Ecstasy of September 19, 1878
This Tuscan saint was pope from 523 to 526. In 526, he wentto Constantinople on an embassy from King Theodoric of the Ostrogoths.
On his return, Theodoric threw Pope John into prison onsuspicion of having conspired with the emperor Justin.
However, the King was an adherent to the Arian heresy thatrecognised the human nature of Christ, but not His divinity.
No doubt, his Arian beliefs made him persecute Pope John.The Arian heresy caused great havoc in Christendom although condemned by theCouncil of Nicaea in 325. Catholics loyal to Rome and St. John's teachings werelong persecuted by hostile kings and emperors.
The Ostrogoths and Visigoths who occupiedItaly and Spain were eventually drawn away from this heresy by the Apostles ofthe Dark Ages. Saint John, Pope, died in prison.His feast day is May 18.
“Dear children of God, may peace reign in thedeepest realm of your souls. I am Saint John,Pope, who died in prison.
I was exiled for the cause of God and wastormented by horrific tortures in the prison where I gave my soul to God ... Isuffered bitter pain because I would not deny the name of Jesus Christ and forsupporting the dogma of the Holy Trinity and the infallibility of the Church.
Since my martyrdom, many have followed meand won the same palm (of martyrdom) as I.
自从我殉道以来,许多人都追随我,并赢得了和我一样的(殉道的)棕榈枝。(注:palm :(1) 棕榈枝;圣枝。(2) 得胜枝:殉道圣人胜利的象徵(默:7:9-17 )。)
After wearing chains, beaten and deniedfood, I was not at the end of my martyrdom. I underwent a second examination bythe Emperors and their servants. Nothing would shake my faith.
I kept my soul in the Holy Name of God andat the same time, the thought of the Holy Church in exile during the siege.These two thoughts made me accept death.
After the interrogation I was beaten andsubjected to the most terrible tests. It was there that I would consume mymartyrdom after long days of exile.
I was boundhand and foot and hung by the neck with a chain after (receiving) hard blows.It was in this prison of exile and that my soul took its flight to see itseternal reward.
Now, a word on behalf of Our Lord.
We are all martyrs on earth, each in themanner determined by the Divine Will. We are placed in a land of exile, whichtoday it is more than ever before because they want to banish the name of God,Religion and the Church. They want Christians to collapse under the law ...
Christians, prepare your weapons, that isto say,your courage, because the threats are great. The blow that is borne willbe terrible by its repercussions (effects) ...
The Church is in peril ... It will takecourage and blood to save the Temple of God ... Our Lord gives you a heavycross, these are the crosses that will spare you from the great blow ... Behappy to carry the Cross of our Divine Master ...”
圣人诞生于意大利的托斯卡纳。前任教宗贺米斯达于523年过世之后,圣人被选为继任的教宗。当时,统治意大利的皇帝是西奥多里克,他是一位支持亚略思想的哥德人。但是,这位具有亚略背景的国王,对正统信仰的下属是非常宽容的,甚至还很赏识他们。但就在圣人被选为教宗之后,皇帝的态度开始有了戏剧性的转变,起因归咎于以下的二个事件:一是国王怀疑罗马参议院与君士坦丁堡密谋企图推翻他的王位(此乃国王自己的观点);二是拜占庭帝国五十年来的第一位天主教皇帝犹斯定一世 ,对亚略异端所发布的压制训令。