Visit of St. Francis de Sales
Ecstasy of July 9, 1878
St.Francis de Sales (1567-1622) was canonized in 1665. Bishop of Geneva, hestruggled against Protestantism that ravaged France and Switzerland.
By his fiery preaching, he brought backmany lost souls to the fold. He was also a great master of the spiritual life.
With Saint Jane deChantal, of whom he was director, he founded the Order of the Visitation, andfor the Visitines wrote his famous Treatise on the Love of God.
(注:圣母访亲女修会:圣母往见女修会:The Order of the Visitation of HolyMary,简称 V.H.M. 是一个罗马天主教的女修会。该会于1610年由圣方济各·沙雷氏和圣女方济加·尚达尔(St.Jane Frances de Chantal)在法国上萨瓦省阿讷西创立。最初修会的创办者让修女仿效圣母访亲,除初学期外,可以自由地出去轮流探望病人和穷人。后来教廷决定修女应留在修院,不应到处探访。)
Another of hisworks, "Introduction to the Devout Life" had a deep and lastinginfluence.
This great saintwas awarded the title of Confessor of the Church, for his zeal to proclaim andto love the Truth.
He also received aPh.D. for the soundness of his doctrine and the wisdom of his teachings.
It seems he cameseveral times "to visit" during the ecstasies, to advise and comfortMarie-Julie, who recognized and welcomed him with great respect.
Itis not always the case with the saints! At first, she is very suspiciousbecause she fears to be deceived by an illusion, which is a credit to her care.
Themartyrs who come to prepare (her) for the Holy Novitiate must "show theircredentials," which is sometimes quite touching in her direct simplicity!
This fear of beingthe victim of an illusion, human or diabolical, is the signature of a greatexperience for us and a guarantee (i.e. a safeguard for us).
(In other words,she could recognise his holiness immediately, and did not have to test him asshe usually did to make sure it was not an apparition of a devil to trick her.Biography provided by the Sanctuary Website.)
“I am St. Francisde Sales.”
Marie-Julie: “Yes,I saw you once, but long ago.”
Saint Francis:“Ah, good! It is I who have come today on behalf of the Lord.
The peace of theLord be with you! I wish the same to all children of God and of His Cross.”
Marie-Julie: “Manythanks, good saint.”
Saint Francis:“God created us on earth to love Him, to serve Him, to worship Him and to livein the union of His Holy Presence and His Peace.
Torise in Christian perfection, we need two things: first humility, and second,the Presence of God at every moment.
Humility is thesafeguard of all virtues. Without this virtue,we cannot make progress inChristian life, nor in the advancement of Grace.
God communicatesto us His light. He gives us His blessings because He wants us to return all toHim through these two great virtues.
I tasted theHighest of God's love and I was admitted into the depths of His divine light.
It is for us tounderstand the heights where God raises us.
We can onlyunderstand them through the Light of God.
As long as our ownlight exists, one should not think of making progress in virtue.
This lower lightneeds to be extinguished and God replaces it with one of His divine lights.
I kept multiplelights at once that made me discern the pain and joy of many souls that I ledby the Divine Light, from a distance.
The Light of God,in our minds, brings to our own mind the conditions of pain and joy, which isin each soul.
Thisdiscernment was not given to all the Fathers of the Church. God does what Hewants.
但这洞察的智慧并没有赐给所有的教父们。天主想做什么就做什么。(注:教父:Fathers of the Church :指教会初期圣德卓越的作家,以正统的教义和圣洁的生活著称,因此受到教会嘉许,而被视为信仰之见证人,其特徵是:年代久远、正统教义、生活圣洁、教会嘉许。)
Christianperfection consists in a true love of God. The Love of God makes rapid progressin us, (i.e in the spiritual life), but do not put any obstacles to that love,if we want to rise in perfection.
I had much tosuffer for this great Treatise on the Love of God; this is so difficult for thehuman mind alone, (to understand by itself) that God must mingle this with Hisglory, that He wants us to develop in His greatness, His love and perfection.
Nothing can beacquired without suffering. I paid for everything and God sold everythingdearly (An odd expression, probably meant all of God's graces came at a highprice =suffering.)
Thereare ways to experience God that men can not define or understand. Why? Becauseour mind is too attached to things of little value.
To understand thisbetter:
- First: it isabsolutely necessary that you must have a special gift.
- Second: the mindmust be clear and fully detached from all things.
- Third, theproper light of God is newly recreated in our minds for us to understand, anddelve further into all the great ways to the degree in which they are found.
It is difficult tolook further into the Divine Ways, but it can be done with the help and powerof God.
First I gave mymind, my thoughts, my memory,all to God.
I sacrificedeverything to Him and I said, "Lord, for Your own glory and for myhumility, that I can perfectly distinguish the operations of each of yourwonders worked in myself."
I acquired thisgreat grace by penalties as rough as martyrdom, by unbearable suffering(that)without the grace of God ...
How that ourbrothers and men of earth can figure not these graces appear fornothing!(Difficult / odd translation, perhaps he means to say, 'How can menfigure that all these graces appear for nothing?')
I know what theycost me and I know what it costs to those who are destined to develop them.
I have not missedpersecution, or slanders from all sides. But I can say it was a treasure oflight for me because it was only when all these terrible persecutions (came)that I saw the desired light.
See how God testswith all sorts of troubles and tribulations. There came a time when, on theverge of the glory of God, I was everywhere overwhelmed by insults, outrages,to denounce me.
I had a joy socomplete, so perfect love, a peace so deep that I thought I already had thedesired light. If we only suffered from ignorant people, it would be verylittle.
But to suffer fromeducated people, from people of integrity, of light. This is called thepersecution of the enlightened.
This is a meritinfinitely large. All the strength and courage I had I found in the persecutionby the bishops, from major prelates, which I received daily, denunciations ofblack and terrible accusations.
All this onlyincreased my faith and my love for God.
They stronglyattacked me because I was giving advice to people who were far from me, but itwas only by the light that God gave me.
For all mytrouble, I was corresponding with the soul far away from me.
I understood andthey understood me. Every pain and every love is shared between all the heartsthat I had under my direction.
That is what theHoly Spirit reported in a vision of the Holy Novitiate.
This is nothingbut a divine power and a direct permission of God. This is the true light, thisis the perfect finger of God.
All the glories ofGod, if they are not pursued by people of both parties, they are not fully ofGod.
If the persecutionof the works of God are not many, it is a sign that the work will not go long.
I take proof fromthe great and illustrious St.Paul, who was caught up into Heaven.
If the glory ofGod is not crossed, torn, exposed to all kinds of contradiction, this can notbe purely the work of God.
If you knew what Isuffered to start the first convent! If we knew it would take courage and bearmed with a boundless confidence.
As soon as thewalls were started,the man of God who had the right to govern me demolished itand it fell before my eyes.
I was overwhelmed,insulted, covered with shame, by all the people following the man of power. Ihad to support a terrible struggle for the words I wrote on the Love of God andof Christian perfection.
When God wants todo great things, He puts a lot of seals of all kinds. He must also go throughthe Cross, go through the trials of this life before entering the glory thatGod has promised ...