bless you and makeyou rejoice.
My children, if it were in my power to take away yourpain, all suffering, oh my heart is happy and comforted. My little children MyDivine Son said:
'Oh, My Good Mother, you want to remove the merits ofMy beautiful little soul-spouses, it is they who console me, they are lightningrods for the Earth where My Justice will not pass because I will fill withhappiness the little faithful souls when I sieve out of the world, theunrepentant sinner, soul perverted, the guilty soul I will make it into dustand his body will become a stench on Earth.
My little soul spouses, I will send after the greatflood, a dew fruitful and powerful to cleanse the Earth, which will disinfectthe dust of bodies corrupt and impure.'
我可爱灵魂的净配,我要在大洪水之后,送来丰硕大能的甘露洁净大地,它将消毒身体的污垢和不洁。 」
The Blessed Virgin: "My little children, I amfrightened by this terrible disaster.
With what admirable patience, My Divine Son, is stillawaiting the return of souls. With what guilty blood and what pure blood!
All these blows have not touched the hardened hearts,have not brought back the beautiful faith of the past, all these blows have notbrought back the souls into His grace or His love. Little children, the Earthis guilty, it will pay its debt well broad and deep.
My little children, all the earth will not bedestroyed. We will protect our children, we will keep them to repopulate theEarth, to raise the faith, to preach the sublime doctrine of charity,unity,fraternity."
我可爱的孩子们哪,全地必不毁灭。我们将保护我们的孩子,我们将让他们在地球上繁衍生息,提升信仰,宣扬慈悲、合一、友爱的崇高教义。 」
"My little children, I assure you that among theblows of Justice there will be for you,(said 3 times) my little children, greatsigns of graces,protections and wonders all divine.
My little beloved children I want to calm you, I wantto reassure you. Always keep close your objects of protection, your blessedcandles, your medals and other objects from which flow all the blessings ofHeaven, blessings of protection, blessings of all heavenly favours,blessingsthat keep far (from you) the cries of Satan running through the air and theearth,blessings that will calm the storm unleashed by the Luciferianvoices."
我可爱的孩子们,我想让你们平静下来,我想让你们放心。始终靠近能保护你的:被祝圣过的蜡烛、圣像、和其他圣物,从那当中流出天堂的祝福、保护的祝福、所有天堂恩惠的祝福,使你远离撒殚在空中和地上奔跑的叫喊,平息由路济弗尔的声音所引发的风暴的祝福。 」
Marie-Julie: "I do not know that word, I alwaysfear of being wrong and doing wrong."
玛利亚.茱莉:「我不知道这个词,我总是害怕做错事。 」
The Blessed Virgin: "No, do not worry. My littlechildren present understand my motherly language of protection and salvation.
My little children, there (you?) will not be, in thisstorm,of the cries from hell, there will be all the lost souls of the earth,all those souls who give themselves to Satan by offending my divine Son, allthose souls who live in sacrileges and spells.
I am the mother of light.
My little children, understand me clearly.
My dearchildren I give you all the warnings that are most needed in the Holy Octave ofmy Immaculate Ascension, my little children, the soul must renew the wholeearth by my poor kingdom. "(3 times)
我亲爱的孩子们,我给你们所有的警告,在我无玷升天神圣的八天庆日中,(我的警告)是最需要的,我的孩子们,藉著『我可怜的国度』(注:法国),灵魂必须更新整个地球。 」(3次)
Marie-Julie: "Dear little sisters, (i.e., to thespiritual spouses) there are great sighs in the heart of the Virgin Mary whenshe said three times: "My poor kingdom. "
玛利亚.茱莉:「亲爱的小姐妹们(也就是对属灵的净配们),圣母玛利亚三次说『我可怜的国度』时,心中充满了很多的叹息。 」
The Blessed Virgin: "My little children, thisgreat servant and King will come out of the Divine Heart. (The Great Monarch.)
圣母:「我可爱的孩子们,这个伟大的仆人和国王将来自圣心。(伟大的君王。 )
He will have the faith of Saint Louis, his emblems asKing will be the Lys, (i.e., the Fleur de Ly of the absolute monarchy) not liketoday.
My little children, they are armed with death, bloodyarmies, armies who only know how to handle ...the persecution against the HolyReligion ... "
我的孩子们,他们武装是死亡,血腥的军队,只知道如何对付……,对神圣信仰的迫害……。 」
"My little children, I will give you my divineSon, and the whole court of heaven a blessing for all your intentions, ablessing of holy and gentle death, a blessing of protection in danger,ablessing to be protected from sudden and unexpected death, and a blessing ofpeace and union, in a word, my little children, a blessing to all your desires,to any object present in front of me.
My children, I gave you my lights and now I go back toHeaven, Heaven, where your loved ones rejoice always smiling and happy.
They are all at my feet, richly rewarded."
他们都在我面前长久的匍匐祈祷下,得到了丰厚的奖赏。 」
They say, 'Oh! Good Mother, comfort those we have left(behind).'
他们说,「哦!好妈妈,安慰那些在我们之后来的人吧。 」