August 10, 1880
"If the prisoner Martyr (theAngelic Pontiff to come?) calls by the voices of his friends and supporters, itwill be forbidden, on pain of death, for any of this kingdom not to fly to hiscall ...
The Lord Himself will suffer a secondPassion.
But this second passion – as there canbe only one for Him - it will be a passion for them that replace Him (i.e.stand in His place) and represent Him.
For the souls He leaves to be done, whatbefore, was done for Him; it will be a passion for those who command a worthyauthority .., for those who come after the Victim shackled in the chains ofPeter, martyr for the cause of the Lord. (i.e., Cardinals, Bishops).
All authorities will have to undergothis Passion in their paternal seats. They will have to flee to escape thepursuit, fierce prosecutions.
The Church must see its Head undervengeful hatred.
The temple of God is to be deserted. Inthe beginning the Lord's ministers may, despite the threats, obey the laws oftheir sacred ministry.
It will be by force that they will bedragged out of the Temple.
Then the order will come to fleequickly.
The vengeance of hell will raise to thealtars of the most infamous of all men (those possessed).
They will take the place of the trueservants of the Lord. Everything will be against the Faith and against the holylaws in their sacred ceremonies.
The law will oblige parents to leavethem pervert their children.
These sacrileges will last 44 days.
Many Christians will suffer martyrdom.These crimes will be followed closely, (by) the vengeance of the Lord. "
许多基督徒将遭受殉难。这些罪行将会受到天主的报复。 」