Visit of SaintMarcellin, (Marcellinus), Martyr
Ecstasy of September12, 1878
This is not St.Marcellus, Pope from 296 to 304, who was martyred under the Roman EmperorDiocletian.
This is most likelySt. Marcellin, Martyr, whose name is mentioned in the Holy Mass, a partner ofSt. Peter Martyr.
Peter and Marcellinuswere also martyred under Diocletian in 303. Saint Marcellinus was a priest, St.Peter only an exorcist.
Their religion was soimportant that from the peace brought by the Edict of Milan (313 AD), theEmperor Constantine built a basilica in their honour, like St. Peter, Apostle,St. Paul, St. Laurence and St. Agnes.
(Biography providedby the Sanctuary Website.)
“I am SaintMarcellin, who lived among the heretics. I was persecuted for refusing toapostatize my Faith ...
I was among those whohad a passionate love for Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. This love was mystrength,my consolation, my sublime happiness.
I had a thought thaturged me strongly to go among this heretic people, although I did not rushforth to engage in any order, neither of heaven nor earth.
This thought wasalways pressing me and my desire grew to go carry the name of God to theseinfidel people.
So I went therevoluntarily, having in myself the One who strengthens me. This was my last mealat the Banquet of Love.
Upon arriving, amongthis people, I was taken first to the chief of the heretics.
Unknown, I knockedand he opened. I approached this robust man, proud of himself and hesaluted,genuflecting to earth.
He got up and said,"Are you one of the impostors of the One who wants to destroy ourreligion?"
I replied proudly:"I am a Christian, child of God by baptism."
He then asked me:"Do you eat the food that they say (is)God?" I said, "I (am)nourished by the God of the Cross and the Eucharist."
He raised his handover me and said, "You are then one of the associates of the One whom theycall the Christ,King of the World?” I said, "I am, and I am proud ofit."
Then he cursed me,pushed me roughly outside his palace and ordered guards to bind and chain me.
At the same time, Isearched and found the cross with which I lived It was enough.
The order was a giftborn to kill me. (A rough translation that is probably an expression, I.e, thatit was a special gift to die in this manner.)
I was abused,insulted, robbed,dragged,overwhelmed.
I asked the king togrant that I may die the next day, so that, one last time,I (could) receive theBread of the Strong.
But they soon laid meon a rack of iron and I was pressed by springs so terribly that my pains wereincredible.
The next day Ireceived the palm of martyrdom, I was first extended on the rack, then thrownon a burning pile.
This is how I wasslain by sacrilegious hands.
The king ordered themto open my chest, (not a tabernacle, the text seems to imply his actualbreast), to find the God of my soul, to trample Him underfoot, to crucify Him,to dishonour Him.
Then I was leftseveral days next to a river and I from there was thrown down. (A ravine?Awaterfall? This part is not made clear.)
But soon a strangewoman came to take my body to give it burial, and I was transported to ablessed cemetery.
I have, at present, aword to say on behalf of Our Lord.
Dear brothers in theLord and His Holy Cross,you suffer right now, but will a time not much fartheraway give and spread again the greatest sufferings?
(This expressionseems to say: After death, will you still continue to suffer? No ...)
Therefore suffer thejoy of going closer to God each day.
You who are sufferingright now, for the God we all worship, be confident that, well accepted by yoursuffering, you withhold justice from the Lord for all your brothers whodishonour Him and blaspheme Him ...
At this moment, youneed to be attached to God more than ever before and detach yourself fromeverything else that God despises ...
Today is the time tobe stoned, crucified, trampled upon,covered with filth to the eyes of theworld.
That is the mantlenow worn by the children of God.
But God does notregard you in the same way as the world. You are brilliant in the eyes of God.
What happiness! Ienvy your fate! I want to live with you! I will pray for you at the Throne ofeternal glory of our Father."