Judges 1 On that day Deborah (and Barak, son of Abinoam,) sang this song: 那一天德波辣和阿彼诺罕的儿子巴辣客作歌说: 2 1 Of chiefs who took the lead in "为了以色列中间有指挥的元帅,为了百姓自愿从军,你们应祝颂上主! 3 Hear, O kings! Give ear, O princes! 诸民,请听!君王,请听!诸侯,侧耳! I to the LORD will sing my song, 对上主我要歌唱, 要赞颂上主以色列的天主! 4 O LORD, when you went out from Seir,when you marched from the 上主,当你由色依尔出征时,当你由厄东地前进时,天摇地动,密云滴雨。 5 Mountains trembled 山岳摇摇欲坠,在上主前,在上主以色列的天主前。 6 In the days of Shamgar, son of Anath,in the days of slavery caravans ceased:Those who traveled the roads 阿纳特之子沙默加尔年间,在为奴的当时,商队敛迹,行人转向弯曲的陌径。 7 Gone was freedom beyond the walls, When I, Deborah, rose, 威力在以色列消逝了,消逝了!直到我德波辣崛起,直到以色列的母亲兴起。 8 2 New gods were their choice; then the war was at their gates. Not a shield could be seen, nor a lance, among forty thousand in 以色列选择了新神,战争即临门下。四万以色列人中,不见一面盾牌,一支长矛。 9 My heart is with the leaders of 我的心灵向往以色列的首领,向往百姓中自愿从军者。请你们祝颂上主! 10 They who ride on white asses,seated on saddlecloths as they go their way; 骑白驴的,坐华毯的,和过路行人,你们都要歌唱, 11 Sing of them to the strains of the harpers at the wells, 加入水泉间缭绕的歌声!那里正在歌颂上主的胜利,歌颂他统治以色列的胜利。上主的百姓,速下到城门口! 奋发呀!奋发,德波辣! 奋发呀!奋发,请歌唱! 奋勇,起来,巴辣克! 阿彼诺罕的儿子!擒住你的俘虏! 13 Then down came the fugitives with the mighty, 英雄的后裔,请出征!上主的百姓,请随勇士为我出征! 14 3 From Ephraim, princes were in the valley; 厄弗辣因盘据在山谷中, 本雅明随你加入了行列; 领袖由玛基尔进军, 手执权仗的由则步隆出发。 15 With Deborah were the princes of Issachar; 依撒加尔的首领与德波辣和巴辣克相偕;巴辣克在山谷中率领自己的步兵袭敌。勒乌本境内,大有运筹帷幄之士! 16 Why do you stay beside your hearths 为什么你坐在羊圈内,静听牧童的笛声?勒乌本境内,都是犹豫满怀的人。 17 Gilead, beyond the 基肋阿得在约旦河东安居; why does Dan spend his time in ships? 丹人为什么寄居船上? Asher, who dwells along the shore, 阿协尔在海岸静坐, is resting in his coves. 在港口悠闲; 18 Zebulun is the people defying death; 则步隆是好冒死舍命的子民, 纳斐塔里在高原上奋不顾身。 君王齐来战斗, then they fought, those kings of 客纳罕众王鏖战, At Taanach by the waters of 在默基多水傍──塔纳客, no silver booty did they take. 未曾掠去一个银钱。 20 4 From the heavens the stars, too, fought; 星辰由天上参战, 自其轨道与息色辣交锋。 21 The Wadi Kishon swept them away; 克雄河的急流将仇敌冲没。我的心灵,勇敢践踏罢! 22 Then the hoofs of the horses pounded, 勇士急奔飞腾,马蹄挞挞作响。 23 5 "Curse Meroz," says the LORD, 诅咒默洛次, 诅咒其中的居民, 因他未率领勇士来协助上主! 24 Blessed among women be Jael, 雅厄耳,在女子中是可赞美的! 在居于帐棚的女子中是可赞美的! 25 He asked for water, she gave him milk; 他求水,她给了奶, 以珍贵的杯盘呈上了乳酪。 26 With her left hand she reached for the peg, 她左手拿着橛子,右手拿着匠人的锤子,打击了息色辣,打穿了他的头颅,击穿了他的太阳穴。 27 At her feet he sank down, fell, lay still; 在她脚前屈身仆倒,深深入睡,昏迷至死;在她脚前屈身仆倒,蜷伏在那里,僵卧在那里。 28 From the window peered down and wailed 息色辣的母亲自窗口探望, 在铁棂中长叹: 战车为什么迟迟不来? 车轮为什么缓缓而行? 29 The wisest of her princesses answers her, 聪明的宫女作了回答, and she, too, keeps answering herself: 自己心中亦反复思想: 30 "They must be dividing the spoil they took: 或者获得掠物而在分赃, there must be a damsel or two for each man, 每人分得一二少女; Spoils of dyed cloth as Sisera's spoil, 息色辣取得彩衣为掠物, an ornate shawl or two for me in the spoil." 为我的颈项,获得锦绣彩衣。 31 May all your enemies perish thus, O LORD! 上主!愿你的敌人如此灭亡, 愿爱你的人像兴起的旭日。 "境内于是平安了四十年。 Table of Contents Footnotes(注解) 1 [2-31] This canticle is an excellent example of early Hebrew poetry, even though some of its verses are now obscure. 2 [8] New gods: pagan deities; cf Deut 32:16-18. God punished the idolatry of the Israelites by leaving them relatively unarmed before the attacks of their enemies, who had better weapons, made of iron; cf 1 Sam 13:19-22. 3 [14-22] Praise for the tribes which formed the Israelite league against Sisera: Ephraim, Benjamin, Manasseh (represented by Machir), Zebulun, Issachar, and Naphtali (led by Barak). The tribes of Reuben, Gad ( 4 [20-21] It would seem that nature aided the Hebrews in some way. Perhaps the torrential rains swelled the waters of Kishon, which then overwhelmed the Canaanites. 5 [23] Meroz: an unknown locality in which Hebrews probably resided, since its inhabitants are cursed for their failure to proffer aid. |