(August 29, 1876)
“Atthe foot of His sweet cross, Jesus made me see the victims of His love, themissionaries of the Cross.
I see great difficulties and a greatstorm that rumbles over their heads.
No sooner does the storm appear thanall doubts disappear.”
风暴一出现,所有的怀疑就消失了。 」
(September 27, 1876)
This little corner of land will convertthe ungrateful.
They do not leave without taking (withthem) the softness and the graces of the Mission of the Cross.
The Cross will attract blessings over France and over theentire Church.
(October 28, 1876)
“Tellyour Father (her confessor) from Me that the Mission of the Cross is alreadystarted when the stormy days will groan.”
「告诉你的神父(她的听告解神父),在暴风雨的日子将要呻吟的时候,从我这里,十字架的使命已经开始了。 」
(November10, 1876)
“Yousee this cross, listen and do not forget this communication (that is) soimportant.
When you are no longer living, thisbeautiful black cross must be put in your cell.
It will have more power than all theother pious consecrated objects.
Why the black cross?
This cross will be placed in your celland will bear the memory of you.
I will replace you with the cross.
Tell your Father from Me that, as soonas this cross will be placed in your cell (your cottage),it will not be able toseparate (them) andthat he will have a great love for it.
This cross will be a true continualmiracle as it will attract hearts.
It is the cross that your Father(confessor) will detach from the wall to make the most obstinate sinnersembrace it.
Especially tell your Father that he noteall the graces granted by the black cross.
It came out of My Divine Heart and willremain there until the end of your life.
To mark it, I will put a drop of MyDivine Blood in the middle.
I will put a name on this precious andpowerful cross.
Look: ‘Cross of the approaching Missionfor the conversion of sinners. By the Passion and the Cross.'
He hides it in His Divine Heart.
(November17, 1876)
“Iwill make you see the construction of this house of charity to place as ashelter for poor sinners and which will be so great a consolation for Me.
I have favoured (it), I have blessedthis land, I have sanctified it, because this here is the house of sinners.
It will be here that the great Missionof the Cross will be founded.
Tell your Father that the Work willcertainly be made.
(the house of charity desired by FatherDavid)
See the graces that My Divine Heart willgive you at the foot of the Cross.
I dug a little fountain of love, it isto wash your souls, your sins, your crimes. You will receive forgiveness.
Sinners, you will be directed to a verynarrow path, at the back of a field where the few trees are its ornament.
The following year, I will pass by thepath and I will indicate the village that I haven chosen, that I blessed in Myfirst passing,I have left the Cross. I, the Sacred Heart, I lead the way, Iwill make you a main road where you will pass freely because this path will beblessed, I will pour my graces.”
The Lord said to five sinners:“Go present yourselves to the priest.”
“Lord,where will we find him?”
Our Lord: “You will always find him atthe foot of the Cross, at this small village I have indicated. I will be thereMyself.
It is I, as the fountain exhaustsitself, I will replace it.
It will always be the crystal clearwaters of My Heart that will be in this small fountain to wash your souls.”
The five sinners say: “Lord, let us seethis hamlet.”
Our Lord: “Ascend all five to the footof the cross, on your knees.”
They go up and Jesus shows this hamlet,the poor house of the Divine Finger of God.
Our Lord: “I am going to show you thisvillage transformed: there, the village is changed.”
And he showed it: all the trees weregone.
The house no longer existed, andinstead, He made them see a beautiful sanctuary that the love of His DivineHeart and the Cross had done to work His graces and miracles.
He showed a road, one on the right, oneon the left of the sanctuary, filled with a crowd of pilgrims.
This was only the beginning of thesanctuary done, the placing of the tabernacleand the altar,behind which stood the large black cross and(the) white (one).
On both sides of the tabernacle therewas on the wall, to the right, a large crucifix, Jesus on the Cross, and on theleft the picture where Jesus shows His Heart torn and His four other wounds tosinners.
Up to there, here is all theornamentation of the beginning of the Shrine of the Cross.
Later, our Lord showed them the richofferings made to Monsignor (the Bishop) and my Father(confessor) for thischapel.
The completion is done quickly. It willnot cost the Bishop and Father, but their mental work, construction supervisionand care of collection and giving thanks.
Noble characters, drawn by the love ofthe Cross, will make wonderful gifts.
At the beginning of the Mission therewill be many persecutions, not only for the location of the sanctuary, but alsofor the selection of missionaries, they will be terrible but very short.