Joshua 1 After the entire nation had crossed the 众百姓一过了约但河,上主就吩咐若苏厄说: 2 the LORD said to Joshua,"Choose twelve men from the people, one from each tribe, "你该由百姓中,挑选十二人,每支派一人, 3 and instruct them to take up twelve stones from this spot in the bed of the 命令他们说:你们要从这里,从约但河中,由司祭的脚站立的地方,取十二块石头,带到你们今夜住宿的地方去。" 4 Summoning the twelve men whom he had selected from among the Israelites, one from each tribe, 若苏厄于是将他由以色列子民中选定的十二人,每支派一人召了来, 5 Joshua said to them:"Go to the bed of the Jordan in front of the ark of the LORD, your God; lift to your shoulders one stone apiece, so that they will equal in number the tribes of the Israelites. 对他们说:"你们由上主你们天主的约柜面前走过,到约但河中心,依照以色列子民支派的数目,各取一块石头,放在肩上, 6 In the future, these are to be a sign among you. When your children ask you what these stones mean to you, 在你们中间作为记念;日后你们的子孙问起你们:这些石头有什么意思? 7 you shall answer them,‘The waters of the Jordan ceased to flow before the ark of the covenant of the LORD when it crossed the Jordan.' Thus these stones are to serve as a perpetual memorial to the Israelites." 你们要告诉他们说:约但河的水,在上主约柜前曾一度中断,正在约柜过约但河时,约但河的水便中断了,这些石头,为以色列子民将作永远的记念。 8 The twelve Israelites did as Joshua had commanded: they took up as many stones from the bed of the 以色列子民就照若苏厄所吩咐的作了;依上主对若苏厄所说的,按照以色列子民支派的数目,由约但河中心取了十二块石头,搬到他们扎营的地方,把石头放在那里。 9 Joshua also had twelve stones set up in the bed of the 若苏厄又在约但河中心,抬约柜的司祭的脚站立的地方,竖立了十二块石头,这些石头直到今天,还留在那里。 10 1 The priests carrying the ark remained in the bed of the 抬约柜的司祭站在约但河中央,直至上主命令若苏厄告诉百姓的一切事,全照梅瑟吩咐若苏厄的办完了,百姓才赶快过去。 11 and when all had reached the other side, the ark of the LORD, borne by the priests, also crossed to its place in front of them. 众百姓过了河以后,上主的约柜和司祭才过去,仍走在百姓的前面。 12 The Reubenites, Gadites, and half-tribe of Manasseh, armed, marched in the vanguard of the Israelites, as Moses had ordered. 勒乌本人、加得人和默纳协半支派的人,依照梅瑟对他们所吩咐的,武装起来,在以色列子民前首先过去; 13 About forty thousand troops equipped for battle passed over before the LORD to the plains of 约有四万武装部队由上主面前走过,向耶里哥平原进发,准备作战。 14 That day the LORD exalted Joshua in the sight of all 那一天,上主在众以色列面前,显扬了若苏厄;在他有生之日,百姓敬重他如敬重梅瑟一样。 15 Then the LORD said to Joshua, 上主吩咐若苏厄说: 16 "Command the priests carrying the ark of the commandments to come up from the Jordan." "你命令抬约柜的司祭,由约但河里上来。" 若苏厄便吩咐司祭说:"你们由约但河里上来。" 18 and when the priests carrying the ark of the covenant of the LORD had come up from the bed of the 抬上主约柜的司祭由约但河一上来,他们的脚一着旱地,约但河的水即刻流回原处,如同先前一样,涨到两岸。 19 The people came up from the 正月初十,百姓由约但河上来以后,在耶里哥东边的基耳加耳扎了营。 20 At Gilgal Joshua set up the twelve stones which had been taken from the 若苏厄将从约但河取来的那十二块石头,立在基耳加耳; 21 saying to the Israelites,"In the future, when the children among you ask their fathers what these stones mean, 然后吩咐以色列子民说:"日后你们的子孙,若问他们的父老说:这些石头有什么意思? 22 you shall inform them, ‘Israel crossed the Jordan here on dry ground.' 你们就告诉你们的子孙说:以色列曾在这旱地上过了这约但河, 23 For the LORD, your God, dried up the waters of the Jordan in front of you until you crossed over, just as the LORD, your God, had done at the Red Sea, which he dried up in front of us until we crossed over; 因为上主你们的天主,曾在你们的面前使约但河水干涸,直到你们都过了河,正如上主你们的天主,在我们面前使红海干涸,直到我们都过了海一样, 24 in order that all the peoples of the earth may learn that the hand of the LORD is mighty, and that you may fear the LORD, your God, forever." 为叫地上万民认识上主的手如何强而有力,为叫你们从此时常敬畏上主,你们的天主。" Footnotes(注解) 1 [10-18] After the digression about the two sets of memorial stones, the author resumes the narrative by briefly repeating the story of the crossing, which he had already told in Joshua 3:14-17. |