Proverbs 1 The wicked man flees although no one pursues him; but the just man, like a lion, feels sure of himself. 2 1 If a land is rebellious, its princes will be many; but with a prudent man it knows security. 由于国家的罪,领袖时有更迭;惟赖明哲之士,邦国方能久存。 3 A rich man who oppresses the poor is like a devastating rain that leaves no food. 欺压弱小的恶霸,有如冲没谷粮的暴雨。 4 2 Those who abandon the law praise the wicked man, but those who keep the law war against him. 违法的人,称扬败类;守法的人,与之为敌。 5 Evil men understand nothing of justice, but those who seek the LORD understand all. 作恶的人,不明了正义;寻求上主的,却全洞识。 6 Better a poor man who walks in his integrity than he who is crooked in his ways and rich. 为人正直的穷人,胜于行为邪辟的富人。 7 He who keeps the law is a wise son, but the gluttons' companion disgraces his father. 遵守法律的,是智慧之子;交结荡子的,是取辱己父。 8 3 He who increases his wealth by interest and overcharge gathers it for him who is kind to the poor. 9 4 When one turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination. 对于法律,人若充耳不闻,他的祈祷,也为上主所恶。 10 He who seduces the upright into an evil way will himself fall into his own pit. (And blameless men will gain prosperity.) 勾引正直的人走上邪路的,必落在自己所掘的坑内;但正直的人仍能继承幸福。 11 The rich man is wise in his own eyes, but a poor man who is intelligent sees through him. 富贵的人,自认为有智慧,聪明的穷人一眼即看穿。 12 When the just are triumphant, there is great jubilation; but when the wicked gain preeminence, people hide. 义人获胜,群情欢腾;恶霸当道,人人走避。 13 He who conceals his sins prospers not, but he who confesses and forsakes them obtains mercy. 14 Happy the man who is always on his guard; but he who hardens his heart will fall into evil. 常戒慎的人,必蒙降福;心硬如铁者,必遭灾祸。 15 Like a roaring lion or a ravenous bear is a wicked ruler over a poor people. 暴君欺凌贫穷弱小,有如咆哮怒狮,饥饿野熊。 16 The less prudent the prince, the more his deeds oppress. He who hates ill-gotten gain prolongs his days. 无知的昏君,必横行霸道;憎恨贪婪的,将延年益寿。 17 Though a man burdened with human blood were to flee to the grave, none should support him. 身负血债者,虽逃至死地,也无人搭救。 18 He who walks uprightly is safe, but he whose ways are crooked falls into the pit. 行走正路的,必安然无恙;爱走曲径的,必堕入陷阱。 19 He who cultivates his land will have plenty of food, but from idle pursuits a man has his fill of poverty. 自耕其地的,必常得饱食;追求虚幻的,必饱尝贫苦。 20 The trustworthy man will be richly blessed; he who is in haste to grow rich will not go unpunished. 忠诚笃实的人,将满渥福祉;急于致富的人,将难免无过。 21 To show partiality is never good: for even a morsel of bread a man may do wrong. 顾及人的情面,原非一件好事;但为一片面包,人却陷身不义。 22 The avaricious man is perturbed about his wealth, and he knows not when want will come upon him. 眼睛贪婪的人,匆匆急于致富;岂知贫乏穷困,即将临于其身! 23 He who rebukes a man gets more thanks in the end than one with a flattering tongue. 责斥他人的,终比奉承的,更得人爱戴。 24 He who defrauds father or mother and calls it no sin, is a partner of the brigand. 向自己父母行窃,却说“这并不是罪,”与强盗是同路人。 25 The greedy man stirs up disputes, but he who trusts in the LORD will prosper. 贪得无厌的人,必引起争端;信赖上主的人,必心安理得。 26 He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is safe. 自恃聪明的,实是糊涂人;行事智慧的,必安全无恙。 27 He who gives to the poor suffers no want, but he who ignores them gets many a curse. 乐施济贫的,决不会匮乏;视若无睹的,必饱受咒骂。 28 When the wicked gain pre-eminence, other men hide; but at their fall the just flourish. 恶霸当道,人人走避;恶霸灭亡,义人兴旺。 Footnotes(注解) 1 [2] The meaning of this poorly preserved verse seems to be that frequent changes of rulers often result from moral corruption and political disorder. 2 [4] The law: religious and moral teaching. 3 [8] Interest and overcharge were strictly forbidden in the old law among Israelites because it was presumed that the borrower was in distress; cf Exodus 22:25; Lev 25:35-37; Deut 23:19; Psalm 15:5; Ezekiel 18:8. Civil and divine law will take the offender's wealth from him. 4 [9] Prayers offered in bad faith are displeasing to God. |