Visit of St. Thomas Aquinas, who speaks toMarie-Julie about a certain “sun”, a special grace represented by a symbolical imageof the sun.
During certain ecstasies, she saw a 'sun'that would show her various revelations.
March 4, 1880
"St. Thomas,” she said, “do you wantto give it to me, this sun? Not for me or my friends, but for the dear ('entrelaceur'= ? ) for all merits. He would see in it that infinite love does not leave so muchseen today."
entrelaceur这个词查了很久确实不知何意,谷歌翻译是交织器金山词霸翻译是昆虫,百度翻译是交织物。[玛丽亚如此称呼她亲爱的听告解神父 有她的意义 如今我们无从得知 如按字面翻译徒增困惑 我会建议用音译<法語>加上引号作为代名词 这要请你们定夺 如果一定用字义 那昆虫加上引号可能容易理解些]
The 'entrelaceur' is Father Rabine who doesnot understand the ways of his penitent.
The saint replied:
St. Thomas Aquinas: "Never, for thiseye, this request will not be answered.”
Marie-Julie: “Because, St. Thomas?”
马利亚:「圣多马斯,那是因为(甚么)? 」
“Because (this) light will never bring (him)backinto the true path of the work of the Good God. "
(I apologise, this is a difficult passageto translate. Apparently, Marie-Julie requested that one of her confessors or parishpriests receive spiritual enlightenment about the divine favours she receives inaddition to other graces, possibly, she asked that he also see the sun that shewas allowed to see.
It seems this Fr. Rabine could not understandher or her spiritual mission and doubted.
St. Thomas Aquinas explained he could notgrant her request because if this priest did not have faith after seeing her ecstasiesand the miracle of the stigmata, all other graces of enlightenment would be, soto speak, wasted on him, even if he saw her mystical sun. This is my personal interpretation.)
March 16, 1880
"From (the time of) Calvary to thisdate, I have never seen so many graces, as (those) reserved for this place."
(Marie-Julieis speaking of La Fraudais and the surrounding lands. Our Lord told her about thespecial monastic community that would be founded there in the future dedicated tothe Cross.
玛利亚-朱莉说的是(La Fraudais)和周围的土地。我们的上主告诉她将来会在那里建立一个特别的修会团体,特別奉献给十字架。
The Great Monarch would also come, and planthis royal standard. The construction of this great shrine and monastery would beaccompanied by many miracles.)