September 29, 1901
“I still havein my eyes,” says the Virgin Mary,“the trace of tears that I shed on thisday,wanting to give my children the good news, if they were converted, but thesad news if they persisted in their iniquity.
They have made little of what I have revealed.
My children, when I remember, ever since that daywhen, on the holy mountain (La Salette), I brought my warnings to a threatenedland...when I remember the harshness with which they received my words, notall, but many, and those who should have passed them in (to) the hearts of mychildren, with an immense confidence and a penetration profound, they have notmade the case. It despised them, and for the most part,they have refused theirconfidence.
Ah well! I assure you that all these promises,myintimate secrets, will come true.
They must pass visibly. When I see what awaits theearth,my tears flow again.
When the earth has been purified, by thechastisements, of its crimes and all the vices which it is coated, thebeautiful days will return with the Saviour chosen by us, unknown to ourchildren so far.”
当大地通过惩罚,净化了罪行和所有的罪恶,美好的日子将会与我们所选择的救世主回来,那救世主至今我们的孩子还不知道。 」
September 29, 1901
November 27, 1901 (Note: Other sources say thisprophecy was given in 1902)
1901年11月27日 (注:其它资料说这个预言是1902年说的 )
(A WARNINGabout the 1964 Vernacular Mass?)
(对1964年“本地弥撒”的警告? )
Our Lord said to Marie-Julie:
"I give you a warning even today.
The disciples who are not of My Holy Gospel are now ina great work of the mind to form as the second FACSIMILES when they will maketo their idea and under the influence of the enemy of souls, a Mass thatcontains words odious in My sight.
When the fatal hour arrives when they will put to thetest the Faith of My eternal priesthood, it is these sheets that they will giveto celebrate in this last period.
The first period, it is that of My priesthood whichexists since (or after) Me.
The second, is the period of persecution when theenemies of the Faith and of Holy Religion have formulated - and they arestrongly enforced these sheets as the book of the second celebration, theseinfamous spirits (or, infamous minds) are those who crucified Me and who arewaiting for the reign of the new Messiah to make them happy."
"Many of My holy priests will refuse this booksealed with the words of the abyss.
Unfortunately, (they) will be the exception, it willbe used."
不幸的是,(敌人他们)将是例外,它(深渊的书)将被使用。 」
My personal observations: Many believe this is aprediction of the “Ordinary” Vernacular Mass instituted under Pope Paul VI inthe 1960s.
我个人的观察:许多人认为,这是对教皇保罗六世(Pope Paul VI )在20世纪60年代发起的“普通”本地弥撒的预言。
Our Lord declares those who institute this “facsimile”of a Mass, the “second book”, will be of the same spirit and mind of those whocrucified Him, i.e., they will be like the unfaithful Jews and Pharisees in theTemple who had Satan for their father, and ignored Our Lord's Gospel, desiringa Messiah according to their own wishes and not as God had promised.
In the New Ordinary Mass, many beautiful prayers hadbeen eliminated and new Offertory prayers added: the author of “The BretonStigmatist” has noted that these new Offertory prayers may be the words thatare “odious” to Our Lord, for they are very similar to words used in a Jewishrite dating from the 1600s and based on Cabala, Jewish occult mysticism. Hewrites:
“Jean Bustorf,in his “Synagoga Judaica”, the 1661 edition, page 242, gives the followingwords:
For the Bread: ′BenedictusTu, Domine Deus noster, mundi domine qui panem nobis a terra produxisti.'(Blessed art Thou, Lord our God, lord of the world who brought forth bread fromthe earth.)
关于面饼:'Benedictus Tu, Domine Deus noster,mundi domine qui panem nobis a terra produxisti'(赞美你,我们的上主,从地上带来面饼。)
For the wine: 'Benedictus Tu, Domine Deus noster,mundi domine qui vineae fructum creaveris.'.” (Blessed are Thou, Lord Our God,lord of the world who created the true fruit of the vine.)
关于酒:“Benedictus Tu, Domine Deus noster,mundi domine qui vineae fructum creaveris.”(赞美你,主我们的天主,创造了葡萄树果实的世界之主。)
The first changes to the Mass came into effect March7, 1965: use of the vernacular was permitted; the priest was allowed to facetowards the congregation, if he wished, throughout Mass;there were some textualchanges, such as omission of the Psalm Judica at the beginning, and of the LastGospel and Leonine Prayers at the end.
Already, it was predicted to Marie-Julie that Pope Leo's'footsteps' would be effaced from the altar, i.e.The Leonine prayers said atthe end of Mass for the protection of the Church?
The second changes to the Mass came into effect withthe 1967 document “Tres abhinc annos”, the second instruction on theimplementation of the Council's Constitution on the Liturgy, made changes tothe text, and simplified the rubrics and the vestments. Concelebration, andCommunion under both kinds had meanwhile been permitted.
对弥撒的第二次修改是在1967年的文件“Tres abhinc annos”中生效的,这是关于执行大公会议关于礼仪宪章的第二次教导,对文本进行了修改,并简化了礼规和祭衣。同时,在这两种情况下的共祭和领圣体也是被允许的。
By October 1967, the Consilium had produced a completedraft revision of the liturgy, and this revision was presented to the Synod ofBishops that met in Rome in that month.
The bishops attended the first public celebration ofthe revised rite in the Sistine Chapel.
When asked to vote on the new liturgy, 71 bishopsvoted placet (approved), 43 voted non placet (not approved) and 62 voted placetiuxta modum (approved with reservations).
In response to the bishops' concerns, some changes weremade to the text.
It is intersting to note their concerns listed againstthe New Mass at that time:
On 25 September 1969, two retired cardinals,79-year-old Alfredo Ottaviani and 84-year-old Antonio Bacci, wrote a letterwith which they sent Pope Paul VI, the text, "Short Critical Study on theNew Order of Mass", which had been prepared the previous June by a groupof twelve theologians under the direction of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.
The cardinals warned the New Ordinary of the Mass“represented, both as a whole and in its details, a striking departure from theCatholic theology of the Mass as it was formulated in Session XXII of theCouncil of Trent."
The study that they presented declared that on manypoints the New Mass had “much to gladden the heart of even the most modernistProtestant.”
Paul VI asked the Congregation for the Doctrine of theFaith, the department of the Roman Curia that Ottaviani had earlier headed, toexamine the“Short Critical Study.”
The Congregation responded on 12 November 1969, sayingthat the document contained many affirmations that were "superficial,exaggerated, inexact, emotional and false".
However, some of its observations were taken intoaccount in preparing the definitive version of the new Ordinary of the Mass.
So, those who attempt to point out the dangers of theOrdianry Mass will be seen as “superficial,exaggerated, inexact, emotional andfalse,”while here, Our Lord expressly tells Marie-Julie this Mass was writtenby disobedient sons under the influence of Satan and that it containswords“odious” in His sight!
The Lord permits the New Mass, but apprently, we arebeing put to the test. What can we do?
Find a Latin Tridentine Mass permitted by your localbishop and attend that whenever possible rather than a Mass that offends OurLord.