“Good saint, He said He enters the heartsof those who crucify Him and who renew His bloody Passion.
He then added that many punishments awaitedthose priests at the foot of the Holy Altars, punishments visible to the publiceyes of His faithful people. There, good Saint, that is what Our Lord said.”
“Andthen our adorable Lord made known the end of the pains and tears of this ordealso cruel?”
“Yes,He said a word about it to me: He told me:
'I want you to have in Me, a full andcomplete confidence. I forbid you to put your hope in men, the most powerful ornot. The more you expect from Me with hope, I will come quickly.'
That is what he told me good saint.
“What else?”
“Thenthe good Jesus said that the test was in full force and in (or at) its greatestfreedom. He added that the past times had long been in pain but that the futurewould be longer in joy than in pain.”
“Do you understand?”
“Irealized, good saint, that the test now would be short and that the joy wouldbe long, perhaps not for me but for my dear brothers.”
“Thethought was right and was justified by God. Have you contemplated the BlessedVirgin?”
“Goodsaint, I do not see her but in the morning,not at night, or only for a momentwhen I go out of the way of love.”
“TheBlessed Virgin, she spoke to you?”
“Yes,good Saint, She spoke tenderly.”
“Howdid the conversation start?”
“Thisis what she said: 'Courage, my children,your tears and your pain have such aprice in the eyes of My Divine Son that He is now preparing the light and thelight will be an exit from captivity and pain.'
“Doyou understand?”
“Yes,captivity is our neglect and sorrow, they are our pains, either internal orexternal, that is what I understood.”
“That is beautiful, this thought.Then what did the Blessed Virgin say to you?”
She said she would soon come to see us.When we were together to hear her beloved language and tender.
“She then told me that the love andtenderness of His Heart have been preparing us for a long time great joys and alove elevated in rejoicing and in tranquil repose but (while) still on theearth.”
“Whatdid you understand by that?
“WellSaint, I realized after our deliverance, we would still have some time togetherto rejoice.”
“Yesit is the sure word of the Blessed Virgin.
Did she speak to you about the children ofthe Cross?”
“Yes, good Saint. The Blessed Virgintold me that for the victims and for the servants of the Cross, she and herDivine Son, increase tenderness everyday and that they prepare for us while (weare) still on Earth a protection greater and more wonderful in their beauty.That is what she said.”
“Did she speak about the return of thevictims?”
“Yes,She told me that we would meet again with all the greatest joy and we stilltalk on all the beautiful subjects and on the beautiful words of Heaven. Thatis what she said.”