August 4, 1904 (“The BretonStigmatist”, pp. 42-43)
Our Lord: "I sustainMy elect, I am their strength, I put them to the test now to console themlater at the time of desolation, of abomination.
At that time, I will uphold them...Iwill be their King, they will be My subjects.
Do not expect improvement, on thecontrary, you will see evil growing continuously, unjust disordersmultiplying...until the time that I rise up in My turn."
不要期待(恶者)改善,相反,你会看到邪恶不断增长,不公正的混乱成倍增加……,直到我兴起来的时刻。 」
September 16, 1904 (“The BretonStigmatist”, pp., 49-50)
Our Lady: "...Half the populationof France will be destroyed. After the punishments, there will be villages leftwithout a soul.
Four towns of France will disappear...Ihave no more power, I can no longer hold back My Son's arm...
My Children, the decision of My DivineSon is to let everything carry on until the end. There is only prayer left.
If my Divine Son and I were to workmiracles greater than all the ones in Judea, than all the miracles of the past,all these marvels would be scorned, they would further insult My Divine Son andHis Holy Mother.
In short, it is a blindness.
It is an infernal veil woven by theenemy jealous of the marvels and power of my Divine Son.
In place of marvels, blows will benecessary, decimation, yes, a terrible decimation..."
(Thisis frightening food for thought: Our Lord said that only an evil and anadulterous generation seeks for signs as they are without faith and need totest God's existence, (see Matt 12:39) but the latter times will get so bad,that miracles will not even work to bring about conversions, only thedecimation of the greater part of men, hence the great chastisements.)
October 11, 1904 (“The BretonStigmatist”, p. 40)
Our Lady, "The just are in thesieve of Jesus...but they are certain of the joy of seeing Him and of formingHis glorious Court. I can do nothing more. Pray, this is the only remedy, whichwill be the strong food of souls."
我们的圣母:「义人在耶稣的筛子里筛……,但他们肯定高兴见到耶稣,並组建祂的光荣法庭。我无能为力了。祈祷吧,这是唯一的补救办法,也是灵魂的坚强食物。 」
On the same day:
Our Lord: "My Heart is breaking. Iseek pure souls to transpierce with the swords that pierced Mine at the firstPassion. All these swords will pierce one by one all the victims of Jesus.Suffering is necessary, crosses are necessary. (It will be terrible) that itwill be unbearable to live on the earth.
Martyr after martyr, cruelty aftercruelty, tyrant after tyrant, stake upon stake, tyranny upon tyranny."
March, 19, 1905 (“The BretonStigmatist”, p. 39)
St. Joseph, after announcing that thepunishments will be increased because no one took any notice of the warningsgiven by Our Lady at La Salette added: "Ah! I am invoked very little...
And yet, I come immediately after Jesusand Mary, who take pleasure in keeping their treasures at my disposition...Andnote well, I have more pleasure in granting your request than you have ofhaving them granted... Why? Yes, why do you invoke me so little?"
然而,我紧随在耶稣和玛利亚之后,他们乐意隨我的意愿保管他们的珍宝……,请注意,我比你想要得着的,更乐意于答应你的请求……,为什么?是的,你们为什么呼求我这么少呢? 」
(Date given August 17, 1905) “TheBreton Stigmatist”, p 43.
Marie-Julie announced that threequarters of the population of the globe will disappear in the last crisis;terrible earthquakes, epidemics of unknown diseases whose ravages would befrightful, terrible famines, inclement weather, cyclones, rising seas thatwould cause terrifying tidal waves.
The last crisis would be divided intothree parts:
The first: long and painful when divinevengeance will be manifested during which the most guilty will be destroyed.
But, "This blow of justice willonly irritate them."
但是,「这种正义的打击只会激怒他们。 」
The Second part will be shorter butmore formidable, more sinister:
"My Divine Son, seeing that allthese blows cannot bring back His people to pardon and mercy---lostsouls---will strike again more fearfully..."
「我的圣子,看到所有这些打击都不能使祂的子民悔改,转向天父,挽回义怒,重获宽恕和慈悲---冥顽不灵的灵魂–祂将更加可怕地再次打击…… 」
The Third Part:
"Everything must be lost from topto bottom. That, my dear children is when Saint Michael the Archangel, who isawaiting orders from Heaven, will descend with his armies to fight with my goodchildren, the true and good children of victory...Justice will pass everywhere.During this time you will not have the Bread of the strong...No apostles, you willhave only your faith as food, my Divine Son as Sovereign Priest to forgiveyou...My dear children, all the souls living in His Divine Heart will run nodanger.
They will only have a faint knowledgeof His anger. They will be enclosed in this immense sea of prodigies and power,during these great blows of divine justice."
他们只对主的愤怒稍稍知晓,在神圣正义的巨大打击中,他们将被包围在无垠似海的奇迹和大能中。 」
(A warning we will not have thesacraments of the Church during this time?)
(一个警告,我们在这段时间内不会有教会的圣事礼仪? )
August 17, 1905 (“The BretonStigmatist”, p. 51)
"It will be during this thirdcrisis that salvation will come. There, from the centre of His Sacred Heartwill come salvation, or rather, the one destined to bring peace. (i.e. TheGreat Monarch) At his coronation, all the evils will cease.
My children, He is a descendant to theline of Saint Louis,but this Sodom does not possess him!" (The evil ofParis does not have him in its sway?)
我的孩子们,他是圣路易家族的后裔,可是这个所多玛城没有拥有他! 」 (巴黎的邪恶没有使他受其左右吗? )