Job 1 Then Zophar the Naamathite spoke and said: 纳阿玛人左法尔答复说: 2 and because of this I am disturbed. So now my thoughts provide me with an answer, and from my understanding a spirit gives me a reply. 因我的思潮起伏,叫我答复,为此我内心十分急躁。 斥责辱骂我的话,我已听到,我的理智催迫我答复。 4 Do you not know this from olden time, since man was placed upon the earth, 你岂不知道,自古以来,自从世上有人以来, 5 That the triumph of the wicked is short and the joy of the impious but for a moment? 恶人的欢欣决不久长,无信者的喜乐瞬息即逝? 6 Though his pride mount up to the heavens and his head reach to the clouds, 他的躯干虽高顶苍天,他的头颅虽触及云端, 7 Yet he perishes forever like the fuel of his fire, and the onlookers say, "Where is he?" 但他必象幻象,永归无有;见过他的人必说:"他那里去了?" 8 Like a dream he takes flight and is not found again; he fades away like a vision of the night. 他又象梦境消散,无迹可寻;又象夜梦,逃去无踪。 9 The eye which saw him does so no more; nor shall his dwelling again behold him. 见过他的眼,再也见不到他;他的住所,再也不认识他。 10 and his hands shall yield up his riches. 他的儿子要赔偿穷人的损害,他要亲手把财物交还。 11 Though his frame is full of youthful vigor, this shall lie with him in the dust. 他的骨骸虽富有魄力,但要同他一起卧于尘埃。 12 Though wickedness is sweet in his mouth, and he hides it under his tongue, 邪恶在他口中虽觉甘甜,藏在他的舌下, 13 Though he retains it and will not let it go but keeps it still within his mouth, 他虽爱惜不舍,久含在鄂间; 14 Yet in his stomach the food shall turn; it shall be venom of asps inside him. 但那食物在他腹中要起变化,在他五内要变成蝮蛇的毒汁。 15 The riches he swallowed he shall disgorge; God shall compel his belly to disown them. 他并吞的财富,必要吐出,天主必使之由他腹中呕出。 16 The poison of asps he shall drink in; the viper's fangs shall slay him. 他原吸入了蝮蛇的毒汁,毒蛇的舌头必将他杀死。 17 1 He shall see no streams of oil, no torrents of honey or milk. 他不得观赏油流如溪,也看不到那流蜜流奶的小河。 18 Restoring his gains, he shall not enjoy them; though his wealth increases, he shall not rejoice. 他劳力所得,应该退还,不得吞下;赚来的财富,不得享用。 19 Because he has oppressed the poor, and stolen a patrimony he had not built up, 因为它压榨了穷人,使他们无依;强占了人的房屋,而不自建。 20 Though he has known no quiet in his greed, his treasures shall not save him. 因为他口腹之欲总不知足,他所喜爱之物,也救不了他。 21 Therefore his prosperity shall not endure, 没有什么能逃脱他的吞噬,为此,他的幸福决不久长。 22 When he abounds to overflowing, he shall be brought into straits, and nought shall be left of his goods. 23 God shall send against him the fury of his wrath and rain down his missiles of war upon him. 24 Should he escape the iron weapon, the bow of bronze shall pierce him through; 他逃避过铁器,铜矢必将他射穿。 25 The dart shall come out of his back; terrors shall fall upon him. 一箭由他的脊背穿透,光亮的箭矢由他的胆囊穿出,死亡的恐怖已落在他身上。 26 Complete darkness is in store for him; the fire which shall consume him needs not to be fanned. 层层黑暗留作他的宝藏,非人燃起的火要焚烧他,吞尽留在他帐幕的人。 27 The heavens shall reveal his guilt, and the earth shall rise up against him. 天要彰显他的罪恶,地也起来攻击他。 28 The flood shall sweep away his house with the waters that run off in the day of God's anger. 洪水冲走他的住宅,在天主义怒之日要全被冲去。 29 This is the portion of a wicked man, and the heritage appointed him by God. 这是恶人由天主所应得的一份,是天主为他所注定的产业。 Footnotes(注解) 1 [17] Oil: olive oil, one of the main agricultural products of |