Proverbs 1 Wisdom builds her house, but Folly tears hers down with her own hands. 智慧的妇女,足以兴家;愚昧的妇女,亲手将家拆毁。 2 He who walks uprightly fears the LORD, but he who is devious in his ways spurns him. 愚昧人口中,有傲慢的根苗;智慧人的唇舌,是自己的保障。 4 Where there are no oxen, the crib remains empty; but large crops come through the strength of the bull. 没有耕牛,没有五谷;耕牛愈雄壮,收获愈丰富。 忠实的证人,决不说谎;虚伪的证人,谎言连篇。 6 The senseless man seeks in vain for wisdom, but knowledge is easy to the man of intelligence. 轻狂人求智,只属徒然;明智人求知,却很容易。 7 To avoid the foolish man, take steps! But knowing lips one meets with by surprise. 你应远离愚昧的人,由他口中决得不到明哲。 8 The shrewd man's wisdom gives him knowledge of his way, but the folly of fools is their deception. 明智人的智慧,在于审察自己的行径;愚昧人的昏愚,在于自欺欺人。 9 Guilt lodges in the tents of the arrogant, but favor in the house of the just. 罪孽住在愚昧人中,恩爱与正直人为伍。 10 The heart knows its own bitterness, and in its joy no one else shares. 心头的愁苦,唯有自己知;心中的喜乐,他人无分享。 11 The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the upright will flourish. 邪辟人的家庭,必遭破坏;正直人的帐幕,却要兴隆。 12 Sometimes a way seems right to a man, but the end of it leads to death! 有些道路,看来正直;走到尽头,却是死路。 13 Even in laughter the heart may be sad, and the end of joy may be sorrow. 连在欢笑中,心亦有感伤;欢笑的结局,往往是痛苦。 14 The scoundrel suffers the consequences of his ways, and the good man reaps the fruit of his paths. 变心的人,必自尝其果;良善的人,必得其善报。 15 The simpleton believes everything, but the shrewd man measures his steps. 幼稚的人,有话必信;明智的人,步步谨慎。 16 The wise man is cautious and shuns evil; the fool is reckless and sure of himself. 智慧人戒避邪恶,愚昧人骄矜自负。 17 The quick-tempered man makes a fool of himself, but the prudent man is at peace. 易怒的人,做事昏愚;慎思的人,事事含忍。 18 The adornment of simpletons is folly, but shrewd men gain the crown of knowledge. 19 Evil men must bow down before the good, and the wicked, at the gates of the just. 歹徒将伏在善人面前,恶人将跪在义人门前。 20 Even by his neighbor the poor man is hated, but the friends of the rich are many. 贫穷的人,为亲朋所厌;富贵的人,则高朋满座。 21 He sins who despises the hungry; but happy is he who is kind to the poor! 藐视近人,便是犯罪;怜悯苦人,才是有福。 22 Do not those who plot evil go astray? But those intent on good gain kindness and constancy. 阴谋邪恶的人,岂非走入歧途?策划行善的人,必获慈惠忠诚。 一切劳苦皆有利益;只有闲谈,引人贫穷。 24 The crown of the wise is resourcefulness; the diadem of fools is folly. 智慧人的冠冕,是他们的机智;愚昧人的冠冕,是他们的糊涂。 25 The truthful witness saves lives, but he who utters lies is a betrayer. 忠实的见证,救人性命;作假证的人,危害他人。 27 The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, that a man may avoid the snares of death. 敬畏上主,是生命的泉源,使人脱免死亡的罗网。 人民众多,是君王的光荣;庶民缺少,是王侯的没落。 29 The patient man shows much good sense, but the quick-tempered man displays folly at its height. 缓于发怒的人,必甚有见识;脾气暴躁的人,必大显愚昧。 心平气和,使身体康健;心怀嫉忌,使骨骸腐蚀。 31 He who oppresses the poor blasphemes his Maker, but he who is kind to the needy glorifies him. 欺压穷人的,就是凌辱他的造主;怜恤苦人的,就是尊敬他的造主。 32 The wicked man is overthrown by his wickedness, but the just man finds a refuge in his honesty. 智慧居于哲人的心中,愚人的怀中一无所见。 34 Virtue exalts a nation, but sin is a people's disgrace. 正义能以兴邦立国,罪恶却使人民衰落。 35 The king favors the intelligent servant, but the worthless one incurs his wrath. 明哲的臣仆,蒙受君王的宠幸;无用的臣仆,必遭君王的盛怒。 |