October 11, 1881
“Youwill see, my people, with your living eyes, terrible spectacles, (as in shows),paintings that are most dreadful and most revolting.
My people, the poison is most hideous,the most seasoned of all other cursed odours, realize that this poison willcome powerfully out of the Centre (Paris) and will run everywhere withoutexception.
If you could conceive the wickednessthat will be brought back with the beings that Heaven threatens (I.e, with itspunishments?) and will stop them in their progress, you shudder with fear, youwould go so far as to say:
'How can man contain so much corruption,so much disorder, so much iniquity?'
「人类怎么会有这么多的堕落,这么多的混乱,这么多的邪恶呢? 」
(Obviously, Heaven is outraged with thedevelopment of modern art and the entertainment industry, spewing out its filthand worldly maxims contrary to purity and every other commandment.
Of interest, cinematography and movingpictures were invented in France and first shown in Paris, therefore, thiscould also be a prediction of moving pictures' and how they would eventually beused~ the movie camera is generally recognised as an invention of the Lumièrebrothers (1895), their first public films were shown in Paris December 1895.)
October 25, 1881
Our Lord said to Marie-Julie:
"I announce with fear a terriblepunishment for those whom I dressed in a sacred character and filled withgraces. (i.e., Priests and bishops ordained by God?)
「我怀着恐惧被严厉惩罚而宣布,那些我以神圣的品格和恩宠装扮的人。(即天主任命的神父和主教? )
It is close, (the punishment) I willachieve (or reach) them.
They persecute My Church. They areguilty, not all but many. The majority is not on the royal side."
他们迫害我的教会。他们是有罪的,不是全部,但是很多。(他们神父)大多数人并不支持王室。 」
(i.e.,Many of the clergy and the faithful were not in favour of restoring theabsolute monarchy at the time contrary to God's wishes, but either favoured therepublicans/democracy or a democratic monarchy.)
Marie-Julie: "My Jesus, they do notdo it purposely, they believe they do well."
玛利亚.茱莉:「我的天主,他们不是故意这样做的,他们相信自己做得很好。 」
Our Lord: "I know their intentions,I know their thoughts.
I see the weakness seize My priests to afrightening point ... I see them fall to the side that plants in this poorcountry the standard coloured with blood and terror.
You will be in a few months scandalisedby several books.
Religion will be counterfeited, attackedand instead of this beautiful religion (i.e.,Catholicism), there will beinfamous writings.
This is the schism entering France. Allwill be filled ... and they will spread with abandonment plenty of stenches andabominations.
Same Day
October 25, 1881
Our Lord: "The most heinous sinsthey will commit without shame or regret, the great number of the priests whoturn to the side of evil."
我们的主:「他们犯了滔天的罪,毫无羞耻,毫无后悔,众多的司祭转向邪恶的一边。 」
Same Day
October 25, 1881 (“The BretonStigmatist”, pp. 29-30)
Our Lady continues: "More than everthe number of priests that one calls real ministers of God is very small, it isreally small... There are many priests who will not be ashamed, on the day ofterror, to violate the secrets of the confessional...
There are some who work undercover whilewaiting to discard their priestly vestments to better cause horror andabomination amongst the people....
There will be scandals...You must expectall kinds of things. The heart of the Church is now only a bleeding wound.Today crime is brought to the foot of the altar."
会有丑闻……你必须预期各种各样的事情。教会的心现在只是一个流血的伤口。今天,罪恶被带到祭坛脚下。 」
Marie-Julie did not want to repeat this,but Saint Michael replied, "The Lord desires it...
I tell the friends of God to preparethemselves and to redouble their prayers because everything is on the point ofvery great suffering, but God's friends are forewarned.
They can now only wait in the silence oftheir generous faith...
All the friends of the cross have aspecial protection reserved by the Holy of Holies and His beloved Mother."
所有十字架的朋友,都受到至圣者和祂亲爱的母亲的特别保护。 」
Same Day
October 25, 1881,
The devil cried out to Saint Michael:
"I will attack the Church, I willoverthrow the Church, I will rule the people, I will dispose in their hearts amajor weakening of the Faith.
There will be a great betrayal. I willbecome,for a time, the master of all things, I will have all under myempire!"
这将是一个巨大的背叛。我将一时成为一切的主人,我将使一切臣服于我的帝国之下! 」
On the same day, Saint Michael warned usof the danger and assured us of help.
"There has never been an epoch likethis.
We must be attentive and to prepare soas not to be surprised...
All the demons will reassemble.
Many in the form of man.”
很多是以人的形式出现的。 」
Same Day
October 25, 1881 (“The BretonStigmatist”, p. 34)
Saint Michael(?): "You are about tosee those who govern the Church...giving their lives and their strength tothose who will establish a fatal government...they will close thesanctuaries...and surrender to the disorders of Hell..."
圣弥额尔总领天使:「你将要看见掌管教会的人……将他们的生命和力量献给那些将建立毁灭性政府的人…他们将关闭圣堂…屈服于地狱的混乱…… 」
Same Day
October 25, 1881 (“The BretonStigmatist”, p.35)
Our Lady: "The worst sins will becommitted without shame or regret...the great number (of priests) will turn tothe side of evil...."
我们的圣母:「人们将毫无羞耻或惋惜地犯下最大的罪恶……大量的(司祭)将会转向邪恶的一边…… 」