isitof Saint Abraham, Hermit
Iam Saint Abraham, Hermit.
Iam a solitary who lived in the desert and I am known here on earth.
Icome to say a word on behalf of Our Lord before entering the Holy Novitiate.
Letus all pray and do penance because today penances are rare, the pleasures aregreat. (I.e,the opportunity to do penance is not there as in the past andearthy pleasures abound.)
Considerour very short passage on this earth, and in this thought, we love God more.
Letus love Him for those who do not love Him. Let us all be solitaries (i.e.hermits) on earth, that is to say,we enclose ourselves in the Love and theSecret of God.
Welive in this strength, live in the love that Our Lord gives us so generously.
Itis tender, it is extremely sweet to suffer on earth,especially when God allowsthe complete detachment of all things in order to be occupied with Him alone inour hearts and thoughts.
Ifthere is a life of happiness on earth, it is this, a detached life, a life allconsumed in the Holy Will of God.
Indeath our will will find perfect peace. If a soul is to serve God well, if itwould love Him dearly and enjoy His tender Love, it will be detached, itseparates itself from the frivolous love that exists on earth, I mean love increatures.
Ifwe are to find the Creator, if we wish to talk to Him, if we want Him to be theonly witness of everything we do, we must break the human bond that stillprevents us from reaching the highest perfection.
Whyseek away from God, pleasure, happiness and satisfaction?
Whereare they to be found? Could there be a new source (for these things), after wewe no longer live on earth?”
“Oh, no, good saint, there is no newsource for that!”
St. Abraham: “Why do we find while inthe maintenance of the world, (i.e., while they still live on earth) a kind ofstrength, courage and expansion?
Because they are not entirely dead tothe human creature. There is still a long way to go, there is a strong bond tobreak and our wills to master.
How can this be done, if souls continueto do their own will?
This is what happens. They climb in thebeginning to a certain degree of progress.
Once there, they have no more courage.It happens that the creature goes back, it needs a human support.
At this degree, where they rest for sometime rather than climb the mountain, sometimes they descend more strongly thanwhen they climbed,thanks due to this kind of carnal love.”
“Good saint, I did not know that it islike that.”
Saint Abraham: “It is a kind of lovethat God does not love because often it is not pure, it is imperfect, and theyoften believe that they see clearly when they see darkness.
We are all(placed) on earth to love ourFather, our Creator.
He alone can no longer be enough? Healone is no longer as powerful as before?
Since seeking far from Him to satisfytheir heart is not in this love, they will look for a way to fortify andconsole themselves because the love of the creature is often a great depravityamong souls who come together to console and strengthen themselves with a pinchof dust, since the creature is nothing but corruption and imperfection.
On the earth, our Divine Saviour, who soloved us, wants us to love Him. Let us retreat into ourselves and let us saythis word that I have often pondered: "What will it serve to have beensatisfied, that I would use these hours without the Presence, without thinkingof God?
These are hours which are not counted,which are not marked among the number of merits."
When one lives alone with God, how happythey are! All worries seem to vanish because only God makes us so happy whilewe live, so to speak, in perfect love. All on earth was created to love us, tosuffer and to relieve us.
Never has the number of ingratitudesbeen greater than today. One no longer loves to relieve his neighbour, they nolonger like to do something to repair his attacked honour. Why?
Because they are weak and that they arecowards and they still have an attachment that is not broken.
We enter into silence, and mostimportantly, we move away from the noise of the earth to serve God, to tastehow sweet it is to love Him on earth.
This is the beginning of true love.
Life is full of miseries, it is full oftorments, pain and worry, we keep our peace in the midst of the biggestproblems.
It is a sign that God has dug in us, thebeginning of the source of peace. We carry our crosses, more or less burdensomeon earth and sometimes it happens that our crosses are frightening in theirgravity.
(Next sentence is a rough translation:During our life, it is not that God weighs down our miserable body, the worldis mixed there.)
If while on this earth we are neverperfectly tranquil it is because we sometimes see, sometimes we experienceanother pain that comes to crown the pain that(before) was moderate.
Soon this trouble is so great that onecan not measure it, explain it or understand it. Guard peace, let us be tranquil.
God watches over us. God protects us andhelps us by His grace and His love.
Keep the peace, it pleases God. Bydisturbing His peace, you displease God ...
Let us obey God as He is leading us, whocommands and who orders us...
The victims of the Cross have to bearthe Cross.
Is it not the richest, most beautiful,the most in loving?
Why do they (the victims) need anythingelse, when God gives them a rich treasury overflowing on all sides?
The Cross is to be their union, theircompanion, their rest, their support, consolation,their hope and their home onearth.”