Baruch 1 "LORD Almighty, God of Israel, afflicted souls and dismayed spirits call to you. 全能的上主,以色列的天主!忧伤的灵魂和苦恼的心灵正在向你呼号: 2 Hear, O LORD, for you are a God of mercy; and have mercy on us, who have sinned against you: 上主!求你俯听垂怜,因为你是仁慈的天主;求你垂怜,因我们得罪了你。 3 for you are enthroned forever, while we are perishing forever. 你永居王位,而我们却要永远丧亡。 4 LORD Almighty, God of Israel, hear the prayer of 全能的上主,以色列的天主!求你俯听垂死的以色列人,和犯罪得罪了你的人的子孙的祈祷:他们没有听从你,他们天主的声音,因此灾祸便缠绕我们。 5 Remember at this time not the misdeeds of our fathers, but your own hand and name: 求你不再记忆我们祖先的不义,求你在此时只忆及你的威能和你的圣名, 6 for you are the LORD our God; and you, O LORD, we will praise! 因为你是上主,我们的天主,我们要赞颂你,上主! 7 For this, you put into our hearts the fear of you: that we may call upon your name, and praise you in our captivity, when we have removed from our hearts all the wickedness of our fathers who sinned against you. 你使我们存心敬畏你,正是为叫我们称呼你的名号;如今我们就在流徙之地赞颂你,从心里离弃我们的祖先在你前所犯的一切不义。 8 Behold us today in our captivity, where you scattered us, a reproach, a curse, and a requital for all the misdeeds of our fathers, who withdrew from the LORD, our God." 看,我们今天仍在你叫我们流徙所到的充军地,饱受诅咒凌辱,为补赎我们祖先的一切不义,因为他们离弃了上主,我们的天主。 9 Hear, O Israel, the commandments of life: listen, and know prudence! 以色列,请听取生命的规律,请侧耳领会智慧。 10 How is it, 以色列!这是什么事呢?怎么你竟住在敌人的国内,在异地衰老, 11 accounted with those destined for the nether world? 与亡者同污,与降入阴府的人同列呢? 12 You have forsaken the fountain of wisdom! 13 Had you walked in the way of God, you would have dwelt in enduring peace. 倘若你走天主的道路,你必永远处于平安之中。 14 Learn where prudence is, where strength, where understanding; That you may know also where are length of days, and life, where light of the eyes, and peace. 你应学习智慧的所在,力量的所在,聪明的所在;这样,你也能知道长寿和生命的所在,眼的光明和平安的所在。 15 Who has found the place of wisdom, who has entered into her treasuries? 谁找到了智慧的处所?谁进入了智慧的宝库? 16 Where are the rulers of the nations, they who lorded it over the wild beasts of the earth, 治理人民和驯服地上走兽的人,在那里呢? 17 and made sport of the birds of the heavens: They who heaped up the silver and the gold in which men trust; of whose possessions there was no end? 玩弄空中的飞鸟和积蓄人依恃的金银而贪得无厌的人,在那里呢? 18 They schemed anxiously for money, but there is no trace of their work: 专心致志铸造银器,使自己的作品无奇不有的人,在那里呢? 19 They have vanished down into the nether world, and others have risen up in their stead. 他们都不见了,降入了阴府;已另有人起来代替了他们。 20 Later generations have seen the light, have dwelt in the land, But the way to understanding they have not known, 年轻的一代一生在世上,就住在地上;但他们仍不认识智慧的道路, 21 they have not perceived her paths, or reached her; their offspring were far from the way to her. 仍不知道智慧的途径,连他们的子孙,也没有得到她,因为他们离她的道路很远。 22 1 She has not been heard of in 在客纳罕没有人听说过她,在特曼没有人看见过她, 23 The sons of Hagar who seek knowledge on earth, the merchants of Midian and Teman, the phrasemakers seeking knowledge, These have not known the way to wisdom, nor have they her paths in mind. 连在地上寻求明智的哈加尔的子孙,以及讲说寓言并寻求明智的米得杨和特玛商人,也不认识智慧的道路,不提及她的途径。 24 2 O 25 Vast and endless, high and immeasurable! 真是广大无边,高远无垠。 在那里曾出生过自古有名,身材魁梧和勇敢善战的巨人, 27 Not these did God choose, nor did he give them the way of understanding; 天主却没有简选他们,没有指示给他们智慧的道路; 28 They perished for lack of prudence, perished through their folly. 他们灭亡了,因为没有智慧;他们灭亡了,因为他们昏愚。 29 Who has gone up to the heavens and taken her, or brought her down from the clouds? 30 Who has crossed the sea and found her, bearing her away rather than choice gold? 谁曾横渡海洋,寻获智慧,用纯金购买了她呢? 31 None knows the way to her, nor has any understood her paths. 没有人认识她的道路,没有人探得她的途径。 32 Yet he wh, o knows all things knows her; he has probed her by his knowledge-- He who established the earth for all time, and filled it with four-footed beasts; 惟有那全知者认识她,以自己的才智寻获了她,是他永远坚定了大地,使大地充满了牲畜; 33 He who dismisses the light, and it departs, calls it, and it obeys him trembling; 34 Before whom the stars at their posts shine and rejoice; 35 When he calls them, they answer, "Here we are!" shining with joy for their Maker. 他一召唤,随即答说:我们在此!向自己的创造者欣然闪烁。 36 Such is our God; no other is to be compared to him: 他就是我们的天主,没有别的可同他相比; 37 He has traced out all the way of understanding, and has given her to Jacob, his servant, to 38 Since then she has appeared on earth, and moved among men. 从此智慧在地上出现,与世人共相往还。 Footnotes(注解) 1 [22-23] Despite the renown for wisdom of the peoples of Canaan or 2 [24] The house of God: here, the created universe. |