Sirach 1 1 Come to our aid, O God of the universe, and put all the nations in dread of you! 万有的主宰天主!求你赐那不寻找你的万民都敬畏你,让他们知道,除你以外别无天主,为叫他们传扬你伟大的作为。 2 Raise your hand against the heathen, that they may realize your power. 3 As you have used us to show them your holiness, so now use them to show us your glory. 你在他们面前,对我们怎样显示了你是圣者,愿你在我们面前,也对他们怎样显示伟大, 4 Thus they will know, as we know, that there is no God but you. 好叫他们认识你,如同我们认识了你一样:除你以外,没有天主,上主啊! 5 Give new signs and work new wonders; show forth the splendor of your right hand and arm; 求你重显神迹,重行奇事,显耀你的力量和你的大能。 6 Rouse your anger, pour out wrath, humble the enemy, scatter the foe. 7 Hasten the day, bring on the time; 求你使拯救的时日急速来临 , 9 crush the heads of the hostile rulers. 8 Let raging fire consume the fugitive, and your people's oppressors meet destruction. 愿那生还的人,也被怒火烧尽,愿那欺压你民族的人,都遭毁灭。 10 Gather all the tribes of Jacob, that they may inherit the land as of old, 求你聚集雅各伯的众支派,使他们明白,除你以外,没有天主;使他们传扬你伟大的作为;以他们作产业,如同起初一样。 11 Show mercy to the people called by your name; 上主啊!求你怜悯那因你得名的民族,就是你视为长子的以色列民族。 12 Take pity on your holy city, 求你怜悯你的圣城耶路撒冷,你安居的住所。 13 Fill 求你使熙雍布满你的威严,使圣殿弥漫你的光荣。 14 Give evidence of your deeds of old; fulfill the prophecies spoken in your name, 求你为你首要的功业作证,履行古先知们因你的名所说的预言。 15 Reward those who have hoped in you, and let your prophets be proved true. 求你赏报期待你的子民,好使你的先知们被人认为忠实。 16 Hear the prayer of your servants, for you are ever gracious to your people; 上主啊!求你俯听你仆人们的祈祷,依照亚郎给与你百姓的祝福,指导我们走上正义的道路, 17 Thus it will be known to the very ends of the earth that you are the eternal God. 使世上所有的人,都知道你是天主,万世万代的天主。 18 2 The throat can swallow any food, yet some foods are more agreeable than others; 19 As the palate tests meat by its savor, so does a keen mind insincere words. 味觉能分辨野味;同样,明达人的心能辨别虚诈的言语。 20 A deceitful character causes grief, but an experienced man can turn the tables on him. 歪曲的心使人悲伤,但有经验的人,却能防备他。 21 Though any man may be accepted as a husband, yet one girl will be more suitable than another: 一个女子可嫁给任何男子,但有的女子却比其它女子更好。 22 A woman's beauty makes her husband's face light up, for it surpasses all else that charms the eye; 妇女的美丽,能使她的丈夫容貌焕发,这也是男人的最大愿望。 23 And if, besides, her speech is kindly, his lot is beyond that of mortal men. 若妇女善于措辞规劝,说话仁慈温柔,她的丈夫就决不寻常。 24 A wife is her husband's richest treasure, a helpmate, a steadying column. 获得贤能妻子的,就是获得了最好的产业:即一个与自己相称的助手,和扶持自己的柱石。 25 A vineyard with no hedge will be overrun; a man with no wife becomes a homeless wanderer. 那里没有垣墙,财产必被抢掠;那里没有妻子,人就要漂泊嗟叹。 26 Who will trust an armed band that shifts from city to city? 谁能相信一个武装起来,从一城窜入另一城的强盗呢? 27 Or a man who has no nest, but lodges where night overtakes him? 同样,谁也不相信一个没有家室,一到晚上便到处寻找居所的人。 Footnotes(注解) 1 [1-17] Making an act of faith and hope in the supreme Lord of the universe, the author begs God to continue manifesting his holiness and mercy through Israel, his people (Sirach 36:1-3, 10-13), and his power and justice through the punishment of the nations (Sirach 36:2, 5-9), that all the earth may acknowledge him the eternal God (Sirach 36:4, 14-17). 2 [36:18-37:15] In the choice of wife, friend or associate, experience is a discerner of character (Sirach 36:18-21). Beauty and kindly speech make a woman desirable as wife (Sirach 36:22-24). The good wife becomes her husband's richest treasure, his helpmate in establishing his household (Sirach 36:24-27). A true friend fights for his comrade and shares his spoils with him (Sirach 37:5-6); a false one deceives and abandons him in time of need (Sirach 37:1-4). A true counselor and associate should be sought among those who keep the commandments, not among those who break them and seek their own advantage (Sirach 37:7-12). In all things pray to God for light and follow conscience (Sirach 37:13-15). |